Game of Thrones (Book 1) Sentiment Analysis.

This book creates a basic chart and a statistical summary table

In [ ]:
# collections from the Standard Library
import collections
import logging

# libepub ( 
from libepub import book
# pandas dataframe library (
import pandas as pd
# Beautiful Soup (
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# TextBlob (
from textblob import TextBlob
# Bokeh plotting library (
from import output_notebook, show, save
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.resources import CDN
from bokeh.embed import file_html
from bokeh.charts import Line

In [ ]:

Load the book as an epub book

In [ ]:
game_of_thrones = book.Book(r'books/game.epub')

Instantiate a BeautifulSoup objects, parse epub xml, and create an ordered dictionary of the book, with each entry being a chapter. Keys to dictionary will be the page number of the first page of the chapter

In [ ]:
book_dict = collections.OrderedDict()
for chapter in game_of_thrones.chapters:
    soup = BeautifulSoup(chapter.content, 'xml')
        if soup.h1.attrs['class'] == 'chapter0':
            chapter_dict = {}
            string = ""
            for tag in soup('p', class_=['indent', 'nonindent']):
                string += str(tag.get_text()) + ' '            
            chapter_data = []
            chapter_num = soup.h1.attrs['id']
            chapter_author = soup.h1.get_text()
            page_num = soup.a.attrs['id']
            chapter_dict[page_num] = chapter_data
    except Exception:
        logging.exception('There has been an exception. Probably tried to load the front-or back-matter, which does not have attr tags.')

Book is slightly malformed in that it by default labels two chapters as "c01" so here I just re-label the prologue as "c00"

In [ ]:
book_dict['page1'][0] = 'c00'

Create a dataframe and populate the fields with information about each chapter

In [ ]:
df = pd.DataFrame()
for page in book_dict:
    page_no = page
    chapter_no = book_dict[page][0]
    author = book_dict[page][1]
    text = book_dict[page][2]
    tb = TextBlob(text)
    chap_df = pd.DataFrame(tb.serialized)
    chap_df['chapter'] = chapter_no
    chap_df['author'] = author
    df = pd.concat([df, chap_df])

Group the dataframe by chapter and run a cumulative summation of the polarity over each chapter.

In [ ]:
df['chapter_cumsum'] = df.groupby(['chapter'])['polarity'].cumsum()

Which chapter would you like to examine?

In [ ]:
user_input = 0
while True:
        user_input = int(input("Enter the number of the chapter you'd like to examine: "))       
    except ValueError:
        print("Please give an integer instead.")
        print("Ok, thanks. I'll return a dataframe of information for chapter %s." %user_input)

In [ ]:
chapter_code = 'c' + str(user_input).zfill(2)

In [ ]:
df_chap = df[df.chapter == chapter_code]

In [ ]:
print('The most negative sentences are: ')
print(df_chap[df_chap.polarity < -0.5][['polarity', 'raw']].values)
print('The most positive sentences are: ')
print(df_chap[df_chap.polarity > 0.5][['polarity', 'raw']].values)

Create a table of summary statistics. Note that any sentence with a polarity of 0 has been excluded from the statistics!!

In [ ]:
df_chap[df_chap.polarity != 0.0].describe().round(2)

Create a plot of the cumulative sentiment polarity, show it inline in the notebook, and save copies as png and html

In [ ]:
title = ' '.join(['Chapter', str(user_input), '-',[0],
                  ':', 'cumulative senitment polarity'])
png_name = chapter_code + '_' +[0] + '.png'
html_name = chapter_code + '_' +[0] + '_embed.html'

line = Line(df_chap['chapter_cumsum'], title=title, 
            ylabel='Cumulative senitment polarity', xlabel='Sentence number', title_text_font_size='18')
save(line, png_name, title=title)
html = file_html(line, CDN, html_name)

with open(html_name, 'w') as f:

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