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Our method for solving time-dependent problems will be to discretize in space first, resulting in a system of ordinary differential equations
$$ M \dot u = f(u) $$where the "mass matrix" $M$ might be diagonal and $f(u)$ represents a spatial discretization that has the form $f(u) = A u$ for linear problems.
A second order system such as
$$ \ddot u = f(t, u, \dot u) $$may always be converted to a first order system by introducing a new variable
$$ \begin{bmatrix} u_0 \\ u_1 \end{bmatrix}' = \begin{bmatrix} u_1 \\ f(t, u_0, u_1) \end{bmatrix} . $$Therefore, without loss of generality, we will focus on first order systems.
We have chosen the representation $M \dot u = f(t,u)$, but it is more general to write $h(t,u,\dot u) = 0$. If $\partial h/\partial \dot u$ is singular, then this describes a differential algebraic equation (DAE). General DAE are more challenging to solve and beyond the scope of this course, though we will allow a special case. We will consider cases in which the mass matrix $M$ is singular due to zero rows -- this is sometimes convenient to enforce boundary conditions and results in an "index 1" DAE.
If $f(u) = A u$ is a linear function of $u$ then we have a linear ODE $$ \dot u = A(t) u + \text{source}(t) . $$ If $A(t)$ is independent of $t$ and $\text{source}(t) = 0$ then we have a linear, constant, autonomous ODE.
Our ODE is "non-autonomous" if $\text{source}(t) \ne 0$. In that case, we can augment our system with a new independent variable $u_s$ and equation $u_s = 1$, then substitute $t = u_s$ to arrive at an equivalent autonomous formulation. The augmented equation will be integrated exactly using every method that we will consider. So there is no loss of generality by assuming that the system is autonomous, though many production ODE solvers will have direct support for non-autonomous systems.
When $u$ is a scalar then $A = \lambda$ is a scalar and the solution is $$ u(t) = u(0) e^{\lambda t} . $$
What qualitative dynamics does this imply for
The general solution can be written in terms of the matrix exponential. $$ u(t) = e^{At} u(0) . $$ The matrix exponential is defined by its Taylor series $$ e^A = 1 + A + \frac{A^2}{2} + \frac{A^3}{3!} + \dotsb $$ and there are many practical ways to compute it.
Suppose that the diagonalization $A = X \Lambda X^{-1}$ exists and derive a finite expression for the matrix exponential using the scalar exp
The simplest method for solving $\dot u(t) = f(t,u)$ is $$ \tilde u(h) = u(0) + h f(0, u(0)) . $$
Let's try this on a scalar problem
$$ \dot u = -k (u - \cos t) $$where $k$ is a parameter controlling the rate at which the solution $u(t)$ is pulled toward the curve $\cos t$.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot'ggplot')
def ode_euler(f, u0, tfinal=1, h=0.1):
u = numpy.array(u0)
t = 0
thist = [t]
uhist = [u0]
while t < tfinal:
h = min(h, tfinal - t)
u += h * f(t, u)
t += h
return numpy.array(thist), numpy.array(uhist)
tests = []
class fcos:
def __init__(self, k=5):
self.k = k
def __repr__(self):
return 'fcos(k={:d})'.format(self.k)
def f(self, t, u):
return -self.k * (u - numpy.cos(t))
def u(self, t, u0):
k2p1 = self.k**2+1
return (u0 - self.k**2/k2p1) * numpy.exp(-self.k*t) + self.k*(numpy.sin(t) + self.k*numpy.cos(t))/k2p1
u0 = numpy.array([.2])
for test in tests:
thist, uhist = ode_euler(test.f, u0, h=.1, tfinal=6)
pyplot.plot(thist, uhist, '.', label=repr(test)+' Forward Euler')
pyplot.plot(thist, test.u(thist, u0), label=repr(test)+' exact')
pyplot.plot(thist, numpy.cos(thist), label='cos')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
In [2]:
def expm(A):
"""Compute the matrix exponential"""
L, X = numpy.linalg.eig(A)
class linear:
def __init__(self, A):
self.A = A.copy()
def f(self, t, u):
def u(self, t, u0):
t = numpy.array(t, ndmin=1)
return [numpy.real(expm(self.A*s).dot(u0)) for s in t]
test = linear(numpy.array([[0, 1],[-1, 0]]))
u0 = numpy.array([.5, 0])
thist, uhist = ode_euler(test.f, u0, h=.1, tfinal=15)
pyplot.plot(thist, uhist, '.', label='Euler')
pyplot.plot(thist, test.u(thist, u0), label='exact')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right')
pyplot.title('Forward Euler');
is extended?Recall that forward Euler is the step $$ \tilde u(h) = u(0) + h f(0, u(0)) . $$ This can be evaluated explicitly; all the terms on the right hand side are known so the approximation $\tilde u(h)$ is computed merely by evaluating the right hand side. Let's consider an alternative, backward Euler (or "implicit Euler"), $$ \tilde u(h) = u(0) + h f(h, \tilde u(h)) . $$ This is a (generally) nonlinear equation for $\tilde u(h)$.
We'll discuss the nonlinear case later and consider the linear case $f(t,u) = A u$, for which backward Euler reduces to
$$ \tilde u(h) = u(0) + h A \tilde u(h) $$or
$$ (I - h A) u(h) = u(0) . $$This requires solving a linear system involving both $h$ and $A$. Depending on the problem, this may be significantly more expensive than merely multiplying by $A$.
In [3]:
def ode_beuler_linear(A, u0, tfinal=1, h=0.1):
u = numpy.array(u0)
t = 0
thist = [t]
uhist = [u0]
while t < tfinal:
h = min(h, tfinal - t)
# Solve (I - hA)u = u(0)
u = numpy.linalg.solve(numpy.eye(len(u)) - h*A, u)
t += h
return numpy.array(thist), numpy.array(uhist)
thist, uhist = ode_beuler_linear(test.A, u0, h=.1, tfinal=15)
pyplot.plot(thist, uhist, '.')
pyplot.plot(thist, test.u(thist, u0))
pyplot.title('Backward Euler');
What if instead of evaluating the function at the end of the time step, we evaluated in the middle of the time step using the average of the endpoint values.
$$ \tilde u(h) = u(0) + h f\left(\frac h 2, \frac{\tilde u(h) + u(0)}{2} \right) $$For the linear problem, this reduces to
$$ \Big(I - \frac h 2 A \Big) u(h) = \Big(I + \frac h 2 A\Big) u(0) .$$
In [4]:
def ode_midpoint_linear(A, u0, tfinal=1, h=0.1):
u = u0.copy()
t = 0
thist = [t]
uhist = [u0]
I = numpy.eye(len(u))
while t < tfinal:
h = min(h, tfinal - t)
u = numpy.linalg.solve(I - .5*h*A, (I + .5*h*A).dot(u))
t += h
return numpy.array(thist), numpy.array(uhist)
thist, uhist = ode_midpoint_linear(test.A, u0, h=.2, tfinal=15)
pyplot.plot(thist, uhist, '*')
pyplot.plot(thist, test.u(thist, u0))
Why did forward Euler diverge while backward Euler decayed and Midpoint is apparently quite accurate for long time periods? We can answer this by considering the test equation $$ \dot u = \lambda u $$ and applying each method to construct $$ u(h) = R(h\lambda) u(0) $$ where $R(z)$ is called the stability function.
$$\begin{align} R(z) &= 1+z & \text{Forward Euler} \\ R(z) &= \frac{1}{1-z} & \text{Backward Euler} \\ R(z) &= \frac{1+z/2}{1-z/2} & \text{Midpoint} \end{align}$$
In [5]:
def plot_stability(x, y, Rz, label):
C = pyplot.contourf(xx, yy, numpy.abs(Rz), numpy.arange(0,2,.1),
pyplot.axvline(x=0, linewidth=1, color='grey')
pyplot.axhline(y=0, linewidth=1, color='grey')
pyplot.contour(xx, yy, numpy.abs(Rz), numpy.arange(0,2,.5), colors='k')
x = numpy.linspace(-2,2)
xx, yy = numpy.meshgrid(x, x)
zz = xx + 1j*yy
Rlist = [('Forward Euler', 1+zz),
('Backward Euler', 1/(1-zz)),
('Midpoint', (1+zz/2)/(1-zz/2))]
for Rlabel, R in Rlist:
plot_stability(xx, yy, R, Rlabel)
The above methods are all special cases of the $\theta$ method
$$ \tilde u(h) = u(0) + h f\left(\theta h, \theta\tilde u(h) + (1-\theta)u(0) \right) $$which, for linear problems, is solved as
$$ (I - h \theta A) u(h) = \Big(I + h (1-\theta) A \Big) u(0) . $$$\theta=0$ is explicit Euler, $\theta=1$ is implicit Euler, and $\theta=1/2$ is the midpoint rule. The stability function is $$ R(z) = \frac{1 + (1-\theta)z}{1 - \theta z}. $$
In [6]:
for theta in [.2, .5, .8]:
plot_stability(xx, yy, (1 + (1-theta)*zz)/(1 - theta*zz), '$\\theta={:3.1f}$'.format(theta))
We will generalize slightly to allow solution of a linear differential algebraic equation
$$ M \dot u = A u + f(t,x) $$where $M$ is (for now) a diagonal matrix that has zero rows at boundary conditions. With this generalization, the $\theta$ method becomes
$$ (M - h \theta A) u(h) = \Big(M + h (1-\theta) A \Big) u(0) + h f(h\theta, x) . $$We will assume that $M$ is nonsingular if $\theta=0$.
In [7]:
def dae_theta_linear(M, A, u0, rhsfunc, bcs=[], tfinal=1, h=0.1, theta=.5):
u = u0.copy()
t = 0
hist = [(t,u0)]
while t < tfinal:
if tfinal - t < 1.01*h:
h = tfinal - t
tnext = tfinal
tnext = t + h
h = min(h, tfinal - t)
rhs = (M + (1-theta)*h*A).dot(u) + h*rhsfunc(t+theta*h)
for i, f in bcs:
rhs[i] = theta*h*f(t+theta*h, x[i])
u = numpy.linalg.solve(M - theta*h*A, rhs)
t = tnext
hist.append((t, u.copy()))
return hist
In [8]:
test = fcos(k=5000)
u0 = numpy.array([.2])
hist = dae_theta_linear(numpy.eye(1), -test.k, u0,
lambda t: test.k*numpy.cos(t),
h=.1, tfinal=6, theta=.5)
hist = numpy.array(hist)
pyplot.plot(hist[:,0], hist[:,1], 'o')
tt = numpy.linspace(0, 6, 200)
pyplot.plot(tt, test.u(tt,u0));
In [9]:
def mms_error(h, theta):
test = fcos(k=20)
u0 = numpy.array([.2])
hist = dae_theta_linear(numpy.eye(1), -test.k, u0,
lambda t: test.k*numpy.cos(t), h=h, tfinal=3,
hist = numpy.array(hist)
return numpy.linalg.norm(hist[:,1] - test.u(hist[:,0], u0), numpy.inf)
theta = .5
hs = numpy.logspace(-3, 0, 20)
errors = [mms_error(h, theta) for h in hs]
pyplot.loglog(hs, errors, 'o', label='numerical')
for p in range(1,4):
pyplot.loglog(hs, hs**p, label='$h^{%d}$'%p)
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right')
pyplot.title('$\\theta=%3.1f$' % theta);
A method is $A$-stable if the stability region $$ \{ z : |R(z)| \le 1 \} $$ contains the entire left half plane $$ \Re[z] \le 0 .$$ This means that the method can take arbitrarily large time steps without becoming unstable (diverging) for any problem that is indeed physically stable.
A time integrator with stability function $R(z)$ is $L$-stable if $$ \lim_{z\to\infty} R(z) = 0 .$$ For the $\theta$ method, we have $$ \lim_{z\to \infty} \frac{1 + (1-\theta)z}{1 - \theta z} = \frac{1-\theta}{\theta} . $$ Evidently only $\theta=1$ is $L$-stable.
In [10]:
def mms_error(h):
test = linear(numpy.array([[0, 1],[-1, 0]]))
u0 = numpy.array([.5, 0])
hist = dae_theta_linear(numpy.eye(2), test.A, u0, lambda t: 0, h=h, tfinal=15,
return numpy.linalg.norm(test.u(hist[-1][0], u0) - hist[-1][1])
hs = numpy.logspace(-3, 1, 20)
errors = [mms_error(h) for h in hs]
pyplot.loglog(hs, errors, 'o', label='numerical')
for p in range(1,4):
pyplot.loglog(hs, hs**p, label='$h^{%d}$'%p)
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
In [11]:
%run # define cosspace, vander_chebyshev, and chebeval
def diffusion_cheb(n, left, right):
"""Solve the diffusion PDE on (-1,1) using n elements with rhsfunc(x) forcing.
The left and right boundary conditions are specified as a pair (deriv, func) where
* deriv=0 for Dirichlet u(x_endpoint) = func(x_endpoint)
* deriv=1 for Neumann u'(x_endpoint) = func(x_endpoint)"""
x = cosspace(-1, 1, n+1) # n+1 points is n "elements"
T = chebeval(x)
L = -T[2]
bcs = []
for i,deriv,func in [(0, *left), (-1, *right)]:
L[i] = T[deriv][i]
bcs.append((i, func))
M = numpy.eye(n+1)
M[[0,-1]] = 0
return x, M,[0])), bcs
x, M, A, bcs = diffusion_cheb(80, (0, lambda t,x: 0*x), (0, lambda t,x: 0*x+.5))
hist = dae_theta_linear(M, A, numpy.exp(-(x*8)**2), lambda t: 0*x, bcs,
h=.02, theta=.5)
for t, u in hist[:5]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='$t={:3.1f}$'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower left');
In [12]:
class exact_tanh:
def __init__(self, k=1, x0=0):
self.k = k
self.x0 = x0
def u(self, t, x):
return numpy.tanh(self.k*(x - t - self.x0))
def u_x(self, t, x):
return self.k * numpy.cosh(self.k*(x - t - self.x0))**(-2)
def u_t(self, t, x):
return -self.u_x(t, x)
def u_xx(self, t, x):
return -2 * self.k**2 * numpy.tanh(self.k*(x - t - self.x0)) * numpy.cosh(self.k*(x - t - self.x0))**(-2)
def heatrhs(self, t, x):
return self.u_t(t,x) - self.u_xx(t,x)
ex = exact_tanh(2, -.3)
x, M, A, bcs = diffusion_cheb(20, (0, ex.u), (1, ex.u_x))
hist = dae_theta_linear(M, A, ex.u(0,x), lambda t: ex.heatrhs(t,x), bcs)
for t, u in hist:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='$t={:3.1f}$'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right');
In [13]:
def mms_error(n):
x, M, A, bcs = diffusion_cheb(n, (0, ex.u), (1, ex.u_x))
hist = dae_theta_linear(M, A, ex.u(0,x),
lambda t: ex.heatrhs(t,x), bcs, h=1/n**2, theta=1)
return numpy.linalg.norm(hist[-1][1] - ex.u(hist[-1][0], x),
ns = numpy.logspace(.8, 1.6, 10).astype(int)
errors = [mms_error(n) for n in ns]
pyplot.loglog(ns, errors, 'o', label='numerical')
for p in range(1,4):
pyplot.loglog(ns, 1/ns**(p), label='$n^{-%d}$'%p)
pyplot.legend(loc='lower left');
In [14]:
def maxeig(n):
x, M, A, bcs = diffusion_cheb(n, (0, ex.u), (1, ex.u_x))
lam = numpy.linalg.eigvals(-A)
return max(lam)
pyplot.loglog(ns, [maxeig(n) for n in ns], 'o', label='cheb')
for p in range(1,5):
pyplot.loglog(ns, ns**(p), label='$n^{%d}$'%p)
pyplot.ylabel('$\max \sigma(A)$')
pyplot.legend(loc='lower left');
In [15]:
def maxeig_fd(n):
dx = 2/n
A = 1/dx**2 * (2 * numpy.eye(n+1) - numpy.eye(n+1, k=1) - numpy.eye(n+1, k=-1))
return max(numpy.linalg.eigvals(A))
pyplot.loglog(2/ns, [maxeig_fd(n) for n in ns], 'o', label='fd')
for p in range(1,4):
pyplot.loglog(2/ns, 4*(2/ns)**(-p), label='$4 h^{-%d}$'%p)
pyplot.ylabel('$\max \sigma(A)$')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
Express the maximum stable time step $\Delta t$ using explicit Euler in terms of the grid spacing $\Delta x$.
The simplest hyperbolic equation is linear advection
$$ \dot u(t,x) + c u'(t,x) = f(t,x) $$where $c$ is the wave speed and $f$ is a source term. In the homogenous ($f = 0$) case, the solution is given by characteristics
$$ u(t,x) = u(0, x - ct) . $$This PDE also requires boundary conditions, but as a first-order equation, we can only enforce boundary conditions at one boundary. It turns out that this needs to be the inflow boundary, so if $c > 0$, that is the left boundary condition $u(t, -1) = g(t)$. We can solve this system using Chebyshev methods.
In [ ]:
In [16]:
def advection_cheb(n, c, left=(None,None), right=(None,None)):
"""Discretize the advection PDE on (-1,1) using n elements with rhsfunc(x) forcing.
The left boundary conditions are specified as a pair (deriv, func) where
* deriv=0 for Dirichlet u(x_endpoint) = func(x_endpoint)
* deriv=1 for Neumann u'(x_endpoint) = func(x_endpoint)"""
x = cosspace(-1, 1, n+1) # n+1 points is n "elements"
T = chebeval(x)
A = -c*T[1]
M = numpy.eye(n+1)
bcs = []
for i,deriv,func in [(0, *left), (-1, *right)]:
if deriv is None: continue
A[i] = T[deriv][i]
M[i] = 0
bcs.append((i, func))
return x, M, A @ numpy.linalg.inv(T[0]), bcs
x, M, A, bcs = advection_cheb(40, -1, right=(0, lambda t,x: 0*x))
hist = dae_theta_linear(M, A, numpy.exp(-(x*4)**2), lambda t: 0*x, bcs,
h=.001, theta=.5)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//10]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='$t={:3.1f}$'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower left')
In [17]:
lam = numpy.linalg.eigvals(A[1:,1:])
pyplot.plot(lam.real, lam.imag, '.');
In [18]:
def advection_fd(n, c, stencil=2, bias=0, left=None, right=None):
x = numpy.linspace(-1, 1, n+1)
A = numpy.zeros((n+1,n+1))
for i in range(n+1):
sleft = max(0, i - stencil//2 + bias)
sleft = min(sleft, n+1 - stencil)
A[i,sleft:sleft+stencil] = -c*fdstencil(x[i], x[sleft:sleft+stencil])[1]
M = numpy.eye(n+1)
bcs = []
for i, func in [(0, left), (-1, right)]:
if func is None: continue
A[i] = 0
A[i,i] = 1
M[i] = 0
bcs.append((i, func))
return x, M, A, bcs
x, M, A, bcs = advection_fd(40, c=1, stencil=2, bias=0, left=lambda t,x: 0*x)
hist = dae_theta_linear(M, A, numpy.exp(-(x*4)**2), lambda t: 0*x, bcs,
h=2/(len(x)-1), theta=.01)
for t, u in hist[::len(hist)//10]:
pyplot.plot(x, u, label='$t={:3.1f}$'.format(t))
pyplot.legend(loc='lower left')
print('stencil', A[3,:7])
print('cond', numpy.linalg.cond(A))
In [19]:
lam = numpy.linalg.eigvals(A[1:,1:])
#pyplot.plot(lam.real, lam.imag, '.')
removes undershootsstencil=2
, we can use an explicit integrator, but the time step must satisfy
$$ c \Delta t < \Delta x $$We can apply the advection differencing stencils to the test functions $$ \phi(x, \theta) = e^{i \theta x}$$ and compare to the exact derivative $$ \frac{d \phi}{d x} = i \theta \phi(x, \theta) . $$
In [20]:
x = numpy.arange(-1, 1+1)
s1 = fdstencil(0, x)[1]
theta = numpy.linspace(0, numpy.pi)
phi = numpy.exp(1j*numpy.outer(x, theta))
pyplot.plot(theta, numpy.sin(theta))
pyplot.plot(theta, numpy.abs(, '.')
pyplot.plot(theta, theta);
The methods we have considered thus far can all be expressed as Runge-Kutta methods, which are expressed in terms of $s$ "stage" equations (possibly coupled) and a completion formula. For the ODE
$$ \dot u = f(t, u) $$the Runge-Kutta method is
$$\begin{split} Y_i = u(t) + h \sum_j a_{ij} f(t+c_j h, Y_j) \\ u(t+h) = u(t) + h \sum_j b_j f(t+c_j h, Y_j) \end{split}$$where $c$ is a vector of abscissa, $A$ is a table of coefficients, and $b$ is a vector of completion weights. These coefficients are typically expressed in a Butcher Table $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|c} c & A \\ \hline & b^T \end{array} \right] = \left[ \begin{array}{c|cc} c_0 & a_{00} & a_{01} \\ c_1 & a_{10} & a_{11} \\ \hline & b_0 & b_1 \end{array} \right] . $$ We will see that, for consistency, the abscissa $c$ are always the row sums of $A$ and that $\sum_i b_i = 1$.
If the matrix $A$ is strictly lower triangular, then the method is explicit (does not require solving equations). We have seen forward Euler
$$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|cc} 0 & 0 \\ \hline & 1 \end{array} \right] ,$$backward Euler $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|c} 1 & 1 \\ \hline & 1 \end{array} \right] ,$$ and Midpoint $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|c} \frac 1 2 & \frac 1 2 \\ \hline & 1 \end{array} \right]. $$
Indeed, the $\theta$ method is $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|c} \theta & \theta \\ \hline & 1 \end{array} \right] $$ and an alternative "endpoint" variant of $\theta$ (a generalization of the trapezoid rule) is $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|cc} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1-\theta & \theta \\ \hline & 1-\theta & \theta \end{array} \right]. $$
To develop an algebraic expression for stability in terms of the Butcher Table, we consider the test equation
$$ \dot u = \lambda u $$and apply the RK method to yield
$$ \begin{split} Y_i = u(0) + h \sum_j a_{ij} \lambda Y_j \\ u(h) = u(0) + h \sum_j b_j \lambda Y_j \end{split} $$or, in matrix form,
$$ \begin{split} Y = \mathbb 1 u(0) + h \lambda A Y \\ u(h) = u(0) + h \lambda b^T Y \end{split} $$where $\mathbb 1$ is a column vector of length $s$ consisting of all ones. This reduces to $$ u(h) = \underbrace{\Big( 1 + h\lambda b^T (I - h \lambda A)^{-1} \mathbb 1 \Big)}_{R(h\lambda)} u(0) . $$
In [21]:
def Rstability(A, b, z):
s = len(b)
def R(z):
return 1 + z* - z*A, numpy.ones(s)))
f = numpy.vectorize(R)
return f(z)
def rk_butcher_theta(theta):
A = numpy.array([[theta]])
b = numpy.array([1])
return A, b
def zmeshgrid(xlen=5, ylen=5):
xx = numpy.linspace(-xlen, xlen, 100)
yy = numpy.linspace(-ylen, ylen, 100)
x, y = numpy.meshgrid(xx, yy)
z = x + 1j*y
return x, y, z
def plot_rkstability(A, b, label=''):
from matplotlib import pyplot, ticker, cm, axis
import numpy as np
x, y, z = zmeshgrid()
data = numpy.abs(Rstability(A, b, z))
cs = pyplot.contourf(x, y, data, np.arange(0, 2, 0.1), cmap=cm.PuBu_r)
cbar = pyplot.colorbar(cs)
pyplot.axhline(y=0, xmin=-20.0, xmax=20.0, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='grey')
pyplot.axvline(x=0, ymin=-20.0, ymax=20.0, linewidth=1, linestyle='--', color='grey')
cs = pyplot.contour(x, y, data, np.arange(0, 2, 0.5), colors='k')
pyplot.clabel(cs, fontsize=6)
for c in cs.collections:
pyplot.setp(c, linewidth=1)
pyplot.title('Stability region' + (': ' + label if label else ''))
A, b = rk_butcher_theta(.5)
plot_rkstability(A, b, label='$\\theta$')
In [22]:
def rk_butcher_theta_endpoint(theta):
A = numpy.array([[0, 0], [1-theta, theta]])
b = numpy.array([1-theta, theta])
return A, b
A, b = rk_butcher_theta_endpoint(.5)
plot_rkstability(A, b, label='$\\theta$ endpoint')
Evidently the endpoint variant of $\theta$ has the same stability function as the original (midpoint) variant that we've been using. These methods are equivalent for linear problems, but different for nonlinear problems.
Explicit Euler steps can be combined to create more accurate methods. One such example is Heun's method, $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|cc} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline & \frac 1 2 & \frac 1 2 \end{array} \right]. $$
Another explicit method is the famous four-stage RK4, $$ \left[ \begin{array}{c|cccc} 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \frac 1 2 & \frac 1 2 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \frac 1 2 & 0 & \frac 1 2 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \hline & \frac 1 6 & \frac 1 3 & \frac 1 3 & \frac 1 6 \end{array} \right] . $$
In [23]:
def rk_butcher_heun():
A = numpy.array([[0, 0],[1,0]])
b = numpy.array([.5, .5])
return A, b
A, b = rk_butcher_heun()
plot_rkstability(A, b, label='Heun')
In [24]:
def rk_butcher_4():
A = numpy.array([[0,0,0,0],[.5,0,0,0],[0,.5,0,0],[0,0,1,0]])
b = numpy.array([1/6, 1/3, 1/3, 1/6])
return A, b
A, b = rk_butcher_4()
plot_rkstability(A, b, label='RK4')
Finally a method with lots of stability along the imaginary axis. Let's try it on some test problems.
In [25]:
def ode_rkexplicit(f, u0, butcher=None, tfinal=1, h=.1):
if butcher is None:
A, b = rk_butcher_4()
A, b = butcher
c = numpy.sum(A, axis=1)
s = len(c)
u = u0.copy()
t = 0
hist = [(t,u0)]
while t < tfinal:
if tfinal - t < 1.01*h:
h = tfinal - t
tnext = tfinal
tnext = t + h
h = min(h, tfinal - t)
fY = numpy.zeros((len(u0), s))
for i in range(s):
Yi = u.copy()
for j in range(i):
Yi += h * A[i,j] * fY[:,j]
fY[:,i] = f(t + h*c[i], Yi)
u += h *
t = tnext
hist.append((t, u.copy()))
return hist
test = linear(numpy.array([[0, 1],[-1, 0]]))
u0 = numpy.array([.5, 0])
hist = ode_rkexplicit(test.f, u0, rk_butcher_4(), tfinal=50, h=.8)
times = [t for t,u in hist]
pyplot.plot(times, [u for t,u in hist], '.')
pyplot.plot(times, test.u(times, u0));
In [26]:
def mms_error(h, rk_butcher):
hist = ode_rkexplicit(test.f, u0, rk_butcher(), tfinal=20, h=h)
times = [t for t,u in hist]
u = numpy.array([u for t,u in hist])
return numpy.linalg.norm(u - test.u(times, u0), numpy.inf)
hs = numpy.logspace(-1.5, .5, 20)
error_heun = [mms_error(h, rk_butcher_heun) for h in hs]
error_rk4 = [mms_error(h, rk_butcher_4) for h in hs]
pyplot.loglog(hs, error_heun, 'o', label='Heun')
pyplot.loglog(hs, error_rk4, 's', label='RK4')
for p in [2,3,4]:
pyplot.loglog(hs, hs**p, label='$h^%d$'%p)
pyplot.legend(loc='lower right')
Since these methods do not cost the same per step, it is more enlightening to compare them using some measure of cost. For large systems of ODE, such as arise by discretizing a PDE, the cost of time integration is dominated by evaluating the right hand side (discrete spatial operator) on each stage. Measuring CPU time is a more holistic measure of cost, but the results depend on the implementation, computer, and possible operating system interference/variability. Counting right hand side function evaluations is a convenient, reproducible measure of cost.
In [27]:
pyplot.loglog(20*2/hs, error_heun, 'o', label='Heun')
pyplot.loglog(20*4/hs, error_rk4, 's', label='RK4')
pyplot.title('Error vs cost')
pyplot.xlabel('# function evaluations')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
In [28]:
test = linear(numpy.array([[0, 1, 0],[-1, 0, 0],[10, 0, -10]]))
u0 = numpy.array([.5, 0, 0])
hist = ode_rkexplicit(test.f, u0, rk_butcher_4(), tfinal=5, h=.1)
times = [t for t,u in hist]
pyplot.plot(times, [u for t,u in hist], '.')
pyplot.plot(times, test.u(times, u0));
In [29]:
hs = numpy.logspace(-2, -.7, 20)
error_heun = [mms_error(h, rk_butcher_heun) for h in hs]
error_rk4 = [mms_error(h, rk_butcher_4) for h in hs]
pyplot.loglog(20*2/hs, error_heun, 'o', label='Heun')
pyplot.loglog(20*4/hs, error_rk4, 's', label='RK4')
pyplot.title('Error vs cost')
pyplot.xlabel('# function evaluations')
pyplot.legend(loc='upper right');
Evidently Heun becomes resolved at lower cost than RK4.
When solving a transient PDE, we should attempt to balance spatial discretization error with temporal discretization error. If we wish to use the same type of method across a range of accuracies, we need to
Since temporal discretization errors are proportional to the duration, simulations that run for a long time will need to use more accurate time discretizations.
We consider the autonomous differential equation
$$ \dot u = f(u) . $$Higher derivatives of the exact soultion can be computed using the chain rule, e.g.,
\begin{align*} \ddot u(t) &= f'(u) \dot u = f'(u) f(u) \\ \dddot u(t) &= f''(u) f(u) f(u) + f'(u) f'(u) f(u) . \\ \end{align*}Note that if $f(u)$ is linear, $f''(u) = 0$. Meanwhile, the numerical solution is a function of the time step $h$,
$$\begin{split} Y_i(h) &= u(0) + h \sum_j a_{ij} f(Y_j) \\ U(h) &= u(0) + h \sum_j b_j f(Y_j). \end{split}$$We will take the limit $h\to 0$ and equate derivatives of the numerical solution. First we differentiate the stage equations,
\begin{split} Y_i(0) &= u(0) \\ \dot Y_i(0) &= \sum_j a_{ij} f(Y_j) \\ \ddot Y_i(0) &= 2 \sum_j a_{ij} \dot f(Y_j) \\ &= 2 \sum_j a_{ij} f'(Y_j) \dot Y_j \\ &= 2\sum_{j,k} a_{ij} a_{jk} f'(Y_j) f(Y_k) \\ \dddot Y_i(0) &= 3 \sum_j a_{ij} \ddot f (Y_j) \\ &= 3 \sum_j a_{ij} \Big( \sum_k f''(Y_j) \dot Y_j \dot Y_k + f'(Y_j) \ddot Y_j \Big) \\ &= 3 \sum_{j,k,\ell} a_{ij} a_{jk} \Big( a_{j\ell} f''(Y_j) f(Y_k) f(Y_\ell) + 2 a_{k\ell} f'(Y_j) f'(Y_k) f(Y_\ell) \Big) \end{split}where we have used Liebnitz's formula for the $m$th derivative, $$ (h \phi(h))^{(m)}|_{h=0} = m \phi^{(m-1)}(0) .$$ Similar formulas apply for $\dot U(0)$, $\ddot U(0)$, and $\dddot U(0)$, with $b_j$ in place of $a_{ij}$.
Equating terms $\dot u(0) = \dot U(0)$ yields $$ \sum_j b_j = 1, $$ equating $\ddot u(0) = \ddot U(0)$ yields $$ 2 \sum_{j,k} b_j a_{jk} = 1 , $$ and equating $\dddot u(0) = \dddot U(0)$ yields the two equations \begin{split} 3\sum_{j,k,\ell} b_j a_{jk} a_{j\ell} &= 1 \\ 6 \sum_{j,k,\ell} b_j a_{jk} a_{k\ell} &= 1 . \end{split}
$u^{(1)}$ | $u^{(2)}$ | $u^{(3)}$ | $u^{(4)}$ | $u^{(5)}$ | $u^{(6)}$ | $u^{(7)}$ | $u^{(8)}$ | $u^{(9)}$ | $u^{(10)}$ | |
# terms | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 20 | 48 | 115 | 286 | 719 |
cumulative | 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 17 | 37 | 85 | 200 | 486 | 1205 |
A Runge-Kutta method is of order $p$ if and only if $$ \gamma(\mathcal t) \sum_{j} b_j \Phi_j(t) = 1 $$ for all trees $t$ of order $\le p$.
For a linear autonomous equation $$ \dot u = A u $$ we only need one additional order condition per order of accuracy because $f'' = 0$. These conditions can also be derived by equating derivatives of the stability function $R(z)$ with the exponential $e^z$. For a linear non-autonomous equation $$ \dot u = A(t) u + g(t) $$ or more generally, an autonomous system with quadratic right hand side, $$ \dot u = B (u \otimes u) + A u + C $$ where $B$ is a rank 3 tensor, we have $f''' = 0$, thus limiting the number of order conditions.
It is often possible to design Runge-Kutta methods with multiple completion orders, say of order $p$ and $p-1$.
$$\left[ \begin{array}{c|c} c & A \\ \hline & b^T \\ & \tilde b^T \end{array} \right] . $$The classical RK4 does not come with an embedded method, but most subsequent RK methods do.
The Bogacki-Shampine method is given by
In [30]:
def rk_butcher_bs3():
A = numpy.array([[0, 0, 0, 0],
[1/2, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 3/4, 0, 0],
[2/9, 1/3, 4/9, 0]])
b = numpy.array([[2/9, 1/3, 4/9, 0],
[7/24, 1/4, 1/3, 1/8]])
return A, b
A, b = rk_butcher_bs3()
plot_rkstability(A, b[0], label='Bogacki-Shampine 3')
plot_rkstability(A, b[1], label='Bogacki-Shampine 2')
While this method has four stages, it has the "first same as last" (FSAL) property meaning that the fourth stage exactly matches the completion formula, thus the first stage of the next time step. This means it can be implemented using only three function evaluations per time step.
Higher order methods with embedded error estimation include
Given a completion formula $b^T$ of order $p$ and $\tilde b^T$ of order $p-1$, an estimate of the local truncation error (on this step) is given by $$ e_{\text{loc}}(h) = \lVert h (b - \tilde b)^T f(Y) \rVert \in O(h^p) . $$ Given a tolerance $\epsilon$, we would like to find $h_*$ such that $$ e_{\text{loc}}(h_*) < \epsilon . $$ If $$e_{\text{loc}}(h) = c h^p$$ for some constant $c$, then $$ c h_*^p < \epsilon $$ implies $$ h_* < \left( \frac{\epsilon}{c} \right)^{1/p} . $$ Given the estimate with the current $h$, $$ c = e_{\text{loc}}(h) / h^p $$ we conclude $$ \frac{h_*}{h} < \left( \frac{\epsilon}{e_{\text{loc}}(h)} \right)^{1/p} . $$
We have been considering examples of high-order explicit Runge-Kutta methods. For processes like diffusion, the time step becomes limited (under grid refinement, but usually for practical resolution) by stability rather than accuracy. Implicit methods, especially $A$-stable and $L$-stable methods, allow much larger time steps.
A Runge-Kutta method is called diagonally implicit if the Butcher matrix $A$ is lower triangular, in which case the stages can be solved sequentially. Each stage equation has the form $$ Y_i - h a_{ii} f(Y_i) = u(0) + h \sum_{j<i} a_{ij} f(Y_j) $$ where all terms in the right hand side are known. For stiff problems, it is common to multiply though by $\alpha = (h a_{ii})^{-1}$, yielding $$ \alpha Y_i - f(Y_i) = \alpha u(0) + \sum_{j<i} \frac{a_{ij}}{a_{ii}} f(Y_j) . $$
Methods with constant diagonals, $a_{ii} = a_{jj}$, are often desired to amortize setup costs. These methods are called singly diagonally implicit. There are also related methods called Rosenbrock or Roserbrock-W that more aggressively amortize setup costs.