Load LeNet Model

  • some famous models have already been distributed together with the package
  • we provide some tools to look into the models

In [1]:
%pylab inline
from tfs.models import LeNet
net = LeNet()

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

Build the network

  • before we use the network object, we need to build() it first.
  • by default, any network object only contains definitions about the network. we need to call build() function to construct the computational graph.

In [2]:
netout = net.build()
print netout

Tensor("prob:0", shape=(?, 10), dtype=float32)

Explore the network object

  • we can see the network structure easily

In [3]:
print net

Name:conv1     	Type:Conv2d(knum=20,ksize=[5, 5],strides=[1, 1],padding=VALID,activation=None)
Name:pool1     	Type:MaxPool(ksize=[2, 2],strides=[2, 2])
Name:conv2     	Type:Conv2d(knum=50,ksize=[5, 5],strides=[1, 1],padding=VALID,activation=relu)
Name:pool2     	Type:MaxPool(ksize=[2, 2],strides=[2, 2])
Name:ip1       	Type:FullyConnect(outdim=500,activation=relu)
Name:ip2       	Type:FullyConnect(outdim=10,activation=None)
Name:prob      	Type:Softmax()

In [4]:
print net.print_shape()

conv1                       (?, 28, 28, 1) -> (?, 24, 24, 20)     
pool1                      (?, 24, 24, 20) -> (?, 12, 12, 20)     
conv2                      (?, 12, 12, 20) -> (?, 8, 8, 50)       
pool2                        (?, 8, 8, 50) -> (?, 4, 4, 50)       
ip1                          (?, 4, 4, 50) -> (?, 500)            
ip2                               (?, 500) -> (?, 10)             
prob                               (?, 10) -> (?, 10)             
  • each network object also has the following components binding with it:
    • initializer
    • loss
    • optimizer

In [5]:
print net.initializer

    conv1/weights:0     xavier(seed=None,uniform=True,mode=FAN_AVG,factor=1.0)
    conv1/biases:0      constant(val=0.1)
    conv2/biases:0      constant(val=0.1)
    conv2/weights:0     xavier(seed=None,uniform=True,mode=FAN_AVG,factor=1.0)
    ip1/weights:0       xavier(seed=None,uniform=True,mode=FAN_AVG,factor=1.0)
    ip1/biases:0        constant(val=0.1)
    ip2/biases:0        constant(val=0.1)
    ip2/weights:0       xavier(seed=None,uniform=True,mode=FAN_AVG,factor=1.0)

In [6]:
print net.losser

CrossEntropyByLogitLabel (ip2)

In [7]:
print net.optimizer


Load and explore the data

  • after we have construct the model, what we need to do next is to load data.
  • our package has provided some frequently used dataset, such as Mnist, and Cifar10

In [8]:
from tfs.dataset import Mnist
dataset = Mnist()
  • we can explore the image inside the mnist dataset

In [9]:
import numpy as np
idx = np.random.randint(0,60000) # we have 60000 images in the training dataset
img = dataset.train.data[idx,:,:,0]
lbl = dataset.train.labels[idx]
print 'index:',idx,'\t','label:',lbl

index: 15267 	label: 8

Train the network

  • It's very easy to train a network, just use fit function, which is a bit like sklearn
  • If you want to record some information during training, you can define a monitor, and plug it onto the network
  • The default monitor would only print some information every 10 steps.

In [10]:

{'default': DefaultMonitor(net,interval=10)}
  • now we change the print step to 20, and add a monitor that record the variance of each layer's input and output.

In [11]:
from tfs.core.monitor import *
net.monitor['var'] = LayerInputVarMonitor(net,interval=10)

In [12]:

step 20. loss 1.098543, score:0.658100
step 40. loss 0.531730, score:0.871900
step 60. loss 0.219297, score:0.908900
step 80. loss 0.342844, score:0.932400
step 100. loss 0.135898, score:0.937200
step 120. loss 0.117133, score:0.946900
step 140. loss 0.105653, score:0.950800
step 160. loss 0.132236, score:0.960400
step 180. loss 0.120563, score:0.960900
step 200. loss 0.098443, score:0.964700
step 220. loss 0.114411, score:0.962100
step 240. loss 0.137687, score:0.967600
step 260. loss 0.098422, score:0.959500
step 280. loss 0.081980, score:0.963300
step 300. loss 0.155365, score:0.967500
<tfs.models.lenet.LeNet at 0x1056b4c50>

In [13]:
var_result = net.monitor['var'].results

In [14]:
import pandas as pd
var = pd.DataFrame(var_result,columns=[n.name for n in net.nodes])

In [15]:

conv1 pool1 conv2 pool2 ip1 ip2 prob
0 6425.205566 527.632751 497.298126 7.225351 20.448353 9.782156 44.238594
1 5865.723145 500.731506 483.666107 1.052093 3.352211 1.436034 4.778584
2 6403.899414 534.200623 511.890228 1.459395 4.514973 2.017583 8.937464
3 6754.935547 576.536499 549.973694 3.419768 10.018423 4.530115 26.683338
4 5987.695312 517.822144 493.349670 2.546921 7.526064 3.493712 23.610308
5 6173.811523 515.226868 491.419403 3.003618 8.732905 4.038671 21.889585
6 5914.882324 501.554108 479.464783 2.791000 8.282437 3.838466 23.294497
7 6053.884766 501.749115 478.366608 3.590404 10.314008 4.875860 31.559923
8 5786.568359 482.805786 458.693237 3.056173 8.839657 4.102325 26.738495
9 6716.635742 570.340820 542.512756 3.370234 9.593591 4.488956 30.924175
10 7205.064453 594.001404 564.621399 3.485594 10.084619 4.754122 33.337494
11 6172.778809 514.428772 487.406219 4.400505 12.624302 5.973035 39.545395
12 5311.030273 453.564911 429.417450 4.352831 12.224677 5.846443 38.543915
13 6281.346191 518.325500 491.203491 4.091133 11.690635 5.474343 37.004749
14 5253.129883 433.303314 413.673920 3.819614 10.972702 5.210629 33.933670
15 5954.203125 500.363220 474.814056 4.743744 13.333855 6.290903 42.857624
16 6381.208008 513.666138 486.255432 4.832687 13.661468 6.437919 41.673679
17 5499.374023 466.254272 439.819763 4.053549 11.517710 5.397975 34.880440
18 6169.953125 507.978180 481.116180 4.008364 11.456130 5.438747 36.551498
19 5746.685547 478.822876 450.598938 3.924666 11.122006 5.176133 34.328945
20 6282.011230 505.579834 477.105621 3.989089 11.254025 5.304645 34.159233
21 5652.204102 459.436768 433.713409 3.982536 11.413188 5.209007 33.672012
22 5553.586426 453.474945 429.763306 3.759436 10.718977 4.902919 33.089733
23 6464.051758 515.831360 487.483948 5.740413 15.647783 7.127334 45.294907
24 5686.365723 474.647949 450.468597 4.957802 13.738808 6.239625 40.300095
25 5833.606934 477.335541 451.283478 4.044602 11.595510 5.369732 38.559917
26 5987.081055 486.860657 458.952179 4.411911 12.577770 5.880941 41.603462
27 6283.372070 508.789001 479.701233 4.471424 12.815794 5.893415 42.608875
28 5672.276855 468.561096 439.838013 5.633267 15.385950 7.088103 49.948170
29 6141.672852 473.066620 447.671387 5.975659 16.393494 7.532519 49.690601

In [ ]: