Bringing contextual word representations into your models

In [1]:
__author__ = "Christopher Potts"
__version__ = "CS224u, Stanford, Spring 2020"


This notebook provides a basic introduction to using pre-trained BERT and ELMo representations. It is meant as a practical companion to our lecture on contextual word representations. The goal of this notebook is just to help you use these representations in your own work. The BERT and ELMo teams have done amazing work to make these resources available to the community. Many projects can benefit from them, so it is probably worth your time to experiment.

This notebook should be considered an experimental extension to the regular course materials. It has some special requirements – libraries and data files – that are not part of the core requirements for this repository. All these tools are very new and being updated frequently, so you might need to do some fiddling to get all of this to work. As I said, though, it's probably worth the effort!

A number of the experiments in this notebook are resource intensive. I've included timing information for the expensive steps, to give you a sense for how long things are likely to take. I ran this notebook on a 2015 iMac with a 4 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU (no GPU involved) and 32GB of memory, and none of the steps seemed to strain the system. If you run this notebook on a GPU that PyTorch can work with, everything will be much faster.

General set-up

The following are requirements that you'll already have met if you've been working in this repository. As you can see, we'll use the Stanford Sentiment Treebank for illustrations, and we'll try out a few different deep learning models.

In [2]:
import os
import sst
from torch_shallow_neural_classifier import TorchShallowNeuralClassifier
from torch_rnn_classifier import TorchRNNClassifier, TorchRNNClassifierModel
from torch_rnn_classifier import TorchRNNClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
import utils

In [3]:
# Set all the random seeds for reproducibility. Only the
# system and torch seeds are relevant for this notebook.


In [4]:
SST_HOME = os.path.join("data", "trees")

Hugging Face BERT interfaces

Hugging Face BERT set-up

To install this library, run

pip install transformers

I've tested this code with versions 2.4 and 2.5 of transformers. Try to get 2.5. It requires pip >= 20 and, I think, a version of Rust at least as high as 1.21.1.

In [5]:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers import BertModel, BertTokenizer

I0309 20:28:13.657829 140735854211968] PyTorch version 1.3.0 available.
I0309 20:28:13.658627 140735854211968] TensorFlow version 2.0.0 available.

The transformers library does a lot of logging. To avoid ending up with a cluttered notebook, I am changing the logging level. You might want to skip this as you scale up to building production systems, since the logging is very good – it gives you a lot of insights into what the models and code are doing.

In [6]:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.level = logging.ERROR

Hugging Face BERT basics

To start, let's get a feel for the basic API that transformers provides. The first step is specifying the pretrained parameters we'll be using:

In [7]:
hf_weights_name = 'bert-base-cased'

There are lots other options for pretrained weights. See this section of the project for a good overview and code that documents how these weights align with different Transformer model classes.

Next, we specify a tokenizer and a model that match both each other and our choice of pretrained weights:

In [8]:
hf_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(hf_weights_name)

In [9]:
hf_model = BertModel.from_pretrained(hf_weights_name)

It's illuminating to see what the tokenizer does to example texts:

In [10]:
hf_example_texts = [
    "Encode sentence 1. [SEP] And sentence 2!",
    "Bert knows Snuffleupagus"]

The encode method maps individual strings to indices into the underlying embedding used by the model:

In [11]:
ex0_ids = hf_tokenizer.encode(hf_example_texts[0], add_special_tokens=True)


[101, 13832, 13775, 5650, 122, 119, 102, 1262, 5650, 123, 106, 102]

We can get a better feel for what these representations are like by mapping the indices back to "words":

In [12]:


For modeling, we will often need to pad (and perhaps truncate) token lists so that we can work with fixed-dimensional tensors: The batch_encode_plus has a lot of options for doing this:

In [13]:
hf_example_ids = hf_tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(

In [14]:

dict_keys(['input_ids', 'token_type_ids', 'attention_mask'])

The token_type_ids is used for multi-text inputs like NLI. The 'input_ids' field gives the indices for each of the two examples:

In [15]:

[[101, 13832, 13775, 5650, 122, 119, 102, 1262, 5650, 123, 106, 102],
 [101, 15035, 3520, 156, 14787, 13327, 4455, 28026, 1116, 102, 0, 0]]

For fine-tuning, we want to avoid attending to padded tokens. The 'attention_mask' captures the needed mask, which we'll be able to feed directly to the pretrained BERT model:

In [16]:

[[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]]

Finally, we can run these indices and masks through the pretrained model:

In [17]:
X_hf_example = torch.tensor(hf_example_ids['input_ids'])
X_hf_example_mask = torch.tensor(hf_example_ids['attention_mask'])

with torch.no_grad():    
    hf_final_hidden_states, cls_output = hf_model(
        X_hf_example, attention_mask=X_hf_example_mask)

BERT representations are pretty large – this shows 2 examples, with the second padded to the length of the larger one in the batch (12). The individual representations have dimensionality 768.

In [18]:

torch.Size([2, 12, 768])

Those are all the essential ingredients for working with these parameters in Hugging Face. Of course, the library has a lot of other functionality, but the above suffices to featurize and to fine tune.

BERT featurization with Hugging Face

To start, we'll use the Hugging Face interfaces just to featurize examples to create inputs to a separate model. In this setting, the BERT parameters are frozen. The heart of this approach is the following featurizer, which flattens an SST tree into a string, tokenizes it, and calculates its hidden representations:

In [19]:
def hugging_face_bert_phi(tree):
    s = " ".join(tree.leaves())
    input_ids = hf_tokenizer.encode(s, add_special_tokens=True)
    X = torch.tensor([input_ids])
    with torch.no_grad():
        final_hidden_states, cls_output = hf_model(X)
        return final_hidden_states.squeeze(0).numpy()

Simple feed-forward experiment

For a simple feed-forward experiment, we can get the representation of the [CLS] tokens and use them as the inputs to a shallow neural network:

In [20]:
def hugging_face_bert_classifier_phi(tree):
    reps = hugging_face_bert_phi(tree)
    #return reps.mean(axis=0)  # Another good, easy option.
    return reps[0]

This is very much like what we summed the GloVe representations of these examples, but now the individual word representations are different depending on the context in which they appear.

Next we read in the SST train and dev portions as a lists of (tree, label) pairs:

In [21]:
hf_train = list(sst.train_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

hf_dev = list(sst.dev_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

Split the input/output pairs out into separate lists:

In [22]:
X_hf_tree_train, y_hf_train = zip(*hf_train)

X_hf_tree_dev, y_hf_dev = zip(*hf_dev)

In the next step, we featurize all of the examples. These steps are likely to be the slowest in these experiments:

In [23]:
%time X_hf_train = [hugging_face_bert_classifier_phi(tree) for tree in X_hf_tree_train]

CPU times: user 22min 28s, sys: 5.87 s, total: 22min 34s
Wall time: 5min 38s

In [24]:
%time X_hf_dev = [hugging_face_bert_classifier_phi(tree) for tree in X_hf_tree_dev]

CPU times: user 2min 51s, sys: 681 ms, total: 2min 52s
Wall time: 43.1 s

Now that all the examples are featurized, we can fit a model and evaluate it:

In [25]:
hf_mod = TorchShallowNeuralClassifier(max_iter=100, hidden_dim=300)

In [26]:
%time _ =, y_hf_train)

Finished epoch 100 of 100; error is 3.4869229197502136
CPU times: user 1min 45s, sys: 1.44 s, total: 1min 47s
Wall time: 15.4 s

In [27]:
hf_preds = hf_mod.predict(X_hf_dev)

In [28]:
print(classification_report(y_hf_dev, hf_preds, digits=3))

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

    negative      0.710     0.640     0.673       428
     neutral      0.331     0.218     0.263       229
    positive      0.676     0.858     0.756       444

    accuracy                          0.640      1101
   macro avg      0.572     0.572     0.564      1101
weighted avg      0.617     0.640     0.621      1101

A feed-forward experiment with the sst module

It is straightforward to conduct experiments like the above using sst.experiment, which will enable you to do a wider range of experiments without writing or copy-pasting a lot of code.

In [29]:
def fit_hf_shallow_network(X, y):
    mod = TorchShallowNeuralClassifier(
        max_iter=100, hidden_dim=300), y)
    return mod

In [30]:
_ = sst.experiment(
    vectorize=False)  # Pass in the BERT hidden state directly!

Finished epoch 100 of 100; error is 2.8084703385829926
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

    negative      0.670     0.764     0.714       428
     neutral      0.333     0.205     0.254       229
    positive      0.714     0.759     0.736       444

    accuracy                          0.646      1101
   macro avg      0.572     0.576     0.568      1101
weighted avg      0.618     0.646     0.627      1101

CPU times: user 27min 11s, sys: 7.76 s, total: 27min 19s
Wall time: 6min 39s

An RNN experiment with the sst module

We can also use BERT representations as the input to an RNN. There is just one key change from how we used these models before:

  • Previously, we would feed in lists of tokens, and they would be converted to indices into a fixed embedding space. This presumes that all words have the same representation no matter what their context is.

  • With BERT, we skip the embedding entirely and just feed in lists of BERT vectors, which means that the same word can be represented in different ways.

TorchRNNClassifier supports this via use_embedding=False. In turn, you needn't supply a vocabulary:

In [31]:
def fit_hf_rnn(X, y):
    mod = TorchRNNClassifier(
        use_embedding=False)  # Pass in the BERT hidden states directly!, y)
    return mod

In [32]:
_ = sst.experiment(
    vectorize=False)  # Pass in the BERT hidden states directly!

Finished epoch 50 of 50; error is 0.19242170546203852
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

    negative      0.709     0.706     0.707       428
     neutral      0.322     0.249     0.281       229
    positive      0.715     0.802     0.756       444

    accuracy                          0.649      1101
   macro avg      0.582     0.585     0.581      1101
weighted avg      0.631     0.649     0.638      1101

CPU times: user 54min 10s, sys: 2min 53s, total: 57min 4s
Wall time: 14min 26s

BERT fine-tuning with Hugging Face

The above experiments are quite successful – BERT gives us a reliable boost compared to other methods we've explored for the SST task. However, we might expect to do even better if we fine-tune the BERT parameters as part of fitting our SST classifier. To do that, we need to incorporate the Hugging Face BERT model into our classifier. This too is quite straightforward.

The most important step is to create an nn.Module subclass that has, for its parameters, both the BERT model and parameters for our own classifier:

In [33]:
class HfBertClassifierModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, n_classes, weights_name='bert-base-cased'):
        self.n_classes = n_classes
        self.weights_name = weights_name
        self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained(self.weights_name)
        self.hidden_dim = self.bert.embeddings.word_embeddings.embedding_dim
        # The only new parameters -- the classifier layer:
        self.W = nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.n_classes)
    def forward(self, X):
        """Here, `X` is an np.array in which each element is a pair 
        consisting of an index into the BERT embedding and a 1 or 0
        indicating whether the token is masked. The `fit` method will 
        train all these parameters against a softmax objective.
        indices = X[: , 0, : ]
        # Type conversion, since the base class insists on
        # casting this as a FloatTensor, but we ned Long
        # for `bert`.
        indices = indices.long()
        mask = X[: , 1, : ]      
        (final_hidden_states, cls_output) = self.bert(
            indices, attention_mask=mask)       
        return self.W(cls_output)

For the training and prediction interface, we can somewhat opportunistically subclass TorchShallowNeuralClassifier so that we don't have to write any of our own data-handling, training, or prediction code:

In [34]:
class HfBertClassifier(TorchShallowNeuralClassifier):
    def __init__(self, weights_name, *args, **kwargs):
        self.weights_name = weights_name
        self.tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.weights_name)
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    def define_graph(self):
        """This method is used by `fit`. We override it here to use our
        new BERT-based graph.
        bert = HfBertClassifierModel(
            self.n_classes_, weights_name=self.weights_name)
        return bert
    def encode(self, X, max_length=None):
        """The `X` is a list of strings. We use the model's tokenizer
        to get the indices and mask information.
        list of [index, mask] pairs, where index is an int and mask
        is 0 or 1.
        data = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
        indices = data['input_ids']
        mask = data['attention_mask']
        return [[i, m] for i, m in zip(indices, mask)]

Here's a self-contained illustration, starting from the raw SST data:

In [35]:
hf_train = list(sst.train_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

hf_dev = list(sst.dev_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

X_hf_tree_train, y_hf_train = zip(*hf_train)

X_hf_tree_dev, y_hf_dev = zip(*hf_dev)

Our model has some standard fine-tuning parameters:

In [36]:
hf_fine_tune_mod = HfBertClassifier(
    batch_size=16, # Crucial; large batches will eat up all your memory!

We'll use the encode method in HfBertClassifier. For generality, this is expecting string inputs, rather than trees, so we first flatten the trees:

In [37]:
X_hf_str_train = [" ".join(tree.leaves()) for tree in X_hf_tree_train]

X_hf_str_dev = [" ".join(tree.leaves()) for tree in X_hf_tree_dev]

Now we can encode them; this step packs together the indices and mask information:

In [38]:
X_hf_indices_train = hf_fine_tune_mod.encode(X_hf_str_train)

X_hf_indices_dev = hf_fine_tune_mod.encode(X_hf_str_dev)

Training this model is resource intensive. Be patient – it will be worth the wait! (This experiment takes about 10 minutes on a machine with an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Max-Q GPU.)

In [39]:
%time _ =, y_hf_train)

Finished epoch 4 of 4; error is 100.52562420163304
CPU times: user 10h 16min 28s, sys: 38min 35s, total: 10h 55min 4s
Wall time: 2h 49min 37s

Finally, some predictions on the dev set:

In [40]:
hf_fine_tune_preds = hf_fine_tune_mod.predict(X_hf_indices_dev)

In [41]:
print(classification_report(hf_fine_tune_preds, y_hf_dev, digits=3))

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

    negative      0.710     0.840     0.770       362
     neutral      0.402     0.372     0.387       247
    positive      0.854     0.770     0.810       492

    accuracy                          0.704      1101
   macro avg      0.655     0.661     0.655      1101
weighted avg      0.705     0.704     0.702      1101

The above is just one of the many possible ways to fine-tune BERT using our course modules or new modules you write. The crux of it is creating an nn.Module that combines the BERT parameters with your model's new parameters.

Using ELMo

ELMO Allen NLP set-up

There are a number of ways to use pre-trained ELMo models. We'll use the simplest of the AllenNLP interfaces. Run the following to install AllenNLP:

pip install allennlp

I've tested this notebook with versions 0.8.0 and 0.9.0.

Mac users: If your installation fails, make sure your Xcode tools are up to date by running xcode-select --install.

In [42]:
from allennlp.modules.elmo import Elmo, batch_to_ids
from allennlp.commands.elmo import ElmoEmbedder
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

Better speed can be achieved with apex installed from

We'll use the following models, which will download from S3 to a local temp directory the first time you use them with ElmoEmbedder or Elmo as described below.

In [43]:
elmo_file_path = ""

options_file = elmo_file_path + "elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json"

weights_file = elmo_file_path + "elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5"

ELMo featurization

As we did with BERT, we'll first use ELMo just to featurize examples for a separate model. The ElmoEmbedder facilitates this:

In [44]:
elmo_embedder = ElmoEmbedder(options_file, weights_file)

Here's a copy of the SST in a useful format for this modeling:

In [45]:
elmo_train = list(sst.train_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

elmo_dev = list(sst.dev_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

X_elmo_tree_train, y_elmo_train = zip(*elmo_train)

X_elmo_tree_dev, y_elmo_dev = zip(*elmo_dev)

The ELMo interface requires tokenized input. I believe the tokenization scheme is the same as for the SST, so we can just use the leaves of those trees:

In [46]:
X_elmo_toks_train = [tree.leaves() for tree in X_elmo_tree_train]

X_elmo_toks_dev = [tree.leaves() for tree in X_elmo_tree_dev]

ELMo featurization for an RNN

Here we create the representations for the train and dev sets; these steps are somewhat slow:

In [47]:
%time X_elmo_train_layers = list(elmo_embedder.embed_sentences(X_elmo_toks_train))

CPU times: user 22min 14s, sys: 1min 55s, total: 24min 9s
Wall time: 8min 57s

In [48]:
%time X_elmo_dev_layers = list(elmo_embedder.embed_sentences(X_elmo_toks_dev))

CPU times: user 2min 51s, sys: 15.1 s, total: 3min 6s
Wall time: 1min 9s

Each member of X_elmo_train_layers has three dimensions:

In [49]:

(3, 13, 1024)

For each word (second dimension), there are three layers of length 1024. So ELMo representations are even larger than BERT ones!

There are many ways we could combine the layers available for each word. Here, I'll use just the top layer; see section 3.2 of the ELMo paper for additional ideas.

In [50]:
def elmo_layer_reduce_top(elmo_vecs):
    return [ex[-1] for ex in elmo_vecs]

In [51]:
X_elmo_train = elmo_layer_reduce_top(X_elmo_train_layers)

Now we can fit an RNN as usual:

In [52]:
elmo_rnn = TorchRNNClassifier(
    use_embedding=False) # Pass in the ELMo hidden states directly!

In [53]:
%time _ =, y_elmo_train)

Finished epoch 50 of 50; error is 0.7801527082920074
CPU times: user 21min 4s, sys: 2min 14s, total: 23min 19s
Wall time: 5min 59s

Evaluation proceeds in the usual way:

In [54]:
X_elmo_dev = elmo_layer_reduce_top(X_elmo_dev_layers)

In [55]:
elmo_rnn_preds = elmo_rnn.predict(X_elmo_dev)

In [56]:
print(classification_report(y_elmo_dev, elmo_rnn_preds, digits=3))

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

    negative      0.673     0.710     0.691       428
     neutral      0.323     0.231     0.270       229
    positive      0.711     0.777     0.743       444

    accuracy                          0.638      1101
   macro avg      0.569     0.573     0.568      1101
weighted avg      0.616     0.638     0.624      1101

Using the SST experiment framework with ELMo

To round things out, here's an example of how to use sst.experiment with ELMo, for more compact and maintainable experiment code:

In [57]:
def elmo_sentence_phi(tree):
    vecs = elmo_embedder.embed_sentence(tree.leaves())
    return vecs[-1]

In [58]:
def fit_elmo_rnn(X, y):
    mod = TorchRNNClassifier(
        use_embedding=False), y)
    return mod

This step re-encodes all of the examples, so it will take a while before the model starts training:

In [59]:
_ = sst.experiment(
    vectorize=False)  # Pass in the ELMo hidden states directly!

Finished epoch 50 of 50; error is 0.034750474384054545
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

    negative      0.690     0.687     0.689       428
     neutral      0.264     0.183     0.216       229
    positive      0.707     0.822     0.760       444

    accuracy                          0.637      1101
   macro avg      0.554     0.564     0.555      1101
weighted avg      0.608     0.637     0.619      1101

CPU times: user 3h 33min 19s, sys: 2min 49s, total: 3h 36min 9s
Wall time: 54min 9s

ELMo fine-tuning

Fine-tuning ELMo proceeds in essentially the same way it did for BERT: we create an nn.Module that combines the parameters from ELMo with our task-specific parameters and then optimize everything on the new task. To illustrate, I'll define an RNN on top of the ELMo model using new subclasses of TorchRNNClassifier and TorchRNNClassifierModel.

To start, let's get a feel for the primary interface, and then we'll write the classes that will allow us to use these components systematically.

The interface to the ELMo parameters in this context is the class Elmo:

In [60]:
elmo = Elmo(options_file, weights_file, num_output_representations=2)

This model expects tokenized inputs:

In [61]:
elmo_example_texts = [
    ["Encode", "sentence", "1", "."],
    ["ELMo", "knows" "Snuffleupagus"]]

The ELMo model processes its tokens at the character-level, creating convolutional representations for the words from various character n-gram combinations:

In [62]:
elmo_character_ids = batch_to_ids(elmo_example_texts)

# First word of the first example:

tensor([259,  70, 111, 100, 112, 101, 102, 260, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261,
        261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261,
        261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261,
        261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261, 261])

elmo embeds these at the word-level:

In [63]:
elmo_embeddings = elmo(elmo_character_ids)

elmo_embeddings is a dict. The value of 'elmo_representations' is a list of tensors corresponding to each layer of the model. In other words, each tensor in the list is a complete representation of the example. The final element of the list is the final representation layer.

In [64]:

[tensor([[[-0.7944,  0.0000,  0.0318,  ..., -0.0000, -0.8271, -0.0000],
          [-0.0379,  0.0000,  0.0000,  ...,  0.0281, -0.0000, -0.2358],
          [ 0.1434,  0.5358,  0.7767,  ..., -0.6500, -0.0777, -0.0000],
          [-0.0000, -0.4965, -0.0000,  ..., -0.0000,  0.0722,  0.0000]],
         [[ 0.0000, -0.0000,  0.0000,  ..., -0.8601, -0.0000, -0.0000],
          [ 0.0000, -0.0000, -0.0000,  ..., -0.2244, -0.0000,  0.7476],
          [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  ...,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000],
          [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  ...,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000]]],
 tensor([[[-0.7944,  0.0000,  0.0000,  ..., -0.0000, -0.8271, -1.9283],
          [-0.0000,  0.0000,  0.6947,  ...,  0.0000, -0.0000, -0.2358],
          [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  ..., -0.0000, -0.0000, -0.0000],
          [-1.1810, -0.0000, -1.7275,  ..., -0.1605,  0.0722,  0.0000]],
         [[ 0.4553, -0.0000,  0.0000,  ..., -0.8601, -0.0000, -0.5380],
          [ 0.0000, -0.0000, -0.0832,  ..., -0.2244, -0.2797,  0.7476],
          [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  ...,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000],
          [ 0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000,  ...,  0.0000,  0.0000,  0.0000]]],

These are the representations we will be fine-tuning. There are many ways to combine use. In my simple illustration, I just take the top layer, as we did in the simpler featurization example above, but now keeping each word representation separate for use in the input to the task-specific RNN. Here is the nn.Module:

In [65]:
class ElmoRNNClassifierModel(TorchRNNClassifierModel):
    def __init__(self, options_file, weights_file, hidden_dim, output_dim, bidirectional, device):     
            embed_dim=1024, # self.elmo.get_output_dim()
        self.options_file = options_file
        self.weights_file = weights_file
        self.elmo = Elmo(
    def forward(self, X, seq_lengths):
        X =, non_blocking=True)
        result = self.elmo(X)
        X = result['elmo_representations'][-1]
        state = self.rnn_forward(X, seq_lengths, self.rnn)
        logits = self.classifier_layer(state)
        return logits

And here is the subclass of TorchRNNClassifier that lets us take advantage of all the optimization and prediction methods of that class:

In [66]:
class ElmoRNNClassifier(TorchRNNClassifier):
    def __init__(self, options_file, weights_file, *args, **kwargs):
        self.options_file = options_file
        self.weights_file = weights_file
        vocab = []
        super().__init__(vocab, *args, use_embedding=False, embedding=None, **kwargs)
    def build_graph(self):
        """This method is used by `fit`. We override it here to use our
        new ELMo-based graph.
        elmo = ElmoRNNClassifierModel(           
        return elmo
    def _prepare_dataset(self, X):
        # Somewhat awkwardly get the lengths (padded tokens are all 0s).
        # Ideally, this function would first measure the lengths of the
        # examples in X directly and then call `batch_to_ids(X)`. 
        # However, the super class `fit` method is currently presupposing
        # too much about X to allow this. TODO: make that interface
        # more flexible.
        seq_lengths = [sum([1 for w in ex if w.sum() > 0]) for ex in X]
        return X, torch.tensor(seq_lengths)
    def encode(X):
        return batch_to_ids(X)

And finally here is a self-contained illustration:

A copy of the dataset in the format we want:

In [67]:
elmo_train = list(sst.train_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

elmo_dev = list(sst.dev_reader(SST_HOME, class_func=sst.ternary_class_func))

X_elmo_tree_train, y_elmo_train = zip(*elmo_train)

X_elmo_tree_dev, y_elmo_dev = zip(*elmo_dev)

X_elmo_toks_train = [tree.leaves() for tree in X_elmo_tree_train]

X_elmo_toks_dev = [tree.leaves() for tree in X_elmo_tree_dev]

Our fine-tuning model with parameters that are inspired by those given for the SST task in the paper's supplementary materials:

In [68]:
elmo_fine_tune_mod = ElmoRNNClassifier(
    max_iter=10,  # More iters improves performance. How many did the ELMo team do?

Character-level encodings:

In [69]:
X_elmo_train = elmo_fine_tune_mod.encode(X_elmo_toks_train)

X_elmo_dev = elmo_fine_tune_mod.encode(X_elmo_toks_dev)

Train (This experiment takes about 11 minutes on a machine with an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Max-Q GPU):

In [70]:
%time _ =, y_elmo_train)

Finished epoch 10 of 10; error is 229.4948596879846
CPU times: user 8h 23min 11s, sys: 26min 34s, total: 8h 49min 46s
Wall time: 2h 33min 1s


In [71]:
# When I was on a GPU machine, I had trouble predicting on the 
# full dev set all at once, so let's break it into small batches:
increment = 10
elmo_fine_tune_preds = []
for i in range(0, len(X_elmo_dev), increment):
    elmo_fine_tune_preds += elmo_fine_tune_mod.predict(X_elmo_dev[i: i+increment])

In [72]:
print(classification_report(elmo_fine_tune_preds, y_elmo_dev, digits=3))

              precision    recall  f1-score   support

    negative      0.801     0.670     0.730       512
     neutral      0.148     0.362     0.211        94
    positive      0.813     0.729     0.769       495

    accuracy                          0.670      1101
   macro avg      0.588     0.587     0.570      1101
weighted avg      0.751     0.670     0.703      1101