CNN vs Astro

In this notebook, I'll compare the performance of logistic regression trained on CNN features to logistic regression trained on astronomy features.

In [3]:
# Setup taken from notebook 17.

import itertools
import sys

import bson
import h5py
import keras.layers
import keras.models
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
import pandas
import sklearn.cross_validation
import sklearn.dummy
import sklearn.linear_model
import sklearn.metrics

sys.path.insert(1, '..')

with pandas.HDFStore('crowdastro-data/training.h5') as store:
    data = store['data']

n = 5000

# I'm gathering up the radio patches first so I can run them through the CNN at the same time
# as one big matrix operation. In principle this would run on the GPU.
radio_patches = numpy.zeros((n, 80, 80))
labels = numpy.zeros((n,))
linear_distances = numpy.zeros((n,))
gaussian_distances = numpy.zeros((n,))

radius = 40
padding = 150

for idx, row in data.head(n).iterrows():
    sid = bson.objectid.ObjectId(row['subject_id'][0].decode('ascii'))
    x = row['x'][0]
    y = row['y'][0]
    label = row['is_host'][0]
    labels[idx] = label
    subject ={'_id': sid})
    radio =, size='5x5')
    patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
    radio_patches[idx, :] = patch
    linear_distances[idx] = numpy.hypot(x - 100, y - 100)
    gaussian_distances[idx] = numpy.exp(-((x - 100) ** 2 / (2 * 50 ** 2) + (y - 100) ** 2 / (2 * 50 ** 2)))

# Load the CNN.

with open('crowdastro-data/cnn_model_2.json', 'r') as f:
    cnn = keras.models.model_from_json(


cnn.layers = cnn.layers[:5]  # Pop the layers after the second convolution's activation.

cnn.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='mse')  # I don't actually care about the optimiser or loss.

# Load the PCA.
with h5py.File('crowdastro-data/pca.h5') as f:
    pca = f['conv_2'][:]

# Find the radio features.
radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches.reshape(n, 1, 80, 80)) @ pca.T

# Find the astronomy features.
astro_features = data.ix[:n-1, 'flux_ap2_24':'flux_ap2_80'].as_matrix()

K:\Languages\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\ UserWarning: Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime library or library is corrupt/misconfigured; cannot determine whether your file object was opened in append mode.  Please consider using a file object opened in write mode instead.
  'Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime '
K:\Languages\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ DeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future

In [5]:
subject_ids = set()
for idx, row in data.ix[n:n * 2].iterrows():
    sid = row['subject_id'][0]

CNN features

In [6]:
def test(radio_features, labels):
    xs_train, xs_test, ts_train, ts_test = sklearn.cross_validation.train_test_split(
            radio_features, labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
    lr = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced'), ts_train)
    print('Classification accuracy: {:.02%}'.format(lr.score(xs_test, ts_test)))

    hits = 0
    attempts = 0

    for subject_id in subject_ids:
        indices = (data['subject_id'] == subject_id).as_matrix().reshape(-1)
        potential_hosts = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, 1:-1].astype(float))
        labels = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, -1].astype(bool))

        subject ={'_id': bson.objectid.ObjectId(subject_id.decode('ascii'))})
        radio =, size='5x5')

        radio_patches = numpy.zeros((len(potential_hosts), 1, radius * 2, radius * 2))
        for index, (x, y, *astro) in enumerate(potential_hosts):
            patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
            radio_patches[index, 0, :] = patch

        radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches) @ pca.T

        scores = lr.predict_proba(radio_features)[:, 1].reshape(-1)
        predicted_host = scores.argmax()
        if labels[predicted_host]:
            hits += 1
        attempts += 1

    print('Problem accuracy: {:.02%}'.format(hits / attempts))

test(radio_features, labels)

Classification accuracy: 88.90%
Problem accuracy: 61.59%
K:\Languages\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\ UserWarning: Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime library or library is corrupt/misconfigured; cannot determine whether your file object was opened in append mode.  Please consider using a file object opened in write mode instead.
  'Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime '
K:\Languages\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ DeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future

Astro features

In [8]:
def test(astro_features, labels):
    xs_train, xs_test, ts_train, ts_test = sklearn.cross_validation.train_test_split(
            astro_features, labels, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
    lr = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(class_weight='balanced'), ts_train)
    print('Classification accuracy: {:.02%}'.format(lr.score(xs_test, ts_test)))

    hits = 0
    attempts = 0

    for subject_id in subject_ids:
        indices = (data['subject_id'] == subject_id).as_matrix().reshape(-1)
        potential_hosts = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, 1:-1].astype(float))
        labels = numpy.nan_to_num(data.as_matrix()[indices][:, -1].astype(bool))

        subject ={'_id': bson.objectid.ObjectId(subject_id.decode('ascii'))})
        radio =, size='5x5')

        radio_patches = numpy.zeros((len(potential_hosts), 1, radius * 2, radius * 2))
        for index, (x, y, *astro) in enumerate(potential_hosts):
            patch = radio[x - radius + padding : x + radius + padding, y - radius + padding : y + radius + padding]
            radio_patches[index, 0, :] = patch

        radio_features = cnn.predict(radio_patches) @ pca.T
        astro_features = potential_hosts[:, 2:]

        scores = lr.predict_proba(astro_features)[:, 1].reshape(-1)
        predicted_host = scores.argmax()
        if labels[predicted_host]:
            hits += 1
        attempts += 1

    print('Problem accuracy: {:.02%}'.format(hits / attempts))

test(numpy.nan_to_num(astro_features), labels)

Classification accuracy: 85.50%
Problem accuracy: 25.36%
K:\Languages\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\astropy\io\fits\ UserWarning: Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime library or library is corrupt/misconfigured; cannot determine whether your file object was opened in append mode.  Please consider using a file object opened in write mode instead.
  'Could not find appropriate MS Visual C Runtime '
K:\Languages\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\ipykernel\ DeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future

In [ ]: