In [107]:
import numpy as np
from typing import List
In [5]:
# With Hashmap.
# Time Complexity: O(n)
def if_unique(string):
chr_dict = {}
for char in string:
if char not in chr_dict:
chr_dict[char] = 1
return False
return True
# Without additional memory.
# Time Complexity: O(n^2)
def if_unique_m(string):
for idx, char in enumerate(string):
for j in range(idx + 1, len(string)):
if char == string[j]:
return False
return True
In [7]:
# Test cases.
print(if_unique("1234"), if_unique_m("1234"))
print(if_unique("12344"), if_unique_m("12344"))
print(if_unique("1214"), if_unique_m("1214"))
print(if_unique("1"), if_unique_m("1"))
print(if_unique(""), if_unique_m(""))
In [8]:
# Using a hashmap.
# Checking if str1 is a permutation of str2.
# Assumptions: The strings can have repeated characters.
# Time Complexity: O(n)
def if_permute(str1, str2):
if len(str1) != len(str2):
return False
def get_chr_dict(string):
chr_dict = {}
for char in string:
if char not in chr_dict:
chr_dict[char] = 1
chr_dict[char] += 1
return chr_dict
str1_d = get_chr_dict(str1) # String 1.
str2_d = get_chr_dict(str2) # String 2.
# Compare dictionaries.
for char in str1_d:
if char not in str2_d or str2_d[char] != str1_d[char]:
return False
return True
In [12]:
# Test Cases
print(if_permute("", ""))
print(if_permute("abc", "abc"))
print(if_permute("abbc", "abbc"))
print(if_permute("abcc", "abcc"))
print(if_permute("aaa", "aaa"))
print(if_permute("aaad", "aaac"))
In [20]:
# Replace spaces with %20 characters.
# Time Complexity: O(n)
def replace_space(string):
parts = string.split(" ")
url = ""
for p in parts:
if p != "":
url += p + "%20"
return url[:-3]
In [23]:
print(replace_space("Mr John Smith "))
print(replace_space(" John Smith"))
In [35]:
# Build dictionary of all characters in the string and check if all even.
def check_palin_permute(string):
c_dict = {}
for char in string:
if char is not " ":
if char in c_dict:
c_dict[char] += 1
c_dict[char] = 1
num_1 = 0
for char in c_dict:
if c_dict[char]%2 == 1:
num_1 += 1
if num_1 > 1:
return False
return True
In [36]:
print(check_palin_permute("tact coa"))
In [64]:
# Check the length of the strings to find which operation needs to be performed i.e. insert, delete or replace.
# Time Complexity: O(n)
def edit_distance(str1, str2) -> bool:
if abs(len(str1) - len(str2)) > 1:
return False
i = 0; j = 0; edits = 0
while(i < len(str1) and j < len(str2)):
if str1[i] != str2[j]: # Either replace or move.
edits += 1
if len(str1) > len(str2):
j += 1
elif len(str1) < len(str2):
i += 1
i += 1; j += 1
if edits > 1:
return False
return True
In [65]:
print(edit_distance("pale", "ple"))
print(edit_distance("pale", "bake"))
print(edit_distance("pales", "pale"))
print(edit_distance("pale", "bale"))
print(edit_distance("pales", "bale"))
In [79]:
# Perform running compression on a string.
# Time Complexity: O(n)
def compress(string: str) -> str:
com_str = ""
count = 0
for i in range(0, len(string) - 1):
if string[i] == string[i+1]:
count += 1
com_str += string[i] + str(count + 1)
count = 0 # Reset count.
# Edge case for last character.
if string[i] == string[i+1]:
com_str += string[i] + str(count + 1)
com_str += string[i+1] + str(1)
if len(com_str) > len(string):
return string
return com_str
In [89]:
In [105]:
# Rotate a Matrix in-place.
# Given: The matrix is a square matrix.
# Time Complexity: O(n^2)
# Space Complexity: n^2
Matrix = List[List[int]]
def rotate_matrix(mat: Matrix) -> Matrix:
mat_size = (len(mat), len(mat[0]))
# Create Matrix of equal size.
rot = [[] for i in range(0 , mat_size[0])]
for i in range(mat_size[0] - 1, -1, -1):
for j in range(0, mat_size[1]):
return rot
In [106]:
rotate_matrix([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]])
# print(swap(2, 3))
In [110]:
# NOTE: This problem is flawed because by making an entire row and column 0, the entire matrix will become zero.
# Make a zero matrix from a given matrix.
# Time complexity: O(n^3)
Matrix = List[List[int]]
def zero_matrix(mat: Matrix) -> Matrix:
zero_c = {}
zero_r = {}
mat_size = (len(mat), len(mat[0]))
for i in range(0, mat_size[0]):
for j in range(0, mat_size[1]):
if mat[i][j] == 0 and i not in zero_r and j not in zero_c:
for k in range(0, mat_size[0]):
mat[k][j] = 0
for k in range(0, mat_size[1]):
mat[i][k] = 0
zero_r[k] = 1
zero_c[k] = 1
return mat
In [111]:
print(zero_matrix([[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]))