Minimize fuel burn for a plane that can sprint and land quickly.

Set up the modelling environment

First we'll to import GPkit and turn on $\LaTeX$ printing for GPkit variables and equations.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from gpkit.shortcuts import *
import gpkit.interactive
%matplotlib inline

declare constants

In [2]:
N_lift         = Var("N_{lift}", 6.0, "-", "Wing loading multiplier")
pi             = Var("\\pi", np.pi, "-", "Half of the circle constant")
sigma_max      = Var("\\sigma_{max}", 250e6, "Pa", "Allowable stress, 6061-T6")
sigma_maxshear = Var("\\sigma_{max,shear}", 167e6, "Pa", "Allowable shear stress")
g              = Var("g", 9.8, "m/s^2", "Gravitational constant")
w              = Var("w", 0.5, "-", "Wing-box width/chord")
r_h            = Var("r_h", 0.75, "-", "Wing strut taper parameter")
f_wadd         = Var("f_{wadd}", 2, "-", "Wing added weight fraction")
W_fixed        = Var("W_{fixed}", 14.7e3, "N", "Fixed weight")
C_Lmax         = Var("C_{L,max}", 1.5, "-", "Maximum C_L, flaps down")
rho            = Var("\\rho", 0.91, "kg/m^3", "Air density, 3000m")
rho_sl         = Var("\\rho_{sl}", 1.23, "kg/m^3", "Air density, sea level")
rho_alum       = Var("\\rho_{alum}", 2700, "kg/m^3", "Density of aluminum")
mu             = Var("\\mu", 1.69e-5, "kg/m/s", "Dynamic viscosity, 3000m")
e              = Var("e", 0.95, "-", "Wing spanwise efficiency")
A_prop         = Var("A_{prop}", 0.785, "m^2", "Propeller disk area")
eta_eng        = Var("\\eta_{eng}", 0.35, "-", "Engine efficiency")
eta_v          = Var("\\eta_v", 0.85, "-", "Propeller viscous efficiency")
h_fuel         = Var("h_{fuel}", 42e6, "J/kg", "fuel heating value")
V_sprint_reqt  = Var("V_{sprintreqt}", 150, "m/s", "sprint speed requirement")
W_pay          = Var("W_{pay}", 500*9.81, "N")
R_min          = Var("R_{min}", 1e6, "m", "Minimum airplane range")
V_stallmax     = Var("V_{stall,max}", 40, "m/s", "Stall speed")
# sweep variables
R_min          = Var("R_{min}", 5e6, "m", "Minimum airplane range")
V_stallmax     = Var("V_{stall,max}", 40, "m/s", "Stall speed")

declare free variables

In [3]:
V        = Vec(3, "V", "m/s", "Flight speed")
C_L      = Vec(3, "C_L", "-", "Wing lift coefficent")
C_D      = Vec(3, "C_D", "-", "Wing drag coefficent")
C_Dfuse  = Vec(3, "C_{D_{fuse}}", "-", "Fuselage drag coefficent")
C_Dp     = Vec(3, "C_{D_p}", "-", "drag model parameter")
C_Di     = Vec(3, "C_{D_i}", "-", "drag model parameter")
T        = Vec(3, "T", "N", "Thrust force")
Re       = Vec(3, "Re", "-", "Reynold's number")
W        = Vec(3, "W", "N", "Aircraft weight")
eta_i    = Vec(3, "\\eta_i", "-", "Aircraft efficiency")
eta_prop = Vec(3, "\\eta_{prop}", "-")
eta_0    = Vec(3, "\\eta_0", "-")
W_fuel   = Vec(2, "W_{fuel}", "N", "Fuel weight")
z_bre    = Vec(2, "z_{bre}", "-")
S        = Var("S", "m^2", "Wing area")
R        = Var("R", "m", "Airplane range")
A        = Var("A", "-", "Aspect Ratio")
I_cap    = Var("I_{cap}", "m^4", "Spar cap area moment of inertia per unit chord")
M_rbar   = Var("\\bar{M}_r", "-")
P_max    = Var("P_{max}", "W")
V_stall  = Var("V_{stall}", "m/s")
nu       = Var("\\nu", "-")
p        = Var("p", "-")
q        = Var("q", "-")
tau      = Var("\\tau", "-")
t_cap    = Var("t_{cap}", "-")
t_web    = Var("t_{web}", "-")
W_cap    = Var("W_{cap}", "N")
W_zfw    = Var("W_{zfw}", "N", "Zero fuel weight")
W_eng    = Var("W_{eng}", "N")
W_mto    = Var("W_{mto}", "N", "Maximum takeoff weight")
W_pay    = Var("W_{pay}", "N")
W_tw     = Var("W_{tw}", "N")
W_web    = Var("W_{web}", "N")
W_wing   = Var("W_{wing}", "N")

Check the vector constraints:

In [4]:
W == 0.5*rho*C_L*S*V**2

$$\begin{bmatrix}{W}_{(0)} = 0.5S \rho {C_L}_{(0)} {V}_{(0)}^{2} & {W}_{(1)} = 0.5S \rho {C_L}_{(1)} {V}_{(1)}^{2} & {W}_{(2)} = 0.5S \rho {C_L}_{(2)} {V}_{(2)}^{2}\end{bmatrix}$$

Form the optimization problem

In the 3-element vector variables, indices 0, 1, and 2 are the outbound, return and sprint flights.

In [5]:
steady_level_flight = (W == 0.5*rho*C_L*S*V**2,
                       T >= 0.5*rho*C_D*S*V**2,
                       Re == (rho/mu)*V*(S/A)**0.5)

landing_fc = (W_mto <= 0.5*rho_sl*V_stall**2*C_Lmax*S,
              V_stall <= V_stallmax)

sprint_fc = (P_max >= T[2]*V[2]/eta_0[2],
             V[2] >= V_sprint_reqt)

drag_model = (C_D >= (0.05/S)*gpkit.units.m**2 +C_Dp + C_L**2/(pi*e*A),
              1 >= (2.56*C_L**5.88/(Re**1.54*tau**3.32*C_Dp**2.62) +
                   3.8e-9*tau**6.23/(C_L**0.92*Re**1.38*C_Dp**9.57) +
                   2.2e-3*Re**0.14*tau**0.033/(C_L**0.01*C_Dp**0.73) +
                   1.19e4*C_L**9.78*tau**1.76/(Re*C_Dp**0.91) +

propulsive_efficiency = (eta_0 <= eta_eng*eta_prop,
                         eta_prop <= eta_i*eta_v,
                         4*eta_i + T*eta_i**2/(0.5*rho*V**2*A_prop) <= 4)

# 4th order taylor approximation for e^x
z_bre_sum = 0
for i in range(1,5):
    z_bre_sum += z_bre**i/np.math.factorial(i)

range_constraints = (R >= R_min,
                     z_bre >= g*R*T[:2]/(h_fuel*eta_0[:2]*W[:2]),
                     W_fuel/W[:2] >= z_bre_sum)

punits = gpkit.units.parse_expression('N/W^0.8083')
weight_relations = (W_pay >= 500*g*,
                    W_tw >= W_fixed + W_pay + W_eng,
                    W_zfw >= W_tw + W_wing,
                    W_eng >= 0.0372*P_max**0.8083 * punits,
                    W_wing/f_wadd >= W_cap + W_web,
                    W[0] >= W_zfw + W_fuel[1],
                    W[1] >= W_zfw,
                    W_mto >= W[0] + W_fuel[0],
                    W[2] == W[0])

wunits = gpkit.units.m**-4
munits = gpkit.units.parse_expression('Pa*m**6')
wing_structural_model = (2*q >= 1 + p,
                         p >= 2.2,
                         tau <= 0.25,
                         M_rbar >= W_tw*A*p/(24*gpkit.units.N),
                         .92**2/2.*w*tau**2*t_cap >= I_cap * wunits + .92*w*tau*t_cap**2,
                         8 >= N_lift*M_rbar*A*q**2*tau/S/I_cap/sigma_max * munits,
                         12 >= A*W_tw*N_lift*q**2/tau/S/t_web/sigma_maxshear,
                         nu**3.94 >= .86*p**-2.38 + .14*p**0.56,
                         W_cap >= 8*rho_alum*g*w*t_cap*S**1.5*nu/3/A**.5,
                         W_web >= 8*rho_alum*g*r_h*tau*t_web*S**1.5*nu/3/A**.5

In [6]:
eqns = (weight_relations + range_constraints + propulsive_efficiency
        + drag_model + steady_level_flight + landing_fc + sprint_fc + wing_structural_model)

m = gpkit.Model(W_fuel.sum(), eqns)

Design an airplane

In [7]:

 7559 [N] 

Free Variables
          A : 21.09                                    Aspect Ratio                                  
    I_{cap} : 6.713e-05                         [m**4] Spar cap area moment of inertia per unit chord
    P_{max} : 1.423e+06                         [W]                                                  
          R : 5e+06                             [m]    Airplane range                                
          S : 26.94                             [m**2] Wing area                                     
  V_{stall} : 40                                [m/s]                                                
    W_{cap} : 4377                              [N]                                                  
    W_{eng} : 3502                              [N]                                                  
    W_{mto} : 3.976e+04                         [N]    Maximum takeoff weight                        
    W_{pay} : 4900                              [N]                                                  
     W_{tw} : 2.31e+04                          [N]                                                  
    W_{web} : 171                               [N]                                                  
   W_{wing} : 9097                              [N]                                                  
    W_{zfw} : 3.22e+04                          [N]    Zero fuel weight                              
  \bar{M}_r : 4.466e+04                                                                              
        \nu : 0.7658                                                                                 
       \tau : 0.25                                                                                   
          p : 2.2                                                                                    
          q : 1.6                                                                                    
    t_{cap} : 0.005323                                                                               
    t_{web} : 0.0005545                                                                              
        C_D : [ 0.016     0.0161    0.00952  ]         Wing drag coefficent                          
        C_L : [ 0.67      0.671     0.13     ]         Wing lift coefficent                          
    C_{D_p} : [ 0.00704   0.00708   0.00739  ]         drag model parameter                          
         Re : [ 4.02e+06  3.81e+06  9.13e+06 ]         Reynold's number                              
          T : [ 856       772       2.62e+03 ]  [N]    Thrust force                                  
          V : [ 66        62.6      150      ]  [m/s]  Flight speed                                  
          W : [ 3.58e+04  3.22e+04  3.58e+04 ]  [N]    Aircraft weight                               
   W_{fuel} : [ 3.97e+03  3.59e+03 ]            [N]    Fuel weight                                   
     \eta_0 : [ 0.265     0.265     0.277    ]                                                       
     \eta_i : [ 0.891     0.891     0.929    ]         Aircraft efficiency                           
\eta_{prop} : [ 0.757     0.757     0.79     ]                                                       
    z_{bre} : [ 0.105     0.106    ]                                                                 

The "local model" is the power-law tangent to the Pareto frontier, gleaned from sensitivities.

In [8]:

$$5.577\frac{N_{lift}^{0.36} R_{min}^{1.2} V_{sprintreqt}^{0.45} W_{fixed}^{0.79} \rho^{0.11} \rho_{alum}^{0.34} f_{wadd}^{0.34} g^{1.8}}{A_{prop}^{0.12} C_{L,max}^{0.25} V_{stall,max}^{0.5} \eta_v^{1.3} \eta_{eng}^{1.3} \pi^{0.57} \rho_{sl}^{0.25} \sigma_{max}^{0.35} e^{0.57} h_{fuel}^{1.2}}$$

plot design frontiers

In [9]:
from gpkit.interactive.plotting import sensitivity_plot
_ = sensitivity_plot(m)

Interactive analysis

Let's investigate it with the cadtoons library. Running flightconditions.svg in this folder creates an interactive SVG graphic for us.

First, import the functions to display HTML in iPython Notebook, and the ractivejs library.

In [10]:
from string import Template

fuelupdate_js = Template("""
var W_eng = $W_eng,
    lam = $lam

fuel.shearinner.scalex = 1-$tcap*10
fuel.shearinner.scaley = 1-$tweb*100
fuel.airfoil.scaley = $tau/0.13
fuel.fuse.scalex = $W_fus/24000
fuel.wing.scalex = $b/2/14
fuel.wing.scaley = $cr*1.21

def fuelupdate_py(sol):
    varstrs = ("p", "S", "A", "t_{cap}", "t_{web}", "w",
               "\\tau", "W_{eng}", "W_{mto}", "W_{wing}")
    p, S, A, t_cap, t_web, w, tau, W_eng, W_mto, W_wing = sol.getvars(*varstrs)
    lam = 0.5*(p-1)
    return fuelupdate_js.substitute(lam = lam,
                                    b = (S*A)**0.5,
                                    cr = 2/(1+lam)*(S/A)**0.5,
                                    tcap = t_cap/tau,
                                    tweb = t_web/w,
                                    tau = tau,
                                    W_eng = W_eng,
                                    W_fus = W_mto - W_wing - W_eng)

fuelconstraint_js = """
fuel.engine1.scale = Math.pow(W_eng/3000, 2/3)
fuel.engine2.scale = Math.pow(W_eng/3000, 2/3)
fuel.engine1.y = 6*lam
fuel.engine2.y = 6*lam
fuel.wingrect.scaley = 1-lam
fuel.wingrect.y = -6 + 5*lam
fuel.wingtaper.scaley = lam
fuel.wingtaper.y = 5*lam

In [11]:
"position:absolute; height:0; right:0; top:24em;")

In [12]:
gpkit.interactive.ractorpy(m, fuelupdate_py,
         {"V_{stall,max}": (20, 50, 0.3),
          "R_{min}": (1e6, 1e7, 1e5),
          "V_{sprintreqt}": (100, 200, 1)},

 9144 [N] 

          A_{prop} : -0.147   Propeller disk area         
         C_{L,max} : -0.3388  Maximum C_L, flaps down     
          N_{lift} : 0.3892   Wing loading multiplier     
           R_{min} : 1.207    Minimum airplane range      
    V_{sprintreqt} : 0.5452   sprint speed requirement    
     V_{stall,max} : -0.6777  Stall speed                 
         W_{fixed} : 0.8232   Fixed weight                
            \eta_v : -1.39    Propeller viscous efficiency
        \eta_{eng} : -1.39    Engine efficiency           
               \mu : 0.05899  Dynamic viscosity, 3000m    
               \pi : -0.6053  Half of the circle constant 
              \rho : 0.1516   Air density, 3000m          
       \rho_{alum} : 0.3764   Density of aluminum         
         \rho_{sl} : -0.3388  Air density, sea level      
\sigma_{max,shear} : -0.01447 Allowable shear stress      
      \sigma_{max} : -0.3748  Allowable stress, 6061-T6   
                 e : -0.6053  Wing spanwise efficiency    
          f_{wadd} : 0.3764   Wing added weight fraction  
                 g : 1.858    Gravitational constant      
          h_{fuel} : -1.207   fuel heating value          
               r_h : 0.01447  Wing strut taper parameter  
                 w : -0.01279 Wing-box width/chord        

In [13]:
gpkit.interactive.ractorjs("fuel", m, fuelupdate_py,
         {"V_{stall,max}": (20, 50, 3),
          "R_{min}": (1e6, 1e7, 2e6),
          "V_{sprintreqt}": (100, 200, 20)},

This concludes the aircraft example. Try playing around with the sliders up above until you're bored; then check out one of the other examples. Thanks for reading!

Import CSS for nbviewer

If you have a local iPython stylesheet installed, this will add it to the iPython Notebook:

In [14]:
from IPython import utils
from IPython.core.display import HTML
import os
def css_styling():
    """Load default custom.css file from ipython profile"""
    base = utils.path.get_ipython_dir()
    csspath = os.path.join(base,'profile_default/static/custom/custom.css')
    styles = "<style>\n%s\n</style>" % (open(csspath,'r').read())
    return HTML(styles)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/IPython/utils/ UserWarning: get_ipython_dir has moved to the IPython.paths module
  warn("get_ipython_dir has moved to the IPython.paths module")