In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import glob
import numba

In [2]:
prototype_indicies = range(65,85)

# index 5 - 24 are the activation values
activation_indicies = range(5, 25)  # returns 5 - 24

[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]

In [3]:
def calculate_sse(row_vector):
    '''Calculate the sum square error between the activation values and prototype
    row_vector: pandas series
    sum_square_error: floating point of sse
    assert(len(activation_indicies) == 20)
    assert(len(prototype_indicies) == 20)

    activation_values = row_vector.iloc[activation_indicies].values
    prototype_values = row_vector.iloc[prototype_indicies].values

    error_vector = activation_values - prototype_values

    square_error_vector = error_vector ** 2
    sum_square_error = np.sum(square_error_vector)

In [4]:
def test_calculate_sse():
    pout_files = glob.glob('02-lens_batch_2014-11-14_20:46:22/*/output/*.pout')
    pout_file = pout_files[0]
    data = pd.read_csv(pout_file, header=None)
    data['sse'] = data.apply(calculate_sse, axis=1)
    calculated = np.sort(data['sse'].unique())
    expected = np.sort(np.array([1.100000e+01, 0.000000e+00, 4.293802e-04, 1.198868e-02, 
                                 1.742523e-02, 9.875449e-03, 1.272909e-02, 3.948474e-03, 
                                 2.029364e-02, 9.931646e-03, 7.607752e-03, 3.174525e-02, 
                                 6.270994e-04, 1.662769e-02, 2.289100e-02, 1.357461e-02, 
                                 3.237630e-04, 6.436357e-02, 7.514400e-04, 2.992966e-02, 
                                 6.378620e-02, 1.634918e-02, 1.794454e-02, 4.571180e-04, 
                                 3.821324e-04, 5.305328e-04, 1.435284e-02, 8.429803e-02, 
                                 1.080844e-02, 5.324111e-04, 1.824554e-02, 3.258835e-04, 
                                 5.280545e-04, 2.791479e-04]))
    assert(calculated.shape == expected.shape)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(calculated, expected)

In [5]:
def calculate_cosine_sim(row_vector):
    '''Calculate the cosine similarity between the activation values and prototype
    row_vector: pandas series
    cos_sim: floating point of cosine similarity
    assert(len(activation_indicies) == 20)
    assert(len(prototype_indicies) == 20)

    activation_values = np.array(row_vector.iloc[activation_indicies])
    prototype_values = np.array(row_vector.iloc[prototype_indicies])

    activation_values_adj = activation_values + 1 
    prototype_values_adj = prototype_values + 1
    cos_sim = cosine_similarity(activation_values_adj, prototype_values_adj)
    assert(cos_sim.shape == (1, 1))

In [6]:
def test_calculate_cosine_sim():
    pout_files = glob.glob('02-lens_batch_2014-11-14_20:46:22/*/output/*.pout')
    pout_file = pout_files[0]
    data = pd.read_csv(pout_file, header=None)
    data['cos'] = data.apply(calculate_cosine_sim, axis=1)
    calculated = data['cos'].values
    # above is same as:
    # calculated = np.array(data['cos'])
    expected = np.array([0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 1.0000000, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
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    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999040,
    0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9521574, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999040, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9521574, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999937,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999040, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9521574, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955,
    0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998704,
    0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574,
    0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9521574, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983,
    0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9521574, 0.9998968,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965,
    0.9998430, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574,
    0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503,
    0.9521574, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970,
    0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964,
    0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574,
    0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955,
    0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9999115, 0.9521574, 0.9998704,
    0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997983, 0.9999140, 0.9521574,
    0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9999115,
    0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999956,
    0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965,
    0.9998430, 0.9999115, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9998352, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574,
    0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503,
    0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999955, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999970,
    0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9999115, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574,
    0.9998352, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964,
    0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999719, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9999115, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9998352, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999719, 0.9998663, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999973, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9999115, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9998352, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574,
    0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999719,
    0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999973, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9999115, 0.9521574, 0.9998704,
    0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9998352, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9999140, 0.9521574,
    0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9521574, 0.9998522, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574,
    0.9998336, 0.9999719, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999973, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965, 0.9998430, 0.9999115,
    0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9998352, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999956,
    0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9521574, 0.9999977, 0.9521574, 0.9999137, 0.9998956,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503, 0.9998781, 0.9998968,
    0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999719, 0.9998663, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999973, 0.9999970, 0.9521574, 0.9999965,
    0.9998430, 0.9999115, 0.9521574, 0.9998704, 0.9521574, 0.9997936, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9997087, 0.9521574, 0.9998352, 0.9521574,
    0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9999140, 0.9521574, 0.9994543, 0.9521574, 0.9999956, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9521574, 0.9999977, 0.9521574,
    0.9999137, 0.9998956, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9993189, 0.9999937, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9999964, 0.9999977, 0.9999503,
    0.9998781, 0.9998968, 0.9521574, 0.9521574, 0.9998336, 0.9999719, 0.9998663, 0.9521574])
    assert(calculated.shape == expected.shape)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(calculated, expected)


In [7]:
def create_cosine_sim_cutoffs(dataframe, list_of_values):
    assert(isinstance(list_of_values, list))
    assert(isinstance(list_of_values[0], float))
    for value in list_of_values:
        # format the float for 2 decimals, and only keep the decimal portion
        new_column_name = 'cos' + ("{0:.2f}".format(value)).split('.')[1]
        dataframe[new_column_name] = np.where(dataframe['cos'] >= value, 1, 0)
    return dataframe

In [8]:
# pout_files = glob.glob('02-lens_batch_2014-11-14_20:46:22/*/output/*.pout')
pout_files = glob.glob('/home/dchen/Desktop/snowmane_pout/*/output/*.pout')


In [9]:
for pout_file in pout_files:

Run each part of the loop individually and time it

In [10]:
# 1 loops, best of 3: 28.3 s per loop

pout_file = pout_files[0]
data = pd.read_csv(pout_file, header=None)

1 loops, best of 3: 28.3 s per loop

In [13]:
data = pd.read_csv(pout_file, header=None)

In [14]:

(7002100, 85)

In [ ]:
data['sse'] = data.apply(calculate_sse, axis=1)

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
data['sse'] = data.apply(calculate_sse, axis=1)

loop body all at once

In [129]:
# %%timeit
# inside the loop

# rel path of the .pout file
pout_file = pout_files[0]
# print(pout_file)

# name of the folder
folder = pout_file.split('/')[1]
# print(folder)

# load into dataframe
data = pd.read_csv(pout_file, header=None)
# print(data.head())

data['sse'] = data.apply(calculate_sse, axis=1)
data['cos'] = data.apply(calculate_cosine_sim, axis=1)

data['if_ever_updated'] = np.where(data[2] > 0, 1, 0)

cos_sim_thresholds = [0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 0.97, 0.99]
assert(isinstance(cos_sim_thresholds, list))
for x in cos_sim_thresholds:
    assert(isinstance(x, float))

data = create_cosine_sim_cutoffs(data, list_of_values=cos_sim_thresholds)

# for cos_threshold in cos_sim_thresholds:
#     col_value = 'cos' + str(cos_sim_thresholds)
#     data.groupby([0])[col_value].

KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-129-9d3362a36c58> in <module>()
----> 1 get_ipython().run_cell_magic('timeit', '', "# inside the loop\n\n# rel path of the .pout file\npout_file = pout_files[0]\n# print(pout_file)\n\n# name of the folder\nfolder = pout_file.split('/')[1]\n# print(folder)\n\n# load into dataframe\ndata = pd.read_csv(pout_file, header=None)\n# print(data.head())\n\ndata['sse'] = data.apply(calculate_sse, axis=1)\ndata['cos'] = data.apply(calculate_cosine_sim, axis=1)\n\ndata['if_ever_updated'] = np.where(data[2] > 0, 1, 0)\n\ncos_sim_thresholds = [0.80, 0.85, 0.90, 0.95, 0.97, 0.99]\nassert(isinstance(cos_sim_thresholds, list))\nfor x in cos_sim_thresholds:\n    assert(isinstance(x, float))\n\ndata = create_cosine_sim_cutoffs(data, list_of_values=cos_sim_thresholds)\n\n# for cos_threshold in cos_sim_thresholds:\n#     col_value = 'cos' + str(cos_sim_thresholds)\n#     data.groupby([0])[col_value].")

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/IPython/core/ in run_cell_magic(self, magic_name, line, cell)
   2160             magic_arg_s = self.var_expand(line, stack_depth)
   2161             with self.builtin_trap:
-> 2162                 result = fn(magic_arg_s, cell)
   2163             return result

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/ in timeit(self, line, cell)

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/IPython/core/ in <lambda>(f, *a, **k)
    191     # but it's overkill for just that one bit of state.
    192     def magic_deco(arg):
--> 193         call = lambda f, *a, **k: f(*a, **k)
    195         if callable(arg):

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/IPython/core/magics/ in timeit(self, line, cell)
   1014                     break
   1015                 number *= 10
-> 1016         all_runs = timer.repeat(repeat, number)
   1017         best = min(all_runs) / number
   1018         if not quiet :

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/ in repeat(self, repeat, number)
    204         r = []
    205         for i in range(repeat):
--> 206             t = self.timeit(number)
    207             r.append(t)
    208         return r

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/ in timeit(self, number)
    176         gc.disable()
    177         try:
--> 178             timing = self.inner(it, self.timer)
    179         finally:
    180             if gcold:

<magic-timeit> in inner(_it, _timer)

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ in apply(self, func, axis, broadcast, raw, reduce, args, **kwds)
   3469                     if reduce is None:
   3470                         reduce = True
-> 3471                     return self._apply_standard(f, axis, reduce=reduce)
   3472             else:
   3473                 return self._apply_broadcast(f, axis)

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _apply_standard(self, func, axis, ignore_failures, reduce)
   3521                 labels = self._get_agg_axis(axis)
   3522                 result = lib.reduce(values, func, axis=axis, dummy=dummy,
-> 3523                                     labels=labels)
   3524                 return Series(result, index=labels)
   3525             except Exception:

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/ in pandas.lib.reduce (pandas/lib.c:37350)()

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/ in pandas.lib.Reducer.get_result (pandas/lib.c:28388)()

<ipython-input-90-8256a103286a> in calculate_sse(row_vector)
     15     activation_values = row_vector.iloc[activation_indicies].values
---> 16     prototype_values = row_vector.iloc[prototype_indicies].values
     18     error_vector = activation_values - prototype_values

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
   1142             return self._getitem_tuple(key)
   1143         else:
-> 1144             return self._getitem_axis(key, axis=0)
   1146     def _getitem_axis(self, key, axis=0, validate_iterable=False):

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _getitem_axis(self, key, axis, validate_iterable)
   1401                 # validate list bounds
-> 1402                 self._is_valid_list_like(key, axis)
   1404                 # force an actual list

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/core/ in _is_valid_list_like(self, key, axis)
   1338         ax = self.obj._get_axis(axis)
   1339         l = len(ax)
-> 1340         if len(arr) and (arr.max() >= l or arr.min() <= -l):
   1341             raise IndexError("positional indexers are out-of-bounds")

/home/dchen/anaconda3/envs/mann/lib/python3.4/site-packages/numpy/core/ in _amax(a, axis, out, keepdims)
     24 # small reductions
     25 def _amax(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False):
---> 26     return umr_maximum(a, axis, None, out, keepdims)
     28 def _amin(a, axis=None, out=None, keepdims=False):


In [102]:
by_time = data.groupby([0])['cos99'].agg({'mean', 'count', 'sum'})
by_time['prop'] = by_time['sum']/by_time['count']
# by_update_status = data.groupby(['if_ever_updated'])['cos0.99'].agg(['mean', 'count', 'sum'])
# by_time.div(by_update_status, level='if_ever_updated')

1000 loops, best of 3: 1.66 ms per loop

In [104]:

1000 loops, best of 3: 849 µs per loop

In [106]:
by_time_update = data.groupby([0, 'if_ever_updated'])['cos99'].agg({'mean', 'count', 'sum'})
by_time_update['prop'] = by_time_update['sum']/by_time_update['count']
# by_update_status = data.groupby(['if_ever_updated'])['cos0.99'].agg(['mean', 'count', 'sum'])
# by_time.div(by_update_status, level='if_ever_updated')

sum mean count prop
0 if_ever_updated
-3 0 0 0.000000 50 0.000000
-2 0 1 0.020000 50 0.020000
-1 0 1 0.020000 50 0.020000
0 0 1 0.020408 49 0.020408
1 1 1.000000 1 1.000000
1 0 1 0.020833 48 0.020833
1 2 1.000000 2 1.000000
2 0 1 0.021277 47 0.021277
1 3 1.000000 3 1.000000
3 0 1 0.021739 46 0.021739
1 4 1.000000 4 1.000000
4 0 1 0.022222 45 0.022222
1 5 1.000000 5 1.000000
5 0 1 0.022727 44 0.022727
1 6 1.000000 6 1.000000
6 0 1 0.023256 43 0.023256
1 7 1.000000 7 1.000000
7 0 1 0.023810 42 0.023810
1 8 1.000000 8 1.000000
8 0 1 0.023810 42 0.023810
1 8 1.000000 8 1.000000
9 0 1 0.024390 41 0.024390
1 9 1.000000 9 1.000000
10 0 1 0.024390 41 0.024390
1 9 1.000000 9 1.000000
11 0 1 0.025000 40 0.025000
1 10 1.000000 10 1.000000
12 0 1 0.025641 39 0.025641
1 11 1.000000 11 1.000000
13 0 1 0.026316 38 0.026316
... ... ... ... ... ...
22 0 1 0.031250 32 0.031250
1 18 1.000000 18 1.000000
23 0 1 0.032258 31 0.032258
1 19 1.000000 19 1.000000
24 0 1 0.033333 30 0.033333
1 20 1.000000 20 1.000000
25 0 1 0.034483 29 0.034483
1 21 1.000000 21 1.000000
26 0 1 0.035714 28 0.035714
1 22 1.000000 22 1.000000
27 0 1 0.035714 28 0.035714
1 22 1.000000 22 1.000000
28 0 1 0.037037 27 0.037037
1 23 1.000000 23 1.000000
29 0 1 0.037037 27 0.037037
1 23 1.000000 23 1.000000
30 0 1 0.038462 26 0.038462
1 24 1.000000 24 1.000000
31 0 1 0.038462 26 0.038462
1 24 1.000000 24 1.000000
32 0 1 0.038462 26 0.038462
1 24 1.000000 24 1.000000
33 0 1 0.040000 25 0.040000
1 25 1.000000 25 1.000000
34 0 1 0.041667 24 0.041667
1 26 1.000000 26 1.000000
35 0 1 0.041667 24 0.041667
1 26 1.000000 26 1.000000
36 0 1 0.041667 24 0.041667
1 26 1.000000 26 1.000000

77 rows × 4 columns

In [124]:
plt.plot(by_time_update.reset_index()[by_time_update.reset_index()['if_ever_updated'] == 1]['prop'])

[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f98e3dc0e10>]

In [120]:

0     0
1     0
2     0
3     0
4     1
5     0
6     1
7     0
8     1
9     0
10    1
11    0
12    1
13    0
14    1
62    1
63    0
64    1
65    0
66    1
67    0
68    1
69    0
70    1
71    0
72    1
73    0
74    1
75    0
76    1
Name: if_ever_updated, Length: 77, dtype: int64

In [100]:

Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 'sse', 'cos', 'if_ever_updated', 'cos80', 'cos85', 'cos90', 'cos95', 'cos97', 'cos99'], dtype='object')

In [101]:
# test calculate_sse



diff = data.iloc[0].iloc[activation_indicies].reset_index(drop=True) -\

                      np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0])

diff = np.array(data.iloc[0].iloc[activation_indicies]) -\

                      np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0])