Install Bokeh

Here are two ways to install Bokeh

1. If you are already an Anaconda user, you can simply run the command:

conda install bokeh

This will install the most recent published Bokeh release from the Continuum Analytics Anaconda repository, along with all dependencies.

2. Alternatively, it is possible to install from PyPI using pip:

pip install bokeh

In [1]:
import TimeSeries as ts
import pandas as pd

I am using csv file in Mississippi folder for example here. Make sure you write the right path and file name of the csv file is in the next cells.

In [2]:
cd ../../Data/mississippi/


If you are using your ready-to-go pandas dataframe, just set data equals your dataframe. If there are other than one columns at the end of your dataframe which is string indicator not to be shown in the plot, line 20 in needs to be changed. Just set the number 2 to (number of indicator columns -1).

In [3]:
data = pd.read_csv('UMR_Day42015-08-04_Nulls_Removed.csv')

In [4]:

ltime Latitude Longitude Temp fDOMQSU ODOsat ODOmg/L pH CH4uM CO2uM Cond indicator
0 8/4/15 8:56 43.664773 -91.238209 22.6392 80.448 97.81 8.35761 8.70 0.239870 11.897216 408.02 Mississippi
1 8/4/15 8:56 43.664777 -91.238210 22.6382 80.440 97.68 8.35128 8.69 0.250415 11.900610 408.22 Mississippi
2 8/4/15 8:56 43.664780 -91.238211 22.6354 80.480 97.65 8.34495 8.69 0.228742 11.775067 407.76 Mississippi
3 8/4/15 8:56 43.664783 -91.238211 22.6334 80.488 97.52 8.36229 8.69 0.219063 11.757889 407.38 Mississippi
4 8/4/15 8:56 43.664787 -91.238209 22.6324 80.508 97.49 8.36596 8.69 0.244385 11.918703 407.84 Mississippi

We can just ignore the warning message in the next cell which is for the modification of the dataframe not the csv file.

The interactive plotting only works for single selection now, and I will work on the multiselection later.

In [7]:
cd ../../Analysis/TimeSeries/


In [8]:

Loading BokehJS ...