Simple Radio Galaxy Zoo Data Manipulations

In [1]:
import bson
import IPython.core.display
import IPython.display
import matplotlib
import monary
import numpy
import pandas
import pprint
import pymongo
import sklearn.linear_model

# Matplotlib on Mac OS X in a virtualenv doesn't work properly, so we have to force it to use the TkAgg backend.
import matplotlib.pyplot
%matplotlib inline

DB_NAME = 'radio'

In [2]:
# Load up DB.
client = pymongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
db = client[DB_NAME]

In [3]:
# Trying out the subjects DB (following the example).
subjects = db['radio_subjects']
subject = subjects.find_one()

{'_id': ObjectId('52af7d53eb9a9b05ef000654'),
 'activated_at': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 5, 22, 0, 22, 808000),
 'classification_count': 5,
 'coords': [163.13695833333333, 22.891777777777776],
 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 17, 9, 20, 39, 863000),
 'group': {'_id': ObjectId('55f6f8723ae740d851000002'),
           'name': 'first',
           'zooniverse_id': 'GRG0000002'},
 'group_id': ObjectId('55f6f8723ae740d851000002'),
 'location': {'contours': '',
              'radio': '',
              'standard': ''},
 'metadata': {'contour_count': 1,
              'dec_dms': '22.0 53.0 30.4',
              'ra_hms': '10.0 52.0 32.87',
              'rms': '0.000187',
              'source': 'FIRSTJ105232.8+225330',
              'survey': 'first'},
 'project_id': ObjectId('52afdb804d69636532000001'),
 'random': 0.9201829684274996,
 'state': 'complete',
 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 17, 9, 20, 39, 896000),
 'workflow_ids': [ObjectId('52afdb804d69636532000002')],
 'zooniverse_id': 'ARG00026es'}

In [4]:


In [5]:
# Trying out the classifications DB.
classifications = db['radio_classifications']
for classification in classifications.find():
    # Get a classification that has annotations.
    annotations = classification['annotations'][0]
    if 'ir' in annotations:

sid = classification['subject_ids'][0]

{'y': '380', 'x': '112'}
{'ymin': '259.9727595144465', 'xmin': '73.02375854060725', 'ymax': '279.7878048157555', 'xmax': '86.77171365343739'}
{'_id': ObjectId('52b0240e2b60f1254400145f'),
 'annotations': [{'ir': {'0': {'x': '112', 'y': '380'}},
                  'radio': {'0': {'xmax': '86.77171365343739',
                                  'xmin': '73.02375854060725',
                                  'ymax': '279.7878048157555',
                                  'ymin': '259.9727595144465'}}},
                 {'ir': {'0': {'x': '214', 'y': '211'}},
                  'radio': {'0': {'xmax': '158.6582798829562',
                                  'xmin': '130.35688465193564',
                                  'ymax': '198.9501488105795',
                                  'ymin': '150.72371665247624'},
                            '1': {'xmax': '176.9758706071857',
                                  'xmin': '148.31174070355846',
                                  'ymax': '131.22621569098413',
                                  'ymin': '90.46675602000403'}}},
                 {'finished_at': 'Tue, 17 Dec 2013 10:14:37 GMT',
                  'started_at': 'Tue, 17 Dec 2013 10:13:58 GMT'},
                 {'user_agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X '
                                '10_9_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like '
                                'Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36'}],
 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 17, 10, 14, 38),
 'project_id': ObjectId('52afdb804d69636532000001'),
 'subject_ids': [ObjectId('520be919e4bb21ddd30000c9')],
 'subjects': [],
 'tutorial': False,
 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 17, 10, 14, 38, 237000),
 'user_id': ObjectId('5013adf30454e27ae4000002'),
 'user_ip': '',
 'user_name': '',
 'workflow_id': ObjectId('520be12ce4bb21ddcd000002')}

In [6]:
# Trying out Monary.
with monary.Monary() as mon:
    columns = ['classification_count', 'state']
    subjects_data = mon.query(DB_NAME, 'radio_subjects', {},
                              columns, ['uint8', 'string:20'])
subjects_dataframe = pandas.DataFrame(, columns=columns)

# One thing I can't figure out is how to load an entire nested bson doc, e.g. the entire location property.
# I also can't figure out how to query by ID. I know that I can specify properties in find_one and also in the
# monary query, but this doesn't seem to work for ID (possibly due to its type?).

classification_count state
0 b'5' b'complete'
1 b'5' b'complete'
2 b'0' b'inactive'
3 b'5' b'complete'
4 b'0' b'inactive'

To demonstrate basic logistic regression, I will map classification count to whether or not subjects are complete.

In [7]:
# Get the data into types we can use.
subjects_dataframe['complete'] = subjects_dataframe['state'] == b'complete'
subjects_dataframe['classification_count'] = subjects_dataframe['classification_count'].astype(int)

classification_count state complete
0 5 b'complete' True
1 5 b'complete' True
2 0 b'inactive' False
3 5 b'complete' True
4 0 b'inactive' False

In [8]:
# Let's look at the data to see how separable it is.
subjects_dataframe = subjects_dataframe.sort_values(by='classification_count')

samples = 150000
features = numpy.vstack([subjects_dataframe['classification_count'][:samples],
targets = subjects_dataframe['complete'][:samples].astype(float)

matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(features[:, 0], targets)
matplotlib.pyplot.title('Classification Count vs Complete')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel('Classification Count')

In [9]:
# Not very linearly separable/separable at all. Let's try separating it anyway.
lr = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(), targets)

predictions = lr.predict(features)
incomplete_features = features[predictions < 0.5]
complete_features = features[predictions > 0.5]
incomplete_predictions = targets[predictions < 0.5]
complete_predictions = targets[predictions > 0.5]

matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(incomplete_features[:, 0], incomplete_predictions, c='r', marker='+')
matplotlib.pyplot.scatter(complete_features[:, 0], complete_predictions, c='g', marker='x')
matplotlib.pyplot.title('Predicted Completeness from Classification Count')
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel('Classification Count')
matplotlib.pyplot.ylabel('(True) Complete?')
matplotlib.pyplot.legend(['Incomplete', 'Complete'])

That seems a sensible result.

In [ ]: