Cloudant Python Notebook Example

This is an example Python Notebook that showcases how to use the spark-cloudant connector. The notebook shows how to:

  • Connect Spark to a Cloudant database
  • Read and show the schema and data of the JSON documents
  • Use SparkSQL to query the data
  • Graph the data in a chart
  • Filter the data and save in your own Cloudant database

Useful Info

In [8]:
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)

# Connect to database 'sales' and read schema using all documents as schema sample size
cloudantdata ="com.cloudant.spark").\
option("schemaSampleSize", "-1").\

# Print the schema that was detected

# Cache the data

 |-- _id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- _rev: string (nullable = true)
 |-- amount: long (nullable = true)
 |-- month: string (nullable = true)
 |-- rep: string (nullable = true)

DataFrame[_id: string, _rev: string, amount: bigint, month: string, rep: string]

In [9]:
# Count Data
print "Count is {0}".format(cloudantdata.count())

Count is 2022

In [10]:
# Print Data

# Show 20 as default

# Show 5

# Show the rep field for 5"rep").show(5)

|                 _id|                _rev| amount|   month|      rep|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-23dd4ecb8b93c4b...|8057513|    June|   Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-9a4b9529f635f16...|8353677| January|   Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-a508cfb9d1f2b96...|7065940|    June|     Evan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-faa26d7740ed5df...|9326574|    June|     Evan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-9b9300506cfcd4f...|4578691|December|   Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-67df9938ffde7da...|9430766|   March|    Bella|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-247cc348b494dc1...|9510494|   April|   Nathan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-5bc9db6e32ad584...|5676165|    July|Charlotte|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-66d253978572afd...|2761221|    June|Charlotte|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-274b3e1b7746dcb...|9658504| October|   Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-4e1c44d2cb529e7...|7794029| January|   Nathan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-c24c65aa33ec830...|3568656|    July|   Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-710d18bd728f987...|7358230|December|     Evan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-74d090e9741f7a8...|5281803| October|   Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-b962212bda33a00...|3292017|November|   Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-cacc6163762fde2...|9102845|   April|Charlotte|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-c4c067a585c0f7e...|9729944|February|     Evan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-b517518ec76a1b0...|1042097|  August|     Evan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-edc932dc4579307...|7403745|   March|    Bella|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-110430ff98b8c4d...|2053464|  August|    Bella|
only showing top 20 rows

|                 _id|                _rev| amount|   month|   rep|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-23dd4ecb8b93c4b...|8057513|    June|Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-9a4b9529f635f16...|8353677| January|Ashley|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-a508cfb9d1f2b96...|7065940|    June|  Evan|
|0c6d783c1f9164354...|1-faa26d7740ed5df...|9326574|    June|  Evan|
only showing top 5 rows

|   rep|
|  Evan|
|  Evan|
only showing top 5 rows

In [11]:
# Run SparkSQL to get COUNTs and SUMs and do ORDER BY VALUE examples

# Register a temp table sales_table on the cloudantdata data frame

# Run SparkSQL to get a count and total amount of sales by rep
sqlContext.sql("SELECT rep AS REP, COUNT(amount) AS COUNT, SUM(amount) AS AMOUNT FROM sales_table GROUP BY rep ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC").show(100)

# Run SparkSQL to get total amount of sales by month
sqlContext.sql("SELECT month AS MONTH, SUM(amount) AS AMOUNT FROM sales_table GROUP BY month ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC").show()

|      REP|COUNT|    AMOUNT|
|Charlotte|  408|2150072136|
|   Nathan|  399|2128777269|
|     Evan|  403|2122787250|
|   Ashley|  406|2109849878|
|    Bella|  406|2091567518|

|    MONTH|    AMOUNT|
|     June|1006655547|
|    March| 965554387|
| February| 949894161|
|      May| 895723365|
|  January| 883823633|
|     July| 881441469|
|  October| 879310075|
|   August| 866259553|
|    April| 851319642|
|September| 838826558|
| November| 795484324|
| December| 788761337|

In [12]:
# Graph the Monthly Sales  

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

pandaDF = sqlContext.sql("SELECT month AS MONTH, SUM(amount) AS AMOUNT FROM sales_table GROUP BY month ORDER BY SUM(amount) DESC").toPandas()
values = pandaDF['AMOUNT']
labels = pandaDF['MONTH']
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(16, 12, forward=True)
plt.title('Total Sales by Month')
plt.barh(range(len(values)), values)
plt.yticks(range(len(values)), labels)

In [14]:
# Filter, Count, Show, and Save Data

# Filter data for the rep 'Charlotte' and month of 'September'
filteredCloudantData = cloudantdata.filter("rep = 'Charlotte' AND month = 'September'")

# Count filtered data
print "Total Count is {0}".format(filteredCloudantData.count())

# Show filtered data

Total Count is 33
|                 _id|                _rev| amount|    month|      rep|
only showing top 5 rows

In [ ]:
# Saving the amount, month, and rep fields from the filtered data...
# a new Cloudant database 'sales_charlotte_september'
# NOTE: Remember to create the sales_charlotte_september database...
# your Cloudant account AND replace ACCOUNT, USERNAME, and PASSWORD fields first!!"amount","month","rep").write.format("com.cloudant.spark").\
print "Data is saved!"