Zipline algorithm analysis example in pyfolio

Here's an example where we run an algorithm with zipline, then produce tear sheets for that algorithm.


Import pyfolio, along with the necessary modules for running our zipline backtest.

In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
import pyfolio as pf

In [8]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import sys
import logbook
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import pytz

# Import Zipline, the open source backtester
import zipline
from zipline import TradingAlgorithm
from import load_bars_from_yahoo
from zipline.api import order_target, symbol, history, add_history, schedule_function, date_rules, time_rules
from zipline.algorithm import TradingAlgorithm
from zipline.utils.factory import load_from_yahoo
from import commission

Run our zipline algorithm

This algorithm can also be adjusted to execute a modified, or completely different, trading strategy.

In [9]:
# Zipline trading algorithm
# Taken from zipline.examples.olmar
zipline_logging = logbook.NestedSetup([
    logbook.NullHandler(level=logbook.DEBUG, bubble=True),
    logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stdout, level=logbook.INFO),
    logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stderr, level=logbook.ERROR),

STOCKS = ['AMD', 'CERN', 'COST', 'DELL', 'GPS', 'INTC', 'MMM']

# On-Line Portfolio Moving Average Reversion

# More info can be found in the corresponding paper:
def initialize(algo, eps=1, window_length=5):
    algo.stocks = STOCKS
    algo.sids = [algo.symbol(symbol) for symbol in algo.stocks]
    algo.m = len(algo.stocks)
    algo.price = {}
    algo.b_t = np.ones(algo.m) / algo.m
    algo.last_desired_port = np.ones(algo.m) / algo.m
    algo.eps = eps
    algo.init = True
    algo.days = 0
    algo.window_length = window_length
    algo.add_transform('mavg', 5)


def handle_data(algo, data):
    algo.days += 1
    if algo.days < algo.window_length:

    if algo.init:
        rebalance_portfolio(algo, data, algo.b_t)
        algo.init = False

    m = algo.m

    x_tilde = np.zeros(m)
    b = np.zeros(m)

    # find relative moving average price for each asset
    for i, sid in enumerate(algo.sids):
        price = data[sid].price
        # Relative mean deviation
        x_tilde[i] = data[sid].mavg(algo.window_length) / price

    # Inside of OLMAR (algo 2)
    x_bar = x_tilde.mean()

    # market relative deviation
    mark_rel_dev = x_tilde - x_bar

    # Expected return with current portfolio
    exp_return =, x_tilde)
    weight = algo.eps - exp_return
    variability = (np.linalg.norm(mark_rel_dev)) ** 2

    # test for divide-by-zero case
    if variability == 0.0:
        step_size = 0
        step_size = max(0, weight / variability)

    b = algo.b_t + step_size * mark_rel_dev
    b_norm = simplex_projection(b)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(b_norm.sum(), 1)

    rebalance_portfolio(algo, data, b_norm)

    # update portfolio
    algo.b_t = b_norm

def rebalance_portfolio(algo, data, desired_port):
    # rebalance portfolio
    desired_amount = np.zeros_like(desired_port)
    current_amount = np.zeros_like(desired_port)
    prices = np.zeros_like(desired_port)

    if algo.init:
        positions_value = algo.portfolio.starting_cash
        positions_value = algo.portfolio.positions_value + \

    for i, sid in enumerate(algo.sids):
        current_amount[i] = algo.portfolio.positions[sid].amount
        prices[i] = data[sid].price

    desired_amount = np.round(desired_port * positions_value / prices)

    algo.last_desired_port = desired_port
    diff_amount = desired_amount - current_amount

    for i, sid in enumerate(algo.sids):
        algo.order(sid, diff_amount[i])

def simplex_projection(v, b=1):
    """Projection vectors to the simplex domain

    Implemented according to the paper: Efficient projections onto the
    l1-ball for learning in high dimensions, John Duchi, et al. ICML 2008.
    Implementation Time: 2011 June 17 by Bin@libin AT
    Optimization Problem: min_{w}\| w - v \|_{2}^{2}
    s.t. sum_{i=1}^{m}=z, w_{i}\geq 0

    Input: A vector v \in R^{m}, and a scalar z > 0 (default=1)
    Output: Projection vector w

    >>> proj = simplex_projection([.4 ,.3, -.4, .5])
    >>> print(proj)
    array([ 0.33333333, 0.23333333, 0. , 0.43333333])
    >>> print(proj.sum())

    Original matlab implementation: John Duchi (
    Python-port: Copyright 2013 by Thomas Wiecki (

    v = np.asarray(v)
    p = len(v)

    # Sort v into u in descending order
    v = (v > 0) * v
    u = np.sort(v)[::-1]
    sv = np.cumsum(u)

    rho = np.where(u > (sv - b) / np.arange(1, p + 1))[0][-1]
    theta = np.max([0, (sv[rho] - b) / (rho + 1)])
    w = (v - theta)
    w[w < 0] = 0
    return w

start = datetime(2004, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.utc)
end = datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, pytz.utc)
data = load_from_yahoo(stocks=STOCKS, indexes={}, start=start, end=end)
data = data.dropna()
olmar = TradingAlgorithm(handle_data=handle_data,
backtest =

[2015-07-14 22:21:41.510181] INFO: Performance: Simulated 1511 trading days out of 1511.
[2015-07-14 22:21:41.510846] INFO: Performance: first open: 2004-01-02 14:31:00+00:00
[2015-07-14 22:21:41.511334] INFO: Performance: last close: 2009-12-31 21:00:00+00:00

Extract metrics

Get the returns, positions, and transactions from the zipline backtest object.

In [10]:
returns, positions, transactions, gross_lev = pf.utils.extract_rets_pos_txn_from_zipline(backtest)

Single plot example

Make one plot of the top 5 drawdown periods.

In [ ]:
pf.plot_drawdown_periods(returns, top=5).set_xlabel('Date')

Out[ ]:
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fa6ffdf97d0>

Full tear sheet example

Create a full tear sheet for our algorithm. As an example, pretend the first 80% was a backtest and the last 20% was live trading.

In [ ]:
                          gross_lev=gross_lev, bayesian=True, backtest_days_pct=0.8)

Entire data start date: 2004-01-02 00:00:00
Entire data end date: 2009-12-31 00:00:00

Out-of-Sample Months: 14
Backtest Months: 57
                   Backtest  Out_of_Sample  All_History
sortino_ratio          0.01           3.68         0.76
omega_ratio            1.00           1.33         1.09
max_drawdown          -0.53          -0.22        -0.60
calmar_ratio           0.00           2.64         0.21
annual_return          0.00           0.59         0.12
stability              0.19           0.91         0.01
sharpe_ratio           0.00           1.70         0.48
annual_volatility      0.23           0.35         0.25
alpha                  0.00           0.44         0.09
beta                   0.84           0.80         0.81

Worst Drawdown Periods
   net drawdown in %  peak date valley date recovery date duration
0              59.50 2007-11-06  2008-11-20           NaT      NaN
1              22.33 2006-02-16  2006-08-31    2007-05-21      328
2              12.52 2005-07-28  2005-10-12    2006-01-11      120
3              11.28 2004-11-15  2005-04-28    2005-07-22      180
4               9.44 2007-07-16  2007-08-06    2007-09-04       37

2-sigma returns daily    -0.032
2-sigma returns weekly   -0.065
dtype: float64

Stress Events
          mean    min    max
Lehmann -0.003 -0.044  0.044
Aug07    0.003 -0.030  0.030
Sept08  -0.006 -0.043  0.040
2009Q1  -0.004 -0.050  0.034
2009Q2   0.007 -0.038  0.062

Top 10 long positions of all time (and max%)
[2 6 1 3 0 5 4]
[ 0.993  0.911  0.845  0.717  0.709  0.666  0.62 ]

Top 10 short positions of all time (and max%)

Top 10 positions of all time (and max%)
[2 6 1 3 0 5 4]
[ 0.993  0.911  0.845  0.717  0.709  0.666  0.62 ]

All positions ever held
[2 6 1 3 0 5 4]
[ 0.993  0.911  0.845  0.717  0.709  0.666  0.62 ]

 [-----------------100%-----------------] 2000 of 2000 complete in 21.7 sec