QuTiP development notebook for testing continuous variable functions

Copyright (C) 2011 and later, Paul D. Nation & Robert J. Johansson

In [1]:
%pylab inline

In [2]:
from qutip import *


In [3]:
N = 20
alpha = 2.5

a1 = tensor(destroy(N), qeye(N))
a2 = tensor(qeye(N), destroy(N))

Function for visualizing various correlation and covariance matrices of a two-mode field state

In [4]:
def visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho):
    fig, ax = subplots(2, 3, figsize=(10,5), subplot_kw={'projection':'3d'})

    # field operators
    C = correlation_matrix_field(a1, a2, rho)
    lbls = [r'$a_1$', r'$a_1^\dagger$', r'$a_2$', r'$a_2^\dagger$']
    matrix_histogram(real(C), xlabels=lbls, ylabels=lbls,
                     fig=fig, ax=ax[0,0], colorbar=False, title="field operator corr.mat.")
    basis = [a1, a1.dag(), a2, a2.dag()]
    C = covariance_matrix(basis, rho)
    lbls = [r'$a_1$', r'$a_1^\dagger$', r'$a_2$', r'$a_2^\dagger$']
    matrix_histogram(real(C), xlabels=lbls, ylabels=lbls,
                     fig=fig, ax=ax[1,0], colorbar=False, title="field operator cov.mat.")
    # quadratures
    C = correlation_matrix_quadrature(a1, a2, rho)
    lbls = [r'$x_1$', r'$p_1$', r'$x_2$', r'$p_2$']
    matrix_histogram(real(C), xlabels=lbls, ylabels=lbls,
                     fig=fig, ax=ax[0,1], colorbar=False, title="quadrature operator corr.mat.")

    x1 = (a1 + a1.dag()) / np.sqrt(2)
    p1 = -1j * (a1 - a1.dag()) / np.sqrt(2)
    x2 = (a2 + a2.dag()) / np.sqrt(2)
    p2 = -1j * (a2 - a2.dag()) / np.sqrt(2)
    basis = [x1, p1, x2, p2]
    C = covariance_matrix(basis, rho)
    lbls = [r'$a_1$', r'$a_1^\dagger$', r'$a_2$', r'$a_2^\dagger$']
    matrix_histogram(real(C), xlabels=lbls, ylabels=lbls,
                     fig=fig, ax=ax[1,1], colorbar=False, title="quadrature operator cov.mat.")
    # wigner covariance matrix
    C = wigner_covariance_matrix(a1=a1, a2=a2, rho=rho)
    lbls = [r'$x_1$', r'$p_1$', r'$x_2$', r'$p_2$']
    matrix_histogram(real(C), xlabels=lbls, ylabels=lbls,
                     fig=fig, ax=ax[0,2], colorbar=False, title="wigner cov.mat. #1")

    R = covariance_matrix(basis, rho)
    C = wigner_covariance_matrix(R=R)
    lbls = [r'$x_1$', r'$p_1$', r'$x_2$', r'$p_2$']
    matrix_histogram(real(C), xlabels=lbls, ylabels=lbls,
                     fig=fig, ax=ax[1,2], colorbar=False, title="wigner cov.mat. #2")

    print "logarithmic negativity =", logarithmic_negativity(C)

Vacuum state

In [5]:
rho = tensor(basis(N, 0), basis(N, 0))

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/axes3d.py:1673: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
  for n in normals])
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qutip/continuous_variables.py:268: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in sqrt
  nu_ = sigma / 2 - np.sqrt(sigma ** 2 - 4 * np.linalg.det(V)) / 2
logarithmic negativity = 0

Coherent states

In [6]:
# correlated modes
rho = tensor(coherent_dm(N, alpha), coherent_dm(N, alpha/2))

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

logarithmic negativity = 0.000102894071174

In [7]:
# mixture of coherent states
rho = (tensor(coherent_dm(N, alpha), coherent_dm(N, -0.5j*alpha)) +
       tensor(coherent_dm(N, -0.5j*alpha), coherent_dm(N, alpha))).unit()

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

logarithmic negativity = 5.14443887886e-05

In [8]:
# superposition of coherent states
rho = ket2dm((tensor(coherent(N, alpha), coherent(N, -0.5j*alpha)) +
             tensor(coherent(N, -0.5j*alpha), coherent(N, alpha))).unit())

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

logarithmic negativity = 0.00322152869334

Thermal states

In [9]:
rho = tensor(thermal_dm(N, alpha**2), thermal_dm(N, (alpha/2)**2))

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

logarithmic negativity = 0

In [10]:
# mixture of thermal states and the vacuum state
rho = (tensor(thermal_dm(N, (alpha)**2), fock_dm(N, 0)) + 
       tensor(fock_dm(N, 0), thermal_dm(N, (alpha/2)**2))).unit()

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

logarithmic negativity = 0

Two-mode squeezed state

In [11]:
# Squeezed vacuum

S = squeezing(a1, a2, 0.35)

vac = tensor(fock(N, 0), fock(N, 0))

rho = ket2dm(S * vac)

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

logarithmic negativity = 0.35

In [12]:
# Squeezed two-mode coherent state

S = squeezing(a1, a2, 0.35)

vac = tensor(coherent(N, alpha), coherent(N, alpha))

rho = ket2dm(S * vac)

visualize_matrices(a1, a2, rho)

logarithmic negativity = 0.349940514186

Version information

In [13]:
from qutip.ipynbtools import version_table

Python2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2012, 21:51:14) [GCC 4.7.2]
OSposix [linux2]
Tue Feb 12 17:09:26 2013