Example soil moisture validation: ASCAT - ISMN

This example shows how to setup the pytesmo validation framework to perform the validation either normal or using the parallel processing tool from ipython.

In [ ]:
import os

import pytesmo.validation_framework.temporal_matchers as temporal_matchers
import pytesmo.validation_framework.metric_calculators as metrics_calculators

from datetime import datetime

from pytesmo.io.sat.ascat import AscatH25_SSM
from pytesmo.io.ismn.interface import ISMN_Interface
from pytesmo.validation_framework.validation import Validation

from examples.data_preparation_ASCAT_ISMN import DataPreparation

Initialize ASCAT reader

In [ ]:
ascat_data_folder = os.path.join('/media/sf_R', 'Datapool_processed', 'WARP', 'WARP5.5',
                                 'IRMA1_WARP5.5_P2', 'R1', '080_ssm', 'netcdf')
ascat_grid_folder = os.path.join('/media/sf_R', 'Datapool_processed', 'WARP',
                                 'ancillary', 'warp5_grid')

ascat_reader = AscatH25_SSM(ascat_data_folder, ascat_grid_folder)
ascat_reader.read_bulk = True

Initialize ISMN reader

In [ ]:
ismn_data_folder = os.path.join('/media/sf_D', 'ISMN', 'data')
ismn_reader = ISMN_Interface(ismn_data_folder)

Create the variable jobs which is a list containing either cell numbers (for a cell based process) or grid point index information tuple(gpi, longitude, latitude). For ISMN gpi is replaced by idx which is an index used to read time series of variables such as soil moisture. DO NOT CHANGE the name jobs because it will be searched during the parallel processing!

In [ ]:
jobs = []

ids = ismn_reader.get_dataset_ids(variable='soil moisture', min_depth=0, max_depth=0.1)
for idx in ids:
    metadata = ismn_reader.metadata[idx]
    jobs.append((idx, metadata['longitude'], metadata['latitude']))

Create the variable save_path which is a string representing the path where the results will be saved. DO NOT CHANGE the name save_path because it will be searched during the parallel processing!

In [ ]:
save_path = os.path.join('/media/sf_D', 'validation_framework', 'test_ASCAT_ISMN')

Create the validation object.

In [ ]:
datasets = {'ISMN': {'class': ismn_reader, 'columns': ['soil moisture'],
                     'type': 'reference', 'args': [], 'kwargs': {}},
            'ASCAT': {'class': ascat_reader, 'columns': ['sm'], 'type': 'other',
                      'args': [], 'kwargs': {}, 'grids_compatible': False,
                      'use_lut': False, 'lut_max_dist': 30000}

period = [datetime(2007, 1, 1), datetime(2014, 12, 31)]

process = Validation(datasets=datasets, data_prep=DataPreparation(),
                     temporal_matcher=temporal_matchers.BasicTemporalMatching(window=1/24.0, reverse=True),
                     scaling='lin_cdf_match', scale_to_other=True,
                     period=period, cell_based_jobs=False)
  • If you decide to use the ipython parallel processing to perform the validation please ADD the start_processing function to your code. Then move to pytesmo.validation_framework.start_validation, change the path to your setup code and start the validation.

In [ ]:
def start_processing(job):
        return process.calc(job)
    except RuntimeError:
        return process.calc(job)
  • If you chose to perform the validation normally then please ADD the uncommented main method to your code.

In [ ]:
# if __name__ == '__main__':
#     from pytesmo.validation_framework.results_manager import netcdf_results_manager
#     for job in jobs:
#         results = process.calc(job)
#         netcdf_results_manager(results, save_path)