Average video quality

The basic example shows how to plot the shaping to average quality level plot from the IFIP Networking 2016 publication.

Reading the dataset with pandas

Remove warnings and show plots inline:

In [1]:
import warnings
%matplotlib inline

Import the required modules:

In [2]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import scipy.stats

Read the dataset:

In [3]:
data = pd.read_csv("../data/ifip_networking.csv.gz")

Convert the shaping to Mbps:

In [4]:
data.loc[:,'shaping_mbps'] = data.loc[:,'net_avg_shaping_rate']*8/1000/1000
data.loc[:,'shaping_mbps_rounded'] = data.loc[:,'shaping_mbps'].round(1)


Dict for translating itags to quality levels and vice-versa:

In [5]:
ITAG_TO_QL = {160: 0,
              133: 1,
              134: 2,
              135: 3,
              136: 4}
QL_TO_ITAG = {v: k for k, v in ITAG_TO_QL.items()}

VIDDEF = {160: {'label': '144p', 'color': 'green', 'resolution':  '256x144'},
          133: {'label': '240p', 'color': 'red'  , 'resolution':  '320x240'},
          134: {'label': '360p', 'color': 'blue' , 'resolution':  '480x360'},
          135: {'label': '480p', 'color': 'grey' , 'resolution':  '640x480'},
          136: {'label': '720p', 'color': 'cyan' , 'resolution': '1280x720'}}

Confidence Interval:

In [6]:
def confintv_yerr(values):
    n, min_max, mean, var, skew, kurt = scipy.stats.describe(values)
    std = np.sqrt(var)

    intv = scipy.stats.t.interval(0.95,len(values)-1,loc=mean,scale=std/np.sqrt(len(values)))

    yerr = ((intv[1] - intv[0]) / 2)
    return yerr

Plotting shaping to average quality level

The subsequent plot shows the fraction of time the video spent on the a certain quality level and the overall average quality level for a specific network shaping value. For example, at 2.2 Mbps, the player spends nearly 100% of the time on the highest quality level (480p).

In [7]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 7))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

by_shaping = data.groupby('shaping_mbps').mean()    

y_offset = 0
cmap = plt.get_cmap('copper')
colors = iter(cmap(np.linspace(0,1,len(QL_TO_ITAG))))

for ql,itag in list(QL_TO_ITAG.items())[0:4]:

    idx_itag = 'pl_time_spent_norm_itag%d' % itag

    y_offset = by_shaping[idx_itag]

plt.annotate(s=VIDDEF[QL_TO_ITAG[0]]['label'], xy=(0.46, 0.014))
plt.annotate(s=VIDDEF[QL_TO_ITAG[1]]['label'], xy=(0.65, 0.42))
plt.annotate(s=VIDDEF[QL_TO_ITAG[2]]['label'], xy=(1.05, 0.42))
plt.annotate(s=VIDDEF[QL_TO_ITAG[3]]['label'], xy=(1.6, 0.42))

plt.ylabel(r"Relative Playback Time $T_{fq}$")
plt.xlabel(r"Bandwidth $f$ (Mbps)")    

ax2 = ax1.twinx()

ax2_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=['shaping', 'avg_ql', 'yerr'])
for shaping,group in data.groupby('shaping_mbps'):

    ql_median = group['pl_avg_pl_quality_ql'].mean()
    ql_yerr = confintv_yerr(group['pl_avg_pl_quality_ql'])

    ax2_data = ax2_data.append(pd.DataFrame([[shaping, ql_median, ql_yerr]], columns=ax2_data.columns))


ax2.errorbar(ax2_data['shaping'], ax2_data['avg_ql'], yerr=list(ax2_data['yerr']), color='black')

plt.ylabel(r"Average Quality $J_f$")

max_mbps = 2.2
tl = [""]*int(2.2/0.1)
tl[1] = "0.5"
tl[6] = "1.0"
tl[11] = "1.5"
tl[16] = "2.0"
plt.xticks(np.arange(by_shaping.index.min(), max_mbps, 0.1), tl)

plt.xlim([by_shaping.index.min(), max_mbps])
_ = plt.ylim([0, 3])

Export notebook to HTML:

In [8]:
!ipython nbconvert avg_quality.ipynb --to html

[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook avg_quality.ipynb to html
[NbConvertApp] Writing 272454 bytes to avg_quality.html