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Hyperbolic conservation laws have the form
$$ u_t + \nabla\cdot f(u) = 0 $$where the (possibly nonlinear) function $f(u)$ is called the flux. If $u$ has $m$ components, $f(u)$ is an $m\times d$ matrix in $d$ dimensions. We can express finite volume methods by choosing test functions $v(x)$ that are piecewise constant on each element $e$ and integrating by parts \begin{split} \int_\Omega v u_t + v \nabla\cdot f(u) = 0 \text{ for all } v \\ \left( \int_e u \right)_t + \int_{\partial e} f(u) \cdot \hat n = 0 \text{ for all } e . \end{split} In finite volume methods, we choose as our unknowns the average values $\bar u$ on each element, leading to the discrete equation $$ \lvert e \rvert \bar u_t + \int_{\partial e} f(u) \cdot \hat n = 0 \text{ for all } e $$ where $\lvert e \rvert$ is the volume of element $e$. The most basic methods will compute the interface flux in the second term using the cell average $\bar u$, though higher order methods will perform a reconstruction using neighbors. Since $\bar u$ is discontinuous at element interfaces, we will need to define a numerical flux using the (possibly reconstructed) value on each side. First, let's consider some hyperbolic equations.
where $c$ is velocity. In the absence of boundary conditions, this has the solution $$ u(t,x) = u(0, x-ct) $$ in terms of the initial condition. Lines of constant $x-ct$ are called characteristics.
is a model for nonlinear convection. The wave speed is $f'(u) = u$.
where $u \in [0,1]$ represents density of cars and $1-u$ is their speed. This is a non-convex flux function.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot'ggplot')
def flux_advection(u):
return 1*u
def flux_burgers(u):
return .5*u**2
def flux_traffic(u):
return u*(1 - u)
def fvsolve0(flux, u0, a=-1, b=1, n=20, tfinal=1):
h = (b - a)/n
x = numpy.linspace(a+h/2, b-h/2, n) # Element midpoints (centroids)
idxL = range(-1, n-1)
def rhs(t, u):
uL = .5 * (u + u[idxL])
fluxL = flux(uL)
div = fluxL.copy()
div[:-1] -= fluxL[1:]
div[-1] -= fluxL[0] # Periodic boundary condition
return div / h
return x, ode_rkexplicit(rhs, u0(x), h=h, tfinal=tfinal)
def sinpi(x):
return numpy.sin(-numpy.pi * x)
x, hist = fvsolve0(flux_advection, sinpi)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
In [2]:
x, hist = fvsolve0(flux_advection,
lambda x: (sinpi(x) > .5).astype(float), n=80)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
In [3]:
x, hist = fvsolve0(flux_burgers, sinpi, tfinal=.5, n=50)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
Evidently our method has problems for discontinuous solutions.
Burger's equation evolved a discontinuity in finite time from a smooth initial condition. It turns out that all nonlinear hyperbolic equations have this property. For Burgers, the peak travels to the right, overtaking the troughs. This is called a shock and corresponds to characteristics converging when the gradient of the solution is negative. When the gradient is positive, the characteristics diverge to produce a rarefaction. The relationship to positive and negative gradients is reversed for a non-convex flux like Traffic.
We need a solution method that can correctly compute fluxes in case of a discontinuous solution. Finite volume methods represent this in terms of a Riemann problem, $$ u(0, x) = \begin{cases} u_L & \text{if} & x < 0 \\ u_R & \text{if} & x > 0 \end{cases} $$ where $u_L$ and $u_R$ are given. The solution of a Riemann problem is the solution $u(t, x)$ at positive times. In our finite volume schemes, it will be sufficient to compute the flux at $x=0$ at an infinitessimal positive time $$\tilde f(u_L, u_R) = \lim_{t\to 0} f\big(u(t, 0) \big) . $$ We call $\tilde f$ the numerical flux and require that it must be consistent when there is no discontinuity, $$ \tilde f(u, u) = f(u) .$$
In [4]:
def riemann_advection(uL, uR):
return 1*uL
def fvsolve1(riemann, u0, a=-1, b=1, n=20, tfinal=1):
h = (b - a)/n
x = numpy.linspace(a+h/2, b-h/2, n) # Element midpoints (centroids)
idxL = range(-1, n-1)
def rhs(t, u):
fluxL = riemann(u[idxL], u)
div = fluxL.copy()
div[:-1] -= fluxL[1:]
div[-1] -= fluxL[0] # Periodic boundary condition
return div / h
return x, ode_rkexplicit(rhs, u0(x), h=h, tfinal=tfinal)
x, hist = fvsolve1(riemann_advection,
lambda x: (sinpi(x) > .5).astype(float), n=60)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
For a nonlinear equation, we need to know which direction the shock is moving. If we move into the reference frame of the shock, the flux on the left must be equal to the flux on the right. This leads to shock speed $s$ satisfying $$ s \Delta u = \Delta f \cdot \hat n $$ where $\hat n$ is any direction (e.g., the normal to a face in a multi-dimensional finite volume method). This condition holds also for hyperbolic systems (where $u$ has multiple components).
For Burger's equation, our Riemann problem produces a shock if $u_L > u_R$, i.e., $\Delta u < 0$. The shock moves to the right $(s > 0)$ if $\Delta f < 0$, i.e., $f(u_L) > f(u_R)$.
So if the solution is a shock, the numerical flux is the maximum of $f(u_L)$ and $f(u_R)$. We still don't know what to do in case of a rarefaction so will just average and see what happens.
In [5]:
def riemann_burgers_shock(uL, uR):
return numpy.where(uL > uR,
numpy.maximum(flux_burgers(uL), flux_burgers(uR)), # shock
flux_burgers(.5*(uL+uR))) # rarefaction
x, hist = fvsolve1(riemann_burgers_shock, lambda x:sinpi(x)-.1, n=30, tfinal=2)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
Much better than before, though we have these odd ripples in the rarefaction.
It turns out that an expansion shock is a mathematical solution to the PDE, though such solutions are not physical.
but this violates the entropy condition $$ f'(u_L) > s > f'(u_R) . $$ Shocks are compressive phenomena and physical solutions to the expansive scenario $f'(u_L) < f'(u_R)$ are rarefactions.
Consider a smooth function $\eta(u)$ that is convex $\eta''(u) > 0$ and a smooth solution $u(t,x)$. Then $$ u_t + f(u)_x = 0 $$ is equivalent to $$ u_t + f'(u) u_x = 0 $$ and we can write $$ \eta'(u) u_t + \eta'(u) f'(u) u_x = 0 . $$ If we find a function $\psi(u)$ such that $\psi'(u) = \eta'(u) f'(u)$, the equation above is equivalent (for smooth solutions) to $$ \eta(u)_t + \psi(u)_x = 0 $$ which is a conservation law for the entropy $\eta(u)$ with entropy flux $\psi(u)$.
Now consider the parabolic equation $$ u_t + f(u)_x -\epsilon u_{xx} = 0 $$ for some positive epsilon. This equation has a smooth solution for any $\epsilon > 0$ and $t > 0$ so we can multpilpy by $\eta'(u)$ as above and apply the chain rule to yield $$ \eta(u)_t + \psi(u)_x - \epsilon \eta'(u) u_{xx} = 0 . $$ Rearranging the last term produces $$ \eta(u)_t + \psi(u)_x - \epsilon \Big( \eta'(u) u_x \Big)_x = - \epsilon \eta''(u) u_x^2 . $$ If both terms involving $\epsilon$ were to vanish, we would be left with conservation of entropy. Now $$ \int_a^b \Big( \eta'(u) u_x \Big)_x dx = \eta'(u) u_x |_{x=a}^b $$ which is bounded independent of the values $u_x$ may take inside the interval. Consequently, the left hand side reduces to a conservation law in the limit $\epsilon\to 0$. The integral of the right hand side, however, does not vanish in the limit since $$\int_a^b u_x^2$$ is unbounded as $u_x$ grows. This results in entropy being dissipated across shocks.
Our choice of $\eta(u)$ being a convex function $\eta''(u) > 0$ causes entropy to be dissipated across shocks. This is a mathematical convention because convex analysis chose this convention. Physical entropy is produced by such processes, so $-\eta(u)$ would make sense as a physical entropy.
While any convex function will work to show uniqueness for scalar conservation laws, that is not true of hyperbolic systems. For an actual physical system, entropy is uniquely defined. For example, the shallow water equations conserve mass and momentum, but energy is only conserved for smooth solutions -- shocks produce heat which is not a conserved variable.
In [6]:
def riemann_burgers(uL, uR):
return numpy.where(uL > uR,
numpy.maximum(flux_burgers(uL), flux_burgers(uR)), # shock
numpy.where(uL > 0,
flux_burgers(uL), # rarefaction moving to the right
flux_burgers(numpy.minimum(uR, # rarefaction moving to the left
0)))) # transonic rarefaction
x, hist = fvsolve1(riemann_burgers, sinpi, n=30, tfinal=2)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
Our flux function is $$ f(u) = u (1 - u) $$ and corresponding wave speed is $$ f'(u) = 1 - 2 u . $$ The entropy condition for a shock is $$ f'(u_L) > f'(u_R) $$ which occurs whenever $u_L < u_R$. According to Rankine-Hugoniot $$ s \Delta u = \Delta f, $$ the shock moves to the right when $\Delta f = f(u_R) - f(u_L)$ is positive, in which case the flux is $f(u_L)$. Taking the other case, the numerical flux for a shock is $\min[f(u_L), f(u_R)]$. A rarefaction occurs when $u_L > u_R$ and moves to the right when $f'(u_L) > 0$ which is the case when $u_L < 0.5$.
In [7]:
def riemann_traffic(uL, uR):
return numpy.where(uL < uR,
numpy.minimum(flux_traffic(uL), flux_traffic(uR)), # shock
numpy.where(uL < .5,
flux_traffic(uL), # rarefaction moving to the right
flux_traffic(numpy.maximum(uR, # rarefaction moving to the left
.5)))) # transonic rarefaction
x, hist = fvsolve1(riemann_traffic, lambda x: .6-.3*sinpi(x), n=30, tfinal=2)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
First, a barrier.
Linear numerical methods $$ \dot u_i = \sum_j a_{ij} u_j $$ for solving time-dependent PDE that are monotone can be at most first order accurate. For our purposes, monotonicity is equivalent to positivity preservation, $$ \min_x u(0, x) \ge 0 \quad \Longrightarrow \quad \min_x u(t, 0) \ge 0 .$$
A numerical method for representing a discontinuous function on a stationary grid can be no better than first order accurate in the $L^1$ norm, $$ \lVert u - u^* \rVert_{L^1} = \int \lvert u - u^* \rvert . $$ If we merely sample a discontinuous function, say $$ u(x) = \begin{cases} 0, & x \le a \\ 1, & x > a \end{cases} $$ onto a grid with element size $\Delta x$ then we will have errors of order 1 on an interval proportional to $\Delta x$.
In light of these two observations, we may still ask for numerical methods that are more than first order accurate for smooth solutions, but those methods must be nonlinear.
One method for constructing higher order methods is to use the state in neighboring elements to perform a conservative reconstruction of a piecewise polynomial, then compute numerical fluxes by solving Riemann problems at the interfaces. If $x_i$ is the center of cell $i$ and $g_i$ is the reconstructed gradient inside cell $i$, our reconstructed solution is $$ \tilde u_i(x) = u_i + g_i \cdot (x - x_i) . $$ We would like this reconstruction to be monotone in the sense that $$ \Big(\tilde u_i(x) - \tilde u_j(x) \Big) \Big( u_i - u_j \Big) \ge 0 $$ for any $x$ on the interface between element $i$ and element $j$.
Is the symmetric slope $$ \hat g_i = \frac{u_{i+1} - u_{i-1}}{2 \Delta x} $$ monotone?
We will determine gradients by "limiting" the above slope using a nonlinear function that reduces to 1 when the solution is smooth. There are many ways to express limiters and our discussion here roughly follows Berger, Aftosmis, and Murman (2005).
We will express a slope limiter in terms of the ratio
$$ r_i = \frac{u_ - u_{i-1}}{u_{i+1} - u_{i-1}} $$
and use as a gradient,
$$ g_i = \phi(r_i) \frac{u_{i+1} - u_{i-1}}{2 \Delta x} . $$
Our functions $\phi$ will be zero unless $0 < r < 1$ and $\phi(1/2) = 1$.
In [8]:
limiters = []
def limappend(lim):
return lim
def limit_zero(r):
return 0*r
def limit_none(r):
return 0*r+1
def limit_minmod(r):
return numpy.maximum(numpy.minimum(2*r, 2*(1-r)), 0)
def limit_sin(r):
return numpy.where(numpy.all((0 < r, r < 1), axis=0),
def limit_vl(r):
return numpy.maximum(4*r*(1-r), 0)
def limit_bj(r):
return numpy.clip(numpy.minimum(4*r, 4*(1-r)), 0, 1)
r = numpy.linspace(-.1, 1.1, 51)
for lim in limiters:
pyplot.plot(r, lim(r), label=lim.__name__)
pyplot.legend(loc='lower center');
In [9]:
def fvsolve2(riemann, u0, a=-1, b=1, n=20, tfinal=1, limit=limit_minmod):
h = (b - a)/n
x = numpy.linspace(a+h/2, b-h/2, n) # Element midpoints (centroids)
idxL = numpy.arange(-1, n-1)
idxR = numpy.arange(1, n+1) % n
def rhs(t, u):
jump = u[idxR] - u[idxL]
r = numpy.zeros_like(jump)
numpy.divide(u - u[idxL], jump, out=r, where=(jump!=0))
g = limit(r) * jump / (2*h)
fluxL = riemann(u[idxL] + g[idxL] * h/2, u - g * h/2)
return (fluxL - fluxL[idxR]) / h
return x, ode_rkexplicit(rhs, u0(x), h=h, tfinal=tfinal)
x, hist = fvsolve2(riemann_advection,
lambda x: (sinpi(x) > .5).astype(float), n=60, limit=limit_sin)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
In [10]:
x, hist = fvsolve2(riemann_advection, sinpi, n=60, tfinal=10, limit=limit_bj)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u - sinpi(x-t), label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
In [11]:
x, hist = fvsolve2(riemann_burgers,
lambda x: sinpi(x)+.3, n=60, limit=limit_bj)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
In [12]:
x, hist = fvsolve2(riemann_traffic, lambda x: .6-.3*sinpi(x),
n=60, limit=limit_sin)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
The equations for isentropic gas dynamics are $$ U_t + f(U)_x = 0 $$ with \begin{align} U &= \begin{bmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \end{bmatrix} & f(U) &= \begin{bmatrix} \rho u \\ \rho u^2 + p \end{bmatrix} \end{align} where
Variable | meaning |
$\rho$ | density |
$u$ | velocity |
$\rho u$ | momentum |
$p$ | pressure |
and the equation of state is $$ p(\rho) = C \rho^\gamma, \quad \gamma = 1.4 . $$ Note that since the conserved variables are density and momentum, we compute $$ \rho u^2 = \frac{(\rho u)^2}{\rho} .$$ A simpler equation of state, $$ p(\rho) = c^2 \rho $$ where $c$ is the acoustic wave speed results in isothermal gas dynamics.
For perturbations of a constant state, systems of equations produce multiple waves with speeds equal to the eigenvalues of the flux Jacobian, $$ f'(U) = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ -u^2 + c^2 & 2 u \end{bmatrix}. $$ We can compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors, $$ f'(U) = W \Lambda W^{-1} $$ as \begin{align} W &= \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ u-c & u+c \end{bmatrix} & \Lambda &= \begin{bmatrix} u-c & \\ & u+c \end{bmatrix} . \end{align} This makes intuitive sense, we have an acoustic wave traveling in the same direction as the fluid and in the opposite direction.
Given states $U_L$ and $U_R$, we will see two waves with some state $U^*$ in between. There could be two shocks, two rarefactions, or one of each. The type of wave will determine the condition that must be satisfied to connect $U_L$ to $U_*$ and $U^*$ to $U_R$.
If there is a shock between $U_L$ and $U_*$, the Rankine-Hugoniot condition $$ s \Delta U = \Delta f $$ will be satisfied along with the entropy condition $$ \lambda_i(U_L) \ge s \ge \lambda_i(U_*) $$ where $\lambda_i(U)$ is the corresponding eigenvalue of the flux Jacobian $f'(U)$. The inequality in the entropy condition is strict if the wave is genuinely nonlinear. For isothermal gas dynamics, the Rankine-Hugoniot condition is \begin{align} (\rho_* - \rho_L) s &= \rho_* u_* - \rho_L u_L \\ (\rho_* u_* - \rho_L u_L) s &= \Big(\rho_* u_*^2 + c^2 \rho_* \Big) - \Big( \rho_L u_L^2 + c^2 \rho_L \Big) \end{align} Solving the first equation for $s$ and substituting into the second, we compute \begin{split} \frac{(\rho_* u_* - \rho_L u_L)^2}{\rho_* - \rho_L} &= \rho_* u_*^2 - \rho_L u_L^2 + c^2 (\rho_* - \rho_L) \\ \rho_*^2 u_*^2 - 2 \rho_* \rho_L u_* u_L + \rho_L^2 u_L^2 &= \rho_* (\rho_* - \rho_L) u_*^2 - \rho_L (\rho_* - \rho_L) u_L^2 + c^2 (\rho_* - \rho_L)^2 \\ \rho_* \rho_L \Big( u_*^2 - 2 u_* u_L + u_L^2 \Big) &= c^2 (\rho_* - \rho_L)^2 \\ (u_* - u_L)^2 &= c^2 \frac{(\rho_* - \rho_L)^2}{\rho_* \rho_L} \\ u_* - u_L &= \pm c \frac{\rho_* - \rho_L}{\sqrt{\rho_* \rho_L}} \end{split} and will need to use the entropy condition to learn which sign to take. The entropy condition requires that $$ \lambda(U_L) = u_L - c \ge s \ge u_* - c = \lambda(U_*) . $$ Meanwhile, the first Rankine-Hugoniot condition and $\rho > 0$ provides $$ \rho_L c \le \rho_L (u_L - s) = \rho_* (u_* - s) \le \rho_* c $$ which is to say that $\rho_* \ge \rho_L$ and consequently we take the negative sign, $$ u_* - u_L = - \frac{\rho_* - \rho_L}{\sqrt{\rho_* \rho_L}} .$$ The same process for the right wave $\lambda(U) = u + c$ yields a shock when $\rho_* \ge \rho_R$, in which case the velocity jump is $$ u_R - u_* = - c \frac{\rho_* - \rho_R}{\sqrt{\rho_* \rho_R}} . $$
A rarefaction occurs when $$ \lambda_i(U_L) < \lambda_i(U_R) $$ and the generalized Riemann invariant $$ \frac{d U^1}{W_i^1} = \frac{d U^2}{W_i^2} = \dotsb $$ will hold. (Derivation of this condition is beyond the scope of this class.) For isothermal gas dynamics, this condition is $$ \frac{d \rho}{1} = \frac{d (\rho u)}{u - c} $$ across the wave $\lambda = u-c$. We can rearrange to $$ (u-c) d \rho = \rho d u + u d \rho $$ or $$ d u + \frac{c}{\rho} d \rho = 0 . $$ Integration yields $$ u + \int \frac{c}{\rho} d \rho = u + c \log \rho = \text{constant} . $$ So if we have a rarefaction between $U_L$ and $U_*$ then $$ u_L + c \log \rho_L = u_* + c \log \rho_* . $$ Similarly, for the wave $\lambda = u + c$, a rarefaction between $U_*$ and $U_R$ results in $$ u_* - c \log \rho_* = u_R - c \log \rho_R . $$ If the rarefaction is sonic, we have $u_0 - c = 0$ for a left rarefaction (or $u_0 + c =0$ for the right) and can compute $\rho_0$ from $$ u_* -c \log \rho_* = u_0 - c \log \rho_0 .$$
If we know $\rho_*$, we know whether each wave is a shock or rarefaction and thus can compute $u_*$ using the Rankine-Hugoniot or the generalized Riemann invariant respectively. In general we will need to use a Newton method to solve for the state in the star region.
In [13]:
def flux_isogas(U, c):
rho = U[0]
u = U[1] / rho
return numpy.array([U[1], U[1]*u + c**2*rho])
def riemann_isogas(UL, UR, c, maxit=20):
rhoL = UL[0]
rhoR = UR[0]
uL = UL[1] / rhoL
uR = UR[1] / rhoR
rho = .5*(rhoL + rhoR) # Initial guess to Newton solve
for i in range(maxit):
ujumpL = numpy.where(rho > rhoL,
(rhoL - rho) / numpy.sqrt(rho*rhoL), # shock
c * (numpy.log(rhoL) - numpy.log(rho))) # rarefaction
ujumpR = numpy.where(rho > rhoR,
(rhoR - rho) / numpy.sqrt(rho*rhoR), # shock
c * (numpy.log(rhoR) - numpy.log(rho))) # rarefaction
residual = ujumpL + ujumpR - (uR - uL)
# print('{: 2d} {:10.2e} {:5f} {:5f}'.format(i, numpy.linalg.norm(residual), min(rho), max(rho)))
if numpy.linalg.norm(residual) < 1e-10:
u = uL + ujumpL
elif i+1 == maxit:
raise RuntimeError('Newton solver failed to converge')
dujumpL = numpy.where(rho > rhoL,
-(1 + .5*(rhoL - rho)/rho)/numpy.sqrt(rho*rhoL), # shock
-c / rho) # rarefaction
dujumpR = numpy.where(rho > rhoR,
-(1 + .5*(rhoR - rho)/rho)/numpy.sqrt(rho*rhoR), # shock
-c / rho) # rarefaction
delta_rho = -residual / (dujumpL + dujumpR)
while min(rho + delta_rho) <= 0: # line search to prevent negative density
delta_rho *= .5
rho += delta_rho
U0 = numpy.zeros_like(UL)
for i in range(len(rho)):
if uL[i] - c < 0 < u[i] - c or u[i] + c < 0 < uR[i] + c:
# Inside left (right) sonic rarefaction
U0[0,i] = numpy.exp(-(u[i] - numpy.sign(u[i])*c - c*numpy.log(rho[i]))/c)
U0[1,i] = U0[0,i] * numpy.sign(u[i])*c
elif ((rhoL[i] >= rho[i] and 0 <= uL[i] - c) or
(rhoL[i] < rho[i] and 0 < (rho[i]*u[i] - UL[1,i]))):
# Left rarefaction or shock is supersonic
U0[:,i] = UL[:,i]
elif ((rhoR[i] >= rho[i] and uR[i] + c <= 0) or
(rhoR[i] < rho[i] and UR[1][i] - rho[i]*u[i]) > 0):
# Right rarefaction or shock is supersonic
U0[:,i] = UR[:,i]
# Sample star state
U0[0,i] = rho[i]
U0[1,i] = rho[i]*u[i]
return flux_isogas(U0, c)
In [14]:
def fvsolve2system(riemann, U0, a=-1, b=1, n=20, tfinal=1, limit=limit_minmod, args = ()):
h = (b - a)/n
x = numpy.linspace(a+h/2, b-h/2, n) # Element midpoints (centroids)
U0x = U0(x)
Ushape = U0x.shape
idxL = numpy.arange(-1, n-1)
idxR = numpy.arange(1, n+1) % n
def rhs(t, U):
U = U.reshape(Ushape)
jump = U[:,idxR] - U[:,idxL]
r = numpy.zeros_like(jump)
numpy.divide(U - U[:,idxL], jump, out=r, where=(jump!=0))
g = limit(r) * jump / (2*h)
fluxL = riemann(U[:,idxL] + g[:,idxL] * h/2, U - g * h/2, *args)
return (fluxL - fluxL[:,idxR]).flatten() / h
hist = ode_rkexplicit(rhs, U0x.flatten(), h=h/2, tfinal=tfinal)
return x, [(t, U.reshape(Ushape)) for t, U in hist]
def initial_isogas(x):
return numpy.array([1 + 2*(numpy.exp(-(x*4)**2)>.5),
x, hist = fvsolve2system(riemann_isogas, initial_isogas, n=200, limit=limit_vl, args=(1,))
for t, U in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, U[0], label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
for t, U in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, U[1]/U[0], label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
In [15]:
Exact Riemann solvers are quite complicated to implement and fragile in the sense that small changes to the physics, such as in the equation of state $p(\rho)$, can require changing many conditionals. Also, the need to solve for $\rho^*$ using a Newton method and then evaluate each case of the wave structure can be very expensive. For some equations, an exact Riemann solver has never been implemented.
One popular approximate Riemann solver, HLL (Harten, Lax, and van Leer), assumes two shocks with speeds $s_L$ and $s_R$. These speeds will be estimated and must be at least as fast as the fastest left- and right-traveling waves. If the wave speeds $s_L$ and $s_R$ are given, we have the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions across both shocks, \begin{align} s_L (U_* - U_L) &= f(U_*) - f(U_L) \\ s_R (U_R - U_*) &= f(U_R) - f(U_*) . \end{align} Adding these together gives $$ s_R U_R - (s_R - s_L) U_* - s_L U_L = f(U_R) - f(U_L) $$ which can be solved for $U_*$ as $$ U_* = \frac{f(U_L) - f(U_R) - s_L U_L + s_R U_R}{s_R - s_L} . $$ We can save an extra evaluation of the flux by using the Rankine-Hugoniot conditions $$ f(U_*) = \frac{s_R f(U_L) - s_L f(U_R) + s_L s_R (U_R - U_L)}{s_R - s_L} . $$
For isothermal gas dynamics, we can estimate wave speeds as $$ s_L = \min( u_L - c, u_R - c ), \quad s_R = \max(u_L + c, u_R + c) . $$
The Rusanov method is the special case $s_L = - s_R$, in which case the wave structure is always subsonic and the flux is simply $$f(U_*) = \frac 1 2 \Big( f(U_L) + f(U_R) \Big) - \frac s 2 \Big( U_R - U_L \Big) . $$
In [16]:
def riemann_isogas_hll(UL, UR, c):
rhoL = UL[0]
rhoR = UR[0]
uL = UL[1] / rhoL
uR = UR[1] / rhoR
sL = numpy.minimum(uL - c, uR - c)
sR = numpy.maximum(uL + c, uR + c)
fL = flux_isogas(UL, c)
fR = flux_isogas(UR, c)
return numpy.where(sL > 0, fL,
numpy.where(sR < 0, fR,
(sR*fL - sL*fR + sL*sR*(UR - UL)) / (sR-sL)))
def initial_isogas(x):
return numpy.array([1 + 2*(numpy.exp(-(x*4)**2) > .5),
x, hist = fvsolve2system(riemann_isogas_hll, initial_isogas, n=200, limit=limit_vl, args=(1,))
for t, U in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, U[0], label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
for t, U in hist[::len(hist)//5]:
pyplot.plot(x, U[1]/U[0], label='t={:.3f}'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
In [17]:
import pygmsh
geom = pygmsh.built_in.Geometry()
geom.add_circle((0,0,0), 1, 1.5)
points, elements, _, _, _ = pygmsh.generate_mesh(geom)
In [18]:
points = points[:,:2]
tri = elements['triangle']
centroids = (points[tri[:,0]] + points[tri[:,1]] + points[tri[:,2]]) / 3
pyplot.triplot(points[:,0], points[:,1], triangles=tri)
pyplot.plot(centroids[:,0], centroids[:,1], 'o');
In [19]:
volumes = numpy.abs(numpy.cross(points[tri[:,1]] - points[tri[:,0]],
points[tri[:,2]] - points[tri[:,1]])) / 2
edges = tri[:,[0,1,1,2,2,0]].reshape((-1,2))
print(edges.reshape((-1,6)), 'edges by cell')
ind = numpy.lexsort((edges[:,1], edges[:,0]))
edge2vertex, starts, perm, counts = numpy.unique(edges[ind], axis=0,
return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
print(edge2vertex, 'edge2vertex')
cell2edge = numpy.empty(len(edges), dtype=int)
cell2edge[ind] = perm
cell2edge = cell2edge.reshape((-1, 3))
print(cell2edge, 'cell2edge')
edge2cell = ind[starts[:,None]] * [1,1] // 3
edge2cell[counts > 1,1] = ind[starts[counts > 1]+1] // 3
print(edge2cell, 'edge2cell')
In [20]:
edgecenters = .5*(points[edge2vertex[:,0]] + points[edge2vertex[:,1]])
edgenormals = (points[edge2vertex[:,0]] - points[edge2vertex[:,1]])[:,[1,0]]
edgeweights = numpy.linalg.norm(edgenormals, axis=1)
edgenormals /= edgeweights[:,None]
# Orient the normals
dots = numpy.sum((centroids[edge2cell[:,1]] - centroids[edge2cell[:,0]])
* edgenormals, axis=1)
edgenormals[dots < 0] *= -1
In [21]:
class Mesh:
def __init__(self, points, tri):
self.points = points
self.tri = tri
volumes = numpy.abs(numpy.cross(points[tri[:,1]] - points[tri[:,0]],
points[tri[:,2]] - points[tri[:,1]])) / 2
centroids = (points[tri[:,0]] + points[tri[:,1]] + points[tri[:,2]]) / 3
edges = tri[:,[0,1,1,2,2,0]].reshape((-1,2))
ind = numpy.lexsort((edges[:,1], edges[:,0]))
edge2vertex, starts, perm, counts = numpy.unique(edges[ind], axis=0,
return_index=True, return_inverse=True, return_counts=True)
cell2edge = numpy.empty(len(edges), dtype=int)
cell2edge[ind] = perm
cell2edge = cell2edge.reshape((-1, 3))
edge2cell = ind[starts[:,None]] * [1,1] // 3
edge2cell[counts > 1,1] = ind[starts[counts > 1]+1] // 3
edgecenters = .5*(points[edge2vertex[:,0]] + points[edge2vertex[:,1]])
edgenormals = (points[edge2vertex[:,0]] - points[edge2vertex[:,1]]) @ [[0,1],[-1,0]]
edgeweights = numpy.linalg.norm(edgenormals, axis=1)
edgenormals /= edgeweights[:,None]
dots = numpy.sum((centroids[edge2cell[:,1]] - centroids[edge2cell[:,0]]) * edgenormals, axis=1)
edgenormals[dots < 0] *= -1
self.centroids = centroids
self.cell2edge = cell2edge
self.edge2cell = edge2cell
self.edgecenters = edgecenters
self.edgenormals = edgenormals
self.cell2edge_weight = numpy.where(edge2cell[cell2edge,0] == numpy.arange(len(volumes))[:,None],
+1, -1) * edgeweights[cell2edge] / volumes[:,None]
self.h = numpy.min(numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.kron([1,1], self.edgecenters).reshape((-1,2))
- self.centroids[self.edge2cell.flatten()], axis=1))
def trimesh_circle(lcar):
geom = pygmsh.built_in.Geometry()
geom.add_circle((0,0,0), 1, lcar)
points, elements, _, _, _ = pygmsh.generate_mesh(geom, verbose=False)
mesh = Mesh(points[:,:2], elements['triangle'])
return mesh
mesh = trimesh_circle(.2)
pyplot.triplot(mesh.points[:,0], mesh.points[:,1], triangles=mesh.tri)
pyplot.title('h={:.4f} n={:d}'.format(mesh.h, len(mesh.centroids)));
In [22]:
def riemann2d_advect(uL, uR, x, normal):
c = x @ [[0, 1], [-1, 0]]
cn = (c*normal).sum(axis=1)
return numpy.where(cn > 0, uL, uR) * cn
def fvsolve1tri(mesh, riemann2d, U0, tfinal=1):
U0x = U0(mesh.centroids)
Ushape = U0x.shape
def rhs(t, U):
U = U.reshape(Ushape)
UL = U[mesh.edge2cell[:,0]]
UR = U[mesh.edge2cell[:,1]]
flux = riemann2d(UL, UR, mesh.edgecenters, mesh.edgenormals)
return -(flux[mesh.cell2edge] * mesh.cell2edge_weight).sum(axis=1)
hist = ode_rkexplicit(rhs, U0x.flatten(), h=3*mesh.h, tfinal=tfinal)
return [(t, U.reshape(Ushape)) for t, U in hist]
def initial2d(x):
return numpy.exp(-4*numpy.linalg.norm(x - [.5,0], axis=1)**2)
hist = fvsolve1tri(mesh, riemann2d_advect, initial2d, tfinal=numpy.pi)
for step in numpy.linspace(0, len(hist)-1, 5, dtype=int):
t, U = hist[step]
pyplot.tripcolor(mesh.points[:,0], mesh.points[:,1], triangles=mesh.tri, facecolors=U)
pyplot.title('{:2d}: t={:.3f} max={:.3f}'.format(step, t, numpy.max(U)))
A linear reconstruction has the form $$\tilde u_0(x) = u_0 + (x - x_0) \cdot \nabla u$$ which has $d+1$ degrees of freedom in $d$ dimensions. For an interior simplex element, we have $d+1$ "face neighbors" plus the cell itself. Other element topologies have more neighbors, and elements on the boundary may have fewer neighbors. We can use a least squares reconstruction, but now we will need to solve general least squares problems. For the reconstruction to be exact for linear functions $u(x)$, we must find $\nabla u$ such that $$ \tilde u_0(x) - u_i(x) = u_0 + (x_i - x_0) \cdot \nabla u - u_i = 0 $$ for each neighboring cell $i$. Rearranging, we would like to find $\nabla u$ that satisfies $$ \underbrace{(x_i - x_0)}_V \cdot \nabla u = u_i - u_0 $$ for all neighbors $i$. $V$ has $d$ rows and $n$ columns where $n$ is the number of neighbors. Its pseudoinverse $V^\dagger$ is $2\times n$.
In [23]:
import scipy.sparse as sp
import scipy.sparse.linalg
def lsgradient(mesh, reflect=True):
ncells = len(mesh.cell2edge)
ai = []
aj = []
av = []
for c, cedges in enumerate(mesh.cell2edge):
if not reflect:
cneighbors = list(set(mesh.edge2cell[cedges].flatten()) - {c})
V = mesh.centroids[cneighbors] - mesh.centroids[c]
eneighbors = mesh.edge2cell[cedges]
cneighbors = numpy.where(eneighbors[:,0] == c, eneighbors[:,1], eneighbors[:,0])
V = numpy.where((cneighbors == c)[:,None],
-2 * numpy.einsum('ij,ij->i', mesh.centroids[c] - mesh.edgecenters[cedges],
mesh.edgenormals[cedges])[:,None] * mesh.edgenormals[cedges],
mesh.centroids[cneighbors] - mesh.centroids[c])
Vinv = numpy.linalg.pinv(V)
# Diagonal entry
ai += [2*c, 2*c+1]
aj += [c, c]
av += list(-numpy.sum(Vinv, axis=1))
for i,ci in enumerate(cneighbors):
ai += [2*c, 2*c+1]
aj += [ci, ci]
av += list(Vinv[:,i])
G = sp.csr_matrix((av, (ai,aj)), shape=(2*ncells, ncells))
return G
G = lsgradient(mesh, reflect=True)
#print(sp.linalg.svds(G*mesh.h, which='SM', return_singular_vectors=False))
for which in ['SM', 'LM']:
eigvals = sp.linalg.eigsh(G.T@G, which=which, k=4, return_eigenvectors=False)
print(which, numpy.sqrt(numpy.maximum(eigvals, 0)*mesh.h))
grad = (G @ mesh.centroids @ [2,3]).reshape((-1,2))
pyplot.plot([2],[3], 's')
pyplot.plot(grad[:,0], grad[:,1], '.');
In [24]:
def fvsolve2tri(mesh, riemann2d, U0, tfinal=1):
U0x = U0(mesh.centroids)
Ushape = U0x.shape
G = lsgradient(mesh, reflect=True)
def rhs(t, U):
U = U.reshape(Ushape)
Ugrad = (G @ U).reshape((-1,2))
cL = mesh.edge2cell[:,0]
cR = mesh.edge2cell[:,1]
UL = U[cL] + numpy.sum(Ugrad[cL] *
(mesh.edgecenters - mesh.centroids[cL]), axis=1)
UR = U[cR] + numpy.sum(Ugrad[cR] *
(mesh.edgecenters - mesh.centroids[cR]), axis=1)
flux = riemann2d(UL, UR, mesh.edgecenters, mesh.edgenormals)
return -(flux[mesh.cell2edge] * mesh.cell2edge_weight).sum(axis=1)
hist = ode_rkexplicit(rhs, U0x.flatten(), h=3*mesh.h, tfinal=tfinal)
return [(t, U.reshape(Ushape)) for t, U in hist]
def initial2d(x):
return numpy.exp(-4*numpy.linalg.norm(x - [.5,0], axis=1)**2)
hist = fvsolve2tri(mesh, riemann2d_advect, initial2d, tfinal=numpy.pi)
for step in numpy.linspace(0, len(hist)-1, 5, dtype=int):
t, U = hist[step]
pyplot.tripcolor(mesh.points[:,0], mesh.points[:,1], triangles=mesh.tri, facecolors=U)
pyplot.title('{:2d}: t={:.3f} max={:.3f}'.format(step, t, numpy.max(U)))
The Euler equations conserve mass, momentum, and energy. $$ \begin{bmatrix} \rho \\ \rho u \\ E \end{bmatrix}_t + \begin{bmatrix} \rho u \\ \rho u^2 + p \\ (E + p)u \end{bmatrix}_x = S $$ where
Variable | Units | Description |
$\rho$ | $\mathrm{kg}/m^{3}$ | density |
$u$ | $m/s$ | velocity |
$\rho u$ | $\mathrm{kg}/(m^2\cdot s)$ | momentum density |
$E$ | $J/m^3$ | total energy density |
$p$ | $\mathrm{Pa}$ | pressure |
and $S$ is a possible source term.
The total energy is the sum of kinetic and internal energy, $$ E = \rho(u^2/2 + e) $$ where internal energy $e$ has units of $J/\mathrm{kg}$. A common equation of state is $$e(\rho, p) = \frac{p}{(\gamma-1)\rho} $$ where $\gamma=c_p/c_V \approx 1.4$ is the ratio of heat capacity at constant pressure to the heat capacity at constant volume. We can rearrange as \begin{align} p(\rho, e) &= (\gamma-1)\rho e \\ p(\rho, \rho u, E) &= (\gamma-1) (E - \rho u^2/2). \end{align} The speed of sound is $$ a = \sqrt{\frac{\gamma p}{\rho}} $$ for our equation of state. This is enough information to implement an HLL Riemann solver.
In [28]:
class Euler:
def __init__(self, gamma=1.4):
self.gamma = gamma
def density(self, U):
return U[0]
def velocity(self, U):
return U[1] / U[0]
def Mach(self, U):
return self.velocity(U) / numpy.sqrt(self.gamma * self.pressure(U) / U[0])
def internal_energy(self, U):
return (U[2] - .5*U[1]**2/U[0]) / U[0]
def pressure(self, U):
return (self.gamma-1)*(U[2] - .5*U[1]**2/U[0])
def flux(self, U):
rho = U[0]
u = U[1] / rho
p = (self.gamma-1)*(U[2] - .5*U[1]*u)
return numpy.array([U[1], U[1]*u + p, (U[2]+p)*u])
def riemann_hll(self, UL, UR):
gamma = self.gamma
rhoL = UL[0]
rhoR = UR[0]
uL = UL[1] / rhoL
uR = UR[1] / rhoR
pL = (gamma-1)*(UL[2] - .5*UL[1]*uL)
pR = (gamma-1)*(UR[2] - .5*UR[1]*uR)
aL = numpy.sqrt(gamma*pL/rhoL)
aR = numpy.sqrt(gamma*pR/rhoR)
sL = numpy.minimum(uL - aL, uR - aR)
sR = numpy.maximum(uL + aR, uR + aR)
fL = self.flux(UL)
fR = self.flux(UR)
return numpy.where(sL > 0, fL,
numpy.where(sR < 0, fR,
(sR*fL - sL*fR + sL*sR*(UR - UL)) / (sR-sL)))
def initial_prim(self, p, u, e):
rho = p / ((self.gamma-1)*e)
E = rho*e + .5*rho*u*u
return numpy.array([rho, rho*u, E])
def initial0(self, x):
p = 1 + 5*(numpy.exp(-(x*4)**2) > .5)
u = 0*x
e = 1
return self.initial_prim(p, u, e)
def initial_duct(self, x):
return self.initial_prim(0*x+1, .65, 1)
def bc_periodic(self, Ubc):
Ubc[:,:2] = Ubc[:,-4:-2]
Ubc[:,-2:] = Ubc[:,2:4]
def bc_duct(self, Ubc):
Ubc[:,:2] = self.initial_prim(1, .65, 1)[:,None]
Ubc[:,-2:] = Ubc[:,-3:-2]
def source_duct(self, x, U):
source = 0*U
source[2] = -1.*(numpy.abs(x) < .5) * numpy.sign(x)
return source
def plot_hist(self, x, hist, until=None, n=5):
if until is None:
laststep = len(hist) - 1
laststep = numpy.searchsorted([t for t,U in hist], until)
for diagnostic in [self.density, self.velocity, self.Mach,
self.pressure, self.internal_energy]:
for step in numpy.linspace(0, laststep, n, dtype=int):
t, U = hist[step]
pyplot.plot(x, diagnostic(U), label='[{: 4d}] t={:.3f}'.format(step, t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
euler = Euler()
#x, hist = fvsolve2system(euler.riemann_hll, euler.initial, n=200, limit=limit_vl, args=())
#euler.plot_hist(x, hist)
The duct
conditions are meant to replicate a scenario suggested by Kyle Niemeyer where heating of a duct can be used to accelerate a subsonic flow, then cooling can be used to further accelerate what is now a supersonic flow. The initial condition is constant flow in the duct with no perturbations. At time zero, a unit heating rate is activated on the interval $(-1/2, 0)$ and cooling on the interval $(0, 1/2)$.
The initial response of the heating is to cause a high pressure that slows the flow in the heated interval, but at later times, that pressure wave reaches the inflow condition, resulting in the pressure gradient that accelerates the flow to reach Mach 1 near $x=0$. The pressure continues to drop through the supersonic regime where there is no upstream-traveling wave.
To simulate this scenario, we need a more general driver to handle this type of boundary condition and the source term.
In [29]:
def source_zero(x, U):
return 0*U
def fvsolve2systembc(riemann, U0, bc, source=source_zero,
a=-1, b=1, n=20, tfinal=8, limit=limit_minmod, args = ()):
h = (b - a)/n
x = numpy.linspace(a+h/2, b-h/2, n) # Element midpoints (centroids)
U0x = U0(x)
Ushape = U0x.shape
Ubcshape = (Ushape[0], Ushape[1]+4)
idxL = numpy.arange(-1, n-1)
idxR = numpy.arange(1, n+1) % n
def rhs(t, U):
Ubc = numpy.empty(Ubcshape)
Ubc[:,2:-2] = U.reshape(Ushape)
jump = Ubc[:,2:] - Ubc[:,:-2]
r = numpy.zeros_like(jump)
numpy.divide(Ubc[:,1:-1] - Ubc[:,:-2], jump, out=r, where=(jump!=0))
g = limit(r) * jump / (2*h)
flux = riemann(Ubc[:,1:-2] + g[:,:-1] * h/2,
Ubc[:,2:-1] - g[:,1:] * h/2, *args)
return ((flux[:,:-1] - flux[:,1:]) / h
+ source(x, Ubc[:,2:-2])).flatten()
hist = ode_rkexplicit(rhs, U0x.flatten(), h=h/2, tfinal=tfinal)
return x, [(t, U.reshape(Ushape)) for t, U in hist]
x, hist = fvsolve2systembc(euler.riemann_hll, euler.initial_duct, euler.bc_duct,
source=euler.source_duct, n=200, limit=limit_vl, args=())
euler.plot_hist(x, hist, until=1.6)
In [30]:
euler.plot_hist(x, hist)