In [1]:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import nltk
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

In [3]:
# parse sample file
datapath =''
filename = 
soup = BeautifulSoup(open(datapath+ 'example_ttml.xml'), 'html.parser')
result = [(p['begin'], p['end'], p.text) for p in soup.find_all('p')]

In [10]:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>\n<tt ttp:profile="" xml:lang="en" xmlns="" xmlns:ttm="" xmlns:ttp="" xmlns:tts="">\n<head>\n<styling>\n<style tts:displayalign="after" tts:extent="90% 90%" tts:origin="5% 5%" tts:textalign="center" xml:id="s1"></style>\n<style tts:backgroundcolor="black" tts:color="white" tts:fontsize=".72c" xml:id="s2"></style>\n<style tts:color="#E5E5E5" xml:id="s3"></style>\n<style tts:color="#CCCCCC" xml:id="s4"></style>\n</styling>\n<layout>\n<region style="s1" xml:id="r1"></region>\n</layout>\n</head>\n<body region="r1">\n<div>\n<p begin="00:00:00.620" end="00:00:04.049" style="s2">though<span style="s3"> many</span> have joined the stem</p>\n<p begin="00:00:02.639" end="00:00:05.910" style="s2">learning community and have brought many</p>\n<p begin="00:00:04.049" end="00:00:08.010" style="s2">improvements the whole program is still</p>\n<p begin="00:00:05.910" end="00:00:09.450" style="s2">very new if<span style="s3"> I</span> were to<span style="s4"> be</span> in the stem</p>\n<p begin="00:00:08.010" end="00:00:10.800" style="s2">community I think that I could allow a</p>\n<p begin="00:00:09.450" end="00:00:12.150" style="s2">large amount of growth in the field of</p>\n<p begin="00:00:10.800" end="00:00:14.759" style="s2">programming and connecting the web with</p>\n<p begin="00:00:12.150" end="00:00:16.049" style="s2"><span style="s3">real world I have had several projects</span></p>\n<p begin="00:00:14.759" end="00:00:18.000" style="s2">that allow me to control and receive</p>\n<p begin="00:00:16.049" end="00:00:20.310" style="s2">feedback<span style="s3"> from</span> our<span style="s4"> website</span> to hardware</p>\n<p begin="00:00:18.000" end="00:00:22.199" style="s2">devices such as an<span style="s3"> arduino</span> i also</p>\n<p begin="00:00:20.310" end="00:00:23.760" style="s2">created a homemade remote swivel camera</p>\n<p begin="00:00:22.199" end="00:00:26.340" style="s2">to watch stuff and things like him</p>\n<p begin="00:00:23.760" end="00:00:27.930" style="s2">still adjusting to my home i created a</p>\n<p begin="00:00:26.340" end="00:00:30.000" style="s2">python script on a<span style="s4"> raspberry pi and</span></p>\n<p begin="00:00:27.930" end="00:00:31.949" style="s2">mounted a webcam on several allowing you</p>\n<p begin="00:00:30.000" end="00:00:34.739" style="s2">to remotely control the camera to get</p>\n<p begin="00:00:31.949" end="00:00:37.140" style="s2">better angles<span style="s3"> i</span> also have plans<span style="s3"> of</span> a</p>\n<p begin="00:00:34.739" end="00:00:38.820" style="s2">testing home automation system if I was</p>\n<p begin="00:00:37.140" end="00:00:41.040" style="s2">part of stem I can also try to<span style="s3"> organize</span></p>\n<p begin="00:00:38.820" end="00:00:42.360" style="s2">information better there's a great</p>\n<p begin="00:00:41.040" end="00:00:44.070" style="s2">system for project management and</p>\n<p begin="00:00:42.360" end="00:00:45.989" style="s2">information management</p>\n<p begin="00:00:44.070" end="00:00:47.250" style="s2">and I<span style="s4"> think</span><span style="s3"> that</span> I could bring us a stem</p>\n<p begin="00:00:45.989" end="00:00:49.020" style="s2">to help everyone share the project's</p>\n<p begin="00:00:47.250" end="00:00:51.000" style="s2">steps and detailed information for</p>\n<p begin="00:00:49.020" end="00:00:52.770" style="s2">everyone's benefit I hope you can</p>\n<p begin="00:00:51.000" end="00:00:53.879" style="s2">consider my application and I hope for</p>\n<p begin="00:00:52.770" end="00:00:56.899" style="s2">the chance to bring<span style="s3"> these</span> improvements</p>\n<p begin="00:00:53.879" end="00:00:56.899" style="s2">thank you</p>\n</div>\n</body>\n</tt>\n

Analysis of word frequency (only considering nouns)

In [3]:
#text block
raw= ' '.join([x[2] for x in result])

In [4]:
# tokenzie and position tagging using nltk library
# to understand the meaning of tags:
text = nltk.word_tokenize(raw)
postags= nltk.pos_tag(text)

In [5]:
# turn the result into dataframe for the convenience of processing
df = pd.DataFrame(postags,columns =['word','type'])

In [6]:
#filter words by type, only keeping nouns
mask = df.type.str.slice(0,2).isin(typepattern_prefix)

In [7]:
# plot word frequency
ax.set_title('Word frequency', fontsize=16)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fabddefc0f0>

Analysis of speech speed on the video timeline

In [8]:
df2=pd.DataFrame(result, columns = ['sTimestamp','eTimestamp','words'])

In [9]:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
df2['durSeconds']= (df2['eTimestamp']-df2['sTimestamp'])/ timedelta(seconds=1)

In [10]:
df2['wordcounts']=df2.apply(lambda row: len(row['words'].split(' ')),axis='columns')

In [11]:

sTimestamp eTimestamp words durSeconds wordcounts
22 2017-08-28 00:00:42.360 2017-08-28 00:00:45.989 information management 3.629 2

In [12]:
#fastest and slowest line by speech speed

df2['offsetVideoStart'] = (df2['sTimestamp']-vStart)/timedelta(seconds=1)

print('--------slowest spoken line:----------------')
print('--------fastest spoken line:----------------')

--------slowest spoken line:----------------
sTimestamp          2017-08-28 00:00:42.360000
eTimestamp          2017-08-28 00:00:45.989000
words                   information management
durSeconds                               3.629
wordcounts                                   2
speechSpeed                           0.551116
offsetVideoStart                         41.74
Name: 22, dtype: object
--------fastest spoken line:----------------
sTimestamp                        2017-08-28 00:00:44.070000
eTimestamp                        2017-08-28 00:00:47.250000
words               and I think that I could bring us a stem
durSeconds                                              3.18
wordcounts                                                10
speechSpeed                                          3.14465
offsetVideoStart                                       43.45
Name: 23, dtype: object

In [13]:
#fastest and slowest line by speech speed

ax.set_ylabel('words / second')
ax.set_xlabel('time from the start of the video (seconds)')

ax.annotate('\"and I think that I could bring us a stem\"',
            xy=(43.45, 3.14465), xycoords='data',
            xytext=(-30, -20), textcoords='offset points',
            arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),
            horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', size=14)

ax.annotate('\"information management\"',
            xy=(41.74, 0.551116), xycoords='data',
            xytext=(-30, 20), textcoords='offset points',
            arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05),
            horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='bottom', size=14)

<matplotlib.text.Annotation at 0x7fabdb6c1908>

search for sentences

In [15]:


In [16]:
' '.join(df2["words"])

"though many have joined the stem learning community and have brought many improvements the whole program is still very new if I were to be in the stem community I think that I could allow a large amount of growth in the field of programming and connecting the web with real world I have had several projects that allow me to control and receive feedback from our website to hardware devices such as an arduino i also created a homemade remote swivel camera to watch stuff and things like him still adjusting to my home i created a python script on a raspberry pi and mounted a webcam on several allowing you to remotely control the camera to get better angles i also have plans of a testing home automation system if I was part of stem I can also try to organize information better there's a great system for project management and information management and I think that I could bring us a stem to help everyone share the project's steps and detailed information for everyone's benefit I hope you can consider my application and I hope for the chance to bring these improvements thank you"

In [20]:
#examples of search for a sentence

from re import finditer
#searchWords = 'hardware devices'

searchWords = 'i created a python script on a raspberry pi and mounted a webcam'

for match in finditer(searchWords, ' '.join(df2["words"].str.strip())):
    #print matches 
    startPos = match.span()[0]
    endPos = match.span()[1]
    #find the line indexes of the start and end position of each match
    pos= 0
    for index, row in df2.iterrows():
        pos += len(row["words"].strip())+1 # 1 is the space added between lines
        if startLineIdx ==-1 and startPos<pos:
        if endLineIdx==-1 and endPos<pos:
            endLineIdx = index
        if startLineIdx>0 and endLineIdx>0:

(519, 583) i created a python script on a raspberry pi and mounted a webcam
                sTimestamp                                     words
13 2017-08-28 00:00:23.760    still adjusting to my home i created a
14 2017-08-28 00:00:26.340       python script on a raspberry pi and
15 2017-08-28 00:00:27.930  mounted a webcam on several allowing you

In [ ]: