Tasks like product recommendation or drug-target interaction prediction essentially consist of having to predict missing entries in a large matrix containing pairwise relations, e.g., the user ratings of some items or whether or not a drug interacts with a certain protein. Besides the sparse matrix containing the pairwise relations, generally one can also construct some feature vectors for the items and users (drugs / proteins), e.g., based on textual descriptions. These can come in especially handy when predictions need to be made, e.g., for new items that did not receive any user ratings so far. In the following we will only talk about items and users but of course this extends to other problem setups as well like drug-target interaction prediction. We distinguish between 3 tasks with increasing difficulty:
For tasks T2a/b and T3, feature vectors describing items and/or users are required.
There are several methods that can be used to solve some or all of the above tasks. These include:
If the rating matrix contains explicit ratings (i.e. likes and dislikes), all available entries can be used to train the above models. If the pairwise relations in the matrix only represent implicit feedback or binary interactions (e.g. the user listens to music by certain artists, which means he likes them, but we don't know if he doesn't listen to other artists because he doesn't know them or because he doesn't like them), then we can use the given entries in the matrix as positive examples and additionally take a random sample of the missing entries and use them as negative examples. In the latter case, it might be more useful to use classification instead of regression models and also when training the SimEc it could be helpful to apply a non-linearity on the output before computing the error of the model.
In this notebook we work with the movielens dataset and additionally pull some information about the individual movies from the movie database using their API.
Since we only have additional information about the movies, not the users, we focus on solving tasks T1 and T2a here.
In [1]:
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range, str
import os
import json
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
import keras
import keras.backend as K
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, dok_matrix, csr_matrix, coo_matrix, hstack, vstack, diags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from scipy.stats import spearmanr, pearsonr
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge as rreg
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from simec import SimilarityEncoder
%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
savefigs = True
In [2]:
if not os.path.exists("data/recsys/tmdb_data"):
def parse_tmdb(tmdbid, apikey):
movie_data = {}
if os.path.exists("data/recsys/tmdb_data/%r.json" % tmdbid):
with open("data/recsys/tmdb_data/%r.json" % tmdbid) as f:
movie_data = json.load(f)
# for a movie with tmdbid get:
# genres:name, original language en y/n, id, title, overview, release_date-->year,
# keywords:keywords:name, credits:cast:name[:10], credits:crew:("job": "Director"):name
if not movie_data:
r = requests.get("https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/%r?api_key=%s&language=en-US&append_to_response=keywords,credits" % (tmdbid, apikey))
if r.status_code != 200:
print("something went wrong when accessing tmdb with id %r!" % tmdbid)
movie_json = r.json()
movie_data['tmdbid'] = movie_json['id']
movie_data['title'] = movie_json['title']
movie_data['overview'] = movie_json['overview']
movie_data['release_date'] = movie_json['release_date']
movie_data['year'] = movie_json["release_date"].split("-")[0]
movie_data['original_en'] = str(movie_json['original_language'] == "en")
movie_data['genres'] = [g["name"] for g in movie_json['genres']]
movie_data['keywords'] = [k["name"] for k in movie_json['keywords']['keywords']]
movie_data['cast'] = [c["name"] for c in movie_json['credits']['cast'][:10]]
movie_data['directors'] = [c["name"] for c in movie_json['credits']['crew'] if c["job"] == "Director"]
print("got data for %s" % movie_json['title'])
with open("data/recsys/tmdb_data/%r.json" % tmdbid, "w") as f:
json.dump(movie_data, f, indent=2)
return movie_data
In [3]:
# get movielens data from: https://grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/10m/
# load all possible movies (in the 10m dataset)
df_movies = pd.read_csv("data/recsys/ml-10M100K/movies.dat", sep="::", names=["movieId","title","genres"])
# get corresponding tmdbids (only in 20m dataset)
df_links = pd.read_csv("data/recsys/ml-20m/links.csv")
df_links = df_links.dropna()
df_links = df_links.astype(int)
map_movieids = dict(zip(df_links.movieId, df_links.tmdbId))
# get additional details from themoviedb.org (assumes api key is stored at data/recsys/tmdb_apikey.txt)
if os.path.exists("data/recsys/tmdb_data.json"):
with open("data/recsys/tmdb_data.json") as f:
movies_data = json.load(f)
movies_data = {}
with open('data/recsys/tmdb_apikey.txt') as f:
apikey = f.read().strip()
for movieid in df_movies.movieId:
if movieid in map_movieids:
m = parse_tmdb(map_movieids[movieid], apikey)
if m:
# careful: when loading the json later the ids will be strings as well anyways
movies_data[str(movieid)] = m
print("error with movie id: %i" % movieid)
with open("data/recsys/tmdb_data.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(movies_data, f, indent=2)
print("got data for %i movies" % len(movies_data))
In [4]:
# load pairwise data and generate a dict with {(movieid, userid): rating}
movieids = set()
userids = set()
tuple_ratings = {}
rating_pairs = []
with open("data/recsys/ml-10M100K/ratings.dat") as f:
for i, l in enumerate(f.readlines()):
if not i % 1000000:
print("parsed %i lines" % i)
u, m, r, t = l.strip().split("::")
# only consider ratings for movies where we have external data available
if m in movies_data:
# in addition to the ratings, also get a list of all users and movies
if u not in userids:
if m not in movieids:
tuple_ratings[(m,u)] = float(r)
# print("warning, skipping rating for movie with id %r" % m)
# shuffle all movie and user ids (important so we can split data into train and test sets)
# this list additionally functions as a mapping from a (matrix) index to the actual id
map_index2movieid = np.random.permutation(sorted(movieids))
map_index2userid = np.random.permutation(sorted(userids))
# also get a shuffeled list of all rating pairs
rating_pairs = np.random.permutation(rating_pairs)
print("%i movies, %i users, and %i ratings" % (len(movieids), len(userids), len(rating_pairs)))
mean | mean+SVD | mean+SimEc(I) | mean+SVD+regression | mean+SimEc(X) | |
T1 | 0.88614 | 0.85891 | 0.87660 | 0.88014 | 0.86796 |
T2a | 0.97610 | - | - | 0.97332 | 0.96897 |
While the SVD of the residual ratings matrix gives the best approximation of the ratings for known movies and users (T1), learning the connection between the movies' feature vectors and the pairwise relations with a SimEc enables us to make better prediction for new movies (T2a).
In [5]:
# we have different scenarios: either we're only missing some individual ratings or entire movies/users
def split_traintest(scenario):
print("generating train/test splits for scenario %r" % scenario)
if scenario == "T1":
# missing ratings
rating_pairs_train = rating_pairs[:int(0.7*len(rating_pairs))]
rating_pairs_test = rating_pairs[int(0.7*len(rating_pairs)):]
map_index2movieid_train = map_index2movieid
map_index2userid_train = map_index2userid
rating_pairs_train = []
rating_pairs_test = []
if scenario == "T2a":
# missing movies
map_index2movieid_train = map_index2movieid[:int(0.7*len(map_index2movieid))]
map_index2userid_train = map_index2userid
elif scenario == "T2b":
# missing users
map_index2movieid_train = map_index2movieid
map_index2userid_train = map_index2userid[:int(0.7*len(map_index2userid))]
elif scenario == "T3":
# missing movies and users
map_index2movieid_train = map_index2movieid[:int(0.85*len(map_index2movieid))]
map_index2userid_train = map_index2userid[:int(0.8*len(map_index2userid))]
raise Exception("unknown scenario %r, use either T1, T2a, T2b, or T3!" % scenario)
movieids_train_set = set(map_index2movieid_train)
userids_train_set = set(map_index2userid_train)
rating_pairs_train = []
rating_pairs_test = []
for (m, u) in rating_pairs:
if u in userids_train_set and m in movieids_train_set:
rating_pairs_train.append((m, u))
rating_pairs_test.append((m, u))
print("got %i training and %i test ratings" % (len(rating_pairs_train), len(rating_pairs_test)))
# create mappings from the actual id to the index
map_movieid2index_train = {m: i for i, m in enumerate(map_index2movieid_train)}
map_userid2index_train = {u: i for i, u in enumerate(map_index2userid_train)}
return rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train,\
map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train
def make_train_matrix(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train):
# transform training ratings into a sparse matrix for convenience
print("transforming dict with %i ratings into sparse matrix" % len(rating_pairs_train))
ratings_matrix = lil_matrix((len(map_movieid2index_train),len(map_userid2index_train)))
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_train:
ratings_matrix[map_movieid2index_train[m],map_userid2index_train[u]] = tuple_ratings[(m, u)]
ratings_matrix = csr_matrix(ratings_matrix)
return ratings_matrix
In [6]:
class MeansModel():
A very simple baseline model, which predicts the rating a user would give to a movie as:
mean + user_mean + movie_mean
def __init__(self, shrinkage=1.):
self.mean = None
self.mean_users = {}
self.mean_movies = {}
# shrinkage decreases the influence of the individual user/movie means
# --> mean + shrinkage*user_mean + shrinkage*movie_mean
# it should always be between 0 and 1; 0 means individual means are ignored
self.shrinkage = max(0., min(1., shrinkage))
def fit(self, tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train):
# overall mean based on all training ratings
self.mean = np.mean([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_train])
# means for movies and users
if self.shrinkage:
mean_users = defaultdict(list)
mean_movies = defaultdict(list)
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_train:
mean_users[u].append(tuple_ratings[(m, u)])
mean_movies[m].append(tuple_ratings[(m, u)])
self.mean_users = {u: np.mean(mean_users[u])-self.mean for u in mean_users}
self.mean_movies = {m: np.mean(mean_movies[m])-self.mean for m in mean_movies}
def predict(self, m, u, residuals=None):
generate rating prediction for a user u and movie m
rating = self.mean
if u in self.mean_users:
rating += self.shrinkage*self.mean_users[u]
if m in self.mean_movies:
rating += self.shrinkage*self.mean_movies[m]
if residuals and (m, u) in residuals:
rating += residuals[(m, u)]
return rating
def compute_residuals(self, tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train):
for all ratings, subtract the respective average ratings to get residuals
return {(m, u): tuple_ratings[(m, u)] - (self.mean+self.shrinkage*(self.mean_users[u]+self.mean_movies[m]))
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_train}
In [7]:
for scenario in ["T1", "T2a", "T2b", "T3"]:
# get train/test data
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest(scenario)
for shrinkage in [0., 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 1.]:
# initalize means model
mmodel = MeansModel(shrinkage)
print("fitting model with shrinkage=%.1f" % shrinkage)
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# get a vector with target ratings for test tuples
y_true = np.array([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
# get the corresponding predictions
y_pred = np.array([mmodel.predict(m, u) for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
print("Scenario %s: RMSE: %.5f; MAE: %.5f" % (scenario, np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)))
In [8]:
scenario = "T1"
# get train/test data
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest(scenario)
# initalize and fit means model
mmodel = MeansModel()
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# get sparse matrix with residuals
print("computing residuals")
residual_ratings = mmodel.compute_residuals(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
ratings_matrix = make_train_matrix(residual_ratings, rating_pairs_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train)
In [9]:
# inspect eigenvalues of matrix
eigenvals = svds(ratings_matrix, k=1000, return_singular_vectors=False)
eigenvals = sorted(eigenvals, reverse=True)
plt.plot(list(range(1, len(eigenvals)+1)), eigenvals)
In [10]:
# get eigenvalues and -vectors for some relevant dimensions
e_dim = 100
U, s, Vh = svds(ratings_matrix, k=e_dim)
S = np.zeros((e_dim, e_dim))
S = np.diag(s)
U.shape, S.shape, Vh.shape
In [11]:
# construct approximation of residual ratings
print("get approximations")
temp = np.dot(U, np.dot(S, Vh))
# get dict with residuals for missing test ratings
print("get residual ratings")
residual_ratings_test = {(m, u): temp[map_movieid2index_train[m], map_userid2index_train[u]]
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test}
del temp
print("predict test ratings")
# get a vector with target ratings for test tuples
y_true = np.array([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
# get the corresponding predictions
y_pred = np.array([mmodel.predict(m, u, residual_ratings_test) for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
print("Scenario %s: RMSE: %.5f; MAE: %.5f" % (scenario, np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)))
In [12]:
# get a vector with target ratings for test tuples
y_true = np.array([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
# train simec with identiy matrix as input to predict residuals
e_dim = 100
X = np.eye(ratings_matrix.shape[0], dtype=np.float16)
model = SimilarityEncoder(ratings_matrix.shape[0], e_dim, ratings_matrix.shape[1], opt=0.05)
model.fit(X, ratings_matrix, epochs=20)
print("get approximations")
temp = np.array(model.predict(X), dtype=np.float16)
# get dict with residuals for missing test ratings
print("get residual ratings")
residual_ratings_test = {(m, u): temp[map_movieid2index_train[m], map_userid2index_train[u]]
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test}
del temp
print("predict test ratings")
# get the corresponding predictions
y_pred = np.array([mmodel.predict(m, u, residual_ratings_test) for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
print("Scenario %s: RMSE: %.5f; MAE: %.5f" % (scenario, np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)))
In [13]:
def features2mat(movies_data, movieids, feature, featurenames=[]):
if not featurenames:
featurenames = sorted(set(word for m in movieids for word in movies_data[m][feature]))
fnamedict = {feat: i for i, feat in enumerate(featurenames)}
featmat = dok_matrix((len(movieids), len(featurenames)), dtype=np.float16)
for i, m in enumerate(movieids):
for word in movies_data[m][feature]:
featmat[i, fnamedict[word]] = 1.
except KeyError:
featmat = csr_matrix(featmat)
return featmat, featurenames
def get_features_mats(movieids_train, movieids_test):
featurenames = []
genres_mat_train, genres_names = features2mat(movies_data, movieids_train, "genres")
genres_mat_test, _ = features2mat(movies_data, movieids_test, "genres", genres_names)
keywords_mat_train, keywords_names = features2mat(movies_data, movieids_train, "keywords")
keywords_mat_test, _ = features2mat(movies_data, movieids_test, "keywords", keywords_names)
directors_mat_train, directors_names = features2mat(movies_data, movieids_train, "directors")
directors_mat_test, _ = features2mat(movies_data, movieids_test, "directors", directors_names)
feat_mat_train = hstack([genres_mat_train, keywords_mat_train, directors_mat_train], format="csr", dtype=np.float16)
feat_mat_test = hstack([genres_mat_test, keywords_mat_test, directors_mat_test], format="csr", dtype=np.float16)
return feat_mat_train, feat_mat_test, featurenames
In [14]:
## for T1 same scenario as above
scenario = "T1"
# get train/test data
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest(scenario)
# train and test movies are the same, i.e., no unknown movies
feat_mat_train, _, _ = get_features_mats(map_index2movieid_train, [])
# initalize and fit means model
mmodel = MeansModel()
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# get sparse matrix with residuals
print("computing residuals")
residual_ratings = mmodel.compute_residuals(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
ratings_matrix = make_train_matrix(residual_ratings, rating_pairs_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train)
# get eigenvalues and -vectors for some relevant dimensions
e_dim = 100
U, s, Vh = svds(ratings_matrix, k=e_dim)
S = np.zeros((e_dim, e_dim))
S = np.diag(s)
# train regression model to map from feat_mat to U
print("train regression model")
alpha = 250. # None to do grid search
if alpha is None:
m = rreg()
rrm = GridSearchCV(m, {'alpha': [0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1., 2.5 , 5., 7.5, 10., 25., 50., 75., 100., 250., 500., 750., 1000.]})
rrm.fit(feat_mat_train, U)
print("best alpha: ", rrm.best_params_)
rrm = rreg(alpha=alpha)
rrm.fit(feat_mat_train, U)
U_pred = rrm.predict(feat_mat_train)
# construct approximation of residual ratings
print("get approximations")
temp = np.dot(U_pred, np.dot(S, Vh))
# get dict with residuals for missing test ratings
print("get residual ratings")
residual_ratings_test = {(m, u): temp[map_movieid2index_train[m], map_userid2index_train[u]]
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test}
del temp
print("predict test ratings")
# get a vector with target ratings for test tuples
y_true = np.array([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
# get the corresponding predictions
y_pred = np.array([mmodel.predict(m, u, residual_ratings_test) for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
print("Scenario %s: RMSE: %.5f; MAE: %.5f" % (scenario, np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)))
In [15]:
scenario = "T2a"
# get train/test data
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest(scenario)
movieids_test = sorted(set(m for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test if m not in map_movieid2index_train))
map_movieid2index_all = {m : i for i, m in enumerate(movieids_test, len(map_movieid2index_train))}
feat_mat_train, feat_mat_test, _ = get_features_mats(map_index2movieid_train, movieids_test)
# initalize and fit means model
mmodel = MeansModel()
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# get sparse matrix with residuals
print("computing residuals")
residual_ratings = mmodel.compute_residuals(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
ratings_matrix = make_train_matrix(residual_ratings, rating_pairs_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train)
# get eigenvalues and -vectors for some relevant dimensions
e_dim = 100
U, s, Vh = svds(ratings_matrix, k=e_dim)
S = np.zeros((e_dim, e_dim))
S = np.diag(s)
# train regression model to map from feat_mat to U
print("train regression model")
rrm = rreg(alpha=250.)
rrm.fit(feat_mat_train, U)
# stack train and test feature matrices to make predictions for all
feat_mat_all = vstack([feat_mat_train, feat_mat_test], format="csr", dtype=np.float16)
del feat_mat_train, feat_mat_test
U_pred = rrm.predict(feat_mat_all)
# construct approximation of residual ratings
print("get approximations")
temp = np.dot(U_pred, np.dot(S, Vh))
# get dict with residuals for missing test ratings
print("get residual ratings")
residual_ratings_test = {(m, u): temp[map_movieid2index_all[m], map_userid2index_train[u]]
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test}
del temp
print("predict test ratings")
# get a vector with target ratings for test tuples
y_true = np.array([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
# get the corresponding predictions
y_pred = np.array([mmodel.predict(m, u, residual_ratings_test) for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
print("Scenario %s: RMSE: %.5f; MAE: %.5f" % (scenario, np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)))
In [16]:
## for T1 same scenario as above
scenario = "T1"
# get train/test data
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest(scenario)
# train and test movies are the same, i.e., no unknown movies
feat_mat_train, _, _ = get_features_mats(map_index2movieid_train, [])
# initalize and fit means model
mmodel = MeansModel()
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# get sparse matrix with residuals
print("computing residuals")
residual_ratings = mmodel.compute_residuals(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
ratings_matrix = make_train_matrix(residual_ratings, rating_pairs_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train)
# get a vector with target ratings for test tuples
y_true = np.array([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
# train simec with identiy matrix as input to predict residuals
e_dim = 100
model = SimilarityEncoder(feat_mat_train.shape[1], e_dim, ratings_matrix.shape[1], sparse_inputs=True,
model.fit(feat_mat_train, ratings_matrix, epochs=20)
print("get approximations")
temp = np.array(model.predict(feat_mat_train), dtype=np.float16)
# get dict with residuals for missing test ratings
print("get residual ratings")
residual_ratings_test = {(m, u): temp[map_movieid2index_train[m], map_userid2index_train[u]]
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test}
del temp
print("predict test ratings")
# get the corresponding predictions
y_pred = np.array([mmodel.predict(m, u, residual_ratings_test) for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
print("Scenario %s: RMSE: %.5f; MAE: %.5f" % (scenario, np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)))
In [17]:
scenario = "T2a"
# get train/test data
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest(scenario)
movieids_test = sorted(set(m for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test if m not in map_movieid2index_train))
map_movieid2index_all = {m : i for i, m in enumerate(movieids_test, len(map_movieid2index_train))}
feat_mat_train, feat_mat_test, _ = get_features_mats(map_index2movieid_train, movieids_test)
# stack train and test feature matrices to make predictions for all
feat_mat_all = vstack([feat_mat_train, feat_mat_test], format="csr", dtype=np.float16)
del feat_mat_test
# initalize and fit means model
mmodel = MeansModel()
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# get sparse matrix with residuals
print("computing residuals")
residual_ratings = mmodel.compute_residuals(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
ratings_matrix = make_train_matrix(residual_ratings, rating_pairs_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train)
# get a vector with target ratings for test tuples
y_true = np.array([tuple_ratings[(m, u)] for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
# train simec with identiy matrix as input to predict residuals
e_dim = 100
model = SimilarityEncoder(feat_mat_train.shape[1], e_dim, ratings_matrix.shape[1], sparse_inputs=True,
model.fit(feat_mat_train, ratings_matrix, epochs=20)
print("get approximations")
temp = np.array(model.predict(feat_mat_all), dtype=np.float16)
# get dict with residuals for missing test ratings
print("get residual ratings")
residual_ratings_test = {(m, u): temp[map_movieid2index_all[m], map_userid2index_train[u]]
for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test}
del temp
print("predict test ratings")
# get the corresponding predictions
y_pred = np.array([mmodel.predict(m, u, residual_ratings_test) for (m, u) in rating_pairs_test])
print("Scenario %s: RMSE: %.5f; MAE: %.5f" % (scenario, np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred)))
In addition to accurately predicting a user's rating for a certain item and therefore generating valuable recommendations, it might also be interesting to understand why a user might like a certain item. For this, we can use layerwise relevance propagation to identify the features of an item that most contributed to a positive or negative predicted rating.
In [18]:
# get all the ratings
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest("T1")
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test = list(rating_pairs_train), list(rating_pairs_test)
feat_mat_train, _, featurenames = get_features_mats(map_index2movieid_train, [])
# initalize and fit means model
mmodel = MeansModel()
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# get sparse matrix with residuals
print("computing residuals")
residual_ratings = mmodel.compute_residuals(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
ratings_matrix = make_train_matrix(residual_ratings, rating_pairs_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train)
# get dense ratings matrix with missing values = -100
# R = -100*np.ones(ratings_matrix.shape, dtype=np.float16)
# R[ratings_matrix.nonzero()] = ratings_matrix[ratings_matrix.nonzero()]
# train simec with identiy matrix as input to predict residuals
In [19]:
# select an interesting movies that appeals to different kinds of audiences
# e.g. 8874 Shaun of the Dead
for mid in movies_data:
if "Comedy" in movies_data[mid]["genres"] and "Horror" in movies_data[mid]["genres"] and movies_data[mid]["year"] > "2000":
print(mid, movies_data[mid]["title"])
In [20]:
# check which users have given the movie a 5 star rating
users = {}
for (m, u) in tuple_ratings:
if m == "8874" and tuple_ratings[(m, u)] >= 5. and residual_ratings[(m, u)] >= 1.:
users[u] = 0
# sort these users by the most ratings
for (m, u) in tuple_ratings:
if u in users:
users[u] += 1
for u in sorted(users, key=users.get, reverse=True):
if users[u] > 1000:
print(u, users[u])
In [21]:
# get the top 10 movies (based on residual ratings) for our selected users
users_of_interest = ["3817", "54922"]
user_ratings = {u: {} for u in users_of_interest}
for (m, u) in residual_ratings:
if u in users_of_interest:
user_ratings[u][m] = residual_ratings[(m, u)]
for u in users_of_interest:
top_genres = []
for i, m in enumerate(sorted(user_ratings[u], key=user_ratings[u].get, reverse=True)[:100]):
if i < 10:
print(u, m, residual_ratings[(m, u)], movies_data[m]["title"], movies_data[m]["genres"])
top_genres = Counter(top_genres)
for g in sorted(top_genres):
print(g, top_genres[g])
In [22]:
## get only users with more than 900 ratings (~ 1000 targets)
user_ratings = {u: [] for u in map_userid2index_train}
for (m, u) in tuple_ratings:
user1000_idx = sorted([map_userid2index_train[u] for u in user_ratings if len(user_ratings[u]) >= 900])
print(len(map_userid2index_train), len(user1000_idx))
In [23]:
## train a simec model on all the data
e_dim = 100
model = SimilarityEncoder(feat_mat_train.shape[1], e_dim, len(user1000_idx), sparse_inputs=True,
model.fit(feat_mat_train, ratings_matrix[:, user1000_idx], epochs=100)
In [24]:
# look through all users that made the cut
users_of_interest = ["3817", "14134", "38928", "43992", "67542", "33399", "55005", "57481", "69714", "63905", "6845", "54922", "3810", "36827", "9181", "44041", "37412", "9139", "12367", "23988", "48717", "19111", "28855", "35015", "18870", "42242", "27313", "34324", "70116", "59934", "35779", "3171", "32501", "41130"]
m = "8874"
mid = map_movieid2index_train[m]
for u1 in users_of_interest:
uid1 = user1000_idx.index(map_userid2index_train[u1]) # map_userid2index_train[u1]
# check regular prediction scores
print(u1, residual_ratings[(m,u1)], model.predict(feat_mat_train[mid,:])[:,uid1])
f_movie = csr_matrix(diags(feat_mat_train[mid,:].toarray()[0], 0, shape=(feat_mat_train.shape[1], feat_mat_train.shape[1])))
# featurewise predictions need to be corrected for the bias
temp = np.dot((model.transform(f_movie) + (1/f_movie.count_nonzero() - 1.) * model.model.layers[1].get_weights()[1]), model.model.layers[2].get_weights()[0][:, [uid1]])
uid1_scores = {f: temp[i,0] for i, f in enumerate(featurenames) if f_movie[i,i]}
del temp
if uid1_scores["Comedy"] > 0.01 and uid1_scores["Horror"] < -0.011 and uid1_scores["zombie"] < -0.01:
# this should be the same as the original predictions
print(sum(uid1_scores.values()), tuple_ratings[(m, u1)], residual_ratings[(m, u1)])
for f in sorted(uid1_scores, key=uid1_scores.get, reverse=True):
print(f, uid1_scores[f])
In [25]:
# for a certain movie, create a new feature matrix with the features on the diagonal
# to get relevancy scores for each separate feature (only works for linear SimEc)
m = "8874"
u1 = "3817"
u2 = "54922"
mid = map_movieid2index_train[m]
uid1 = user1000_idx.index(map_userid2index_train[u1]) # map_userid2index_train[u1]
uid2 = user1000_idx.index(map_userid2index_train[u2]) # map_userid2index_train[u2]
# check regular prediction scores
print(residual_ratings[(m,u1)], residual_ratings[(m,u2)])
print(model.predict(feat_mat_train[mid,:])[:,[uid1, uid2]])
f_movie = csr_matrix(diags(feat_mat_train[mid,:].toarray()[0], 0, shape=(feat_mat_train.shape[1], feat_mat_train.shape[1])))
# featurewise predictions need to be corrected for the bias
temp = np.dot((model.transform(f_movie) + (1/f_movie.count_nonzero() - 1.) * model.model.layers[1].get_weights()[1]), model.model.layers[2].get_weights()[0][:, [uid1, uid2]])
uid1_scores = {f: temp[i,0] for i, f in enumerate(featurenames) if f_movie[i,i]}
uid2_scores = {f: temp[i,1] for i, f in enumerate(featurenames) if f_movie[i,i]}
del temp
# this should be the same as the original predictions
print(sum(uid1_scores.values()), sum(uid2_scores.values()))
In [26]:
# the Horror afine user seems to like this move mostly because it's a horror movie
print(sum(uid1_scores.values()), tuple_ratings[(m, u1)], residual_ratings[(m, u1)])
for f in sorted(uid1_scores, key=uid1_scores.get, reverse=True):
print(f, uid1_scores[f])
In [27]:
# the comedy user likes it because it's a comedy cult film and zombie and Horror score negatively
print(sum(uid2_scores.values()), tuple_ratings[(m, u2)], residual_ratings[(m, u2)])
for f in sorted(uid2_scores, key=uid2_scores.get, reverse=True):
print(f, uid2_scores[f])
In the following, we discuss recommendations on item basis, e.g., suggesting similar items alongside an item a user is currently looking at. With content based recommendations, these suggestions are made based on the items' features, not the user ratings, which means that suggestions can also be made for new items that did not receive any ratings yet. However, a similarity score computed straight from the items' feature vectors does not correspond well to what users perceive as similar items, e.g., movies that got similar ratings from users are not necessarily similar with respect to their feature vectors.
By using SimEc to learn a mapping from the items' feature vectors into an embedding space where the user ratings based similarities are preserved, more useful suggestions can be generated even for new items. By first projecting the item's feature vector in the embedding space and then computing the dot product with all other items' embedding vectors, the most similar items can be identified and recommended alongside the item of interest:
In [28]:
# load data
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test, map_index2userid_train, map_index2movieid_train, map_userid2index_train, map_movieid2index_train = split_traintest("T1")
rating_pairs_train, rating_pairs_test = list(rating_pairs_train), list(rating_pairs_test)
# get feature vectors for all movies
print("computing content based similarities")
feat_mat_train, _, featurenames = get_features_mats(map_index2movieid_train, [])
# normalize them to have length 1 (since features are binary, norm is just the sqrt(sum()))
N = np.sqrt(feat_mat_train.sum(1))
print("%i movies have no features...:/" % np.sum(N==0))
N[N==0] = 1
feat_mat_train_normed = feat_mat_train/N
# compute content based similarity matrix ("similar movies have similar genres/directors/topics")
S_content = feat_mat_train_normed.dot(feat_mat_train_normed.T).A # cosine similarity
# get sparse matrix with residuals
print("computing user ratings based similarities")
# initalize and fit means model
mmodel = MeansModel()
mmodel.fit(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
residual_ratings = mmodel.compute_residuals(tuple_ratings, rating_pairs_train)
# transform residual_ratings into a dict with {movieid: {userid: rating}}
residual_ratings_movies = defaultdict(dict)
for (m, u) in residual_ratings:
residual_ratings_movies[m][u] = residual_ratings[(m, u)]
# normalize rating vectors to have unit length
for m in residual_ratings_movies:
N = np.linalg.norm(list(residual_ratings_movies[m].values()))
residual_ratings_movies[m] = {u: residual_ratings_movies[m][u]/N for u in residual_ratings_movies[m]}
# transform into sparse matrix
ratings_matrix = dok_matrix((len(map_movieid2index_train), len(map_userid2index_train)), dtype=float)
for i, m in enumerate(map_index2movieid_train):
for u in residual_ratings_movies[m]:
ratings_matrix[i, map_userid2index_train[u]] = residual_ratings_movies[m][u]
ratings_matrix = csr_matrix(ratings_matrix)
# compute user ratings based similarity matrix ("similar movies get similar ratings")
S_user = ratings_matrix.dot(ratings_matrix.T).A
# get movies with more than 1k ratings
movie1000_idx = sorted([map_movieid2index_train[m] for m in residual_ratings_movies if len(residual_ratings_movies[m]) >= 1000])
print(len(map_movieid2index_train), len(movie1000_idx))
S_user = S_user[movie1000_idx][:,movie1000_idx]
S_content = S_content[movie1000_idx][:,movie1000_idx]
# check correlation between both similarity scores (--> if movies with similar content also
# get similar ratings, the content based similarity score can be used for recommendations)
s_content_flat = np.asarray(S_content[np.triu_indices_from(S_content, 1)])
s_user_flat = np.asarray(S_user[np.triu_indices_from(S_user, 1)])
corr_pear = pearsonr(s_content_flat, s_user_flat)[0]
corr_spear = spearmanr(s_content_flat, s_user_flat)[0]
print("Correlation between ratings:", corr_pear, corr_spear)
ridx = np.random.permutation(len(s_content_flat))[:5000]
plt.scatter(s_user_flat[ridx], s_content_flat[ridx], s=2)
plt.xlabel("User ratings based similarities")
plt.ylabel("Content based similarities");
plt.title("Movie similarities (Pearson corr: %.3f)" % corr_pear)
if savefigs: plt.savefig("ratings_corr_basic.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
In [29]:
# train a simec to map the movie feature vectors into an embedding space,
# where the user rating based similarities are preserved
e_dim = 100
n_targets = len(movie1000_idx)
feat_mat_train = feat_mat_train[movie1000_idx]
model = SimilarityEncoder(feat_mat_train.shape[1], e_dim, n_targets, [(500, "tanh")], sparse_inputs=True, opt=0.001,
s_ll_reg=10., S_ll=S_user[:n_targets, :n_targets])
model.fit(feat_mat_train, S_user[:, :n_targets], epochs=20)
# compute embeddings for movies
X_embed = model.transform(feat_mat_train)
# compute simec similarity and check correlation
print (S_user[0,:6])
print (model.predict(feat_mat_train)[0,:6])
S_simec = X_embed.dot(X_embed.T)
print (S_simec[0,:6])
s_simec_flat = np.asarray(S_simec[np.triu_indices_from(S_simec, 1)])
corr_pear = pearsonr(s_simec_flat, s_user_flat)[0]
corr_spear = spearmanr(s_simec_flat, s_user_flat)[0]
print("Correlation between ratings:", corr_pear, corr_spear)
plt.scatter(s_user_flat[ridx], s_simec_flat[ridx], s=2)
plt.xlabel("User ratings based similarities")
plt.ylabel("SimEc embedding similarities");
plt.title("Movie similarities (Pearson corr: %.3f)" % corr_pear)
if savefigs: plt.savefig("ratings_corr_simec.png", dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight")
In [30]:
# e.g. 8874 Shaun of the Dead
# other movies from 2004:
# 7451 Mean Girls
# 7293 50 First Dates
# 8957 Saw
# 7360 Dawn of the Dead
movies_of_interest = ["8874", "7293", "7360"]
moi_ratings = {m: [] for m in movies_of_interest}
moi_users = {m: set() for m in movies_of_interest}
for (m, u) in tuple_ratings:
if m in movies_of_interest:
moi_ratings[m].append(tuple_ratings[(m, u)])
for m in moi_ratings:
print(m, movies_data[m]["title"], len(moi_ratings[m]), np.mean(moi_ratings[m]), "\n", movies_data[m]["genres"], "\n", movies_data[m]["keywords"], "\n", movies_data[m]["directors"])
In [31]:
# content based and simec similarities for our 3 movies of interest
m1, m2, m3 = "8874", "7293", "7360"
for i, j in [(m1, m2), (m1, m3), (m2, m3)]:
print("Similarities between", movies_data[i]["title"], movies_data[j]["title"])
i, j = movie1000_idx.index(map_movieid2index_train[i]), movie1000_idx.index(map_movieid2index_train[j])
print("Content based", S_content[i,j])
print("User ratings based", S_user[i,j])
print("SimEc", S_simec[i,j])
In [ ]: