Link prediction

For two entities e1 and e2, predict whether the relation r holds between them, e.g., e1: Obama, e2: USA, r: born_in --> True.

For the link prediction datasets used here as well as several other models optimized for link prediction, check out and the associated paper.

A SimEc is first trained on all relations combined, then finetuned for individual relations, at which point we use early stopping based on the results on the validation dataset to avoid overfitting.

The performance might still improve with more careful hyperparameter tuning...

In [1]:
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf
import keras
import keras.backend as K

from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix, csr_matrix
from simec import SimilarityEncoder

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

/home/franzi/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters
Using TensorFlow backend.

In [2]:
def load_data(dataset="WN18", split="train"):
    load the data
    # read in relation data: {relation: {e1: [e2, e4, ...], e2: [e3, e4, ...]}}
    # where entities have new ids matching the matrix indices!
    # always also save the reverse relation and the collected "all" relations that could be used for pretraining
    rel_dict = {"all": {e: [] for e in sorted_entity_ids}}
    df = pd.read_csv("data/link_prediction/%s/%s.txt" % (dataset, split), sep="\t", names=["e1", "rel", "e2"])
    for i, d in df.iterrows():
        if d["rel"] not in rel_dict:
            rel_dict[d["rel"]] = {e: [] for e in sorted_entity_ids}
            rel_dict[d["rel"]+"_reverse"] = {e: [] for e in sorted_entity_ids}
    return rel_dict

def relation_matrix(entity_dict):
    Build a relations matrix that has 1 where two entities have a relation and 0 else

        - entity_dict: dict with relations: {e1: [e2, e3, ...]} means entity 1 has relations to 2 and 3
                       i.e. something like rel_train[rel] for one relation

        - n_entities x n_entities relations matrix: for each entity (row), all positions are 1 where this entity
                                                    has a relation with other entities
    n = len(sorted_entity_ids)
    # transform entity relations into sparse matrix
    relmat = dok_matrix((n, n), dtype=np.int8)
    for e1 in entity_dict:
        relmat[e1, entity_dict[e1]] = 1
    relmat = csr_matrix(relmat)
    return relmat

def eval_relpred(model, target_rels, rel, verbose=0):
    Evaluate the relation prediction

        - model: trained model that gives a score for each entity how likely they have some relation
        - target_rels: dict with all relations, e.g. rel_val
        - rel: which relation we're currently dealing with

        - hits: list of lists, how often the correct entity ranked at or below 1 - 10
        - ranks: actual ranks of target entites
    hits = [[] for i in range(10)]
    ranks = []
    # target_rels is e.g. rel_test
    target_rels = target_rels[rel]
    for e1 in target_rels:
        if target_rels[e1]:
            # predict for the single entity to limit memory consumption
            # this gives one vector with scores
            pred = model.predict(entity_embeddings[e1], warn=False)[0]
            # for all target objects, save the predicted value
            target_pred = {e2: pred[e2] for e2 in target_rels[e1]}
            # set all true relations to -1 so they don't mess up the ranking
            pred[rel_all[rel][e1]] = -1.
            # get ranks for all object entities
            for e2 in target_rels[e1]:
                pred[e2] = target_pred[e2]
                sort_idx = np.argsort(pred)[::-1]
                rank = np.where(sort_idx == e2)[0][0]
                pred[e2] = -1.
                for i in range(10):
                    if rank <= i:
    if verbose:
        print('Hits @10: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits[9])))
        print('Hits @3: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits[2])))
        print('Hits @1: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits[0])))
        print('Median rank: {0}'.format(np.median(ranks)))
        print('Mean rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(ranks)))
        print('Mean reciprocal rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(1./np.array(ranks))))
    return hits, ranks

In [3]:
# first get a list of all entities
dataset = "WN18"
sorted_entities = set()
for split in ["train", "valid", "test"]:
    df = pd.read_csv("data/link_prediction/%s/%s.txt" % (dataset, split), sep="\t", names=["e1", "rel", "e2"])
    sorted_entities |= set(df["e1"]) | set(df["e2"])
sorted_entities = sorted(sorted_entities)
sorted_entity_ids = list(range(len(sorted_entities)))
# get a mapping to the matrix ids for the entities
entity_ids = dict(zip(sorted_entities, sorted_entity_ids))

# read in relation data: {relation: {e1: [e2, e4, ...], e2: [e3, e4, ...]}}
rel_train = load_data(dataset, split="train")
rel_val = load_data(dataset, split="valid")
rel_test = load_data(dataset, split="test")
rels = sorted(rel_train)
# for the FB15k dataset, the validation and test sets are missing some relations
for rel in rels:
    if rel not in rel_val:
        rel_val[rel] = {}
    if rel not in rel_test:
        rel_test[rel] = {}
# for the evaluation we need all true relations between entities
rel_all = deepcopy(rel_train)
for rel in rel_all:
    for e1 in rel_val[rel]:
    for e1 in rel_test[rel]:

In [4]:
# get a sparse input matrix that just has ones on the diagonal
entity_embeddings = dok_matrix((len(sorted_entity_ids), len(sorted_entity_ids)), dtype=np.int8)
for i in sorted_entity_ids:
    entity_embeddings[i, i] = 1
entity_embeddings = csr_matrix(entity_embeddings)
inputs = entity_embeddings
# get target matrix for all relations at once
rel = "all"
relmat = relation_matrix(rel_train[rel])

# pretraining of the simec to predict all relations
e_dim = 100
simec = SimilarityEncoder(inputs.shape[1], e_dim, relmat.shape[1], sparse_inputs=True, l2_reg=0., l2_reg_emb=0., l2_reg_out=0.,
                          hidden_layers=[(e_dim, 'linear')], ll_activation="sigmoid", loss="binary_crossentropy", opt=0.001)
# train the simec for a loooong time and save the weights for later
best_mrr = 0
best_epoch = 0
pretrained_weights = None
for i in range(1, 50):, relmat, epochs=50, batch_size=32, verbose=0)
    # evaluate on validation data to avoid overfitting
    _, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_val, rel)
    mrr = np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_rel))
    if mrr > best_mrr:
        best_mrr = mrr
        best_epoch = i*50
        pretrained_weights = deepcopy(simec.model.get_weights())
    elif mrr < best_mrr and i*50 > 250:
    print("MRR after %i epochs: %.7f (best: %.7f; epoch %i)" % (i*50, mrr, best_mrr, best_epoch))
print("Final MRR after %i epochs: %.7f (best: %.7f; epoch %i)" % (i*50, mrr, best_mrr, best_epoch))

# evaluate: on all relations combined (like it was trained)
print("rel = all")
print("on training data")
hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_train, rel, 1)
print("on validation data")
hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_val, rel, 1)
print("on test data")
hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_test, rel, 1)
# and on the individual relations
hits_train = [[] for i in range(10)]
ranks_train = []
hits_val = [[] for i in range(10)]
ranks_val = []
hits_test = [[] for i in range(10)]
ranks_test = []
for rel in rels:
    if rel == "all":
    hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_train, rel, 0)
    for i in range(10):
    hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_val, rel, 0)
    for i in range(10):
    hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_test, rel, 0)
    for i in range(10):
print("averaged results")
print("on training data")
print('Hits @10: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_train[9])))
print('Hits @3: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_train[2])))
print('Hits @1: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_train[0])))
print('Median rank: {0}'.format(np.median(ranks_train)))
print('Mean rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(ranks_train)))
print('Mean reciprocal rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_train))))
print("on validation data")
print('Hits @10: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_val[9])))
print('Hits @3: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_val[2])))
print('Hits @1: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_val[0])))
print('Median rank: {0}'.format(np.median(ranks_val)))
print('Mean rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(ranks_val)))
print('Mean reciprocal rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_val))))
print("on testing data")
print('Hits @10: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_test[9])))
print('Hits @3: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_test[2])))
print('Hits @1: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_test[0])))
print('Median rank: {0}'.format(np.median(ranks_test)))
print('Mean rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(ranks_test)))
print('Mean reciprocal rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_test))))

MRR after 50 epochs: 0.0107293 (best: 0.0107293; epoch 50)
MRR after 100 epochs: 0.0222492 (best: 0.0222492; epoch 100)
MRR after 150 epochs: 0.0901377 (best: 0.0901377; epoch 150)
MRR after 200 epochs: 0.2064620 (best: 0.2064620; epoch 200)
MRR after 250 epochs: 0.4045387 (best: 0.4045387; epoch 250)
MRR after 300 epochs: 0.6540069 (best: 0.6540069; epoch 300)
MRR after 350 epochs: 0.8189758 (best: 0.8189758; epoch 350)
MRR after 400 epochs: 0.9018004 (best: 0.9018004; epoch 400)
MRR after 450 epochs: 0.9265315 (best: 0.9265315; epoch 450)
MRR after 500 epochs: 0.9333240 (best: 0.9333240; epoch 500)
MRR after 550 epochs: 0.9345712 (best: 0.9345712; epoch 550)
MRR after 600 epochs: 0.9346815 (best: 0.9346815; epoch 600)
MRR after 650 epochs: 0.9349073 (best: 0.9349073; epoch 650)
Final MRR after 700 epochs: 0.9347976 (best: 0.9349073; epoch 650)
rel = all
on training data
Hits @10: 0.9986955783996267
Hits @3: 0.9986955783996267
Hits @1: 0.9862629204903777
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 45.44315691237398
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.992479305935969
on validation data
Hits @10: 0.9428
Hits @3: 0.9412
Hits @1: 0.9274
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 593.2051
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.9347975678396794
on test data
Hits @10: 0.9447
Hits @3: 0.9426
Hits @1: 0.9295
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 550.1699
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.936575020950704
averaged results
on training data
Hits @10: 0.9765875765331372
Hits @3: 0.8511085816094229
Hits @1: 0.37512902815288246
Median rank: 2.0
Mean rank: 47.186783275123375
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.614397151085799
on validation data
Hits @10: 0.9183
Hits @3: 0.7951
Hits @1: 0.3516
Median rank: 2.0
Mean rank: 595.3343
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.575974078979519
on testing data
Hits @10: 0.922
Hits @3: 0.7961
Hits @1: 0.3499
Median rank: 2.0
Mean rank: 552.1207
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.5772216045365841

In [5]:
# simec finetuning for all other rels
hits_train = [[] for i in range(10)]
ranks_train = []
hits_val = [[] for i in range(10)]
ranks_val = []
hits_test = [[] for i in range(10)]
ranks_test = []
for rel in rels:
    if rel == "all" or not rel_val[rel] or not rel_test[rel]:
    # get relation matrix e1 -> e2
    relmat = relation_matrix(rel_train[rel])
    # we only train on the entities for which we actually have relations
    e1_idx = sorted(e1 for e1 in rel_train[rel] if rel_train[rel][e1])
    relmat = relmat[e1_idx]
    inputs = entity_embeddings[e1_idx]
    simec = SimilarityEncoder(inputs.shape[1], e_dim, relmat.shape[1], sparse_inputs=True, l2_reg=0., l2_reg_emb=0., l2_reg_out=0.,
                              hidden_layers=[(e_dim, 'linear')], ll_activation="sigmoid", loss="binary_crossentropy", opt=0.001)
    # set weights with pretrained weights
    # based on the validation data we do early stopping and save the best weights
    _, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_val, rel)
    best_mrr = np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_rel))
    best_epoch = 0
    best_weights = deepcopy(simec.model.get_weights())
    for i in range(1, 51):, relmat, epochs=3, batch_size=128, verbose=0)
        # evaluate on validation data to avoid overfitting
        _, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_val, rel)
        mrr = np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_rel))
        if mrr > best_mrr:
            best_mrr = mrr
            best_epoch = i*3
            best_weights = deepcopy(simec.model.get_weights())
        elif mrr < best_mrr and i*3 > 25:
        print("MRR after %i epochs: %.7f (best: %.7f; epoch %i)" % (i*3, mrr, best_mrr, best_epoch))
    # evaluate
    hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_train, rel, 0)
    for i in range(10):
    hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_val, rel, 0)
    for i in range(10):
    hits_rel, ranks_rel = eval_relpred(simec, rel_test, rel, 0)
    for i in range(10):

MRR after 3 epochs: 0.5114694 (best: 0.5114694; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.5384309 (best: 0.5384309; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.5669255 (best: 0.5669255; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.5555582 (best: 0.5669255; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5567917 (best: 0.5669255; epoch 9)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.5567946 (best: 0.5669255; epoch 9)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.5567976 (best: 0.5669255; epoch 9)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.5568007 (best: 0.5669255; epoch 9)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.5242433 (best: 0.5242433; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.5738019 (best: 0.5738019; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.5738653 (best: 0.5738653; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.5739054 (best: 0.5739054; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5739272 (best: 0.5739272; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.5739603 (best: 0.5739603; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.5739734 (best: 0.5739734; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.5739946 (best: 0.5739946; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.5739982 (best: 0.5739982; epoch 27)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.5740143 (best: 0.5740143; epoch 30)
MRR after 33 epochs: 0.5740267 (best: 0.5740267; epoch 33)
MRR after 36 epochs: 0.5740343 (best: 0.5740343; epoch 36)
MRR after 39 epochs: 0.5740636 (best: 0.5740636; epoch 39)
MRR after 42 epochs: 0.5740925 (best: 0.5740925; epoch 42)
MRR after 45 epochs: 0.5741092 (best: 0.5741092; epoch 45)
MRR after 48 epochs: 0.5741101 (best: 0.5741101; epoch 48)
MRR after 51 epochs: 0.5741237 (best: 0.5741237; epoch 51)
MRR after 54 epochs: 0.5741459 (best: 0.5741459; epoch 54)
MRR after 57 epochs: 0.5741749 (best: 0.5741749; epoch 57)
MRR after 60 epochs: 0.5741952 (best: 0.5741952; epoch 60)
MRR after 63 epochs: 0.5742426 (best: 0.5742426; epoch 63)
MRR after 66 epochs: 0.5742511 (best: 0.5742511; epoch 66)
MRR after 69 epochs: 0.5742714 (best: 0.5742714; epoch 69)
MRR after 72 epochs: 0.5742720 (best: 0.5742720; epoch 72)
MRR after 75 epochs: 0.5742823 (best: 0.5742823; epoch 75)
MRR after 78 epochs: 0.5742878 (best: 0.5742878; epoch 78)
MRR after 81 epochs: 0.5743097 (best: 0.5743097; epoch 81)
MRR after 84 epochs: 0.5743258 (best: 0.5743258; epoch 84)
MRR after 87 epochs: 0.5743511 (best: 0.5743511; epoch 87)
MRR after 90 epochs: 0.5743596 (best: 0.5743596; epoch 90)
MRR after 93 epochs: 0.5743609 (best: 0.5743609; epoch 93)
MRR after 96 epochs: 0.5743627 (best: 0.5743627; epoch 96)
MRR after 99 epochs: 0.5743902 (best: 0.5743902; epoch 99)
MRR after 102 epochs: 0.5743920 (best: 0.5743920; epoch 102)
MRR after 105 epochs: 0.5743929 (best: 0.5743929; epoch 105)
MRR after 108 epochs: 0.5743932 (best: 0.5743932; epoch 108)
MRR after 111 epochs: 0.5744130 (best: 0.5744130; epoch 111)
MRR after 114 epochs: 0.5744142 (best: 0.5744142; epoch 114)
MRR after 117 epochs: 0.5744152 (best: 0.5744152; epoch 117)
MRR after 120 epochs: 0.5744292 (best: 0.5744292; epoch 120)
MRR after 123 epochs: 0.5744379 (best: 0.5744379; epoch 123)
MRR after 126 epochs: 0.5744392 (best: 0.5744392; epoch 126)
MRR after 129 epochs: 0.5744674 (best: 0.5744674; epoch 129)
MRR after 132 epochs: 0.5744786 (best: 0.5744786; epoch 132)
MRR after 135 epochs: 0.5744913 (best: 0.5744913; epoch 135)
MRR after 138 epochs: 0.5744917 (best: 0.5744917; epoch 138)
MRR after 141 epochs: 0.5745145 (best: 0.5745145; epoch 141)
MRR after 144 epochs: 0.5745256 (best: 0.5745256; epoch 144)
MRR after 147 epochs: 0.5745454 (best: 0.5745454; epoch 147)
MRR after 150 epochs: 0.5745476 (best: 0.5745476; epoch 150)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.6326788 (best: 0.6326788; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.6402578 (best: 0.6402578; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.6433314 (best: 0.6433314; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.6463122 (best: 0.6463122; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.6470202 (best: 0.6470202; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.6448594 (best: 0.6470202; epoch 15)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.6494201 (best: 0.6494201; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.6475103 (best: 0.6494201; epoch 21)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.6419780 (best: 0.6419780; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.6510932 (best: 0.6510932; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.6460814 (best: 0.6510932; epoch 6)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.6484920 (best: 0.6510932; epoch 6)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.6479771 (best: 0.6510932; epoch 6)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.6489126 (best: 0.6510932; epoch 6)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.6485036 (best: 0.6510932; epoch 6)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.6500369 (best: 0.6510932; epoch 6)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.6065146 (best: 0.6065146; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.6092640 (best: 0.6092640; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.6087122 (best: 0.6092640; epoch 6)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.6173631 (best: 0.6173631; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.6108558 (best: 0.6173631; epoch 12)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.6165954 (best: 0.6173631; epoch 12)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.6124026 (best: 0.6173631; epoch 12)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.6164873 (best: 0.6173631; epoch 12)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8197777 (best: 0.8197777; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8352224 (best: 0.8352224; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.8352240 (best: 0.8352240; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.8352041 (best: 0.8352240; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.8384335 (best: 0.8384335; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.8417311 (best: 0.8417311; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.8418972 (best: 0.8418972; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.8429655 (best: 0.8429655; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.8430337 (best: 0.8430337; epoch 27)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.8430343 (best: 0.8430343; epoch 30)
MRR after 33 epochs: 0.8430369 (best: 0.8430369; epoch 33)
MRR after 36 epochs: 0.8435790 (best: 0.8435790; epoch 36)
MRR after 39 epochs: 0.8435793 (best: 0.8435793; epoch 39)
MRR after 42 epochs: 0.8468268 (best: 0.8468268; epoch 42)
MRR after 45 epochs: 0.8468274 (best: 0.8468274; epoch 45)
MRR after 48 epochs: 0.8469437 (best: 0.8469437; epoch 48)
MRR after 51 epochs: 0.8471607 (best: 0.8471607; epoch 51)
MRR after 54 epochs: 0.8474586 (best: 0.8474586; epoch 54)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8283489 (best: 0.8283489; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8316023 (best: 0.8316023; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.8365867 (best: 0.8365867; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.8347722 (best: 0.8365867; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.8392777 (best: 0.8392777; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.8379244 (best: 0.8392777; epoch 15)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.8384874 (best: 0.8392777; epoch 15)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.8365984 (best: 0.8392777; epoch 15)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.5303886 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.5120470 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.5072552 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.5071504 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5094338 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.5083443 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.5082739 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.5111294 (best: 0.5303886; epoch 3)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.5317795 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.5100117 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.5091685 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.5100932 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5096745 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.5103714 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.5111305 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.5113996 (best: 0.5317795; epoch 3)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8476936 (best: 0.8476936; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8536582 (best: 0.8536582; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.8577716 (best: 0.8577716; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.8561980 (best: 0.8577716; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.8566793 (best: 0.8577716; epoch 9)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.8549110 (best: 0.8577716; epoch 9)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.8529147 (best: 0.8577716; epoch 9)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.8530799 (best: 0.8577716; epoch 9)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.9725561 (best: 0.9725561; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9725576 (best: 0.9725576; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9725589 (best: 0.9725589; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9725256 (best: 0.9725589; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9725610 (best: 0.9725610; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9725275 (best: 0.9725610; epoch 15)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9725281 (best: 0.9725610; epoch 15)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9725631 (best: 0.9725631; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.9725640 (best: 0.9725640; epoch 27)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.6178904 (best: 0.6178904; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.6770295 (best: 0.6770295; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.6960193 (best: 0.6960193; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.6968832 (best: 0.6968832; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.6956821 (best: 0.6968832; epoch 12)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.7026562 (best: 0.7026562; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.7065516 (best: 0.7065516; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.7062425 (best: 0.7065516; epoch 21)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.5884998 (best: 0.5884998; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.6454139 (best: 0.6454139; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.6631667 (best: 0.6631667; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.6662526 (best: 0.6662526; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.6591736 (best: 0.6662526; epoch 12)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.6563317 (best: 0.6662526; epoch 12)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.6547156 (best: 0.6662526; epoch 12)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.6640841 (best: 0.6662526; epoch 12)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.9602970 (best: 0.9602970; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9603137 (best: 0.9603137; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9603202 (best: 0.9603202; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9649982 (best: 0.9649982; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9650088 (best: 0.9650088; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9650162 (best: 0.9650162; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9650222 (best: 0.9650222; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9650248 (best: 0.9650248; epoch 24)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8783419 (best: 0.8783419; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8884538 (best: 0.8884538; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.8957178 (best: 0.8957178; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.8975840 (best: 0.8975840; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.8985792 (best: 0.8985792; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9004572 (best: 0.9004572; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9010672 (best: 0.9010672; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9017151 (best: 0.9017151; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.9017309 (best: 0.9017309; epoch 27)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.9051693 (best: 0.9051693; epoch 30)
MRR after 33 epochs: 0.9051694 (best: 0.9051694; epoch 33)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.7935083 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.7766535 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.7573665 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.7536285 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.7570423 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.7686256 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.7686219 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.7648859 (best: 0.7935083; epoch 3)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8377394 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8136113 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.8136041 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.8187898 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.8157331 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.8101122 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.8149062 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.8185634 (best: 0.8377394; epoch 3)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8541671 (best: 0.8541671; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8691265 (best: 0.8691265; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.8735621 (best: 0.8735621; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.8755623 (best: 0.8755623; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.8803118 (best: 0.8803118; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.8852520 (best: 0.8852520; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.8873091 (best: 0.8873091; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.8876366 (best: 0.8876366; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.8879602 (best: 0.8879602; epoch 27)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.8879715 (best: 0.8879715; epoch 30)
MRR after 33 epochs: 0.8898189 (best: 0.8898189; epoch 33)
MRR after 36 epochs: 0.8940926 (best: 0.8940926; epoch 36)
MRR after 39 epochs: 0.8941112 (best: 0.8941112; epoch 39)
MRR after 42 epochs: 0.8962604 (best: 0.8962604; epoch 42)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.1503322 (best: 0.1503322; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.1948434 (best: 0.1948434; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.2324164 (best: 0.2324164; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.2384392 (best: 0.2384392; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.2626784 (best: 0.2626784; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.2939676 (best: 0.2939676; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.2515300 (best: 0.2939676; epoch 18)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.1881421 (best: 0.2939676; epoch 18)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8970603 (best: 0.8970603; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9411780 (best: 0.9411780; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9411779 (best: 0.9411780; epoch 6)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9411779 (best: 0.9411780; epoch 6)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9411780 (best: 0.9411780; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9411779 (best: 0.9411780; epoch 15)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9411779 (best: 0.9411780; epoch 15)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9411779 (best: 0.9411780; epoch 15)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.4650633 (best: 0.4650633; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.4601769 (best: 0.4650633; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.4792036 (best: 0.4792036; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.5018409 (best: 0.5018409; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5049844 (best: 0.5049844; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.5092840 (best: 0.5092840; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.5092840 (best: 0.5092840; epoch 18)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.5065789 (best: 0.5092840; epoch 18)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.9040335 (best: 0.9040335; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9151956 (best: 0.9151956; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9151967 (best: 0.9151967; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9144536 (best: 0.9151967; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9151984 (best: 0.9151984; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9196635 (best: 0.9196635; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9196644 (best: 0.9196644; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9196652 (best: 0.9196652; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.9196657 (best: 0.9196657; epoch 27)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.9196666 (best: 0.9196666; epoch 30)
MRR after 33 epochs: 0.9196669 (best: 0.9196669; epoch 33)
MRR after 36 epochs: 0.9196675 (best: 0.9196675; epoch 36)
MRR after 39 epochs: 0.9196682 (best: 0.9196682; epoch 39)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.7363731 (best: 0.7363731; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.7401610 (best: 0.7401610; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.7121306 (best: 0.7401610; epoch 6)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.7121306 (best: 0.7401610; epoch 6)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5687323 (best: 0.7401610; epoch 6)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.3890786 (best: 0.7401610; epoch 6)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.3087159 (best: 0.7401610; epoch 6)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.2364101 (best: 0.7401610; epoch 6)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8219720 (best: 0.8500023; epoch 0)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9090932 (best: 0.9090932; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9090932 (best: 0.9090932; epoch 6)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9090933 (best: 0.9090933; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9090932 (best: 0.9090933; epoch 12)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9090932 (best: 0.9090933; epoch 12)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9090933 (best: 0.9090933; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9090933 (best: 0.9090933; epoch 24)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8459053 (best: 0.8459053; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8516767 (best: 0.8516767; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.8528971 (best: 0.8528971; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.8571559 (best: 0.8571559; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.8609035 (best: 0.8609035; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.8609070 (best: 0.8609070; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.8610933 (best: 0.8610933; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.8576841 (best: 0.8610933; epoch 21)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.6072253 (best: 0.6072253; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.6121222 (best: 0.6121222; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.6040749 (best: 0.6121222; epoch 6)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.6136004 (best: 0.6136004; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.6151595 (best: 0.6151595; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.6191010 (best: 0.6191010; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.6197858 (best: 0.6197858; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.6245784 (best: 0.6245784; epoch 24)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8333333 (best: 0.8333333; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.8333333 (best: 0.8333333; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 18 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 21 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 24 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 27 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 30 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 33 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 36 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 39 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 42 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 45 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 48 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 51 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 54 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 57 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 60 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 63 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 66 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 69 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 72 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 75 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 78 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 81 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 84 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 87 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 90 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 93 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 96 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 99 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 102 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 105 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 108 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 111 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 114 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 117 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 120 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 123 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 126 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 129 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 132 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 135 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 138 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 141 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 144 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 147 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 150 epochs: 1.0000000 (best: 1.0000000; epoch 9)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.5666667 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.5666667 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 33 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 36 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 39 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 42 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 45 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 48 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 51 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 54 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 57 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 60 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 63 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 66 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 69 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 72 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 75 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 78 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 81 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 84 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 87 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 90 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 93 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 96 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 99 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 102 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 105 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 108 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 111 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 114 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 117 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 120 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 123 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 126 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 129 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 132 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 135 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 138 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 141 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 144 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 147 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 150 epochs: 0.5833333 (best: 0.5833333; epoch 0)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8803867 (best: 0.8803867; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9319740 (best: 0.9319740; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9200692 (best: 0.9319740; epoch 6)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9200692 (best: 0.9319740; epoch 6)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9200692 (best: 0.9319740; epoch 6)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9200692 (best: 0.9319740; epoch 6)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9200692 (best: 0.9319740; epoch 6)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9200692 (best: 0.9319740; epoch 6)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.1892083 (best: 0.1892083; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.2081488 (best: 0.2081488; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.2675620 (best: 0.2675620; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.3121429 (best: 0.3121429; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.3339492 (best: 0.3339492; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.3388425 (best: 0.3388425; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.3443202 (best: 0.3443202; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.2841801 (best: 0.3443202; epoch 21)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.9201757 (best: 0.9201757; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9265255 (best: 0.9265255; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9265262 (best: 0.9265262; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9312891 (best: 0.9312891; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9312901 (best: 0.9312901; epoch 15)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9312910 (best: 0.9312910; epoch 18)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9312916 (best: 0.9312916; epoch 21)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9312923 (best: 0.9312923; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.9312930 (best: 0.9312930; epoch 27)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.9312935 (best: 0.9312935; epoch 30)
MRR after 33 epochs: 0.9312940 (best: 0.9312940; epoch 33)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.4517831 (best: 0.4517831; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.4820948 (best: 0.4820948; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.4854573 (best: 0.4854573; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.4807142 (best: 0.4854573; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.4755168 (best: 0.4854573; epoch 9)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.4759914 (best: 0.4854573; epoch 9)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.4823416 (best: 0.4854573; epoch 9)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.4871749 (best: 0.4871749; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.4883113 (best: 0.4883113; epoch 27)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.8188428 (best: 0.8695674; epoch 0)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.9130457 (best: 0.9130457; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.9130457 (best: 0.9130457; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.9130457 (best: 0.9130457; epoch 12)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.9130457 (best: 0.9130457; epoch 12)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.9130457 (best: 0.9130457; epoch 12)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.9130457 (best: 0.9130457; epoch 12)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.9130457 (best: 0.9130457; epoch 24)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.7572554 (best: 0.7572554; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.7572554 (best: 0.7572554; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.7913134 (best: 0.7913134; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.7913133 (best: 0.7913134; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.4798226 (best: 0.7913134; epoch 9)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.3098433 (best: 0.7913134; epoch 9)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.2214882 (best: 0.7913134; epoch 9)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.1907617 (best: 0.7913134; epoch 9)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.6435829 (best: 0.6435829; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.6416077 (best: 0.6435829; epoch 3)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.6448427 (best: 0.6448427; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.6409673 (best: 0.6448427; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.6274018 (best: 0.6448427; epoch 9)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.6390301 (best: 0.6448427; epoch 9)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.6445216 (best: 0.6448427; epoch 9)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.6561496 (best: 0.6561496; epoch 24)
MRR after 27 epochs: 0.6639018 (best: 0.6639018; epoch 27)
MRR after 30 epochs: 0.6639023 (best: 0.6639023; epoch 30)
MRR after 3 epochs: 0.5142844 (best: 0.5142844; epoch 3)
MRR after 6 epochs: 0.5541188 (best: 0.5541188; epoch 6)
MRR after 9 epochs: 0.5541662 (best: 0.5541662; epoch 9)
MRR after 12 epochs: 0.5522285 (best: 0.5541662; epoch 9)
MRR after 15 epochs: 0.5524787 (best: 0.5541662; epoch 9)
MRR after 18 epochs: 0.5524792 (best: 0.5541662; epoch 9)
MRR after 21 epochs: 0.5524122 (best: 0.5541662; epoch 9)
MRR after 24 epochs: 0.5524126 (best: 0.5541662; epoch 9)

In [6]:
print("averaged results after fine tuning")
print("on training data")
print('Hits @10: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_train[9])))
print('Hits @3: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_train[2])))
print('Hits @1: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_train[0])))
print('Median rank: {0}'.format(np.median(ranks_train)))
print('Mean rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(ranks_train)))
print('Mean reciprocal rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_train))))
print("on validation data")
print('Hits @10: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_val[9])))
print('Hits @3: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_val[2])))
print('Hits @1: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_val[0])))
print('Median rank: {0}'.format(np.median(ranks_val)))
print('Mean rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(ranks_val)))
print('Mean reciprocal rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_val))))
print("on testing data")
print('Hits @10: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_test[9])))
print('Hits @3: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_test[2])))
print('Hits @1: {0}'.format(np.mean(hits_test[0])))
print('Median rank: {0}'.format(np.median(ranks_test)))
print('Mean rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(ranks_test)))
print('Mean reciprocal rank: {0}'.format(np.mean(1./np.array(ranks_test))))

averaged results after fine tuning
on training data
Hits @10: 0.9982148159669688
Hits @3: 0.9963518615404194
Hits @1: 0.9604678949675486
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 47.01893709082168
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.9783476525372211
on validation data
Hits @10: 0.9236
Hits @3: 0.8252
Hits @1: 0.5733
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 580.6488
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.7084410100201441
on testing data
Hits @10: 0.9279
Hits @3: 0.8271
Hits @1: 0.5723
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 527.9489
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.7089103058103928

Results on other datasets

averaged results after fine tuning
on training data
Hits @10: 0.9899752403984569
Hits @3: 0.9276271088846664
Hits @1: 0.7581389992514539
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 33.98896182414925
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.8443426347451821
on validation data
Hits @10: 0.4060646011865524
Hits @3: 0.34080421885299933
Hits @1: 0.19676994067237968
Median rank: 136.0
Mean rank: 5930.954185893211
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.27780731983544255
on testing data
Hits @10: 0.40874282067645185
Hits @3: 0.3439693682195278
Hits @1: 0.19591576260370133
Median rank: 123.0
Mean rank: 6076.159700063816
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.27886990190953775
averaged results after fine tuning
on training data
Hits @10: 0.9272930881599927
Hits @3: 0.8392788007210328
Hits @1: 0.5860503890329751
Median rank: 1.0
Mean rank: 25.683137949552684
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.719122298742699
on validation data
Hits @10: 0.7232114212383702
Hits @3: 0.569718479307026
Hits @1: 0.35256256015399423
Median rank: 3.0
Mean rank: 272.09629651908887
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.4827135253765891
on testing data
Hits @10: 0.7241171272220522
Hits @3: 0.5680466333571259
Hits @1: 0.34524659256993306
Median rank: 3.0
Mean rank: 269.1235427075898
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.47837383495927893
averaged results after fine tuning
on training data
Hits @10: 0.6585153360928204
Hits @3: 0.5070968923986973
Hits @1: 0.3510437816191235
Median rank: 3.0
Mean rank: 87.53925351759827
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.4558151167654896
on validation data
Hits @10: 0.4437535653166001
Hits @3: 0.3148317170564746
Hits @1: 0.21003993154592127
Median rank: 17.0
Mean rank: 432.95131203650885
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.2881203144254347
on testing data
Hits @10: 0.44074218940986654
Hits @3: 0.3085121986994573
Hits @1: 0.2008507309441158
Median rank: 18.0
Mean rank: 458.222216789713
Mean reciprocal rank: 0.28085737963917984

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