Load an existing random_stack object from file. It was created with 60 layers, with length variation of 10 micron +/- 60%. Create an incident_wp instance which is our pump pulse. The add_packet() function conveniently adds a Gaussian shaped spectrum in the 1350-1450nm wavelength range, consisting of 200 eigenmodes.

In [1]:
from stack import *
my_stack = load('io_files/saved_stack.txt')
my_pump = incident_wp(my_stack); my_pump.add_packet(200,[1350,1450])

We can initialize the pump pulse to be outside the stack, by focusing all positive-wave components of eigenmodes in layer 0

In [2]:
my_pump = pulse_shape(my_pump,focus_mask(0,0,my_pump))

We can also intialize the pump such that the positive-wave components are focused in an arbitrary layer (e.g.40)

In [3]:
example_pump = pulse_shape(my_pump,focus_mask(40,0,my_pump))

"Advancing" the wavepacket with a negative value would propagate it backward in time. Time-propagation is equivalent to linear phase shaping, hence does not change 1- and 2-photon power spectra, but changes the spectral phases

In [4]:






The following shows some data of the population inversion, calculated as the total 2-photon power across all frequencies in each layer.

Each title of the plot shows the type of shaping done for the pump pulse, and the power ratio between layers 1 to 20, to layers 30-50.

Shaping types:

  • "no shaping": the pulse is focused outside (left side) the stack
  • "positive-wave focusing": make the 'a_j' complex amplitudes to have the same phase for all eigenmodes at midpoint of the layer
  • "total field focusing": make the total complex field to have the same phase for all eigenmodes, at a location with maximum spatial field magnitude
  • "minimization": randomize phases of the eigenmodes which do not localize in layers we'd like to focus (e.g. randomize those in layer 1 to 20, but not 40)

In [7]:
files = ['io_files/dataframe-TPS-focus0.txt',

titles = ['no shaping: ',
          'positive-wave focusing: ',
          'total field focusing: ',
          'positive-wave + minimization:',
          'minimization only: ']

data = map(lambda filename: pandas.read_csv(filename,index_col=0),files)

inv = map(lambda df: map(lambda j: sum(df.loc[j+1]),range(59)),data)

for j in range(len(inv)):
    map(lambda k:my_stack.add_inversion(k+1,inv[j][k]),range(59))

In [8]:
for j in range(len(inv)):


In [ ]: