Creating AngularCatalogs and ImageMasks

Py2PAC has several ways to create AngularCatalogs and ImageMasks. We'll start with ImageMasks since we need them in order to do anything meaningful with an AngularCatalog.

First, import the things that we'll need.

In [1]:
import AngularCatalog_class as ac
import ImageMask_class as imclass
from import fits
from import ascii

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rand
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline 
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)

Ways to create an ImageMask

There are three main ways to create an ImageMask in Py2PAC, all classmethods of ImageMask:

  1. from_ranges: Creates a rectangular image mask over a range in RA and Dec with equal completeness in all parts of the image. Bug to be fixed: doesn't allow for negative RAs
  2. from_array: This doesn't work the way it should at the moment because WCS is wonky. This creates a rectangular image mask with the completeness in each cell defined by the value of an input array. I show here how it currently malfunctions. Eventually, this should be fixed.
  3. from_FITS_weight_file: Reads in a weight map in FITS format and converts it to completeness=1 at points with weight above the 5th percentile and completeness=0 below.

From ranges: single completeness over a rectangular area

We'll make the simplest mask first. The arguments to from_ranges are two arrays, the RA range first, then the Dec range, both in degrees.

In [2]:
mask_from_ranges = imclass.ImageMask.from_ranges([0, 1], [0, 0.5])

Calculating the footprint of the mask

To see what the mask looks like, we generate some random points and plot them.

In [3]:
#Generate the randoms
ra, dec, completeness = mask_from_ranges.generate_random_sample(1e4)

ax.set_xlabel("RA (deg)")
ax.set_ylabel("Dec (deg)")
ax.scatter(ra, dec)

return_completenesses says: I have 10000 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 10000 and we need 10000.0.
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1125a7d10>

Simple enough. Note that if you manually change the completenesses in the ImageMask._mask, it will behave like from_array, which is to say "not the way you expect" (this is on the list of things to be fixed). See the next section.

From array: Make a mask from a pre-existing array

WARNING: This method does not work the way it should. I have included it solely to show how the function is broken.

The concept for this method is to make it so that an arbitrary array with elements that range from 0 to 1 can be used as an image mask. However, at the present time, dividing the area into even bins doesn't work for reasons unbeknownst to me. We'll make a mask from the identity matrix to illustrate the strangeness, but then show how uneven completeness works.

In [4]:
#Make the mask array
mask_array = np.identity(4)
print mask_array

#Make the ImageMask
mask_from_array = imclass.ImageMask.from_array(mask_array, [0,1], [0,1])

[[ 1.  0.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  1.  0.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  1.  0.]
 [ 0.  0.  0.  1.]]
Calculating the footprint of the mask

In [5]:
## ^ Use to suppress lengthy output

#Generate randoms
ra, dec, completeness = mask_from_array.generate_random_sample(1e4)

In [6]:
#Plot the randoms
ax.set_xlabel("RA (deg)")
ax.set_ylabel("Dec (deg)")
ax.scatter(ra, dec)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x112b5d990>

The main thing to note here is that the binning isn't even. The mask also has a different orientation from the orientation of the array. The origin is in the lower left, at the minimum RA and Dec. To see this, we'll use a slightly different array to mask.

In [7]:
#Make the new array mask
mask_array2 = np.identity(4)
mask_array2[0,0] = 0.2
mask_array2[0, 3] = 0.2

print mask_array2

#Make the new mask
mask_from_array2 = imclass.ImageMask.from_array(mask_array2, [0,1], [0,1])

[[ 0.2  0.   0.   0.2]
 [ 0.   1.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   1.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0.   1. ]]
Calculating the footprint of the mask

In [8]:
## ^ Use to suppress lengthy output

#Generate randoms
ra2, dec2, completeness = mask_from_array2.generate_random_sample(1e4)

In [9]:
#Plot the randoms
ax.set_xlabel("RA (deg)")
ax.set_ylabel("Dec (deg)")
ax.scatter(ra2, dec2)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x112d5fb90>

This clearly shows that the origin is in the lower left and also illustrates how variable completeness would be implemented in this version of Py2PAC. Again, this should be fixed so the bins are square (or at least rectangular) in future versions.

From FITS: Make a mask from a FITS file

This function was written with the weight files from the CANDELS mosaics in mind. In principle, it should work with any FITS image with lower values denoting lower exposure times. The routine reads in the FITS file and finds the 5th percentile of the nonzero weight values from a random sample of 1e6 values on the image (to make computation time manageable). Then, a mask is created that has completeness 1 above the 5th percentile and 0 below.

This example uses a CANDELS tile weight file. The file is too large to be included in the repository, so the file "hlsp_candels_hst_wfc3_gs-tot-sect33_f160w_v1.0_wht.fits" (found here) must be downloaded and placed in the examples folder.

In [10]:
#Make the mask
weight_file = 'hlsp_candels_hst_wfc3_gs-tot-sect33_f160w_v1.0_wht.fits'
mask_from_fits = imclass.ImageMask.from_FITS_weight_file(weight_file)

make_mask_from_weights says: generating an image mask from a weight file
make_mask_from_weights says: switching FITS file endianness
make_mask_from_weights says: getting random subsample and calculating stats on random subsample
Calculating the footprint of the mask

In [11]:
## ^ Use to suppress lengthy output

#Generate randoms
ra, dec, completeness = mask_from_fits.generate_random_sample(1e5)

In [12]:
#Plot the randoms
ax.set_xlabel("RA (deg)")
ax.set_ylabel("Dec (deg)")
ax.scatter(ra, dec)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x114955190>

Ways to create an AngularCatalog

An AngularCatalog can be created either with externally generated RAs and Decs or with randomly generated RAs and Decs. They can have an ImageMask of any kind. We'll start with pre-existing RAs and Decs (we'll make some up) and then move on to the random_catalog class method.

AngularCatalogs from existing coordinates

For the purposes of this exercise, we'll just create a random sample of "galaxies." For interest, we'll distribute them as a 2D Gaussian.

In [13]:
#Make the RAs and Decs
ras = rand.normal(loc=0.5, scale=0.2, size=int(1e3))
decs = rand.normal(loc=0, scale=0.2, size=int(1e3))
plt.scatter(ras, decs)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x1147844d0>

Now we need to make this into an AngularCatalog with some image mask. The options are to pass an already existing ImageMask instance or to give the constructor the location of a weight file from which to construct the mask.

Pre-existing ImageMask

For this demonstration, we'll make a rectangular mask and pass it explicitly.

In [14]:
#Make the mask that we'll be using
immask = imclass.ImageMask.from_ranges([0.1, .9], [-0.4, 0.4])
#Make the catalog
cat = ac.AngularCatalog(ras, decs, image_mask=immask)
#Generate some randoms to showthe mask area

#Plot both the randoms and all the data (not just what's within the mask)
cat.scatterplot_points(sample="both", masked_data=False)
cat.scatterplot_points(sample="both", masked_data=True)

Calculating the footprint of the mask
weight file
return_completenesses says: I have 906 points that are actually on the image
return_completenesses says: I have 20000 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 20000 and we need 20000.
make_randomtree says: Computing the BallTree for randoms.

The first plot shows all the data and the second shows just the data within the mask area (just to confirm that the mask is working).

Creating an ImageMask from FITS at the same time you create the AngularCatalog

You can also generate AngularCatalogs with ImageMask from FITS files with just the constructor. For this, we need coordinates that are in the right place, so we'll just use the CANDELS galaxies.

In [19]:
#Create an AngularCatalog with an ImageMask from a weight file
weight_file = 'hlsp_candels_hst_wfc3_gs-tot-sect33_f160w_v1.0_wht.fits'
data_file = "example_data.dat"
data =

#Only use the first 1000 points (it's random points, so it doesn't matter which 1000) to make
#an AngularCatalog (so we can see the randoms too on the plot)
cat_wt = ac.AngularCatalog(data['ra'][0:1000], data['dec'][0:1000], weight_file = weight_file)

weight file
Trying to make the image mask
make_mask_from_weights says: generating an image mask from a weight file
make_mask_from_weights says: switching FITS file endianness
make_mask_from_weights says: getting random subsample and calculating stats on random subsample
Calculating the footprint of the mask
return_completenesses says: I have 1000 points that are actually on the image
return_completenesses says: I have 1000 points that are actually on the image

In [20]:
cat_wt.scatterplot_points(sample="both", masked_data=True)

return_completenesses says: I have 9998 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 8021 and we need 10000.
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says: I have made too few objects within the target area. Making more.
return_completenesses says: I have 1979 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 1575 and we need 1979.
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says: I have made too few objects within the target area. Making more.
return_completenesses says: I have 404 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 333 and we need 404.
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says: I have made too few objects within the target area. Making more.
return_completenesses says: I have 71 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 56 and we need 71.
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says: I have made too few objects within the target area. Making more.
return_completenesses says: I have 15 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 11 and we need 15.
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says: I have made too few objects within the target area. Making more.
return_completenesses says: I have 4 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 2 and we need 4.
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says: I have made too few objects within the target area. Making more.
return_completenesses says: I have 2 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 2 and we need 2.
make_randomtree says: Computing the BallTree for randoms.

AngularCatalogs with randomly generated points

For testing purposes, AngularCatalog has a class method called random_catalog. This method can be called with either ranges in RA and Dec or with an existing ImageMask. The code below shows an AngularCatalog made both ways.

In [21]:
#Make the AngularCatalog with an existing image mask
immask = imclass.ImageMask.from_ranges([0.1, .9], [-0.4, 0.4])
rand_cat_1 = ac.AngularCatalog.random_catalog(1e3, image_mask = immask)

#Make the AngularCatalog over a rectangular area
rand_cat_1 = ac.AngularCatalog.random_catalog(1e3, ra_range=[0, 0.5], dec_range=[0, 0.5])

Calculating the footprint of the mask
return_completenesses says: I have 1000 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 1000 and we need 1000.0.
weight file
return_completenesses says: I have 1000 points that are actually on the image
Calculating the footprint of the mask
return_completenesses says: I have 1000 points that are actually on the image
ImageMask.generate_random_sample says:  We made 1000 and we need 1000.0.
weight file
return_completenesses says: I have 1000 points that are actually on the image