.. _labels-and-legends:

Labels and Legends

Of course, most figures require proper labels before they can be of value, so Toyplot provides several labelling mechanisms to help:

Axes Labels

First, both :ref:cartesian-axes and :ref:table-axes provide labelling parameters that can be specified when they are created. In either case the label parameter provides a top-level label for the set of axes:

In [1]:
import numpy
import toyplot

canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=600, height=300)
canvas.axes(grid=(1,2,0), label="Cartesian Axes").plot(numpy.linspace(0, 1)**2)
canvas.table(grid=(1,2,1), label="Table Axes", data = numpy.random.random((4, 3)));

010203040500.00.51.0Cartesian AxesTable AxesC0C1C20.2490420.1087530.8127360.9071840.9967140.6951420.640020.7841120.1271820.236970.4212860.822703

Naturally, some axes - such as Cartesian axes - allow you to specify additional, axis-specific labels:

In [2]:
canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=300, height=300)
axes = canvas.axes(label="Cartesian Axes", xlabel="Days", ylabel="Users")
axes.plot(numpy.linspace(0, 1)**2);

01020304050Days0.00.51.0UsersCartesian Axes

Axes Text

Another option for labelling a plot is to insert text labels using the same domain as the data:

In [3]:
def series(x):
    return numpy.cumsum(numpy.random.normal(loc=0.05, size=len(x)))

x = numpy.arange(100)
y = numpy.column_stack([series(x) for i in range(5)])

In [4]:
label_style = {"text-anchor":"start", "-toyplot-anchor-shift":"5px"}
canvas, axes, mark = toyplot.plot(x, y)
for i in range(y.shape[1]):
    axes.text(x[-1], y[-1,i], "Series %s" % i, style=label_style)

Series 0Series 1Series 2Series 3Series 404080120-1001020

Note that we are using the last coordinate in each series as the text label coordinate - by default, Toyplot renders text centered on its coordinate, so in this case we've chosen a text style that left-aligns the text and offsets it slightly for clarity.

Canvas Text

When adding text to axes, you specify the text coordinates using the same domain as your data. Naturally, this limits the added text to the bounds defined by the axes. For the ultimate in labeling flexibility, you can add text to the canvas directly, using canvas units, outside and/or overlapping axes:

In [5]:
label_style={"font-size":"18px", "font-weight":"bold"}

canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=600, height=300)
canvas.axes(grid=(1,2,0)).plot(numpy.linspace(1, 0)**2)
canvas.axes(grid=(1,2,1), yshow=False).plot(numpy.linspace(0, 1)**2)
canvas.text(300, 120, "This label overlaps two sets of axes!", style=label_style);

010203040500.00.51.001020304050This label overlaps two sets of axes!

Please keep in mind when placing labels in canvas coordinates that, unlike Cartesian coordinates, canvas coordinates increase from top-to-bottom.

Canvas Legends

Last-but-not-least, Toyplot provides (currently experimental) support for graphical legends:

In [6]:
observations = numpy.random.power(2, size=(50, 50))

x = numpy.arange(len(observations))

boundaries = numpy.column_stack(
    (numpy.min(observations, axis=1),
     numpy.percentile(observations, 25, axis=1),
     numpy.percentile(observations, 50, axis=1),
     numpy.percentile(observations, 75, axis=1),
     numpy.max(observations, axis=1)))

fill = ["blue", "blue", "red", "red"]
opacity = [0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1]

canvas = toyplot.Canvas(800, 400)
axes = canvas.axes(grid=(1,5,0,1,0,4))
fill = axes.fill(x, boundaries, fill=fill, opacity=opacity)
mean = axes.plot(x, numpy.mean(observations, axis=1), color="blue")

    ("Mean", mean),
    ("First Quartile", "rect", {"fill":"blue", "opacity":0.1}),
    ("Second Quartile", "rect", {"fill":"blue", "opacity":0.2}),
    ("Third Quartile", "rect", {"fill":"red", "opacity":0.2}),
    ("Fourth Quartile", "rect", {"fill":"red", "opacity":0.1}),
    corner=("right", 100, 100, 125),

010203040500.00.51.0MeanFirst QuartileSecond QuartileThird QuartileFourth Quartile

The call to :func:toyplot.canvas.Canvas.legend always includes an explicit list of items to add to the legend, plus a :ref:canvas-layout specification of where the layout should appear on the canvas. Currently, each item to be displayed should be either:

  • A (label, mark) tuple, which will get its appearance from the mark, or:
  • A (label, marker, style) tuple, which will render the given marker with the given style.

Of course, label is the text to be displayed next to an item in the legend, while mark is a mark that has been added to the canvas. However, not all marks can provide an unambiguous legend representation - what to do when a mark represents multiple series, or has per-datum colors, markers, or styles? In these cases there isn't a one-to-one correspondence between marks and legend items, leading to the second form of legend item with explicit marker and style parameters. The marker parameter currently can be any of the following:

  • "line" - draw a line in the same style that would be used for a line plot.
  • "rect" - draw a filled rect in the same style that would be used for a fill plot.
  • marker - draw a marker shape using any of the :ref:markers that are available for line and scatter plots.

As is the case throughout Toyplot, the style parameter uses CSS styles to control the appearance of the item.

There are some subtleties here worth noting, many of which are driven by Toyplot's deliberate embrace of the philosophy that explicit is better than implicit:

  • You can have as many or as few legends on your canvas as you like.
  • Callers explicitly specify the order and contents of each legend.
  • There is no relationship between axes and legends - you could combine marks from multiple axes in a single legend, for example.

Here's an example of all these ideas at work:

In [7]:
x = numpy.linspace(0, 1)
y1 = (1 - x) ** 2
y2 = numpy.column_stack((1 - (x ** 2), x ** 2))

canvas = toyplot.Canvas(width=600, height=300)
m1 = canvas.axes(grid=(1,2,0), gutter=15).scatterplot(x, y1, marker="o", color="rgb(255,0,0)")
m2 = canvas.axes(grid=(1,2,1), gutter=15, yshow=False).scatterplot(x, y2, marker="s", color=["green", "blue"])

    ("Experiment 1", "o", {"fill":"rgb(255,0,0)", "stroke": "none"}),
    ("Experiment 2", "s", {"fill":"green", "stroke": "none"}),
    ("Experiment 3", "s", {"fill":"blue", "stroke": "none"}),

    corner=("top", 100, 100, 70),
    ); 1Experiment 2Experiment 3

In [ ]: