Regression Test Example Using ObservablesTestCase Class

This demonstrates using the ObservablesTestCase class through cantera that can compare between two version of a model. It is expected to also compare against experimental data in the future (currently not implemented).

In [ ]:
from import ObservablesTestCase
from IPython.display import display, Image

In [ ]:
# Set up reactor conditions 
reactorType = 'IdealGasReactor'
molFracList=[{'CC': 0.05, '[Ar]': 0.95}]
terminationTime = (5e-5,'s')

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# Set the observables that we care about
observables = {'species':['CC','[CH3]']}

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# Create observables test case and compare the old and new models

minimal = ObservablesTestCase(title = 'Ethane Pyrolysis',
                              oldDir = 'data/regression/old',
                              newDir = 'data/regression/new',
                              observables = observables,
                              #ck2cti = False,  # Set to false means we use RMG's internal conversion to Cantera objects
                                              # rather than using cantera's ck2cti parser on the chemkin file.

minimal.generateConditions(reactorType = reactorType,
                           reactionTime = terminationTime,
                           molFracList = molFracList,
                           Tlist = Tlist,
                           Plist = Plist)

variablesFailed = = True)

In [ ]:
# Display the plots for the conditions
observableSpecies = observables['species']
for i in range(len(minimal.conditions)):
    for j in range(len(observables['species'])):
        conditionIndex = i+1
        speciesLabel = observableSpecies[j]
        print 'Plotting condition {0} comparison for species {1}'.format(conditionIndex, speciesLabel)
        display(Image(filename="condition_{0}_species_{1}.png".format(conditionIndex, speciesLabel)))