Updated: Using Pandas to Create and Excel Diff

The original article contains some Updating the Excel diff article to work with more recent versions of pandas that no longer use panel.

The new article can be read here

In [1]:
import pandas as pd

In [2]:
# Define the diff function to show the changes in each field
def report_diff(x):
    return x[0] if x[0] == x[1] else '{} ---> {}'.format(*x)

In [3]:
# Read in the two files but call the data old and new and create columns to track
old = pd.read_excel('sample-address-1.xlsx', 'Sheet1', na_values=['NA'])
new = pd.read_excel('sample-address-2.xlsx', 'Sheet1', na_values=['NA'])
old['version'] = "old"
new['version'] = "new"

In [4]:

account number name street city state postal code version
0 935480 Bruen Group 5131 Nienow Viaduct Apt. 290 Port Arlie Alabama 14118 old
1 371770 Cruickshank-Boyer 839 Lana Expressway Suite 234 South Viviana Alabama 57838 old
2 548367 Spencer, Grady and Herman 65387 Lang Circle Apt. 516 Greenholtbury Alaska 58394 old
3 296620 Schamberger, Hagenes and Brown 26340 Ferry Neck Apt. 612 McCulloughstad Alaska 74052 old
4 132971 Williamson, Schumm and Hettinger 89403 Casimer Spring Jeremieburgh Arkansas 62785 old

In [5]:

account number name street city state postal code version
0 935480 Bruen Group 5131 Nienow Viaduct Apt. 290 Port Arlie Alabama 14118 new
1 371770 Cruickshank-Boyer 839 Lana Expressway Suite 234 South Viviana Alabama 57838 new
2 548367 Spencer, Grady and Herman 65387 Lang Circle Apt. 516 Greenholtbury Alaska 58394 new
3 132971 Williamson, Schumm and Hettinger 89403 Casimer Spring Jeremieburgh Arkansas 62785 new
4 985603 Bosco-Upton 03369 Moe Way Port Casandra Arkansas 86014 new

In [6]:
# We use the account numbers as the keys to check what is added, dropped and potentially changed
# Using sets makes the deduping easy and we can use set operations to figure out groupings
old_accts_all = set(old['account number'])
new_accts_all = set(new['account number'])

dropped_accts = old_accts_all - new_accts_all
added_accts = new_accts_all - old_accts_all

In [7]:
#Join all the data together and ignore indexes so it all gets concatenated
all_data = pd.concat([old,new],ignore_index=True)

In [8]:

account number name street city state postal code version
0 935480 Bruen Group 5131 Nienow Viaduct Apt. 290 Port Arlie Alabama 14118 old
1 371770 Cruickshank-Boyer 839 Lana Expressway Suite 234 South Viviana Alabama 57838 old
2 548367 Spencer, Grady and Herman 65387 Lang Circle Apt. 516 Greenholtbury Alaska 58394 old
3 296620 Schamberger, Hagenes and Brown 26340 Ferry Neck Apt. 612 McCulloughstad Alaska 74052 old
4 132971 Williamson, Schumm and Hettinger 89403 Casimer Spring Jeremieburgh Arkansas 62785 old

In [9]:
# Let's see what changes in the main columns we care about
# Change drop_duplicates syntax: keep=last
changes = all_data.drop_duplicates(subset=["account number", 
                                           "name", "street", 
                                           "postal code"], keep='last')

In [10]:

account number name street city state postal code version
3 296620 Schamberger, Hagenes and Brown 26340 Ferry Neck Apt. 612 McCulloughstad Alaska 74052 old
24 595932 Kuhic, Eichmann and West 4059 Tobias Inlet New Rylanfurt Illinois 89271 old
30 558879 Watsica Group 95616 Enos Grove Suite 139 West Atlas Iowa 47419 old
96 880043 Beatty Inc 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171 North Gardnertown Wyoming 64318 old
100 935480 Bruen Group 5131 Nienow Viaduct Apt. 290 Port Arlie Alabama 14118 new

In [11]:
#Get all the duplicate rows
dupe_accts = changes[changes['account number'].duplicated() == True]['account number'].tolist()
dupes = changes[changes["account number"].isin(dupe_accts)]

In [12]:

account number name street city state postal code version
24 595932 Kuhic, Eichmann and West 4059 Tobias Inlet New Rylanfurt Illinois 89271 old
30 558879 Watsica Group 95616 Enos Grove Suite 139 West Atlas Iowa 47419 old
96 880043 Beatty Inc 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171 North Gardnertown Wyoming 64318 old
123 595932 Kuhic, Eichmann and West 4059 Tobias St New Rylanfurt Illinois 89271 new
129 558879 Watsica Group 829 Big street Smithtown Ohio 47919 new
195 880043 Beatty Inc 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171 North Gardnertown Wyoming 64918 new

In [13]:
# Pull out the old and new data into separate dataframes
change_new = dupes[(dupes["version"] == "new")]
change_old = dupes[(dupes["version"] == "old")]

In [14]:
# Drop the temp columns - we don't need them now
change_new = change_new.drop(['version'], axis=1)
change_old = change_old.drop(['version'], axis=1)

In [15]:
# Index on the account numbers
change_new.set_index('account number', inplace=True)
change_old.set_index('account number', inplace=True)

In [16]:
df_all_changes = pd.concat([change_old, change_new],
                           keys=['old', 'new'],

In [17]:

old new
name street city state postal code name street city state postal code
account number
595932 Kuhic, Eichmann and West 4059 Tobias Inlet New Rylanfurt Illinois 89271 Kuhic, Eichmann and West 4059 Tobias St New Rylanfurt Illinois 89271
558879 Watsica Group 95616 Enos Grove Suite 139 West Atlas Iowa 47419 Watsica Group 829 Big street Smithtown Ohio 47919
880043 Beatty Inc 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171 North Gardnertown Wyoming 64318 Beatty Inc 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171 North Gardnertown Wyoming 64918

In [18]:
df_all_changes = df_all_changes.swaplevel(axis='columns')[change_new.columns[0:]]

In [19]:

name street city state postal code
old new old new old new old new old new
account number
595932 Kuhic, Eichmann and West Kuhic, Eichmann and West 4059 Tobias Inlet 4059 Tobias St New Rylanfurt New Rylanfurt Illinois Illinois 89271 89271
558879 Watsica Group Watsica Group 95616 Enos Grove Suite 139 829 Big street West Atlas Smithtown Iowa Ohio 47419 47919
880043 Beatty Inc Beatty Inc 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171 North Gardnertown North Gardnertown Wyoming Wyoming 64318 64918

In [20]:
df_changed = df_all_changes.groupby(level=0, axis=1).apply(lambda frame: frame.apply(report_diff, axis=1))
df_changed = df_changed.reset_index()

In [21]:

account number city name postal code state street
0 595932 New Rylanfurt Kuhic, Eichmann and West 89271 Illinois 4059 Tobias Inlet ---> 4059 Tobias St
1 558879 West Atlas ---> Smithtown Watsica Group 47419 ---> 47919 Iowa ---> Ohio 95616 Enos Grove Suite 139 ---> 829 Big street
2 880043 North Gardnertown Beatty Inc 64318 ---> 64918 Wyoming 3641 Schaefer Isle Suite 171

In [22]:
# Diff'ing is done, we need to get a list of removed and added items

In [23]:
df_removed = changes[changes["account number"].isin(dropped_accts)]

account number name street city state postal code version
3 296620 Schamberger, Hagenes and Brown 26340 Ferry Neck Apt. 612 McCulloughstad Alaska 74052 old

In [24]:
df_added = changes[changes["account number"].isin(added_accts)]

account number name street city state postal code version
199 34777 MyCo 7833 Old Pine Drive Orlando Florida 32789 new

In [25]:
#Save the changes to excel but only include the columns we care about
output_columns = ["account number", "name", "street", "city", "state", "postal code"]
writer = pd.ExcelWriter("my-diff.xlsx")
df_changed.to_excel(writer,"changed", index=False, columns=output_columns)
df_removed.to_excel(writer,"removed",index=False, columns=output_columns)
df_added.to_excel(writer,"added",index=False, columns=output_columns)

In [ ]: