Package imports

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams
import seaborn as sns
from sys import argv
from collections import OrderedDict


In [2]:
def plot_log2fc_along_genome(log2fc, cond1, cond2, label, gene_set):
    fig = plt.plot(df['gene_position'], df[log2fc], color='k', linewidth=1)
    for pathway in gene_set:
        plt.scatter(df['gene_position'][gene_dict[pathway]], df[log2fc][gene_dict[pathway]], 
                    s=80, edgecolor='black', facecolor=sns.xkcd_rgb[color_dict[pathway]], 
                    label=pathway, zorder=10)
    plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02, 1., .102), loc=3,
           ncol=7, mode='expand', borderaxespad=0, fontsize=14, handletextpad=0.1)
    # plot up-reg
    plt.text(100, 7.5, 'Enriched in %s cells' % name_lookup[cond1], size=14, 
             color=xy_color_dict[cond1], verticalalignment='center')
    plt.text(100, -7.5, 'Enriched in %s cells' % name_lookup[cond2], size=14, 
             color=xy_color_dict[cond2], verticalalignment='center')
    # axis labels, limits and ticks
    if label is True:
        plt.xlabel('Position along Vibrio fischeri ES114 genome (gene 1 to 3693)')
    plt.ylabel('%s / %s, log2(fc)' % (cond1, cond2))
    plt.xlim([-100, len(df.index)+100])
    plt.ylim([-10, 10])
    plt.yticks([-9, -6, -3, 0, 3, 6, 9])
    plt.xlabel('Position along Vibrio fischeri ES114 genome (gene 1 to 3693)')

Import data

In [3]:
path = '../../data/results_rpkm.csv'

In [4]:
df = pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0)

In [5]:
genepos = np.arange(len(df.index))
df['gene_position'] = genepos

In [6]:
df_readable = df[['gene_position', 'Plk_rpkm_mean', 'Vnt_rpkm_mean', 'Vnt-vs-Plk_log2fc', 'Description']]

In [7]:
# top most enriched in Plk
df_readable.sort_values(by='Vnt-vs-Plk_log2fc', ascending=True).head()

gene_position Plk_rpkm_mean Vnt_rpkm_mean Vnt-vs-Plk_log2fc Description
VF_A1087 3552 531.175848 1.756022 -8.728763 ABC transporter substrate-binding protein
VF_A1090 3555 89.540751 0.334746 -7.652550 ABC transporter permease protein
VF_A0487 2985 1450.252227 20.915594 -6.681156 outer membrane protein U paralog%2C OmpU2
VF_1611 1560 773.211006 18.003958 -5.916573 phosphate ABC transporter%2C permease protein ...
VF_A1057 3525 803.798728 25.547421 -5.715755 phosphatase

In [8]:
# top most enriched in Plk
df_readable.sort_values(by='Vnt-vs-Plk_log2fc', ascending=False).head()

gene_position Plk_rpkm_mean Vnt_rpkm_mean Vnt-vs-Plk_log2fc Description
VF_A0623 3109 3.867351 1874.936492 6.695796 hypothetical protein
VF_2603 2487 0.150680 158.316022 5.704440 trp operon leader peptide
VF_1082 1042 12.870603 1183.897230 5.579681 glutathione S-transferase
VF_A0701 3186 1.871989 358.119232 5.543864 transcriptional regulator
VF_A0920 3393 24.226062 3355.125961 5.506721 luciferase beta chain LuxB

Set what to plot

In [9]:
gene_dict = {
    'Phosphate': ['VF_A1087', 'VF_A1090', 'VF_1611', 'VF_A1057', 'VF_1610', 'VF_1613', 
                  'VF_1612', 'VF_A1089'],
    'Motility': ['VF_1851', 'VF_2079', 'VF_1842', 'VF_2317', 'VF_1843', 'VF_1863', 'VF_1841'],
    'Lipid peroxidation': ['VF_1081', 'VF_1082', 'VF_1083', 'VF_A1049', 'VF_A1050'],
    'lux operon': ['VF_A0918', 'VF_A0919', 'VF_A0920', 'VF_A0924', 'VF_A0921', 'VF_A0922', 
                   'VF_A0923', 'VF_A0924'],
    'LuxI-regulated': ['VF_A0985', 'VF_1161', 'VF_1162', 'VF_1725', 'VF_A0090', 'VF_A0622', 
    'Host colonization': ['VF_0475', 'VF_A0487', 'VF_A0875', 'VF_A0874', 'VF_A0872', 'VF_A0870', 
                          'VF_A0867', 'VF_A0866', 'VF_A0868', 'VF_A0869'],    
    'TMAO reductase': ['VF_A0188', 'VF_A0189'],
    'Fat catabolism': ['VF_0533'],
    'Amino acids': ['VF_1585', 'VF_1586', 'VF_A0840'],
    'PTS sugars': ['VF_A0747', 'VF_A1189', 'VF_A0941', 'VF_A0942'],
    'Non-PTS sugars': ['VF_A0799']}

Plot formatting

In [10]:

In [11]:
# colors from
color_dict = {
    'Phosphate': 'blue',
    'Motility': 'light blue',
    'Lipid peroxidation': 'orange',
    'lux operon': 'red',
    'LuxI-regulated': 'pink',
    'Host colonization': 'teal',
    'TMAO reductase': 'bright blue',
    'Fat catabolism': 'kelly green',
    'Amino acids': 'goldenrod',
    'PTS sugars': 'coral',
    'Non-PTS sugars': 'carnation pink'}

In [12]:
# xy line colors
unity_color = sns.xkcd_rgb['grey']
xy_color_dict = {'Plk': sns.xkcd_rgb['black'],
                 'Swt': sns.xkcd_rgb['black'],
                 'Vnt': sns.xkcd_rgb['black']}

In [13]:
name_lookup = {
    'Plk': 'planktonic',
    'Swt': 'SWT',
    'Vnt': 'vented'}

Genome plot

In [14]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,5))
plot_log2fc_along_genome('Vnt-vs-Plk_log2fc', 'Vnt', 'Plk', False, 
                         ['Phosphate', 'Motility', 'Lipid peroxidation', 'lux operon', 
                          'LuxI-regulated', 'Host colonization'])

In [ ]: