Run the x-match using the GC method

The "great-circle" x-matching method was implemented on booq, but merging the matched catalog with the A,B source ones is showing some problems. We go now through a step-by-step onto the process to find out what's going on.

In [1]:
import booq

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm

import numpy

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 10.0)

In [3]:
# let's define some parameters for our mock catalogs

# to be real fake, we have to fake evrything... :(
# let's start with the size of the supposed images
# from where the sources are coming from...
sx = 300
sy = 300

# number of sources to be relative to the size of the image
num_sources = int( 0.1 * (sx*sy)/(sx+sy) )

# and, say there is an error radius
error_radius = 20

In [20]:
from import mock
from booq import coordinates

# Generate catalog A
A_image_catalog = mock.D2.generate_catalog(num_sources, error_radius, (sy,sx))

A = A_image_catalog.rename(columns={'ID':'id'})
A.loc[:,'ra']  = coordinates.pixel_to_sky(A_image_catalog.x, 0, 1.0/sx)
A.loc[:,'dec'] = coordinates.pixel_to_sky(A_image_catalog.y, 0, 1.0/sy)

# Generate catalog B
B_image_catalog = mock.D2.generate_catalog_around(A_image_catalog.sample(frac=0.75),
                                                  0.75, (sy,sx))

B = B_image_catalog.rename(columns={'ID':'id'})
B.loc[:,'ra']  = coordinates.pixel_to_sky(B_image_catalog.x, 0, 1.0/sx)
B.loc[:,'dec'] = coordinates.pixel_to_sky(B_image_catalog.y, 0, 1.0/sy)

In [21]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from booq import image
imgA = image.pil.draw_sources(A,(sy,sx),colormap='blue')
imgA = image.pil.pil_2_array(imgA)
plt.imshow(image.rgb_2_mono(imgA,'B'), cmap='Blues')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9a867efe50>

In [22]:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from booq import image
imgB = image.pil.draw_sources(B,(sy,sx),colormap='red')
imgB = image.pil.pil_2_array(imgB)
plt.imshow(image.rgb_2_mono(imgB,'R'), cmap='Reds')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9a86727290>

In [23]:
plt.imshow( image.pil.array_2_pil( imgA+imgB ) )

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9a8665a1d0>

In [24]:

id r x y ra dec
count 15.000000 15.0 15.000000 15.000000 15.000000 15.000000
mean 15.800000 20.0 138.000000 124.733333 0.460000 0.415778
std 8.620573 0.0 94.333754 104.965618 0.314446 0.349885
min 2.000000 20.0 1.000000 6.000000 0.003333 0.020000
25% 9.000000 20.0 63.000000 42.500000 0.210000 0.141667
50% 16.000000 20.0 129.000000 58.000000 0.430000 0.193333
75% 22.500000 20.0 218.000000 224.000000 0.726667 0.746667
max 29.000000 20.0 272.000000 274.000000 0.906667 0.913333

In [25]:

id r x y ra dec
count 11.000000 11.0 11.000000 11.000000 11.000000 11.000000
mean 10.363636 20.0 151.000000 174.000000 0.503333 0.580000
std 5.971143 0.0 99.464567 81.481286 0.331549 0.271604
min 1.000000 20.0 4.000000 5.000000 0.013333 0.016667
25% 6.000000 20.0 80.000000 129.000000 0.266667 0.430000
50% 11.000000 20.0 113.000000 192.000000 0.376667 0.640000
75% 14.000000 20.0 224.000000 226.500000 0.746667 0.755000
max 20.000000 20.0 297.000000 274.000000 0.990000 0.913333

In [26]:
from booq.coordinates.skycoords import skycoords
A_coord = skycoords(A.ra.values, A.dec.values)
B_coord = skycoords(B.ra.values, B.dec.values)

In [27]:
from booq.catalogs import xmatch
_Aidx,_Asep = xmatch.nn(A_coord,B_coord)
_Bidx,_Bsep = xmatch.nn(B_coord,A_coord)
_sep = numpy.append(_Asep.arcmin,_Bsep.arcmin)
from booq.utils import stats
_sts = stats.basic(_sep)
from booq import utils
del _Aidx,_Asep,_Bidx,_Bsep,_sep,_sts

length : 26
min : 1.39982213021
max : 32.0006233512
mean : 8.72629855259
std : 8.0704735842
quantiles : (4.0049966738216174, 6.105388417332942, 9.8974916837027163)

In [28]:
from astropy.units import Quantity
radius = Quantity(8,'arcmin')

In [29]:
from booq.catalogs import xmatch
match_A_gc_idx, match_B_gc_idx, match_gc_sep = xmatch.gc(A_coord, B_coord, radius)

In [30]:
from booq import utils

length : 9
min : 1.39982213021
max : 7.62364710421
mean : 4.24802897442
std : 1.89081900191
quantiles : (2.9998976288148471, 4.3862818990480994, 5.0034464770214324)

In [31]:
from booq.pipelines import xmatch_nn
df_matched_idx = xmatch_nn.select_pairs(match_A_gc_idx, match_B_gc_idx, match_gc_sep.arcmin)

A_idx B_duplicates B_idx separation to_drop
0 0 None 7 4.999999 False
1 3 None 2 2.999898 False
2 6 None 9 5.003446 False
3 7 None 3 4.386282 False
4 8 None 0 7.623647 False
5 9 None 6 1.399822 False
6 11 None 10 6.105388 False
7 12 None 7 4.004997 False
8 14 None 3 1.708781 False

In [32]:
# def recover_id(indexes,df,id_column):
# #     print "input:",indexes
#     inds = [ int(n) for n in indexes.split(';') ]
# #     print "toint:",inds
#     from numpy import unique
#     ids = ';'.join(unique([ str(n) for n in df.loc[inds,id_column] ]))
# #     print "toids:",ids
# #     print
#     return ids

# def pkg_recover_id(df,id_column):
#     def pkg(indexes,df=df,id_column=id_column):
#         return recover_id(indexes,df,id_column)
#     return pkg

# recover_id_pkg = pkg_recover_id(B_matched,'id')

In [33]:
# AB_match = DataFrame( {'dist':df_matched_idx.separation.values},
#                         index=df_matched_idx.A_idx.values )
# if 'B_duplicates' in df_matched_idx.columns:
#     for i,row in df_matched_idx.iterrows():
#         entry = row.B_duplicates
#         if entry is None:
#             continue
#         inds = [ int(n) for n in entry.split(';') ]
#         ids = ';'.join([ str(n) for n in B.loc[inds,'id'] ])
#         df_matched_idx.loc[i,'B_duplicates'] = ids
#     AB_match.loc[:,'B_duplicates'] = df_matched_idx.B_duplicates.values

# B_matched = B.iloc[df_matched_idx.B_idx]
# B_matched.loc[:,'A_idx'] = df_matched_idx.A_idx.values

# B_matched = B_matched.set_index('A_idx')

# from pandas import DataFrame,concat
# df = concat([ A, B_matched, AB_match ], axis=1, keys=['A','B','AB'])

In [34]:
df = matched_catalog = xmatch_nn.merge_catalogs(A, B, df_matched_idx)

In [35]:

id r x y ra dec id r x y ra dec dist B_duplicates
0 22 20 97 25 0.323333 0.083333 1.0 20.0 112.0 5.0 0.373333 0.016667 4.999999 None
1 18 20 12 267 0.040000 0.890000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
2 24 20 255 58 0.850000 0.193333 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
3 14 20 128 142 0.426667 0.473333 13.0 20.0 113.0 142.0 0.376667 0.473333 2.999898 None
4 29 20 129 42 0.430000 0.140000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
5 23 20 272 6 0.906667 0.020000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
6 11 20 268 255 0.893333 0.850000 12.0 20.0 293.0 256.0 0.976667 0.853333 5.003446 None
7 7 20 69 210 0.230000 0.700000 11.0 20.0 60.0 230.0 0.200000 0.766667 4.386282 None
8 2 20 1 43 0.003333 0.143333 4.0 20.0 4.0 81.0 0.013333 0.270000 7.623647 None
9 21 20 181 274 0.603333 0.913333 17.0 20.0 174.0 274.0 0.580000 0.913333 1.399822 None
10 10 20 268 50 0.893333 0.166667 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
11 16 20 158 207 0.526667 0.690000 3.0 20.0 184.0 223.0 0.613333 0.743333 6.105388 None
12 4 20 132 6 0.440000 0.020000 1.0 20.0 112.0 5.0 0.373333 0.016667 4.004997 None
13 28 20 43 48 0.143333 0.160000 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN None
14 8 20 57 238 0.190000 0.793333 11.0 20.0 60.0 230.0 0.200000 0.766667 1.708781 None

In [ ]: