In [1]:
%pylab inline
In [2]:
prop_cycle = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']
def_colors = prop_cycle.by_key()['color']
In [3]:
plt.rc('font', **{'size': 24})
In [4]:
# To plot on dark background (for slides)'dark_style.mplstyle')
In the StructuredSparsityDataGeneration.ipynb notebook, I have simulated data with 1000 features and only 150 observations.
The features are binary (as motivated by GWAS data).
I am also assuming a network structure on the features, captured by the adjacency matrix W. The network is built as a collection of fully connected subnetworks of 10 features, each connected to the next. One module is causal, meaning that the outcome y of interest is generated as a linear combination of the features of that module.
In [5]:
num_feats = 1000
num_obsvs = 150
mod_size = 10
num_causl = 10
In [6]:
data_rep = 'data/struct_spars'
X_fname = '%s/' % data_rep
y_fname = '%s/' % data_rep
W_fname = '%s/' % data_rep
causl_fname = '%s/' % data_rep
wghts_fname = '%s/' % data_rep
In [7]:
X = np.loadtxt(X_fname, dtype='int')
y = np.loadtxt(y_fname)
W = np.loadtxt(W_fname)
causl = list(np.loadtxt(causl_fname, dtype='int'))
w_causl = np.loadtxt(wghts_fname)
In [8]:
from sklearn import model_selection
In [9]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = \
model_selection.train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=17)
In [10]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 8))
plt.scatter(range(num_feats), # x = SNP position
np.zeros(shape=(num_feats, )), # weight = 0
s=200) # marker size
# Plot the causal SNPs in red
plt.scatter(causl, w_causl, s=200)
plt.xlabel("feature", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("true feature weight", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([0, num_feats])
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/causl_weight.png', bbox_inches='tight')
In [11]:
y_pred =[:, causl], w_causl)
print y_pred.shape
In [19]:
from sklearn import metrics
In [13]:
rmse = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
In [17]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(6, 6))
plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred)
plt.xlabel("y = Xw", fontsize=18)
plt.ylabel("y = Xw + noise", fontsize=18)
plt.xlim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.ylim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.text(0, 0.6, 'RMSE = %.2f' % rmse)
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/true_pred.png', bbox_inches='tight')
In [11]:
import statsmodels.api as sm
In [12]:
pvalues = []
for feat_idx in range(num_feats):
myX = X_train[:, feat_idx]
myX = sm.add_constant(myX)
est = sm.regression.linear_model.OLS(y_train, myX)
est2 =
pvalues = np.array(pvalues)
In [13]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 8))
plt.scatter(range(num_feats), # x = SNP position
-np.log10(pvalues), # y = -log10 p-value
# Plot the causal SNPs in red
color=def_colors[1], s=200)
# significance threshold according to Bonferroni correction
t = -np.log10(0.05/num_feats)
plt.plot([0, num_feats], [t, t], lw=4, c='w')
plt.xlabel("feature", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("-log10 p-value", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([0, num_feats])
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/t_test.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Only one causal feature was identified as significant. Even increasing the significance level (or using a less stringent correction for multiple hypothesis testing) would not rescue the 9 other causal features.
In [17]:
pvalues = []
for feat_idx in causl:
myX = X_test[:, feat_idx]
myX = sm.add_constant(myX)
est = sm.regression.linear_model.OLS(y_test, myX)
est2 =
pvalues = np.array(pvalues)
In [18]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 8))
plt.scatter(causl, -np.log10(pvalues),
color=def_colors[1], s=200)
# significance threshold according to Bonferroni correction
t = -np.log10(0.05/len(causl))
plt.plot([0, num_feats], [t, t], lw=4, c='k')
plt.xlabel("feature", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("-log10 p-value", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([0, num_feats])
#plt.savefig('manhattan.png', bbox_inches='tight')
In [14]:
from sklearn import linear_model
In [15]:
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True), y_train)
In [16]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 8))
plt.scatter(range(num_feats), # x = SNP position
model.coef_, # y = regression weights
plt.scatter(causl, model.coef_[causl],
color=def_colors[1], s=200)
#plt.plot([0, num_feats], [0.025, 0.025], lw=4, c='grey', ls='--')
#plt.plot([0, num_feats], [-0.025, -0.025], lw=4, c='grey', ls='--')
plt.xlabel("feature", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("regression weight", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([0, num_feats])
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/linreg_weights.png', bbox_inches='tight')
The feautres that have the largest weight (in magnitude) are not necessarily the causal ones. Some causal features have a very low weight.
The dashed lines at +/- 0.025 have been chosen arbitrarily.
In [21]:
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
In [22]:
rmse = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
print rmse
In [24]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 12))
plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred, s=200)
plt.xlabel("true y", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("prediction", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.ylim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.text(0, 0.6, 'RMSE = %.2f' % rmse, fontsize=28)
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/linreg_pred.png', bbox_inches='tight')
In [25]:
model = linear_model.Lasso(fit_intercept=True, alpha=0.005), y_train)
In [114]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 8))
plt.scatter(range(num_feats), # x = SNP position
model.coef_, # y = regression weight
plt.scatter(causl, model.coef_[causl],
color=def_colors[1], s=200)
plt.xlabel("features", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("lasso weight", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([0, num_feats])
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/lasso_weights.png', bbox_inches='tight')
The solution is sparse, but many non-causal features have non-zero weights and several causal features have a weight of 0.
If you increase lambda, you'll lose more causal features.
In [26]:
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
In [27]:
rmse = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
In [30]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 12))
plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred, s=200)
plt.xlabel("true y", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("prediction", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.ylim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.text(0, 0.6, 'RMSE = %.2f' % rmse, fontsize=28)
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/lasso_pred.png', bbox_inches='tight')
The predictivity has slightly improved.
This method is developed in
As detailed in the paper, this can be reformulated so as to be solved as a Lasso problem.
In [31]:
degree = np.sum(W, axis=0)
L = np.diag(degree) - W
# spectral decomposition
evals, evecs = np.linalg.eigh(L)
# correct for numerical errors:
# eigenvalues of 0 might be computed as small negative numbers
evals = np.maximum(0, evals)
In [32]:
S =, np.diag(evals))
In [33]:
y_new = np.hstack((y_train, np.zeros((num_feats, ))))
In [34]:
l1 = 0.001
l2 = 10.
In [35]:
gamma = l1/(np.sqrt(l2+1))
In [36]:
X_new = 1/(np.sqrt(l2+1)) * np.vstack((X_train, np.sqrt(l2)*S.T))
In [37]:
model = linear_model.Lasso(fit_intercept=True, alpha=gamma), y_new)
In [38]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 8))
plt.scatter(range(num_feats), # x = SNP position
model.coef_, # y = -log10 p-value (the higher the more significant)
# Plot the causal SNPs in red
plt.scatter(causl, model.coef_[causl],
color=def_colors[1], s=200)
plt.xlabel("features", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("ncLasso weight", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([0, num_feats])
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/nclasso_weights.png', bbox_inches='tight')
The algorithm is much better at identifying causal features!
In [39]:
y_test_new = np.hstack((y_test, np.zeros((num_feats, ))))
X_test_new = 1/(np.sqrt(l2+1)) * np.vstack((X_test, np.sqrt(l2)*S.T))
In [40]:
y_pred = model.predict(X_test_new)[:y_test.shape[0]]
In [41]:
rmse = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
In [42]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 12))
plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred, s=200)
plt.xlabel("true y", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("prediction", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.ylim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.text(0, 0.6, 'RMSE = %.2f' % rmse, fontsize=28)
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/nclasso_pred.png', bbox_inches='tight')
The performance improved noticeably.
In [43]:
cd code/
In [44]:
import tempfile
In [45]:
def convert_W_to_dimacs(W, dimacs_fname):
num_edges = np.sum(W)
print "Considering %d edges" % num_edges
num_features = W.shape[0]
with open(dimacs_fname, 'w') as g:
g.write("p max %d %d\n" % (num_features, num_edges))
for u, v in zip(np.nonzero(W)[0], np.nonzero(W)[1]):
g.write("a %d %d %d\n" % ((u+1), (v+1), int(W[u, v])))
In [46]:
w_fh, w_fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='network.dimacs')
In [47]:
print w_fname
In [48]:
convert_W_to_dimacs(W, w_fname)
In [49]:
def compute_node_weights(X, y, node_weights_fname):
num_features = X.shape[1]
with open(node_weights_fname, 'w') as g:
for feat_idx in range(num_features):
myX = X[:, feat_idx]
myX = sm.add_constant(myX)
est = sm.regression.linear_model.OLS(y, myX)
est2 =
g.write("%.3e\n" % np.abs(est2.tvalues[1]))
In [50]:
c_fh, c_fname = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='scores_0.txt')
In [51]:
print c_fname
In [52]:
compute_node_weights(X_train, y_train, c_fname)
In [53]:
lbd = 5.
eps = 1.
In [54]:
vv = !python -k 1 -w $w_fname -r $c_fname -l $lbd -e $eps
print vv
In [55]:
selected = [(int(i)-1) for i in vv[2].split()]
print selected
In [56]:
cd ..
In [57]:
non_selected = [ix for ix in range(num_feats) if ix not in selected]
In [58]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 8))
plt.scatter(selected, # x = SNP position
np.ones(shape=(len(selected), 1)),
color=def_colors[0], s=200)
np.zeros(shape=(len(non_selected), 1)),
color=def_colors[0], s=200)
np.ones(shape=(len(causl), )),
color=def_colors[1], s=200)
plt.xlabel("features", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("sfan selection", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([0, num_feats])
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/sfan_selected.png', bbox_inches='tight')
sfan selected exactly the right features!
In [59]:
model = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True)[:, selected], y_train)
In [60]:
y_pred = model.predict(X_test[:, selected])
In [61]:
rmse = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))
In [62]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize(12, 12))
plt.scatter(y_test, y_pred, s=200)
plt.xlabel("true y", fontsize=28)
plt.ylabel("prediction", fontsize=28)
plt.xlim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.ylim([np.min(y_test)-0.05, np.max(y_test)+0.05])
plt.text(0, 0.6, 'RMSE = %.2f' % rmse, fontsize=28)
plt.savefig('structured_sparsity/sfan_pred.png', bbox_inches='tight')
Once the correct features are selected, the linear regression can make good predictions.
In [63]:
import os
In [ ]: