.. _table-axes:

Table Axes

Data tables, with rows containing observations and columns containing variables or series, are arguably the cornerstone of science. Much of the functionality of Toyplot or any other plotting package can be reduced to a process of mapping data series from tables to properties like coordinates and colors. Nevertheless, much tabular information is still best understood in its "native" tabular form, and we believe that even a humble table benefits from good layout and design - which is why Toyplot supports rendering tables as data graphics, treating them as first-class objects instead of specialized markup.

To accomplish this, Toyplot provides :class:toyplot.axes.Table, which is a specialized coordinate system. Just like :ref:cartesian-axes, table axes map domain coordinates to canvas coordinates. Unlike traditional Cartesian axes, table axes map integer coordinates that increase from left-to-right and top-to-bottom to rectangular regions of the canvas called cells.

Be careful not to confuse the table axes described in this section with :ref:data-tables, which are purely a data storage mechanism. To make this distinction clear, let's start by loading some sample data into a data table:

In [1]:
import numpy
import toyplot.data
data_table = toyplot.data.read_csv("temperatures.csv")
data_table = data_table[:10]

Now, we can use the data table to initialize a set of table axes:

In [2]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table)
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100

STATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010139-72-67GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-133-133GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010311-139-89GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010411-139-89GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010522-144-111GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010644-122-100GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010756-122-11GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US20130108100-83-78GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010972-83-33GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013011189-5022

With surprisingly little effort, this produces a very clean, easy to read table. Note that, like regular Cartesian axes, the table axes fill the available Canvas by default, so you can adjust your canvas width and height to expand or contract the rows and columns in your table. Also, each row and column in the table receives an equal amount of the available space, unless they are individually overridden as we've done here. Of course, you're free to use all of the mechanisms outlined in :ref:canvas-layout to add multiple sets of table axes to a canvas.

When you load a CSV file using :func:toyplot.data.read_csv, the resulting table columns all contain string values. Note that the columns in the graphic are left-justified, the default for string data. Let's see what happens when we convert some of our columns to integers:

In [3]:
data_table["TMAX"] = data_table["TMAX"].astype("int32")
data_table["TMIN"] = data_table["TMIN"].astype("int32")
data_table["TOBS"] = data_table["TOBS"].astype("int32")

In [4]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table)
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100

STATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010139-72-67GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-133-133GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010311-139-89GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010411-139-89GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010522-144-111GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010644-122-100GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010756-122-11GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US20130108100-83-78GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010972-83-33GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013011189-5022

After converting the TMAX, TMIN, and TOBS columns to integers, they are right-justified within their columns, so their digits all align, making it easy to judge magnitudes. As it happens, the data in this file is stored as integers representing tenths-of-a-degree Celsius, so let's convert them to floating-point Celsius degrees and see what happens:

In [5]:
data_table["TMAX"] = data_table["TMAX"] * 0.1
data_table["TMIN"] = data_table["TMIN"] * 0.1
data_table["TOBS"] = data_table["TOBS"] * 0.1

In [6]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table)
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100

STATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2

Now, all of the decimal points are properly aligned within each column, even for values without a decimal point! If you wanted to, you could switch to a fixed number of decimal points:

In [7]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table)
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100
table.column(3).format = toyplot.format.FloatFormatter("{:.1f}")
table.column(4).format = toyplot.format.FloatFormatter("{:.1f}")
table.column(5).format = toyplot.format.FloatFormatter("{:.1f}")

STATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020.0-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10.0GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810.0-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-5.02.2

Next, let's title our figure. Just like regular axes, table axes have a label property that can be set at construction time:

In [16]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2

And although we don't recommend it, you can go crazy with gridlines:

In [9]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100
table.grid.hlines[...] = "single"
table.grid.vlines[...] = "single"
table.grid.hlines[1,...] = "double"

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2

... for a table with $M$ rows and $N$ columns, the table.grid.hlines matrix will control the appearance of $M+1 \times N$ horizontal lines, while table.grid.vlines will control $M \times N+1$ vertical lines. Use "single" for single lines, "double" for double lines, or any value that evaluates to False to hide the lines.

Suppose you wanted to highlight the observations in the dataset with the highest high temperature and the lowest low temperature. You could do so by changing the style of the given rows:

In [10]:
low_index = numpy.argsort(data_table["TMIN"])[0]
high_index = numpy.argsort(data_table["TMAX"])[-1]

canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100
table.row(low_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"blue"}
table.row(high_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"red"}

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2

Wait a second ... those colored rows are both off-by-one! The actual minimum and maximum values are in the rows immediately following the colored rows. What happened? Note that the table has an "extra" row for the column headers, so row zero in the data is actually row one in the table, making the data rows "one-based" instead of "zero-based" the way all good programmers are accustomed. We could fix the problem by offsetting the indices we calculated from the raw data, but that would be error-prone and annoying. The offset would also change if we ever changed the number of header rows (we'll see how this is done in a moment).

What we really need is a way to refer to the "header" rows and the "body" rows in the table separately, using zero-based indices. Fortunately, Toyplot does just that - we can use a pair of special accessors to target our changes to the header or the body, using coordinates that won't be affected by changes to other parts of the table:

In [11]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100
table.body.row(low_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"blue"}
table.body.row(high_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"red"}

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2

Now the correct rows have been highlighted. Let's change the number of header rows to verify that the highlighting isn't affected:

In [12]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, hrows=2, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100
table.body.row(low_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"blue"}
table.body.row(high_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"red"}

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2

Sure enough, the correct rows are still highlighted, and while it isn't obvious, the header does contain a second row. Let's make it obvious with some grid lines, and provide some top-level labels of our own:

In [13]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, hrows=2, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100
table.body.row(low_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"blue"}
table.body.row(high_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"red"}
table.header.grid.hlines[...] = "single"
table.header.grid.vlines[...] = "single"
table.header.cell(0, 0, colspan=2).merge().data = "Location"
table.header.cell(0, 3, colspan=3).merge().data = u"Temperature \u00b0C"

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2LocationTemperature °C

Note that by accessing the grid via the "header" accessor, we were able to easily set lines just for the header cells, and that we can use the data attribute to assign arbitrary cell contents, in this case to a pair of merged header cells.

Also, you may have noticed that the merged cells took on the attributes (alignment, style, etc.) of the cells that were merged, which is why the "Location" label is left-justified, while the "Temperature" label is centered. Let's center-justify the Location label, make both a little more prominent, and lose the gridlines:

In [14]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, hrows=2, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 100
table.body.row(low_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"blue"}
table.body.row(high_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"red"}
merged = table.header.cell(0, 0, colspan=2).merge()
merged.data = "Location"
merged.align = "center"
merged.style = {"font-size":"14px"}
merged = table.header.cell(0, 3, colspan=3).merge()
merged.data = u"Temperature \u00b0C"
merged.style = {"font-size":"14px"}

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2LocationTemperature °C

Finally, let's finish-off our grid by plotting the minimum and maximum temperatures vertically along the right-hand side. This will provide an intuitive guide to trends in the data. To do this, we'll add an extra column to the table, merge it into a single cell, and then embed a set of axes into the cell:

In [15]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=700, height=400)
table = canvas.table(data_table, columns=7, hrows=2, label="Temperature Readings")
table.column(0).width = 150
table.column(1).width = 150
table.column(2).width = 70
table.column(6).width = 80
table.body.row(low_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"blue"}
table.body.row(high_index).style = {"font-weight":"bold", "fill":"red"}
merged = table.header.cell(0, 0, colspan=2).merge()
merged.data = "Location"
merged.align = "center"
merged.style = {"font-size":"14px"}
merged = table.header.cell(0, 3, colspan=3).merge()
merged.data = u"Temperature \u00b0C"
merged.style = {"font-size":"14px"}
axes = table.body.column(6).merge().axes(show=False, padding=14)
axes.plot(data_table["TMIN"][::-1], along="y", marker="o", color="blue", style={"stroke-width":1.0})
axes.plot(data_table["TMAX"][::-1], along="y", marker="o", color="red", style={"stroke-width":1.0});

Temperature ReadingsSTATIONSTATION_NAMEDATETMAXTMINTOBSGHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301013.9-7.2-6.7GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301020-13.3-13.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301031.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301041.1-13.9-8.9GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301052.2-14.4-11.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301064.4-12.2-10GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301075.6-12.2-1.1GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US2013010810-8.3-7.8GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301097.2-8.3-3.3GHCND:USC00294366JEMEZ DAM NM US201301118.9-52.2LocationTemperature °C

Note that we hid the cartesian axes completely to avoid visual clutter, and adjusted the axis padding to take-up just enough space in the merged cell so the datum markers are aligned with the corresponding table rows. Finally, note that we had to reverse the order of the plotted data (using an index of [::-1] with the table columns) so the first datum would be plotted at the top of the cell rather than the bottom, as would be customary for a cartesian plot.

In [ ]: