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from rmgpy.chemkin import *
from import *
from IPython.display import display, Image
Load the species and reaction from the RMG-generated chemkin file chem_annotated.inp
and species_dictionary.txt
file found in your chemkin
folder after running a job.
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speciesList, reactionList = loadChemkinFile('data/minimal_model/chem_annotated.inp',
Set a few conditions for how to react the system
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# Find the species: ethane
speciesDict = getRMGSpeciesFromSMILES(['CC'], speciesList)
ethane = speciesDict['CC']
reactorType = 'IdealGasReactor'
molFracList=[{ethane: 1}]
Tlist = ([1300,1500,2000],'K')
Plist = ([1],'atm')
reactionTime = (0.5, 'ms')
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# Create cantera object, loading in the species and reactions
job = Cantera(speciesList=speciesList, reactionList=reactionList, outputDirectory='temp')
# The cantera file must be created from an associated chemkin file
# We can either load the Model from the initialized set of rmg species and reactions
# Or load it from a chemkin file by uncommenting the following line:
# Generate the conditions based on the settings we declared earlier
job.generateConditions('IdealGasReactor', reactionTime, molFracList, Tlist, Plist)
# Simulate and plot
alldata = job.simulate()
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# We can view the cantera model Solution's species and reactions
ctSpecies = job.model.species()
ctReactions = job.model.reactions()
# We can view a cantera species or reaction object from this
ct_ethane = ctSpecies[4]
ct_rxn = ctReactions[0]
print ct_ethane
print ct_rxn
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# We can also do things like modifying the cantera species thermo and reaction kinetics through modifying the
# RMG objects first, then using the `modifyReactionKinetics` or `modifySpeciesThermo` functions
# Alter the RMG objects in place, lets pick ethane and the first reaction
rmg_ethane = speciesDict['CC']
rmg_ethane.thermo.changeBaseEnthalpy(2*4184) # Change base enthalpy by 2 kcal/mol
rmg_rxn = reactionList[0]
rmg_rxn.kinetics.changeRate(4) # Change A factor by multiplying by a factor of 4
# Take a look at the state of the cantera model before and after
print 'Cantera Model: Before'
ctSpecies = job.model.species()
ctReactions = job.model.reactions()
print 'Ethane Thermo = {} kcal/mol'.format(ctSpecies[4].thermo.h(300)/1000/4184)
print 'Reaction 1 Kinetics = {}'.format(ctReactions[0].rate)
# Now use the altered RMG objects to modify the kinetics and thermo
job.modifyReactionKinetics(0, rmg_rxn)
job.modifySpeciesThermo(4, rmg_ethane)
# If we modify thermo, the cantera model must be refreshed. If only kinetics are modified, this does not need to be done.
print ''
print 'Cantera Model: After'
ctSpecies = job.model.species()
ctReactions = job.model.reactions()
print 'Ethane Thermo = {} kcal/mol'.format(ctSpecies[4].thermo.h(300)/1000/4184)
print 'Reaction 1 Kinetics = {}'.format(ctReactions[0].rate)
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# Show the plots in the ipython notebook
for i, condition in enumerate(job.conditions):
print 'Condition {0}'.format(i+1)