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By Kyle Cranmer, May 2015 @kylecranmer
A few slides related to Section 5.4 of Approximating Likelihood Ratios with Calibrated Discriminative Classifiers,
We consider the situation where you want to train a classifier between two different classes of events, and each class of events is generated from a mixture model
\begin{equation} p(x|\theta)=\sum_c w_c(\theta) p_c(x| \theta) \;, \end{equation}where $x$ is a high-dimensional feature vector, the index $c$ represents different classes of events with corresponding mixture coefficient $w_c(\theta)$ and probability distribution $p_c(x|\theta)$.
Our goal is to train a classifier to discriminate between $p(x|\theta_0)$ and $p(x|\theta_1)$.
We are considering the situation that both the coefficients and the distributions are parametrized by $\theta$, which may have several components.
Special case: the mixture coefficents are not really functions of $\theta$. This can be accomodated by this formalism by identifying one of the components of $\theta$ with the mixture coefficient, i.e. $w_c(\theta) = \theta_i$
Special case: the component distributions don't depend on $\theta$, i.e. $p_c(x|\theta) = p_c(x)$
This is fine, but if the difference between $p(x|\theta_0)$ and $p(x|\theta_1)$ is due to a component with a small $w_c$, then most of the training examples do not focus on the relevant difference between the two classes.
In order to focus the capacity of the classifier on the relevant regions of $x$, the classifier is not trained to distinguish $p(x|\theta_0)$ vs. $p(x|\theta_1)$.
Instead, a classifier is trained to distinguish $p_b(x)$ vs. $p_s(x)$.
This works because the likleihood ratio $p_s(x)/p_b(x)$ is 1-to-1 with $p(x|\theta_0)/p(x|\theta_1)$.
The second line is a trivial, but useful decomposition into pair-wise classification between $p_{c'}(x|\theta_1)$ and $p_c(x|\theta_0)$.
In the situation where the only free parameters of the mixture model are the coefficients $w_c$, then the distributions $p_{c}(s_{c,c',\theta_0, \theta_1}| \theta)$ are independent of $\theta$ and can be pre-computed (after training the discriminative classifier, but before performing the generalized likelihood ratio test).
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def f0(x):
return np.exp(x*-1)
def f1(x):
return np.cos(x)**2+.01
def f2(x):
return np.exp(-(x-2)**2/2)
fs = [f0, f1, f2]
with these mixture coefficients
In [9]:
w0 = [.1,.2,.7]
w1 = [.2,.5,.3]
Corresponding to the two mixture models
In [51]:
def F0(x):
sum = 0.
for w, f in zip(w0, fs):
sum += w*f(x)
return sum
def F1(x):
sum = 0.
for w, f in zip(w1, fs):
sum+= w*f(x)
return sum
In [52]:
xarray = np.linspace(0,5,100)
In [53]:
plt.plot(xarray,f0(xarray), c='r', ls='--')
plt.plot(xarray,f1(xarray), c='y', ls='--')
plt.plot(xarray,f2(xarray), c='orange', ls='--')
plt.plot(xarray,F0(xarray), c='black', ls='-', lw=2)
plt.plot(xarray,F1(xarray), c='b', ls='-', lw=2)
In [54]:
Recall the equation
\begin{eqnarray} \frac{p(x|\theta_0)}{p(x|\theta_1)} & =& \frac{\sum_c w_c(\theta_0) p_c(x| \theta_0)}{\sum_{c'} w_{c'}(\theta_1) p_{c'}(x| \theta_1)} \\ &=& \sum_c \left[ \sum_{c'} \frac{ w_{c'}(\theta_1)}{w_c(\theta_0)} \frac{ p_{c'}(x| \theta_1)}{ p_c(x| \theta_0)} \right]^{-1} \\ %&=& \sum_c \left[ \sum_{c'} \frac{ w_{c'}(\theta_1)}{w_c(\theta_0)} \frac{ p_{c'}(s_{c,c',\theta_0, \theta_1}| \theta_1)}{ p_c(s_{c,c',\theta_0, \theta_1}| \theta_0)} \right]^{-1} \end{eqnarray}
In [55]:
def altRatio(x):
sum = 0.
for i,w in enumerate(w0):
innerSum = 0.
for j,wp in enumerate(w1):
innerSum+= wp/w*fs[j](x)/fs[i](x)
return sum
In [56]:
plt.plot(xarray,fs[0](xarray)/fs[1](xarray), c='r')
plt.plot(xarray,fs[0](xarray)/fs[2](xarray), c='orange')
plt.plot(xarray,fs[1](xarray)/fs[2](xarray), c='y')
In [57]:
plt.plot(xarray,altRatio(xarray), ls='--', c='r', lw=2)
So far what we showed was a numerical example of a simple re-writing of the target likelihood ratio. When $x$ is high-dimensional we usually can't evaluate $p_c(x|\theta)$.
However, we can use Theorem 1 from arxiv:1506.02169 to relate the high-dimensional likelihood ratio into an equivalent calibrated likelihood ratio based on the univariate density of the corresponding classifier, denoted $s_{c,c',\theta_0, \theta_1}$.
\begin{eqnarray} \frac{p(x|\theta_0)}{p(x|\theta_1)} & =& \frac{\sum_c w_c(\theta_0) p_c(x| \theta_0)}{\sum_{c'} w_{c'}(\theta_1) p_{c'}(x| \theta_1)} \\ &=& \sum_c \left[ \sum_{c'} \frac{ w_{c'}(\theta_1)}{w_c(\theta_0)} \frac{ p_{c'}(x| \theta_1)}{ p_c(x| \theta_0)} \right]^{-1} \\ &=& \sum_c \left[ \sum_{c'} \frac{ w_{c'}(\theta_1)}{w_c(\theta_0)} \frac{ p_{c'}(s_{c,c',\theta_0, \theta_1}| \theta_1)}{ p_c(s_{c,c',\theta_0, \theta_1}| \theta_0)} \right]^{-1} \end{eqnarray}These slides were made with IPython3 and Project Jupyter's nbconvert. The notebook is here.
Local development was based on
ipython nbconvert --to slides DecomposingTestsOfMixtureModels.ipynb --post serve
Once I was happy,
ipython nbconvert --to slides DecomposingTestsOfMixtureModels.ipynb --reveal-prefix
Double check with
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
and then I put the resulting DecomposingTestsOfMixtureModels.slides.html
on my web server.
Note, you can also point nbviewer directly to the notebook and view them as slides
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