CHILD Landscape Evolution Model

Import the Sedflux3D component from pymt. All of the components available to pymt are located in pymt.components. Here I've renamed the component to be Model to show that you could run these same commands with other models as well. For instance, you could instead import Child with from pymt.components import Child as Model and repeat this exercise with Child instead.

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function

# Some magic to make plots appear within the notebook
%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np # In case we need to use numpy


We'll now do the same thing but this time with the Child model. Notice that the commands will be the same. If you know how to run one PyMT component, you know how to run them all.

In [2]:
from pymt import plugins

model = plugins.Child()

✓ Avulsion
✓ Plume
✓ Sedflux3D
✓ Subside
✓ Hydrotrend
/Users/huttone/anaconda/envs/excom_demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/landlab/bmi/ UserWarning: unable to wrap class Lithology
  warnings.warn('unable to wrap class {name}'.format(name=cls.__name__))
/Users/huttone/anaconda/envs/excom_demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/landlab/bmi/ UserWarning: unable to wrap class LithoLayers
  warnings.warn('unable to wrap class {name}'.format(name=cls.__name__))
✓ Flexure
✓ OverlandFlow
✓ Child

You can now see the help information for Child. This time, have a look under the Parameters section (you may have to scroll down - it's the section after the citations). The Parameters section describes optional keywords that you can pass the the setup method. In the previous example we just used defaults. Below we'll see how to set input file parameters programmatically through keywords.

In [3]:

Help on Child in module pymt.framework.bmi_bridge object:

class Child(BmiCap)
 |  Basic Model Interface for child.
 |  CHILD computes the time evolution of a topographic surface z(x,y,t) by
 |  fluvial and hillslope erosion and sediment transport.
 |  Author:
 |  - Greg Tucker
 |  - Stephen Lancaster
 |  - Nicole Gasparini
 |  - Rafael Bras
 |  - Scott Rybarczyk
 |  Version: 10.6
 |  License: GPLv2
 |  DOI: 10.1594/IEDA/100102
 |  URL:
 |  Cite as:
 |      @article{tucker2010child,
 |        title={CHILD Users Guide for version R9. 4.1},
 |        author={Tucker, Gregory E},
 |        journal={Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA},
 |        year={2010}
 |      }
 |      @article{tucker2001object,
 |        title={An object-oriented framework for distributed hydrologic and geomorphic modeling using triangulated irregular networks},
 |        author={Tucker, Gregory E and Lancaster, Stephen T and Gasparini, Nicole M and Bras, Rafael L and Rybarczyk, Scott M},
 |        journal={Computers \& Geosciences},
 |        volume={27},
 |        number={8},
 |        pages={959--973},
 |        year={2001},
 |        publisher={Elsevier}
 |      }
 |  Parameters
 |  ----------
 |  fault_position : float, optional
 |      Fault position [default=30000.0 m]
 |  grid_node_spacing : float, optional
 |      Mean distance between grid nodes [default=1000.0 m]
 |  grid_x_size : float, optional
 |      Length of grid in x-dimension [default=20000.0 m]
 |  grid_y_size : float, optional
 |      Length of grid in y-dimension [default=40000.0 m]
 |  run_duration : float, optional
 |      Simulation run time [default=5000.0 year]
 |  subsidence_rate : float, optional
 |      Subsidence rate [default=50.0 m / year]
 |  uplift_duration : float, optional
 |      Duration of uplift [default=1.0 y]
 |  uplift_rate : float, optional
 |      Uplift rate [default=30.0 m / year]
 |  uplift_type : str, optional
 |      Type of uplift (0=none, 1=uniform, 2=block, etc) [default=0 ]
 |  Examples
 |  --------
 |  >>> from pymt.components import child
 |  >>> model = child()
 |  >>> (fname, initdir) = model.setup()
 |  >>> model.initialize(fname, dir=initdir)
 |  >>> for _ in xrange(10):
 |  ...     model.update()
 |  >>> model.finalize()
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Child
 |      BmiCap
 |      pymt.framework.bmi_mapper.GridMapperMixIn
 |      _BmiCap
 |      BmiTimeInterpolator
 |      pymt.framework.bmi_setup.SetupMixIn
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods inherited from pymt.framework.bmi_mapper.GridMapperMixIn:
 |  esmf_field(self, gid, name=None, at='node')
 |  esmf_mesh(self, gid)
 |  map_to(self, name, **kwds)
 |      Map values to another grid.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      name : str
 |          Name of values to push.
 |  map_value(self, name, **kwds)
 |      Map values from another grid.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      name : str
 |          Name of values to map to.
 |      mapfrom : tuple or bmi_like, optional
 |          BMI object from which values are mapped from. This can also be
 |          a tuple of *(name, bmi)*, where *name* is the variable of the
 |          source grid and *bmi* is the bmi-like source. If not provided,
 |          use *self*.
 |      nomap : narray of bool, optional
 |          Values in the destination grid to not map.
 |  regrid(self, name, **kwds)
 |      Regrid values from one grid to another.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      name : str
 |          Name of the values to regrid.
 |      to : bmi_like, optional
 |          BMI object onto which to map values. If not provided, map
 |          values onto one of the object's own grids.
 |      to_name : str, optional
 |          Name of the value to map onto. If not provided, use *name*.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      ndarray
 |          The regridded values.
 |  set_value(self, name, *args, **kwds)
 |      Set values for a variable.
 |      set_value(name, value)
 |      set_value(name, mapfrom=self, nomap=None)
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      name : str
 |          Name of the destination values.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pymt.framework.bmi_mapper.GridMapperMixIn:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from _BmiCap:
 |  __init__(self)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  as_dict(self)
 |  as_json(self)
 |  as_yaml(self)
 |  finalize(self)
 |  get_component_name(self)
 |  get_current_time(self, units=None)
 |  get_end_time(self, units=None)
 |  get_grid_dim(self, grid, dim)
 |  get_grid_face_node_connectivity(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_face_node_offset(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_face_nodes(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_ndim(self, grid)
 |  get_grid_nodes_per_face(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_number_of_faces(self, grid)
 |  get_grid_number_of_nodes(self, grid)
 |  get_grid_number_of_vertices(self, grid)
 |  get_grid_origin(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_rank(self, grid)
 |      .. note:: deprecated
 |          Use :func:`get_grid_ndim` instead.
 |  get_grid_shape(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_size(self, grid)
 |      .. note:: deprecated
 |          Use :func:`get_grid_number_of_nodes` instead.
 |  get_grid_spacing(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_type(self, grid)
 |  get_grid_x(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_y(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_grid_z(self, grid, out=None)
 |  get_input_var_names(self)
 |  get_output_var_names(self)
 |  get_start_time(self, units=None)
 |  get_time_step(self, units=None)
 |  get_time_units(self)
 |  get_value(self, name, out=None, units=None, angle=None, at=None, method=None)
 |  get_value_ptr(self, name)
 |  get_var_grid(self, name)
 |  get_var_grid_loc(self, name)
 |  get_var_intent(self, name)
 |  get_var_itemsize(self, name)
 |  get_var_location(self, name)
 |  get_var_nbytes(self, name)
 |  get_var_type(self, name)
 |  get_var_units(self, name)
 |  initialize(self, fname=None, dir='.')
 |      Initialize the model.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      fname : str
 |          Name of initialization file.
 |      dir : str
 |          Path to folder in which to run initialization.
 |  quick_plot(self, name, **kwds)
 |  time_from(self, time, units)
 |  time_in(self, time, units)
 |  update(self)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from _BmiCap:
 |  bmi
 |  grid
 |  initdir
 |  input_var_names
 |  name
 |  output_var_names
 |  time_units
 |  var
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from _BmiCap:
 |  NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS = {'edge': 'get_grid_number_of_edges', 'face': 'get...
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from BmiTimeInterpolator:
 |  add_data(self)
 |  interpolate(self, name, at)
 |  reset(self, method='linear')
 |  update_until(self, then, method=None, units=None)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from pymt.framework.bmi_setup.SetupMixIn:
 |  setup(self, *args, **kwds)
 |      Set up a simulation.
 |      Parameters
 |      ----------
 |      path : str, optional
 |          Path to a folder to set up the simulation. If not given,
 |          use a temporary folder.
 |      Returns
 |      -------
 |      str
 |          Path to the folder that contains the set up simulation.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from pymt.framework.bmi_setup.SetupMixIn:
 |  author
 |  cite_as
 |  contact
 |  datadir
 |  defaults
 |  doi
 |  email
 |  license
 |  parameters
 |  summary
 |  url
 |  version

In [4]:
rm -rf _model # Clean up for the next step

We can change input file paramters through setup keywords. The help description above gives a brief description of each of these. For this example we'll change the grid spacing, the size of the domain, and the duration of the simulation.

In [5]:
config_file, initdir = model.setup('_model',

The setup folder now only contains the child input file.

In [6]:
ls _model

Again, initialize and run the model for 10 time steps.

In [7]:
model.initialize(config_file, initdir)

/Users/huttone/anaconda/envs/excom_demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymt/utils/ UserWarning: Call to deprecated function get_grid_size.
/Users/huttone/anaconda/envs/excom_demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymt/utils/ UserWarning: Call to deprecated function get_grid_size.

In [8]:
for t in range(10):


This time around it's now quite as clear what the units of time are. We can check in the same way as before.

In [9]:


Update until some time in the future. Notice that, in this case, we update to a partial time step. Child is fine with this however some other models may not be. For models that can not update to times that are not full time steps, PyMT will advance to the next time step and interpolate values to the requested time.

In [10]:
model.update_until(201.5, units='year')


Child offers different output variables but we get them in the same way as before.

In [11]:


In [12]:

array([ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        , ..., -0.14213881,
       -0.34210564,  0.00178402])

We can query each input and output variable. PyMT attaches a dictionary to each component called var that provides information about each variable. For instance we can see that "land_surface__elevation" has units of meters, is an input and output variable, and is defined on the nodes of grid with id 0.

In [13]:

double land_surface__elevation(node)
    units: m
    grid: 0
    intent: inout
    location: node

If we plot this variable, we can visually see the unsructured triangular grid that Child has decomposed its grid into.

In [14]:
model.quick_plot('land_surface__elevation', edgecolors='k', vmin=-200, vmax=200, cmap='BrBG_r')

As with the var attribute, PyMT adds a dictionary, called grid, to components that provides a description of each of the model's grids. Here we can see how the x and y positions of each grid node, and how nodes connect to one another to form faces (the triangles in this case). Grids are described using the ugrid conventions.

In [15]:

Dimensions:                 (face: 2914, node: 1512, vertex: 8742)
Dimensions without coordinates: face, node, vertex
Data variables:
    mesh                    int64 0
    node_x                  (node) float64 750.0 1.5e+03 ... 1.939e+04 1.96e+04
    node_y                  (node) float64 0.0 0.0 0.0 ... 3.839e+04 3.883e+04
    face_node_connectivity  (vertex) int32 211 106 107 210 107 ... 79 80 78 79
    face_node_offset        (face) int64 3 6 9 12 15 ... 8733 8736 8739 8742

Child initializes it's elevations with random noise centered around 0. We would like instead to give it elevations that have some land and some sea. First we'll get the x and y coordinates for each node along with their elevations.

In [16]:
x, y = model.get_grid_x(0), model.get_grid_y(0)
z = model.get_value('land_surface__elevation')

/Users/huttone/anaconda/envs/excom_demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymt/utils/ UserWarning: Call to deprecated function get_grid_size.
/Users/huttone/anaconda/envs/excom_demo/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymt/utils/ UserWarning: Call to deprecated function get_grid_size.

All nodes above y=y_shore will be land, and all nodes below y=y_shore will be sea.

In [17]:
y_shore = 15000.
z[y < y_shore] -= 100
z[y >= y_shore] += 100

In [18]:
model.set_value('land_surface__elevation', z)

array([-100.        , -100.        , -100.        , ...,   99.85786119,
         99.65789436,  100.00178402])

Just to verify we set things up correctly, we'll create a plot.

In [19]:
model.quick_plot('land_surface__elevation', edgecolors='k', vmin=-200, vmax=200, cmap='BrBG_r')

To get things going, we'll run the model for 5000 years and see what things look like.

In [20]:
model.quick_plot('land_surface__elevation', edgecolors='k', vmin=-200, vmax=200, cmap='BrBG_r')

We'll have some fun now by adding a simple uplift component. We'll run the component for another 5000 years but this time uplifting a corner of the grid by dz_dt.

In [21]:
dz_dt = .02
now = model.get_current_time()
times, dt = np.linspace(now, now + 5000., 50, retstep=True)
for time in times:
    z = model.get_value('land_surface__elevation')
    z[(y > 15000.) & (x > 10000.)] += dz_dt * dt
    model.set_value('land_surface__elevation', z)

A portion of the grid was uplifted and channels have begun eroding into it.

In [22]:
model.quick_plot('land_surface__elevation', edgecolors='k', vmin=-200, vmax=200, cmap='BrBG_r')

We now stop the uplift and run it for an additional 5000 years.

In [23]:
model.update_until(model.get_current_time() + 5000.)
model.quick_plot('land_surface__elevation', edgecolors='k', vmin=-200, vmax=200, cmap='BrBG_r')

In [24]:

array([  3.03531373e+09,   1.33561968e+10,   5.64027942e+09, ...,
         0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00])

In [ ]: