This plot was submitted by a disappointed user. It's hard to say how much we can help, given that one of the series goes to infinity, but ideas are welcome.
In [1]:
import toyplot
import numpy as np
import numpy
In [2]:
x = np.linspace(1,100,100)
y1 = x**2*np.log10(x)
y2 = 2**x
y3 = 2**(2**x)
y4 = x**(np.log10(x))
y5 = x**2
In [3]:
y1[-1], y2[-1], y3[-1], y4[-1], y5[-1]
In [4]:
axes = toyplot.Canvas(width=1000).axes(yscale="log")
mark = axes.plot(x,y1,style={"stroke":"blue"})
mark = axes.plot(x,y2,style={"stroke":"red"})
mark = axes.plot(x,y3,style={"stroke":"yellow"})
mark = axes.plot(x,y4,style={"stroke":"black"})
mark = axes.plot(x,y5,style={"stroke":"green"})
In [ ]: