In [1]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
from allel.io_vcf_read import read_vcf, read_vcf_chunks, vcf_to_npz, vcf_to_hdf5, vcf_to_zarr
# from allel.opt.io_vcf_read import (iter_vcf, 
#                                    CalldataParser_parse, 
#                                    GenotypeInt8Parser_parse, 
#                                    ParserContext_next, 
#                                    BufferedReader_read
#                                   )

prof_vcf_fn = '../../profdata/2L_2358158_2431617.vcf'
sample_vcf_fn = '../../fixture/sample.vcf'

In [2]:
# create a slightly larger profiling file
!cat {prof_vcf_fn} > ../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf
!for i in `seq 1 100`; do cat {prof_vcf_fn} | grep -v '^#' >> ../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf; done
!gzip -f ../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf

In [3]:
!cat {prof_vcf_fn} | wc -l


In [4]:
!zcat ../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz | wc -l


In [5]:
!cat {sample_vcf_fn}

##INFO=<ID=NS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Number of Samples With Data">
##INFO=<ID=AN,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total number of alleles in called genotypes">
##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=.,Type=Integer,Description="Allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele, in the same order as listed">
##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Total Depth">
##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Allele Frequency">
##INFO=<ID=AA,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Ancestral Allele">
##INFO=<ID=DB,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="dbSNP membership, build 129">
##INFO=<ID=H2,Number=0,Type=Flag,Description="HapMap2 membership">
##FILTER=<ID=s50,Description="Less than 50% of samples have data">
##FILTER=<ID=q10,Description="Quality below 10">
##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype Quality">
##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read Depth">
##FORMAT=<ID=HQ,Number=2,Type=Integer,Description="Haplotype Quality">
##ALT=<ID=DEL:ME:ALU,Description="Deletion of ALU element">
##ALT=<ID=CNV,Description="Copy number variable region">
19	111	.	A	C	9.6	.	.	GT:HQ	0|0:10,10	0|0:10,10	0/1:3,3
19	112	.	A	G	10	.	.	GT:HQ	0|0:10,10	0|0:10,10	0/1:3,3
20	14370	rs6054257	G	A	29	PASS	NS=3;DP=14;AF=0.5;DB;H2	GT:GQ:DP:HQ	0|0:48:1:51,51	1|0:48:8:51,51	1/1:43:5:.,.
20	17330	.	T	A	3	q10	NS=3;DP=11;AF=0.017	GT:GQ:DP:HQ	0|0:49:3:58,50	0|1:3:5:65,3	0/0:41:3:.,.
20	1110696	rs6040355	A	G,T	67	PASS	NS=2;DP=10;AF=0.333,0.667;AA=T;DB	GT:GQ:DP:HQ	1|2:21:6:23,27	2|1:2:0:18,2	2/2:35:4:.,.
20	1230237	.	T	.	47	PASS	NS=3;DP=13;AA=T	GT:GQ:DP:HQ	0|0:54:.:56,60	0|0:48:4:51,51	0/0:61:2:.,.
20	1234567	microsat1	G	GA,GAC	50	PASS	NS=3;DP=9;AA=G;AN=6;AC=3,1	GT:GQ:DP	0/1:.:4	0/2:17:2	./.:40:3
20	1235237	.	T	.	.	.	.	GT	0/0	0|0	./.
X	10	rsTest	AC	A,ATG	10	PASS	.	GT	0	0/1	0|2

In [6]:
headers, chunks = read_vcf_chunks(sample_vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=3, 
                                  types={'CHROM': 'S4', 'ID': 'S20', 'DP': 'i8', 'AF': 'f8', 'HQ': 'i1', 'GQ': 'i1'},
                                  numbers={'ALT': 2, 'AF': 2, 'AA': 2}

['NA00001', 'NA00002', 'NA00003']

In [7]:

{'q10': {'Description': 'Quality below 10', 'ID': 'q10'},
 's50': {'Description': 'Less than 50% of samples have data', 'ID': 's50'}}

In [8]:

{'AA': {'Description': 'Ancestral Allele',
  'ID': 'AA',
  'Number': '1',
  'Type': 'String'},
 'AC': {'Description': 'Allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele, in the same order as listed',
  'ID': 'AC',
  'Number': '.',
  'Type': 'Integer'},
 'AF': {'Description': 'Allele Frequency',
  'ID': 'AF',
  'Number': '.',
  'Type': 'Float'},
 'AN': {'Description': 'Total number of alleles in called genotypes',
  'ID': 'AN',
  'Number': '1',
  'Type': 'Integer'},
 'DB': {'Description': 'dbSNP membership, build 129',
  'ID': 'DB',
  'Number': '0',
  'Type': 'Flag'},
 'DP': {'Description': 'Total Depth',
  'ID': 'DP',
  'Number': '1',
  'Type': 'Integer'},
 'H2': {'Description': 'HapMap2 membership',
  'ID': 'H2',
  'Number': '0',
  'Type': 'Flag'},
 'NS': {'Description': 'Number of Samples With Data',
  'ID': 'NS',
  'Number': '1',
  'Type': 'Integer'}}

In [9]:

{'DP': {'Description': 'Read Depth',
  'ID': 'DP',
  'Number': '1',
  'Type': 'Integer'},
 'GQ': {'Description': 'Genotype Quality',
  'ID': 'GQ',
  'Number': '1',
  'Type': 'Integer'},
 'GT': {'Description': 'Genotype',
  'ID': 'GT',
  'Number': '1',
  'Type': 'String'},
 'HQ': {'Description': 'Haplotype Quality',
  'ID': 'HQ',
  'Number': '2',
  'Type': 'Integer'}}

In [10]:
chunks = list(chunks)


In [11]:


In [12]:
sum([r['variants/CHROM'].shape[0] for r in chunks])


In [13]:

array([b'19', b'19', b'20'], 

In [14]:

array([b'20', b'20', b'X'], 

In [15]:

array([  111,   112, 14370], dtype=int32)

In [16]:

array([1234567, 1235237,      10], dtype=int32)

In [17]:

array([b'.', b'.', b'rs6054257'], 

In [18]:

array([b'A', b'A', b'G'], 

In [19]:

array([[b'C', b''],
       [b'G', b''],
       [b'A', b'']], 

In [20]:

array([[b'G', b'G'],
       [b'.', b''],
       [b'A', b'A']], 

In [21]:

array([  9.60000038,  10.        ,  29.        ], dtype=float32)

In [22]:

array([False, False,  True], dtype=bool)

In [23]:

array([-1, -1,  3], dtype=int32)

In [24]:

array([-1, -1, 14])

In [25]:

array([[ nan,  nan],
       [ nan,  nan],
       [ 0.5,  nan]])

In [26]:

array([[ 3,  1, -1],
       [-1, -1, -1],
       [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=int32)

In [27]:

array([-1, -1,  3], dtype=int32)

In [28]:

array([-1, -1, -1], dtype=int32)

In [29]:

array([False, False,  True], dtype=bool)

In [30]:

array([False, False,  True], dtype=bool)

In [31]:

array([[b'', b''],
       [b'T', b''],
       [b'T', b'']], 

In [32]:

array([[[0, 0],
        [0, 0],
        [0, 1]],

       [[0, 0],
        [0, 0],
        [0, 1]],

       [[0, 0],
        [1, 0],
        [1, 1]]], dtype=int8)

In [33]:

array([[-1, -1, -1],
       [-1, -1, -1],
       [48, 48, 43]], dtype=int8)

In [34]:

array([[[10, 10],
        [10, 10],
        [ 3,  3]],

       [[10, 10],
        [10, 10],
        [ 3,  3]],

       [[51, 51],
        [51, 51],
        [-1, -1]]], dtype=int8)

In [35]:

array([[-1, -1, -1],
       [-1, -1, -1],
       [ 1,  8,  5]], dtype=int16)

In [36]:
callset = read_vcf(sample_vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000)


In [37]:
callset = read_vcf(sample_vcf_fn, fields='FILTER',
                   buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000)

In [38]:

['variants/FILTER_PASS', 'variants/FILTER_q10', 'variants/FILTER_s50']

In [39]:

array([False, False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False], dtype=bool)

In [40]:

array([False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False], dtype=bool)

In [41]:
callset = read_vcf(sample_vcf_fn, fields='variants/*')

In [42]:
callset = read_vcf(sample_vcf_fn, fields='*', numbers=dict(ALT=1, AA=1),
                   buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000)


In [43]:


In [44]:

array([b'C', b'G', b'A', b'A', b'G', b'.', b'G', b'.', b'A'], 

In [45]:

array([b'', b'', b'', b'', b'T', b'T', b'G', b'', b''], 

In [46]:
callset = read_vcf(prof_vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000)

In [47]:


In [48]:

array([b'AB0085-C', b'AB0087-C', b'AB0088-C', b'AB0089-C', b'AB0090-C',
       b'AB0091-C', b'AB0092-C', b'AB0094-C', b'AB0095-C', b'AB0097-C',
       b'AB0098-C', b'AB0099-C', b'AB0100-C', b'AB0101-C', b'AB0103-C',
       b'AB0104-C', b'AB0109-C', b'AB0110-C', b'AB0111-C', b'AB0112-C',
       b'AB0113-C', b'AB0114-C', b'AB0117-C', b'AB0119-C', b'AB0122-C',
       b'AB0123-C', b'AB0124-C', b'AB0126-C', b'AB0127-C', b'AB0128-C',
       b'AB0129-C', b'AB0130-C', b'AB0133-C', b'AB0134-C', b'AB0135-C',
       b'AB0136-C', b'AB0137-C', b'AB0138-C', b'AB0139-C', b'AB0140-C',
       b'AB0142-C', b'AB0143-C', b'AB0145-C', b'AB0146-C', b'AB0147-C',
       b'AB0148-C', b'AB0151-C', b'AB0153-C', b'AB0155-C', b'AB0157-C',
       b'AB0158-C', b'AB0159-C', b'AB0160-C', b'AB0161-C', b'AB0164-C',
       b'AB0166-C', b'AB0169-C', b'AB0170-C', b'AB0171-C', b'AB0172-C',
       b'AB0173-C', b'AB0174-C', b'AB0175-C', b'AB0176-C', b'AB0177-C',
       b'AB0178-C', b'AB0179-C', b'AB0181-C', b'AB0182-C', b'AB0183-C',
       b'AB0184-C', b'AB0185-C', b'AB0186-C', b'AB0187-C', b'AB0188-C',
       b'AB0189-C', b'AB0190-C', b'AB0191-C', b'AB0192-C', b'AB0197-C',
       b'AB0198-C', b'AB0199-C', b'AB0201-C', b'AB0202-C', b'AB0203-C',
       b'AB0204-C', b'AB0205-C', b'AB0206-C', b'AB0207-C', b'AB0208-C',
       b'AB0209-C', b'AB0210-C', b'AB0211-C', b'AB0212-C', b'AB0213-C',
       b'AB0217-C', b'AB0219-C', b'AB0221-C', b'AB0222-C', b'AB0223-C',
       b'AB0224-C', b'AB0226-C', b'AB0227-C', b'AB0228-C', b'AB0229-C',
       b'AB0231-C', b'AB0233-C', b'AB0234-C', b'AB0235-C', b'AB0236-C',
       b'AB0237-C', b'AB0238-C', b'AB0239-C', b'AB0240-C', b'AB0241-C',
       b'AB0242-C', b'AB0243-C', b'AB0244-C', b'AB0246-C', b'AB0249-C',
       b'AB0250-C', b'AB0251-C', b'AB0252-C', b'AB0253-C', b'AB0256-C',
       b'AB0257-C', b'AB0258-C', b'AB0260-C', b'AB0261-C', b'AB0262-C',
       b'AB0263-C', b'AB0264-C', b'AB0265-C', b'AB0266-C', b'AB0267-C',
       b'AB0268-C', b'AB0270-C', b'AB0271-C', b'AB0272-C', b'AB0273-C',
       b'AB0274-C', b'AB0276-C', b'AB0277-C', b'AB0278-C', b'AB0279-C',
       b'AB0280-C', b'AB0281-C', b'AB0282-C', b'AB0283-C', b'AB0284-C',
       b'AC0090-C', b'AC0091-C', b'AC0092-C', b'AC0093-C', b'AC0094-C',
       b'AC0095-C', b'AC0096-C', b'AC0097-C', b'AC0098-C', b'AC0099-C',
       b'AC0100-C', b'AC0101-C', b'AC0102-C', b'AC0103-C', b'AC0104-C',
       b'AC0106-C', b'AC0107-C', b'AC0108-C', b'AC0109-C', b'AC0110-C',
       b'AC0111-C', b'AC0112-C', b'AC0113-C', b'AC0114-C', b'AC0115-C',
       b'AC0116-C', b'AC0117-C', b'AC0118-C', b'AC0119-C', b'AC0120-C',
       b'AC0121-C', b'AC0122-C', b'AC0123-C', b'AC0124-C', b'AC0125-C',
       b'AC0126-C', b'AC0127-C', b'AC0128-C', b'AC0129-C', b'AC0130-C',
       b'AC0131-C', b'AC0132-C', b'AC0133-C', b'AC0135-C', b'AC0136-C',
       b'AC0137-C', b'AC0138-C', b'AC0139-C', b'AC0140-C', b'AC0142-C',
       b'AC0143-C', b'AC0144-C', b'AC0145-C', b'AC0147-C', b'AC0148-C',
       b'AC0149-C', b'AC0150-C', b'AC0151-C', b'AC0152-C', b'AC0153-C',
       b'AC0154-C', b'AC0156-C', b'AC0158-C', b'AC0159-C', b'AC0160-C',
       b'AC0161-C', b'AC0162-C', b'AC0163-C', b'AC0164-C', b'AC0166-C',
       b'AC0167-C', b'AC0168-C', b'AC0169-C', b'AC0170-C', b'AC0171-C',
       b'AC0172-C', b'AC0173-C', b'AC0174-C', b'AC0176-C', b'AC0178-C',
       b'AC0179-C', b'AC0180-C', b'AC0181-C', b'AC0182-C', b'AC0183-C',
       b'AC0184-C', b'AC0186-C', b'AC0187-C', b'AC0188-C', b'AC0189-C',
       b'AC0190-C', b'AC0191-C', b'AC0192-C', b'AC0193-C', b'AC0194-C',
       b'AC0195-C', b'AC0196-C', b'AC0197-C', b'AC0199-C', b'AC0200-C',
       b'AC0201-C', b'AC0202-C', b'AC0203-C', b'AJ0023-C', b'AJ0024-C',
       b'AJ0032-C', b'AJ0035-C', b'AJ0036-C', b'AJ0039-C', b'AJ0043-C',
       b'AJ0044-C', b'AJ0045-C', b'AJ0047-C', b'AJ0051-C', b'AJ0052-C',
       b'AJ0056-C', b'AJ0061-C', b'AJ0063-C', b'AJ0064-C', b'AJ0066-C',
       b'AJ0070-C', b'AJ0071-C', b'AJ0072-C', b'AJ0074-C', b'AJ0075-C',
       b'AJ0076-C', b'AJ0077-C', b'AJ0078-C', b'AJ0081-C', b'AJ0084-C',
       b'AJ0085-C', b'AJ0086-C', b'AJ0088-C', b'AJ0090-C', b'AJ0092-C',
       b'AJ0093-C', b'AJ0096-C', b'AJ0097-C', b'AJ0098-C', b'AJ0100-C',
       b'AJ0101-C', b'AJ0102-C', b'AJ0103-C', b'AJ0105-C', b'AJ0107-C',
       b'AJ0109-C', b'AJ0113-C', b'AJ0115-C', b'AJ0116-C', b'AK0065-C',
       b'AK0066-C', b'AK0067-C', b'AK0068-C', b'AK0069-C', b'AK0070-C',
       b'AK0072-C', b'AK0073-C', b'AK0074-C', b'AK0075-C', b'AK0076-C',
       b'AK0077-C', b'AK0078-C', b'AK0079-C', b'AK0080-C', b'AK0081-C',
       b'AK0082-C', b'AK0085-C', b'AK0086-C', b'AK0087-C', b'AK0088-C',
       b'AK0089-C', b'AK0090-C', b'AK0091-C', b'AK0092-C', b'AK0093-C',
       b'AK0094-C', b'AK0095-C', b'AK0096-C', b'AK0098-C', b'AK0099-C',
       b'AK0100-C', b'AK0101-C', b'AK0102-C', b'AK0103-C', b'AK0104-C',
       b'AK0105-C', b'AK0106-C', b'AK0108-C', b'AK0109-C', b'AK0110-C',
       b'AK0116-C', b'AK0119-C', b'AK0127-C', b'AN0007-C', b'AN0008-C',
       b'AN0009-C', b'AN0010-C', b'AN0011-C', b'AN0012-C', b'AN0014-C',
       b'AN0016-C', b'AN0017-C', b'AN0018-C', b'AN0019-C', b'AN0020-C',
       b'AN0022-C', b'AN0023-C', b'AN0024-C', b'AN0025-C', b'AN0026-C',
       b'AN0027-C', b'AN0028-C', b'AN0029-C', b'AN0030-C', b'AN0031-C',
       b'AN0032-C', b'AN0033-C', b'AN0034-C', b'AN0035-C', b'AN0036-C',
       b'AN0037-C', b'AN0038-C', b'AN0039-C', b'AN0040-C', b'AN0041-C',
       b'AN0042-C', b'AN0043-C', b'AN0045-C', b'AN0046-C', b'AN0047-C',
       b'AN0048-C', b'AN0049-C', b'AN0050-C', b'AN0051-C', b'AN0053-C',
       b'AN0054-C', b'AN0055-C', b'AN0056-C', b'AN0057-C', b'AN0058-C',
       b'AN0059-C', b'AN0060-C', b'AN0063-C', b'AN0064-C', b'AN0065-C',
       b'AN0066-C', b'AN0067-C', b'AN0068-C', b'AN0069-C', b'AN0070-C',
       b'AN0071-C', b'AN0072-C', b'AN0073-C', b'AN0074-C', b'AN0075-C',
       b'AN0076-C', b'AN0077-C', b'AN0079-C', b'AN0080-C', b'AN0081-C',
       b'AN0082-C', b'AN0083-C', b'AN0084-C', b'AN0085-C', b'AN0086-C',
       b'AN0087-C', b'AN0088-C', b'AN0089-C', b'AN0090-C', b'AN0091-C',
       b'AN0092-C', b'AN0093-C', b'AN0094-C', b'AN0095-C', b'AN0096-C',
       b'AN0097-C', b'AN0098-C', b'AN0099-C', b'AN0100-C', b'AN0101-C',
       b'AN0102-C', b'AN0103-C', b'AN0104-C', b'AN0105-C', b'AN0106-C',
       b'AN0107-C', b'AN0108-C', b'AN0109-C', b'AN0111-C', b'AN0112-C',
       b'AN0113-C', b'AN0114-C', b'AN0115-C', b'AN0117-C', b'AN0120-C',
       b'AN0121-C', b'AN0122-C', b'AN0123-C', b'AN0124-C', b'AN0125-C',
       b'AN0126-C', b'AN0127-C', b'AN0128-C', b'AN0129-C', b'AN0130-C',
       b'AN0131-C', b'AN0132-C', b'AN0134-C', b'AN0135-C', b'AN0136-C',
       b'AN0137-C', b'AN0138-C', b'AN0139-C', b'AN0140-C', b'AN0141-C',
       b'AN0143-C', b'AN0147-C', b'AN0149-C', b'AN0151-C', b'AN0152-C',
       b'AN0153-C', b'AN0154-C', b'AN0155-C', b'AN0156-C', b'AN0157-C',
       b'AN0158-C', b'AN0159-C', b'AN0160-C', b'AN0162-C', b'AN0163-C',
       b'AN0164-C', b'AN0165-C', b'AN0166-C', b'AN0167-C', b'AN0168-C',
       b'AN0169-C', b'AN0170-C', b'AN0171-C', b'AN0172-C', b'AN0173-C',
       b'AN0174-C', b'AN0175-C', b'AN0176-C', b'AN0177-C', b'AN0178-C',
       b'AN0179-C', b'AN0180-C', b'AN0181-C', b'AN0182-C', b'AN0183-C',
       b'AN0184-C', b'AN0185-C', b'AN0186-C', b'AN0187-C', b'AN0188-C',
       b'AN0189-C', b'AN0190-C', b'AN0191-C', b'AN0192-C', b'AN0193-C',
       b'AN0194-C', b'AN0196-C', b'AN0197-C', b'AN0198-C', b'AN0199-C',
       b'AN0200-C', b'AN0201-C', b'AN0202-C', b'AN0203-C', b'AN0204-C',
       b'AN0205-C', b'AN0206-C', b'AN0207-C', b'AN0208-C', b'AN0209-C',
       b'AN0210-C', b'AN0212-C', b'AN0213-C', b'AN0214-C', b'AN0215-C',
       b'AN0217-C', b'AN0218-C', b'AN0219-C', b'AN0220-C', b'AN0221-C',
       b'AN0222-C', b'AN0223-C', b'AN0224-C', b'AN0225-C', b'AN0226-C',
       b'AN0227-C', b'AN0228-C', b'AN0229-C', b'AN0230-C', b'AN0231-C',
       b'AN0233-C', b'AN0234-C', b'AN0235-C', b'AN0236-C', b'AN0237-C',
       b'AN0238-C', b'AN0239-C', b'AN0240-C', b'AN0241-C', b'AN0242-C',
       b'AN0243-C', b'AN0244-C', b'AN0245-C', b'AN0246-C', b'AN0247-C',
       b'AN0248-C', b'AN0250-C', b'AN0251-C', b'AN0252-C', b'AN0253-C',
       b'AN0254-C', b'AN0255-C', b'AN0256-C', b'AN0258-C', b'AN0259-C',
       b'AN0260-C', b'AN0261-C', b'AN0262-C', b'AN0263-C', b'AN0264-C',
       b'AN0266-C', b'AN0267-C', b'AN0268-C', b'AN0269-C', b'AN0270-C',
       b'AN0272-C', b'AN0275-C', b'AN0276-C', b'AN0277-C', b'AN0280-C',
       b'AN0282-C', b'AN0283-C', b'AN0284-C', b'AN0285-C', b'AN0286-C',
       b'AN0287-C', b'AN0288-C', b'AN0290-C', b'AN0291-C', b'AN0292-C',
       b'AN0294-C', b'AN0295-C', b'AN0296-C', b'AN0297-C', b'AN0298-C',
       b'AN0299-C', b'AN0300-C', b'AN0301-C', b'AN0303-C', b'AN0304-C',
       b'AN0305-C', b'AN0307-C', b'AN0308-C', b'AN0309-C', b'AN0310-C',
       b'AN0312-C', b'AN0313-C', b'AN0314-C', b'AN0315-C', b'AN0317-C',
       b'AN0318-C', b'AN0319-C', b'AN0321-C', b'AR0007-C', b'AR0008-C',
       b'AR0009-C', b'AR0010-C', b'AR0011-C', b'AR0012-C', b'AR0014-C',
       b'AR0015-C', b'AR0017-C', b'AR0019-C', b'AR0020-C', b'AR0021-C',
       b'AR0022-C', b'AR0023-C', b'AR0024-C', b'AR0026-C', b'AR0027-C',
       b'AR0034-C', b'AR0035-C', b'AR0042-C', b'AR0043-C', b'AR0045-C',
       b'AR0047-C', b'AR0049-C', b'AR0050-C', b'AR0051-C', b'AR0053-C',
       b'AR0054-C', b'AR0057-C', b'AR0059-C', b'AR0061-C', b'AR0062-C',
       b'AR0063-C', b'AR0065-C', b'AR0066-C', b'AR0069-C', b'AR0070-C',
       b'AR0071-C', b'AR0072-C', b'AR0073-C', b'AR0074-C', b'AR0075-C',
       b'AR0076-C', b'AR0078-C', b'AR0079-C', b'AR0080-C', b'AR0081-C',
       b'AR0083-C', b'AR0084-C', b'AR0086-C', b'AR0087-C', b'AR0089-C',
       b'AR0090-C', b'AR0092-C', b'AR0093-C', b'AR0095-C', b'AR0096-C',
       b'AR0098-C', b'AR0099-C', b'AR0100-C', b'AS0001-C', b'AS0002-C',
       b'AS0003-C', b'AS0004-C', b'AS0006-C', b'AS0007-C', b'AS0008-C',
       b'AS0009-C', b'AS0010-C', b'AS0011-C', b'AS0012-C', b'AS0013-C',
       b'AS0014-C', b'AS0015-C', b'AS0016-C', b'AS0017-C', b'AS0018-C',
       b'AS0019-C', b'AS0020-C', b'AS0021-C', b'AS0022-C', b'AS0024-C',
       b'AS0026-C', b'AS0028-C', b'AS0030-C', b'AS0032-C', b'AS0033-C',
       b'AS0034-C', b'AS0035-C', b'AS0036-C', b'AS0037-C', b'AS0039-C',
       b'AS0042-C', b'AS0044-C', b'AS0045-C', b'AS0047-C', b'AS0049-C',
       b'AS0052-C', b'AS0053-C', b'AS0054-C', b'AS0055-C', b'AS0056-C',
       b'AS0058-C', b'AS0059-C', b'AS0064-C', b'AS0065-C', b'AS0066-C',
       b'AS0068-C', b'AS0069-C', b'AS0070-C', b'AS0071-C', b'AS0072-C',
       b'AS0073-C', b'AS0074-C', b'AS0076-C', b'AS0077-C', b'AV0001-C',
       b'AV0002-C', b'AV0003-C', b'AV0004-C', b'AV0005-C', b'AV0007-C',
       b'AV0008-C', b'AV0009-C', b'AV0010-C', b'AV0011-C', b'AV0012-C',
       b'AV0013-C', b'AV0014-C', b'AV0015-C', b'AV0018-C', b'AV0024-C',
       b'AV0026-C', b'AV0027-C', b'AV0029-C', b'AV0030-C', b'AV0031-C',
       b'AV0032-C', b'AV0033-C', b'AV0034-C', b'AV0035-C', b'AV0036-C',
       b'AV0039-C', b'AV0041-C', b'AV0044-C', b'AV0045-C', b'AV0047-C',
       b'AD0231-C', b'AD0232-C', b'AD0254-C', b'AD0255-C', b'AD0305-C',
       b'AD0306-C', b'AD0347-C', b'AD0348-C'], 

In [49]:

(1967, 773, 2)

In [50]:

(1967, 773, 2)

In [51]:

array([b'2L', b'2L', b'2L', ..., b'2L', b'2L', b'2L'], 

In [52]:

array([2353212, 2353223, 2353234, ..., 2436558, 2436585, 2436615], dtype=int32)

In [53]:

array([b'G', b'T', b'G', ..., b'G', b'A', b'C'], 

In [54]:

array([[b'A', b'', b''],
       [b'G', b'', b''],
       [b'C', b'', b''],
       [b'A', b'', b''],
       [b'C', b'', b''],
       [b'A', b'', b'']], 

Format conversion

In [55]:
npz_fn = 'sample.npz'
vcf_to_npz(sample_vcf_fn, npz_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3, overwrite=False)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-55-fe36617e2a57> in <module>()
      1 npz_fn = 'sample.npz'
----> 2 vcf_to_npz(sample_vcf_fn, npz_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3, overwrite=False)

/home/aliman/src/github/cggh/scikit-allel/allel/ in vcf_to_npz(input_path, output_path, compressed, overwrite, fields, types, numbers, buffer_size, chunk_length)
    176     if not overwrite and os.path.exists(output_path):
    177         # TODO right exception class?
--> 178         raise ValueError('file exists at path %r; use overwrite=True to replace' % output_path)
    180     # read all data into memory

ValueError: file exists at path 'sample.npz'; use overwrite=True to replace

In [56]:
vcf_to_npz(sample_vcf_fn, npz_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3, overwrite=True)

In [57]:
!ls -lh {npz_fn}

-rw-r--r-- 1 aliman aliman 4.3K Jun  8 15:59 sample.npz

In [58]:
import numpy as np

In [59]:
callset = np.load(npz_fn)

<numpy.lib.npyio.NpzFile at 0x7f196851eba8>

In [60]:


In [61]:

array([b'NA00001', b'NA00002', b'NA00003'], 

In [62]:

array([    111,     112,   14370,   17330, 1110696, 1230237, 1234567,
       1235237,      10], dtype=int32)

In [63]:

array([b'19', b'19', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'X'], 

In [64]:

array([[[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 1,  0],
        [ 1,  1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 1,  2],
        [ 2,  1],
        [ 2,  2]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  1],
        [ 0,  2],
        [-1, -1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [-1, -1]],

       [[ 0, -1],
        [ 0,  1],
        [ 0,  2]]], dtype=int8)

In [65]:
hdf5_fn = 'sample.h5'
vcf_to_hdf5(sample_vcf_fn, hdf5_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-65-ddbb299760ca> in <module>()
      1 hdf5_fn = 'sample.h5'
----> 2 vcf_to_hdf5(sample_vcf_fn, hdf5_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3)

/home/aliman/src/github/cggh/scikit-allel/allel/ in vcf_to_hdf5(input_path, output_path, group, compression, compression_opts, shuffle, overwrite, fields, types, numbers, buffer_size, chunk_length, chunk_width)
    299                 else:
    300                     # TODO right exception class?
--> 301                     raise ValueError('dataset exists at path %r; use overwrite=True to replace' % name)
    302             root[group].create_dataset(name, data=np.array(headers.samples).astype('S'),
    303                                        chunks=None)

ValueError: dataset exists at path 'samples'; use overwrite=True to replace

In [66]:
vcf_to_hdf5(sample_vcf_fn, hdf5_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3, overwrite=True)

In [67]:
!ls -lh {hdf5_fn}

-rw-r--r-- 1 aliman aliman 88K Jun  8 15:59 sample.h5

In [68]:
!h5ls {hdf5_fn}

calldata                 Group
samples                  Dataset {3}
variants                 Group

In [69]:
!h5ls {hdf5_fn}/variants

AA                       Dataset {9/Inf}
AC                       Dataset {9/Inf, 3}
AF                       Dataset {9/Inf, 3}
ALT                      Dataset {9/Inf, 3}
AN                       Dataset {9/Inf}
CHROM                    Dataset {9/Inf}
DB                       Dataset {9/Inf}
DP                       Dataset {9/Inf}
FILTER                   Dataset {9/Inf, 1}
FILTER_PASS              Dataset {9/Inf}
FILTER_q10               Dataset {9/Inf}
FILTER_s50               Dataset {9/Inf}
H2                       Dataset {9/Inf}
ID                       Dataset {9/Inf}
NS                       Dataset {9/Inf}
POS                      Dataset {9/Inf}
QUAL                     Dataset {9/Inf}
REF                      Dataset {9/Inf}

In [70]:
!h5ls {hdf5_fn}/variants/CHROM

CHROM                    Dataset {9/Inf}

In [71]:
!h5ls {hdf5_fn}/calldata

DP                       Dataset {9/Inf, 3}
GQ                       Dataset {9/Inf, 3}
GT                       Dataset {9/Inf, 3, 2}
HQ                       Dataset {9/Inf, 3, 2}

In [72]:
!h5ls {hdf5_fn}/calldata/GT

GT                       Dataset {9/Inf, 3, 2}

In [73]:
import h5py

In [74]:
with h5py.File(hdf5_fn, mode='r') as h5f:

[b'NA00001' b'NA00002' b'NA00003']
[b'19' b'19' b'20' b'20' b'20' b'20' b'20' b'20' b'X']
[    111     112   14370   17330 1110696 1230237 1234567 1235237      10]
[[[ 0  0]
  [ 0  0]
  [ 0  1]]

 [[ 0  0]
  [ 0  0]
  [ 0  1]]

 [[ 0  0]
  [ 1  0]
  [ 1  1]]

 [[ 0  0]
  [ 0  1]
  [ 0  0]]

 [[ 1  2]
  [ 2  1]
  [ 2  2]]

 [[ 0  0]
  [ 0  0]
  [ 0  0]]

 [[ 0  1]
  [ 0  2]
  [-1 -1]]

 [[ 0  0]
  [ 0  0]
  [-1 -1]]

 [[ 0 -1]
  [ 0  1]
  [ 0  2]]]

In [75]:
zarr_fn = 'sample.zarr'
vcf_to_zarr(sample_vcf_fn, zarr_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3)

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-75-afd148abc966> in <module>()
      1 zarr_fn = 'sample.zarr'
----> 2 vcf_to_zarr(sample_vcf_fn, zarr_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3)

/home/aliman/src/github/cggh/scikit-allel/allel/ in vcf_to_zarr(input_path, output_path, group, compressor, fill_value, order, overwrite, fields, types, numbers, buffer_size, chunk_length, chunk_width)
    395         # store samples
    396         root[group].create_dataset('samples', data=np.array(headers.samples).astype('S'),
--> 397                                    compressor=None, overwrite=overwrite)
    399     # read first chunk

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in create_dataset(self, name, **kwargs)
    569         """  # flake8: noqa
--> 571         return self._write_op(self._create_dataset_nosync, name, **kwargs)
    573     def _create_dataset_nosync(self, name, data=None, **kwargs):

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in _write_op(self, f, *args, **kwargs)
    423         # synchronization
    424         if self._synchronizer is None:
--> 425             return f(*args, **kwargs)
    426         else:
    427             # synchronize on the root group

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in _create_dataset_nosync(self, name, data, **kwargs)
    585         else:
    586             a = array(data, store=self._store, path=path,
--> 587                       chunk_store=self._chunk_store, **kwargs)
    589         return a

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in array(data, **kwargs)
    307     # instantiate array
--> 308     z = create(**kwargs)
    310     # fill with data

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in create(shape, chunks, dtype, compressor, fill_value, order, store, synchronizer, overwrite, path, chunk_store, filters, cache_metadata, **kwargs)
     84                compressor=compressor, fill_value=fill_value, order=order,
     85                overwrite=overwrite, path=path, chunk_store=chunk_store,
---> 86                filters=filters)
     88     # instantiate array

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in init_array(store, shape, chunks, dtype, compressor, fill_value, order, overwrite, path, chunk_store, filters)
    256                          compressor=compressor, fill_value=fill_value,
    257                          order=order, overwrite=overwrite, path=path,
--> 258                          chunk_store=chunk_store, filters=filters)

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in _init_array_metadata(store, shape, chunks, dtype, compressor, fill_value, order, overwrite, path, chunk_store, filters)
    271             rmdir(chunk_store, path)
    272     elif contains_array(store, path):
--> 273         err_contains_array(path)
    274     elif contains_group(store, path):
    275         err_contains_group(path)

/home/aliman/miniconda3/envs/biipy_20170126_py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/zarr/ in err_contains_array(path)
     26 def err_contains_array(path):
---> 27     raise KeyError('path %r contains an array' % path)

KeyError: "path 'samples' contains an array"

In [76]:
vcf_to_zarr(sample_vcf_fn, zarr_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=3, overwrite=True)

In [77]:
import zarr
callset = zarr.open_group('sample.zarr')

Group(/, 3)
  arrays: 1; samples
  groups: 2; calldata, variants
  store: DirectoryStore

In [78]:

array([b'NA00001', b'NA00002', b'NA00003'], 

In [79]:

Group(/variants, 18)
  store: DirectoryStore

In [80]:

array([    111,     112,   14370,   17330, 1110696, 1230237, 1234567,
       1235237,      10], dtype=int32)

In [81]:

array([b'19', b'19', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'20', b'X'], 

In [82]:

Group(/calldata, 4)
  arrays: 4; DP, GQ, GT, HQ
  store: DirectoryStore

In [83]:

array([[[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 1,  0],
        [ 1,  1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  1],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 1,  2],
        [ 2,  1],
        [ 2,  2]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  1],
        [ 0,  2],
        [-1, -1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [-1, -1]],

       [[ 0, -1],
        [ 0,  1],
        [ 0,  2]]], dtype=int8)

In [84]:

array([[-1, -1, -1],
       [-1, -1, -1],
       [48, 48, 43],
       [49,  3, 41],
       [21,  2, 35],
       [54, 48, 61],
       [-1, 17, 40],
       [-1, -1, -1],
       [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=int8)


In [1]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
import cProfile
from allel.io_vcf_read import read_vcf, vcf_to_npz, vcf_to_hdf5, vcf_to_zarr

sample_vcf_fn = '../../fixture/sample.vcf'
prof_vcf_fn = '../../profdata/2L_2358158_2431617.vcf'

In [2]:
%time read_vcf(prof_vcf_fn, fields='*', chunk_length=1000)

CPU times: user 92 ms, sys: 8 ms, total: 100 ms
Wall time: 94.3 ms
{'calldata/GT': array([[[0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0]],
        [[0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0]],
        [[0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0]],
        [[0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0]],
        [[1, 1],
         [0, 1],
         [1, 1],
         [0, 0],
         [1, 1],
         [0, 1]],
        [[0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0],
         [0, 0]]], dtype=int8),
 'samples': array(['AB0085-C', 'AB0087-C', 'AB0088-C', 'AB0089-C', 'AB0090-C',
        'AB0091-C', 'AB0092-C', 'AB0094-C', 'AB0095-C', 'AB0097-C',
        'AB0098-C', 'AB0099-C', 'AB0100-C', 'AB0101-C', 'AB0103-C',
        'AB0104-C', 'AB0109-C', 'AB0110-C', 'AB0111-C', 'AB0112-C',
        'AB0113-C', 'AB0114-C', 'AB0117-C', 'AB0119-C', 'AB0122-C',
        'AB0123-C', 'AB0124-C', 'AB0126-C', 'AB0127-C', 'AB0128-C',
        'AB0129-C', 'AB0130-C', 'AB0133-C', 'AB0134-C', 'AB0135-C',
        'AB0136-C', 'AB0137-C', 'AB0138-C', 'AB0139-C', 'AB0140-C',
        'AB0142-C', 'AB0143-C', 'AB0145-C', 'AB0146-C', 'AB0147-C',
        'AB0148-C', 'AB0151-C', 'AB0153-C', 'AB0155-C', 'AB0157-C',
        'AB0158-C', 'AB0159-C', 'AB0160-C', 'AB0161-C', 'AB0164-C',
        'AB0166-C', 'AB0169-C', 'AB0170-C', 'AB0171-C', 'AB0172-C',
        'AB0173-C', 'AB0174-C', 'AB0175-C', 'AB0176-C', 'AB0177-C',
        'AB0178-C', 'AB0179-C', 'AB0181-C', 'AB0182-C', 'AB0183-C',
        'AB0184-C', 'AB0185-C', 'AB0186-C', 'AB0187-C', 'AB0188-C',
        'AB0189-C', 'AB0190-C', 'AB0191-C', 'AB0192-C', 'AB0197-C',
        'AB0198-C', 'AB0199-C', 'AB0201-C', 'AB0202-C', 'AB0203-C',
        'AB0204-C', 'AB0205-C', 'AB0206-C', 'AB0207-C', 'AB0208-C',
        'AB0209-C', 'AB0210-C', 'AB0211-C', 'AB0212-C', 'AB0213-C',
        'AB0217-C', 'AB0219-C', 'AB0221-C', 'AB0222-C', 'AB0223-C',
        'AB0224-C', 'AB0226-C', 'AB0227-C', 'AB0228-C', 'AB0229-C',
        'AB0231-C', 'AB0233-C', 'AB0234-C', 'AB0235-C', 'AB0236-C',
        'AB0237-C', 'AB0238-C', 'AB0239-C', 'AB0240-C', 'AB0241-C',
        'AB0242-C', 'AB0243-C', 'AB0244-C', 'AB0246-C', 'AB0249-C',
        'AB0250-C', 'AB0251-C', 'AB0252-C', 'AB0253-C', 'AB0256-C',
        'AB0257-C', 'AB0258-C', 'AB0260-C', 'AB0261-C', 'AB0262-C',
        'AB0263-C', 'AB0264-C', 'AB0265-C', 'AB0266-C', 'AB0267-C',
        'AB0268-C', 'AB0270-C', 'AB0271-C', 'AB0272-C', 'AB0273-C',
        'AB0274-C', 'AB0276-C', 'AB0277-C', 'AB0278-C', 'AB0279-C',
        'AB0280-C', 'AB0281-C', 'AB0282-C', 'AB0283-C', 'AB0284-C',
        'AC0090-C', 'AC0091-C', 'AC0092-C', 'AC0093-C', 'AC0094-C',
        'AC0095-C', 'AC0096-C', 'AC0097-C', 'AC0098-C', 'AC0099-C',
        'AC0100-C', 'AC0101-C', 'AC0102-C', 'AC0103-C', 'AC0104-C',
        'AC0106-C', 'AC0107-C', 'AC0108-C', 'AC0109-C', 'AC0110-C',
        'AC0111-C', 'AC0112-C', 'AC0113-C', 'AC0114-C', 'AC0115-C',
        'AC0116-C', 'AC0117-C', 'AC0118-C', 'AC0119-C', 'AC0120-C',
        'AC0121-C', 'AC0122-C', 'AC0123-C', 'AC0124-C', 'AC0125-C',
        'AC0126-C', 'AC0127-C', 'AC0128-C', 'AC0129-C', 'AC0130-C',
        'AC0131-C', 'AC0132-C', 'AC0133-C', 'AC0135-C', 'AC0136-C',
        'AC0137-C', 'AC0138-C', 'AC0139-C', 'AC0140-C', 'AC0142-C',
        'AC0143-C', 'AC0144-C', 'AC0145-C', 'AC0147-C', 'AC0148-C',
        'AC0149-C', 'AC0150-C', 'AC0151-C', 'AC0152-C', 'AC0153-C',
        'AC0154-C', 'AC0156-C', 'AC0158-C', 'AC0159-C', 'AC0160-C',
        'AC0161-C', 'AC0162-C', 'AC0163-C', 'AC0164-C', 'AC0166-C',
        'AC0167-C', 'AC0168-C', 'AC0169-C', 'AC0170-C', 'AC0171-C',
        'AC0172-C', 'AC0173-C', 'AC0174-C', 'AC0176-C', 'AC0178-C',
        'AC0179-C', 'AC0180-C', 'AC0181-C', 'AC0182-C', 'AC0183-C',
        'AC0184-C', 'AC0186-C', 'AC0187-C', 'AC0188-C', 'AC0189-C',
        'AC0190-C', 'AC0191-C', 'AC0192-C', 'AC0193-C', 'AC0194-C',
        'AC0195-C', 'AC0196-C', 'AC0197-C', 'AC0199-C', 'AC0200-C',
        'AC0201-C', 'AC0202-C', 'AC0203-C', 'AJ0023-C', 'AJ0024-C',
        'AJ0032-C', 'AJ0035-C', 'AJ0036-C', 'AJ0039-C', 'AJ0043-C',
        'AJ0044-C', 'AJ0045-C', 'AJ0047-C', 'AJ0051-C', 'AJ0052-C',
        'AJ0056-C', 'AJ0061-C', 'AJ0063-C', 'AJ0064-C', 'AJ0066-C',
        'AJ0070-C', 'AJ0071-C', 'AJ0072-C', 'AJ0074-C', 'AJ0075-C',
        'AJ0076-C', 'AJ0077-C', 'AJ0078-C', 'AJ0081-C', 'AJ0084-C',
        'AJ0085-C', 'AJ0086-C', 'AJ0088-C', 'AJ0090-C', 'AJ0092-C',
        'AJ0093-C', 'AJ0096-C', 'AJ0097-C', 'AJ0098-C', 'AJ0100-C',
        'AJ0101-C', 'AJ0102-C', 'AJ0103-C', 'AJ0105-C', 'AJ0107-C',
        'AJ0109-C', 'AJ0113-C', 'AJ0115-C', 'AJ0116-C', 'AK0065-C',
        'AK0066-C', 'AK0067-C', 'AK0068-C', 'AK0069-C', 'AK0070-C',
        'AK0072-C', 'AK0073-C', 'AK0074-C', 'AK0075-C', 'AK0076-C',
        'AK0077-C', 'AK0078-C', 'AK0079-C', 'AK0080-C', 'AK0081-C',
        'AK0082-C', 'AK0085-C', 'AK0086-C', 'AK0087-C', 'AK0088-C',
        'AK0089-C', 'AK0090-C', 'AK0091-C', 'AK0092-C', 'AK0093-C',
        'AK0094-C', 'AK0095-C', 'AK0096-C', 'AK0098-C', 'AK0099-C',
        'AK0100-C', 'AK0101-C', 'AK0102-C', 'AK0103-C', 'AK0104-C',
        'AK0105-C', 'AK0106-C', 'AK0108-C', 'AK0109-C', 'AK0110-C',
        'AK0116-C', 'AK0119-C', 'AK0127-C', 'AN0007-C', 'AN0008-C',
        'AN0009-C', 'AN0010-C', 'AN0011-C', 'AN0012-C', 'AN0014-C',
        'AN0016-C', 'AN0017-C', 'AN0018-C', 'AN0019-C', 'AN0020-C',
        'AN0022-C', 'AN0023-C', 'AN0024-C', 'AN0025-C', 'AN0026-C',
        'AN0027-C', 'AN0028-C', 'AN0029-C', 'AN0030-C', 'AN0031-C',
        'AN0032-C', 'AN0033-C', 'AN0034-C', 'AN0035-C', 'AN0036-C',
        'AN0037-C', 'AN0038-C', 'AN0039-C', 'AN0040-C', 'AN0041-C',
        'AN0042-C', 'AN0043-C', 'AN0045-C', 'AN0046-C', 'AN0047-C',
        'AN0048-C', 'AN0049-C', 'AN0050-C', 'AN0051-C', 'AN0053-C',
        'AN0054-C', 'AN0055-C', 'AN0056-C', 'AN0057-C', 'AN0058-C',
        'AN0059-C', 'AN0060-C', 'AN0063-C', 'AN0064-C', 'AN0065-C',
        'AN0066-C', 'AN0067-C', 'AN0068-C', 'AN0069-C', 'AN0070-C',
        'AN0071-C', 'AN0072-C', 'AN0073-C', 'AN0074-C', 'AN0075-C',
        'AN0076-C', 'AN0077-C', 'AN0079-C', 'AN0080-C', 'AN0081-C',
        'AN0082-C', 'AN0083-C', 'AN0084-C', 'AN0085-C', 'AN0086-C',
        'AN0087-C', 'AN0088-C', 'AN0089-C', 'AN0090-C', 'AN0091-C',
        'AN0092-C', 'AN0093-C', 'AN0094-C', 'AN0095-C', 'AN0096-C',
        'AN0097-C', 'AN0098-C', 'AN0099-C', 'AN0100-C', 'AN0101-C',
        'AN0102-C', 'AN0103-C', 'AN0104-C', 'AN0105-C', 'AN0106-C',
        'AN0107-C', 'AN0108-C', 'AN0109-C', 'AN0111-C', 'AN0112-C',
        'AN0113-C', 'AN0114-C', 'AN0115-C', 'AN0117-C', 'AN0120-C',
        'AN0121-C', 'AN0122-C', 'AN0123-C', 'AN0124-C', 'AN0125-C',
        'AN0126-C', 'AN0127-C', 'AN0128-C', 'AN0129-C', 'AN0130-C',
        'AN0131-C', 'AN0132-C', 'AN0134-C', 'AN0135-C', 'AN0136-C',
        'AN0137-C', 'AN0138-C', 'AN0139-C', 'AN0140-C', 'AN0141-C',
        'AN0143-C', 'AN0147-C', 'AN0149-C', 'AN0151-C', 'AN0152-C',
        'AN0153-C', 'AN0154-C', 'AN0155-C', 'AN0156-C', 'AN0157-C',
        'AN0158-C', 'AN0159-C', 'AN0160-C', 'AN0162-C', 'AN0163-C',
        'AN0164-C', 'AN0165-C', 'AN0166-C', 'AN0167-C', 'AN0168-C',
        'AN0169-C', 'AN0170-C', 'AN0171-C', 'AN0172-C', 'AN0173-C',
        'AN0174-C', 'AN0175-C', 'AN0176-C', 'AN0177-C', 'AN0178-C',
        'AN0179-C', 'AN0180-C', 'AN0181-C', 'AN0182-C', 'AN0183-C',
        'AN0184-C', 'AN0185-C', 'AN0186-C', 'AN0187-C', 'AN0188-C',
        'AN0189-C', 'AN0190-C', 'AN0191-C', 'AN0192-C', 'AN0193-C',
        'AN0194-C', 'AN0196-C', 'AN0197-C', 'AN0198-C', 'AN0199-C',
        'AN0200-C', 'AN0201-C', 'AN0202-C', 'AN0203-C', 'AN0204-C',
        'AN0205-C', 'AN0206-C', 'AN0207-C', 'AN0208-C', 'AN0209-C',
        'AN0210-C', 'AN0212-C', 'AN0213-C', 'AN0214-C', 'AN0215-C',
        'AN0217-C', 'AN0218-C', 'AN0219-C', 'AN0220-C', 'AN0221-C',
        'AN0222-C', 'AN0223-C', 'AN0224-C', 'AN0225-C', 'AN0226-C',
        'AN0227-C', 'AN0228-C', 'AN0229-C', 'AN0230-C', 'AN0231-C',
        'AN0233-C', 'AN0234-C', 'AN0235-C', 'AN0236-C', 'AN0237-C',
        'AN0238-C', 'AN0239-C', 'AN0240-C', 'AN0241-C', 'AN0242-C',
        'AN0243-C', 'AN0244-C', 'AN0245-C', 'AN0246-C', 'AN0247-C',
        'AN0248-C', 'AN0250-C', 'AN0251-C', 'AN0252-C', 'AN0253-C',
        'AN0254-C', 'AN0255-C', 'AN0256-C', 'AN0258-C', 'AN0259-C',
        'AN0260-C', 'AN0261-C', 'AN0262-C', 'AN0263-C', 'AN0264-C',
        'AN0266-C', 'AN0267-C', 'AN0268-C', 'AN0269-C', 'AN0270-C',
        'AN0272-C', 'AN0275-C', 'AN0276-C', 'AN0277-C', 'AN0280-C',
        'AN0282-C', 'AN0283-C', 'AN0284-C', 'AN0285-C', 'AN0286-C',
        'AN0287-C', 'AN0288-C', 'AN0290-C', 'AN0291-C', 'AN0292-C',
        'AN0294-C', 'AN0295-C', 'AN0296-C', 'AN0297-C', 'AN0298-C',
        'AN0299-C', 'AN0300-C', 'AN0301-C', 'AN0303-C', 'AN0304-C',
        'AN0305-C', 'AN0307-C', 'AN0308-C', 'AN0309-C', 'AN0310-C',
        'AN0312-C', 'AN0313-C', 'AN0314-C', 'AN0315-C', 'AN0317-C',
        'AN0318-C', 'AN0319-C', 'AN0321-C', 'AR0007-C', 'AR0008-C',
        'AR0009-C', 'AR0010-C', 'AR0011-C', 'AR0012-C', 'AR0014-C',
        'AR0015-C', 'AR0017-C', 'AR0019-C', 'AR0020-C', 'AR0021-C',
        'AR0022-C', 'AR0023-C', 'AR0024-C', 'AR0026-C', 'AR0027-C',
        'AR0034-C', 'AR0035-C', 'AR0042-C', 'AR0043-C', 'AR0045-C',
        'AR0047-C', 'AR0049-C', 'AR0050-C', 'AR0051-C', 'AR0053-C',
        'AR0054-C', 'AR0057-C', 'AR0059-C', 'AR0061-C', 'AR0062-C',
        'AR0063-C', 'AR0065-C', 'AR0066-C', 'AR0069-C', 'AR0070-C',
        'AR0071-C', 'AR0072-C', 'AR0073-C', 'AR0074-C', 'AR0075-C',
        'AR0076-C', 'AR0078-C', 'AR0079-C', 'AR0080-C', 'AR0081-C',
        'AR0083-C', 'AR0084-C', 'AR0086-C', 'AR0087-C', 'AR0089-C',
        'AR0090-C', 'AR0092-C', 'AR0093-C', 'AR0095-C', 'AR0096-C',
        'AR0098-C', 'AR0099-C', 'AR0100-C', 'AS0001-C', 'AS0002-C',
        'AS0003-C', 'AS0004-C', 'AS0006-C', 'AS0007-C', 'AS0008-C',
        'AS0009-C', 'AS0010-C', 'AS0011-C', 'AS0012-C', 'AS0013-C',
        'AS0014-C', 'AS0015-C', 'AS0016-C', 'AS0017-C', 'AS0018-C',
        'AS0019-C', 'AS0020-C', 'AS0021-C', 'AS0022-C', 'AS0024-C',
        'AS0026-C', 'AS0028-C', 'AS0030-C', 'AS0032-C', 'AS0033-C',
        'AS0034-C', 'AS0035-C', 'AS0036-C', 'AS0037-C', 'AS0039-C',
        'AS0042-C', 'AS0044-C', 'AS0045-C', 'AS0047-C', 'AS0049-C',
        'AS0052-C', 'AS0053-C', 'AS0054-C', 'AS0055-C', 'AS0056-C',
        'AS0058-C', 'AS0059-C', 'AS0064-C', 'AS0065-C', 'AS0066-C',
        'AS0068-C', 'AS0069-C', 'AS0070-C', 'AS0071-C', 'AS0072-C',
        'AS0073-C', 'AS0074-C', 'AS0076-C', 'AS0077-C', 'AV0001-C',
        'AV0002-C', 'AV0003-C', 'AV0004-C', 'AV0005-C', 'AV0007-C',
        'AV0008-C', 'AV0009-C', 'AV0010-C', 'AV0011-C', 'AV0012-C',
        'AV0013-C', 'AV0014-C', 'AV0015-C', 'AV0018-C', 'AV0024-C',
        'AV0026-C', 'AV0027-C', 'AV0029-C', 'AV0030-C', 'AV0031-C',
        'AV0032-C', 'AV0033-C', 'AV0034-C', 'AV0035-C', 'AV0036-C',
        'AV0039-C', 'AV0041-C', 'AV0044-C', 'AV0045-C', 'AV0047-C',
        'AD0231-C', 'AD0232-C', 'AD0254-C', 'AD0255-C', 'AD0305-C',
        'AD0306-C', 'AD0347-C', 'AD0348-C'], dtype=object),
 'variants/AC': array([[-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=int32),
 'variants/ALT': array([['A', '', ''],
        ['G', '', ''],
        ['C', '', ''],
        ['A', '', ''],
        ['C', '', ''],
        ['A', '', '']], dtype=object),
 'variants/CHROM': array(['2L', '2L', '2L', ..., '2L', '2L', '2L'], dtype=object),
 'variants/FILTER_PASS': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/ID': array(['.', '.', '.', ..., '.', '.', '.'], dtype=object),
 'variants/POS': array([2353212, 2353223, 2353234, ..., 2436558, 2436585, 2436615], dtype=int32),
 'variants/QUAL': array([ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.], dtype=float32),
 'variants/REF': array(['G', 'T', 'G', ..., 'G', 'A', 'C'], dtype=object),
 'variants/numalt': array([1, 1, 1, ..., 1, 1, 1], dtype=int32),
 'variants/svlen': array([[0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0],
        [0, 0, 0]], dtype=int32)}

In [3]:
%time _ = read_vcf(prof_vcf_fn, n_threads=1, chunk_length=1000, block_length=100)

CPU times: user 116 ms, sys: 4 ms, total: 120 ms
Wall time: 208 ms

In [4]:
!cat {prof_vcf_fn} | wc -l


In [5]:
#!zcat ../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz | wc -l

In [6]:
%timeit _ = read_vcf(prof_vcf_fn, chunk_length=1000)

10 loops, best of 3: 70.4 ms per loop

In [7]:'read_vcf(prof_vcf_fn, chunk_length=1000)', sort='time')

         184 function calls in 0.093 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.089    0.089    0.089    0.089<listcomp>)
        1    0.002    0.002    0.003    0.003
        8    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core.multiarray.concatenate}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.093    0.093 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.003    0.003
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       17    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'split' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.093    0.093
       12    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'readline' of 'allel.opt.io_vcf_read.FileInputStream' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.093    0.093 {built-in method builtins.exec}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core.multiarray.array}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method}
        7    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core.multiarray.zeros}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'fill' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       60    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'startswith' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.sorted}
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'match' of '_sre.SRE_Pattern' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <string>:12(__new__)
       20    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
        8    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<listcomp>)
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'groups' of '_sre.SRE_Match' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x7fc74547cd20}
        3    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'endswith' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<dictcomp>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'strip' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<dictcomp>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'keys' of 'dict' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
       15    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.isinstance}
        3    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.len}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<dictcomp>)

In [8]:
# from allel.opt.io_vcf_read import vcf_genotype_parse
# import line_profiler
# l = line_profiler.LineProfiler()
# l.add_function(vcf_genotype_parse)
# l.runcall(read_vcf, prof_vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000)
# l.print_stats()

In [ ]:

In [9]:
%time vcf_to_npz(prof_vcf_fn, 'prof.npz', chunk_length=200, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 196 ms, sys: 8 ms, total: 204 ms
Wall time: 199 ms

In [10]:
%time vcf_to_hdf5(prof_vcf_fn, 'prof.h5', chunk_length=200, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 164 ms, sys: 8 ms, total: 172 ms
Wall time: 167 ms

In [11]:
%time vcf_to_zarr(prof_vcf_fn, 'prof.zarr', chunk_length=200, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 196 ms, sys: 28 ms, total: 224 ms
Wall time: 229 ms

In [12]:
!zcat ../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz | wc -l


In [12]:
%time _ = read_vcf('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 65536 rows in 3.19s; chunk in 3.19s (20547 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[read_vcf] 131072 rows in 6.32s; chunk in 3.13s (20955 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[read_vcf] 196608 rows in 9.42s; chunk in 3.11s (21085 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[read_vcf] 198667 rows in 9.61s; chunk in 0.18s (11297 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (20677 rows/s)
CPU times: user 9.71 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 9.77 s
Wall time: 9.76 s

In [13]:
%time _ = read_vcf('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', n_threads=1, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 65536 rows in 3.71s; chunk in 3.71s (17685 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[read_vcf] 131072 rows in 7.36s; chunk in 3.65s (17947 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[read_vcf] 196608 rows in 11.02s; chunk in 3.66s (17903 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[read_vcf] 198667 rows in 11.22s; chunk in 0.20s (10187 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (17550 rows/s)
CPU times: user 11.4 s, sys: 128 ms, total: 11.5 s
Wall time: 11.5 s

In [14]:
_ = read_vcf('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', n_threads=2, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 65536 rows in 3.66s; chunk in 3.66s (17894 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[read_vcf] 131072 rows in 7.28s; chunk in 3.62s (18092 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[read_vcf] 196608 rows in 10.90s; chunk in 3.62s (18116 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[read_vcf] 198667 rows in 11.11s; chunk in 0.20s (10075 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (17728 rows/s)

In [14]:
%time _ = read_vcf('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', n_threads=3, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 65536 rows in 1.67s; chunk in 1.67s (39302 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[read_vcf] 131072 rows in 3.32s; chunk in 1.65s (39739 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[read_vcf] 196608 rows in 5.16s; chunk in 1.84s (35526 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[read_vcf] 198667 rows in 5.37s; chunk in 0.21s (9895 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (35779 rows/s)
CPU times: user 12.1 s, sys: 92 ms, total: 12.2 s
Wall time: 5.73 s

In [15]:
%time _ = read_vcf('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', n_threads=4, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 65536 rows in 2.26s; chunk in 2.26s (28991 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[read_vcf] 131072 rows in 4.51s; chunk in 2.25s (29074 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[read_vcf] 196608 rows in 6.46s; chunk in 1.95s (33637 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[read_vcf] 198667 rows in 6.66s; chunk in 0.20s (10390 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (29477 rows/s)
CPU times: user 14.8 s, sys: 112 ms, total: 14.9 s
Wall time: 6.91 s

In [16]:
%time _ = read_vcf('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', n_threads=8, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 65536 rows in 1.95s; chunk in 1.95s (33672 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[read_vcf] 131072 rows in 3.64s; chunk in 1.69s (38788 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[read_vcf] 196608 rows in 5.87s; chunk in 2.24s (29291 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[read_vcf] 198667 rows in 6.13s; chunk in 0.26s (7874 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (31343 rows/s)
CPU times: user 14.1 s, sys: 124 ms, total: 14.2 s
Wall time: 6.57 s

In [23]:
%time vcf_to_hdf5('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/prof_gt.h5', overwrite=True, log=sys.stderr)

[vcf_to_hdf5] 65536 rows in 3.11s; chunk in 3.11s (21104 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[vcf_to_hdf5] 131072 rows in 6.93s; chunk in 3.82s (17143 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[vcf_to_hdf5] 196608 rows in 10.78s; chunk in 3.85s (17034 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[vcf_to_hdf5] 198667 rows in 11.60s; chunk in 0.83s (2482 rows/s); 2L:2436615
[vcf_to_hdf5] all done (16397 rows/s)
CPU times: user 12.1 s, sys: 100 ms, total: 12.2 s
Wall time: 12.2 s

In [24]:
%time vcf_to_hdf5('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/prof_gt.h5', n_threads=2, overwrite=True, log=sys.stderr)

[vcf_to_hdf5] 65536 rows in 2.40s; chunk in 2.40s (27332 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[vcf_to_hdf5] 131072 rows in 5.42s; chunk in 3.02s (21714 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[vcf_to_hdf5] 196608 rows in 8.42s; chunk in 3.00s (21842 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[vcf_to_hdf5] 198667 rows in 9.23s; chunk in 0.81s (2545 rows/s); 2L:2436615
[vcf_to_hdf5] all done (20347 rows/s)
CPU times: user 20.1 s, sys: 116 ms, total: 20.2 s
Wall time: 9.86 s

In [25]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/prof_gt.zarr', overwrite=True, log=sys.stderr)

[vcf_to_zarr] 65536 rows in 3.10s; chunk in 3.10s (21118 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[vcf_to_zarr] 131072 rows in 6.23s; chunk in 3.13s (20937 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[vcf_to_zarr] 196608 rows in 9.32s; chunk in 3.09s (21241 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[vcf_to_zarr] 198667 rows in 9.56s; chunk in 0.24s (8454 rows/s); 2L:2436615
[vcf_to_zarr] all done (20699 rows/s)
CPU times: user 9.71 s, sys: 140 ms, total: 9.85 s
Wall time: 9.69 s

In [29]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/prof_gt.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/prof_gt.zarr', n_threads=2, overwrite=True, log=sys.stderr)

[vcf_to_zarr] 65536 rows in 1.68s; chunk in 1.68s (39087 rows/s); 2L:2383306
[vcf_to_zarr] 131072 rows in 3.39s; chunk in 1.71s (38350 rows/s); 2L:2403926
[vcf_to_zarr] 196608 rows in 5.07s; chunk in 1.69s (38845 rows/s); 2L:2434126
[vcf_to_zarr] 198667 rows in 5.33s; chunk in 0.26s (7916 rows/s); 2L:2436615
[vcf_to_zarr] all done (35716 rows/s)
CPU times: user 11.5 s, sys: 124 ms, total: 11.6 s
Wall time: 5.65 s

In [19]:
%time read_vcf('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', chunk_length=500000, log=sys.stderr, region='X:5000000-7000000')

../../allel/ UserWarning: exception occurred attempting tabix (Could not load .tbi/.csi index of ../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz); falling back to scanning to region
  'scanning to region' % e)
[read_vcf] 500000 rows in 7.04s; chunk in 7.04s (71057 rows/s); X:5499999
[read_vcf] 1000000 rows in 7.72s; chunk in 0.69s (728332 rows/s); X:5999999
[read_vcf] 1500000 rows in 8.43s; chunk in 0.71s (708055 rows/s); X:6499999
[read_vcf] 2000000 rows in 9.14s; chunk in 0.71s (705014 rows/s); X:6999999
[read_vcf] 2000001 rows in 9.14s; chunk in 0.00s (322 rows/s); X:7000001
[read_vcf] all done (218765 rows/s)
CPU times: user 9.1 s, sys: 72 ms, total: 9.18 s
Wall time: 9.18 s
{'samples': array([], 
       dtype='|S32'), 'variants/ALT': array([[b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T']], 
       dtype='|S1'), 'variants/CHROM': array([b'X', b'X', b'X', ..., b'X', b'X', b'X'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/FILTER_PASS': array([ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), 'variants/ID': array([b'.', b'.', b'.', ..., b'.', b'.', b'.'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/POS': array([5000000, 5000001, 5000002, ..., 6999998, 6999999, 7000000], dtype=int32), 'variants/QUAL': array([ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan], dtype=float32), 'variants/REF': array([b'C', b'C', b'C', ..., b'C', b'T', b'G'], 

In [5]:
%time read_vcf('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', chunk_length=500000, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 500000 rows in 0.77s; chunk in 0.77s (648096 rows/s); X:500000
[read_vcf] 1000000 rows in 1.49s; chunk in 0.72s (697566 rows/s); X:1000000
[read_vcf] 1500000 rows in 2.21s; chunk in 0.72s (692344 rows/s); X:1500000
[read_vcf] 2000000 rows in 2.93s; chunk in 0.72s (691420 rows/s); X:2000000
[read_vcf] 2500000 rows in 3.64s; chunk in 0.71s (706240 rows/s); X:2500000
[read_vcf] 3000000 rows in 4.34s; chunk in 0.70s (716039 rows/s); X:3000000
[read_vcf] 3500000 rows in 5.06s; chunk in 0.72s (694415 rows/s); X:3500000
[read_vcf] 4000000 rows in 5.76s; chunk in 0.70s (709976 rows/s); X:4000000
[read_vcf] 4500000 rows in 6.46s; chunk in 0.69s (720302 rows/s); X:4500000
[read_vcf] 5000000 rows in 7.16s; chunk in 0.71s (708804 rows/s); X:5000000
[read_vcf] 5500000 rows in 7.86s; chunk in 0.70s (717294 rows/s); X:5500000
[read_vcf] 6000000 rows in 8.56s; chunk in 0.70s (712266 rows/s); X:6000000
[read_vcf] 6500000 rows in 9.29s; chunk in 0.73s (689261 rows/s); X:6500000
[read_vcf] 7000000 rows in 10.00s; chunk in 0.72s (698657 rows/s); X:7000000
[read_vcf] 7500000 rows in 10.76s; chunk in 0.75s (665124 rows/s); X:7500000
[read_vcf] 8000000 rows in 11.60s; chunk in 0.85s (591536 rows/s); X:8000000
[read_vcf] 8500000 rows in 12.78s; chunk in 1.18s (423418 rows/s); X:8500000
[read_vcf] 9000000 rows in 13.80s; chunk in 1.02s (489201 rows/s); X:9000000
[read_vcf] 9500000 rows in 14.55s; chunk in 0.75s (669570 rows/s); X:9500000
[read_vcf] 10000000 rows in 15.35s; chunk in 0.80s (628579 rows/s); X:10000000
[read_vcf] 10500000 rows in 16.08s; chunk in 0.73s (681576 rows/s); X:10500000
[read_vcf] 11000000 rows in 16.86s; chunk in 0.78s (636963 rows/s); X:11000000
[read_vcf] 11500000 rows in 17.64s; chunk in 0.77s (645603 rows/s); X:11500000
[read_vcf] 12000000 rows in 18.48s; chunk in 0.84s (591883 rows/s); X:12000000
[read_vcf] 12500000 rows in 19.29s; chunk in 0.81s (617510 rows/s); X:12500000
[read_vcf] 13000000 rows in 20.12s; chunk in 0.83s (603020 rows/s); X:13000000
[read_vcf] 13500000 rows in 20.90s; chunk in 0.78s (642415 rows/s); X:13500000
[read_vcf] 14000000 rows in 21.67s; chunk in 0.77s (651698 rows/s); X:14000000
[read_vcf] 14500000 rows in 22.39s; chunk in 0.72s (692180 rows/s); X:14500000
[read_vcf] 15000000 rows in 23.13s; chunk in 0.74s (677016 rows/s); X:15000000
[read_vcf] 15500000 rows in 23.90s; chunk in 0.77s (649790 rows/s); X:15500000
[read_vcf] 16000000 rows in 24.74s; chunk in 0.84s (592426 rows/s); X:16000000
[read_vcf] 16500000 rows in 25.47s; chunk in 0.73s (685892 rows/s); X:16500000
[read_vcf] 17000000 rows in 26.23s; chunk in 0.76s (656731 rows/s); X:17000000
[read_vcf] 17500000 rows in 26.99s; chunk in 0.75s (664302 rows/s); X:17500000
[read_vcf] 18000000 rows in 27.70s; chunk in 0.71s (699343 rows/s); X:18000000
[read_vcf] 18500000 rows in 28.42s; chunk in 0.72s (695785 rows/s); X:18500000
[read_vcf] 19000000 rows in 29.19s; chunk in 0.77s (650063 rows/s); X:19000000
[read_vcf] 19500000 rows in 29.97s; chunk in 0.78s (638425 rows/s); X:19500000
[read_vcf] 20000000 rows in 30.75s; chunk in 0.78s (641042 rows/s); X:20000000
[read_vcf] 20500000 rows in 31.70s; chunk in 0.95s (524657 rows/s); X:20500000
[read_vcf] 21000000 rows in 32.67s; chunk in 0.97s (517538 rows/s); X:21000000
[read_vcf] 21500000 rows in 33.53s; chunk in 0.86s (583308 rows/s); X:21500000
[read_vcf] 22000000 rows in 34.44s; chunk in 0.91s (549253 rows/s); X:22000000
[read_vcf] 22500000 rows in 35.29s; chunk in 0.86s (584019 rows/s); X:22500000
[read_vcf] 23000000 rows in 36.14s; chunk in 0.84s (592837 rows/s); X:23000000
[read_vcf] 23500000 rows in 37.03s; chunk in 0.89s (561498 rows/s); X:23500000
[read_vcf] 24000000 rows in 37.88s; chunk in 0.85s (585176 rows/s); X:24000000
CPU times: user 38.4 s, sys: 396 ms, total: 38.8 s
Wall time: 38.7 s
[read_vcf] 24393108 rows in 38.57s; chunk in 0.69s (569157 rows/s); X:24393108
[read_vcf] all done (632384 rows/s)
{'samples': array([], 
       dtype='|S32'), 'variants/ALT': array([[b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T']], 
       dtype='|S1'), 'variants/CHROM': array([b'X', b'X', b'X', ..., b'X', b'X', b'X'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/FILTER_PASS': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/ID': array([b'.', b'.', b'.', ..., b'.', b'.', b'.'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/POS': array([       1,        2,        3, ..., 24393106, 24393107, 24393108], dtype=int32), 'variants/QUAL': array([ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan], dtype=float32), 'variants/REF': array([b'G', b'C', b'G', ..., b'T', b'G', b'G'], 

In [10]:
%time read_vcf('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', chunk_length=500000, block_length=50000, n_threads=2, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 500000 rows in 0.76s; chunk in 0.76s (655865 rows/s); X:500000
[read_vcf] 1000000 rows in 1.47s; chunk in 0.70s (711281 rows/s); X:1000000
[read_vcf] 1500000 rows in 2.41s; chunk in 0.95s (528492 rows/s); X:1500000
[read_vcf] 2000000 rows in 3.15s; chunk in 0.74s (678544 rows/s); X:2000000
[read_vcf] 2500000 rows in 3.85s; chunk in 0.70s (712446 rows/s); X:2500000
[read_vcf] 3000000 rows in 4.55s; chunk in 0.70s (717525 rows/s); X:3000000
[read_vcf] 3500000 rows in 5.26s; chunk in 0.71s (705292 rows/s); X:3500000
[read_vcf] 4000000 rows in 5.96s; chunk in 0.70s (713554 rows/s); X:4000000
[read_vcf] 4500000 rows in 6.68s; chunk in 0.72s (691443 rows/s); X:4500000
[read_vcf] 5000000 rows in 7.41s; chunk in 0.73s (687898 rows/s); X:5000000
[read_vcf] 5500000 rows in 8.20s; chunk in 0.79s (630294 rows/s); X:5500000
[read_vcf] 6000000 rows in 8.93s; chunk in 0.73s (687695 rows/s); X:6000000
[read_vcf] 6500000 rows in 10.13s; chunk in 1.20s (415256 rows/s); X:6500000
[read_vcf] 7000000 rows in 11.30s; chunk in 1.17s (428159 rows/s); X:7000000
[read_vcf] 7500000 rows in 12.01s; chunk in 0.71s (701757 rows/s); X:7500000
[read_vcf] 8000000 rows in 12.72s; chunk in 0.71s (701151 rows/s); X:8000000
[read_vcf] 8500000 rows in 13.44s; chunk in 0.72s (698297 rows/s); X:8500000
[read_vcf] 9000000 rows in 14.18s; chunk in 0.73s (680422 rows/s); X:9000000
[read_vcf] 9500000 rows in 14.88s; chunk in 0.71s (709041 rows/s); X:9500000
[read_vcf] 10000000 rows in 15.61s; chunk in 0.73s (681562 rows/s); X:10000000
[read_vcf] 10500000 rows in 16.35s; chunk in 0.74s (678061 rows/s); X:10500000
[read_vcf] 11000000 rows in 17.08s; chunk in 0.73s (686943 rows/s); X:11000000
[read_vcf] 11500000 rows in 17.80s; chunk in 0.72s (690488 rows/s); X:11500000
[read_vcf] 12000000 rows in 18.56s; chunk in 0.75s (663181 rows/s); X:12000000
[read_vcf] 12500000 rows in 19.34s; chunk in 0.78s (641062 rows/s); X:12500000
[read_vcf] 13000000 rows in 20.11s; chunk in 0.77s (648421 rows/s); X:13000000
[read_vcf] 13500000 rows in 21.10s; chunk in 0.99s (504343 rows/s); X:13500000
[read_vcf] 14000000 rows in 21.81s; chunk in 0.71s (702544 rows/s); X:14000000
[read_vcf] 14500000 rows in 22.54s; chunk in 0.72s (690832 rows/s); X:14500000
[read_vcf] 15000000 rows in 23.25s; chunk in 0.72s (698183 rows/s); X:15000000
[read_vcf] 15500000 rows in 24.00s; chunk in 0.74s (671663 rows/s); X:15500000
[read_vcf] 16000000 rows in 24.74s; chunk in 0.74s (672330 rows/s); X:16000000
[read_vcf] 16500000 rows in 25.91s; chunk in 1.17s (428465 rows/s); X:16500000
[read_vcf] 17000000 rows in 27.12s; chunk in 1.22s (410367 rows/s); X:17000000
[read_vcf] 17500000 rows in 28.37s; chunk in 1.25s (400492 rows/s); X:17500000
[read_vcf] 18000000 rows in 29.39s; chunk in 1.02s (490749 rows/s); X:18000000
[read_vcf] 18500000 rows in 30.24s; chunk in 0.85s (591632 rows/s); X:18500000
[read_vcf] 19000000 rows in 31.10s; chunk in 0.87s (577033 rows/s); X:19000000
[read_vcf] 19500000 rows in 31.93s; chunk in 0.83s (603421 rows/s); X:19500000
[read_vcf] 20000000 rows in 32.69s; chunk in 0.76s (658829 rows/s); X:20000000
[read_vcf] 20500000 rows in 33.55s; chunk in 0.86s (583646 rows/s); X:20500000
[read_vcf] 21000000 rows in 34.39s; chunk in 0.84s (596808 rows/s); X:21000000
[read_vcf] 21500000 rows in 35.24s; chunk in 0.86s (584716 rows/s); X:21500000
[read_vcf] 22000000 rows in 36.54s; chunk in 1.30s (386071 rows/s); X:22000000
[read_vcf] 22500000 rows in 37.88s; chunk in 1.35s (370707 rows/s); X:22500000
[read_vcf] 23000000 rows in 39.35s; chunk in 1.47s (341209 rows/s); X:23000000
[read_vcf] 23500000 rows in 40.65s; chunk in 1.30s (384288 rows/s); X:23500000
[read_vcf] 24000000 rows in 41.50s; chunk in 0.85s (589081 rows/s); X:24000000
[read_vcf] 24393108 rows in 42.41s; chunk in 0.91s (430549 rows/s); X:24393108
[read_vcf] all done (574129 rows/s)
CPU times: user 55.8 s, sys: 556 ms, total: 56.3 s
Wall time: 42.7 s
{'samples': array([], 
       dtype='|S32'), 'variants/ALT': array([[b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T']], 
       dtype='|S1'), 'variants/CHROM': array([b'X', b'X', b'X', ..., b'X', b'X', b'X'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/FILTER_PASS': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/ID': array([b'.', b'.', b'.', ..., b'.', b'.', b'.'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/POS': array([       1,        2,        3, ..., 24393106, 24393107, 24393108], dtype=int32), 'variants/QUAL': array([ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan], dtype=float32), 'variants/REF': array([b'G', b'C', b'G', ..., b'T', b'G', b'G'], 

In [11]:
%time read_vcf('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', fields='*', chunk_length=500000, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 500000 rows in 1.39s; chunk in 1.39s (360821 rows/s); X:500000
[read_vcf] 1000000 rows in 2.79s; chunk in 1.41s (355866 rows/s); X:1000000
[read_vcf] 1500000 rows in 3.75s; chunk in 0.96s (522496 rows/s); X:1500000
[read_vcf] 2000000 rows in 4.72s; chunk in 0.97s (515406 rows/s); X:2000000
[read_vcf] 2500000 rows in 5.73s; chunk in 1.01s (494436 rows/s); X:2500000
[read_vcf] 3000000 rows in 6.87s; chunk in 1.14s (438925 rows/s); X:3000000
[read_vcf] 3500000 rows in 8.22s; chunk in 1.35s (371203 rows/s); X:3500000
[read_vcf] 4000000 rows in 9.20s; chunk in 0.99s (506288 rows/s); X:4000000
[read_vcf] 4500000 rows in 10.18s; chunk in 0.98s (512664 rows/s); X:4500000
[read_vcf] 5000000 rows in 11.16s; chunk in 0.98s (508986 rows/s); X:5000000
[read_vcf] 5500000 rows in 12.13s; chunk in 0.97s (513810 rows/s); X:5500000
[read_vcf] 6000000 rows in 13.10s; chunk in 0.97s (516498 rows/s); X:6000000
[read_vcf] 6500000 rows in 14.11s; chunk in 1.00s (497744 rows/s); X:6500000
[read_vcf] 7000000 rows in 15.12s; chunk in 1.01s (493001 rows/s); X:7000000
[read_vcf] 7500000 rows in 16.15s; chunk in 1.03s (487527 rows/s); X:7500000
[read_vcf] 8000000 rows in 17.23s; chunk in 1.09s (459740 rows/s); X:8000000
[read_vcf] 8500000 rows in 18.29s; chunk in 1.06s (473213 rows/s); X:8500000
[read_vcf] 9000000 rows in 19.43s; chunk in 1.14s (440146 rows/s); X:9000000
[read_vcf] 9500000 rows in 20.45s; chunk in 1.02s (490024 rows/s); X:9500000
[read_vcf] 10000000 rows in 21.44s; chunk in 1.00s (500984 rows/s); X:10000000
[read_vcf] 10500000 rows in 22.56s; chunk in 1.11s (449063 rows/s); X:10500000
[read_vcf] 11000000 rows in 23.67s; chunk in 1.11s (449976 rows/s); X:11000000
[read_vcf] 11500000 rows in 24.83s; chunk in 1.16s (432273 rows/s); X:11500000
[read_vcf] 12000000 rows in 26.04s; chunk in 1.21s (413103 rows/s); X:12000000
[read_vcf] 12500000 rows in 27.08s; chunk in 1.05s (476899 rows/s); X:12500000
[read_vcf] 13000000 rows in 28.10s; chunk in 1.02s (490641 rows/s); X:13000000
[read_vcf] 13500000 rows in 29.10s; chunk in 1.00s (502433 rows/s); X:13500000
[read_vcf] 14000000 rows in 30.07s; chunk in 0.97s (515785 rows/s); X:14000000
[read_vcf] 14500000 rows in 31.04s; chunk in 0.97s (514577 rows/s); X:14500000
[read_vcf] 15000000 rows in 32.02s; chunk in 0.98s (511272 rows/s); X:15000000
[read_vcf] 15500000 rows in 33.13s; chunk in 1.11s (450218 rows/s); X:15500000
[read_vcf] 16000000 rows in 34.16s; chunk in 1.04s (482419 rows/s); X:16000000
[read_vcf] 16500000 rows in 35.30s; chunk in 1.14s (439949 rows/s); X:16500000
[read_vcf] 17000000 rows in 36.44s; chunk in 1.14s (438688 rows/s); X:17000000
[read_vcf] 17500000 rows in 37.47s; chunk in 1.03s (485042 rows/s); X:17500000
[read_vcf] 18000000 rows in 38.45s; chunk in 0.98s (511517 rows/s); X:18000000
[read_vcf] 18500000 rows in 39.53s; chunk in 1.08s (463024 rows/s); X:18500000
[read_vcf] 19000000 rows in 40.57s; chunk in 1.04s (479909 rows/s); X:19000000
[read_vcf] 19500000 rows in 41.95s; chunk in 1.38s (362035 rows/s); X:19500000
[read_vcf] 20000000 rows in 43.05s; chunk in 1.10s (454497 rows/s); X:20000000
[read_vcf] 20500000 rows in 44.23s; chunk in 1.18s (424404 rows/s); X:20500000
[read_vcf] 21000000 rows in 45.39s; chunk in 1.16s (430268 rows/s); X:21000000
[read_vcf] 21500000 rows in 46.61s; chunk in 1.22s (409108 rows/s); X:21500000
[read_vcf] 22000000 rows in 47.78s; chunk in 1.16s (429737 rows/s); X:22000000
[read_vcf] 22500000 rows in 48.95s; chunk in 1.17s (428309 rows/s); X:22500000
[read_vcf] 23000000 rows in 50.12s; chunk in 1.17s (426046 rows/s); X:23000000
[read_vcf] 23500000 rows in 51.31s; chunk in 1.19s (419717 rows/s); X:23500000
[read_vcf] 24000000 rows in 52.49s; chunk in 1.18s (423805 rows/s); X:24000000
[read_vcf] 24393108 rows in 53.40s; chunk in 0.91s (432403 rows/s); X:24393108
[read_vcf] all done (456805 rows/s)
CPU times: user 53.2 s, sys: 792 ms, total: 54 s
Wall time: 54 s
{'samples': array([], 
       dtype='|S32'), 'variants/ALT': array([[b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T'],
        [b'A', b'C', b'T']], 
       dtype='|S1'), 'variants/Accessible': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/CHROM': array([b'X', b'X', b'X', ..., b'X', b'X', b'X'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/Coverage': array([10955, 11176, 11579, ...,  3969,  3848,  1743], dtype=int32), 'variants/CoverageMQ0': array([   0,    0,    0, ..., 3933, 3821, 1727], dtype=int32), 'variants/FILTER_HighCoverage': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/FILTER_HighMQ0': array([False, False, False, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), 'variants/FILTER_LowCoverage': array([ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), 'variants/FILTER_LowMQ': array([ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), 'variants/FILTER_NoCoverage': array([False, False, False, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), 'variants/FILTER_PASS': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/FILTER_RefN': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/FILTER_RepeatDUST': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/HighCoverage': array([0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=int32), 'variants/HighMQ0': array([  0,   0,   0, ..., 657, 636, 563], dtype=int32), 'variants/ID': array([b'.', b'.', b'.', ..., b'.', b'.', b'.'], 
       dtype='|S12'), 'variants/LowCoverage': array([505, 485, 437, ..., 644, 622, 564], dtype=int32), 'variants/LowMQ': array([622, 491, 319, ..., 659, 637, 565], dtype=int32), 'variants/LowPairing': array([ 18,  33,  64, ..., 621, 620, 538], dtype=int32), 'variants/NoCoverage': array([  0,   0,   0, ..., 106, 128, 200], dtype=int32), 'variants/POS': array([       1,        2,        3, ..., 24393106, 24393107, 24393108], dtype=int32), 'variants/QUAL': array([ nan,  nan,  nan, ...,  nan,  nan,  nan], dtype=float32), 'variants/REF': array([b'G', b'C', b'G', ..., b'T', b'G', b'G'], 
       dtype='|S1'), 'variants/RefMasked': array([ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), 'variants/RefN': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/RepeatDUST': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool), 'variants/RepeatMasker': array([ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool), 'variants/RepeatTRF': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool)}

In [9]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/accessibility.X.zarr', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=50000, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 38.2 s, sys: 1.08 s, total: 39.3 s
Wall time: 37.9 s

In [10]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/accessibility.X.zarr', fields='*', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=50000, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 1min 2s, sys: 2.85 s, total: 1min 5s
Wall time: 1min 1s

In [37]:
!zcat ../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz | wc -l


In [12]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields='*', chunk_length=10000, overwrite=True, log=sys.stderr)

[vcf_to_zarr] 10000 rows in 4.51s; chunk in 4.51s (2217 rows/s); 2L:98451
[vcf_to_zarr] 20000 rows in 9.22s; chunk in 4.71s (2125 rows/s); 2L:196622
[vcf_to_zarr] 30000 rows in 13.71s; chunk in 4.49s (2226 rows/s); 2L:301246
[vcf_to_zarr] 39894 rows in 18.73s; chunk in 5.02s (1969 rows/s); 2L:399982
CPU times: user 20.2 s, sys: 400 ms, total: 20.6 s
Wall time: 19.2 s
[vcf_to_zarr] all done (2087 rows/s)

In [17]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields='*', chunk_length=10000, block_length=1000, n_threads=4, overwrite=True, log=sys.stderr)

[vcf_to_zarr] 10000 rows in 3.01s; chunk in 3.01s (3321 rows/s); 2L:98451
[vcf_to_zarr] 20000 rows in 6.26s; chunk in 3.25s (3074 rows/s); 2L:196622
[vcf_to_zarr] 30000 rows in 9.38s; chunk in 3.12s (3203 rows/s); 2L:301246
[vcf_to_zarr] 39894 rows in 12.68s; chunk in 3.29s (3004 rows/s); 2L:399982
CPU times: user 22.3 s, sys: 400 ms, total: 22.7 s
Wall time: 13.2 s
[vcf_to_zarr] all done (3039 rows/s)

In [18]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields='INFO', chunk_length=10000, block_length=1000, n_threads=1, overwrite=True, log=sys.stderr)

[vcf_to_zarr] 10000 rows in 2.97s; chunk in 2.97s (3369 rows/s); 2L:98451
[vcf_to_zarr] 20000 rows in 5.64s; chunk in 2.67s (3741 rows/s); 2L:196622
[vcf_to_zarr] 30000 rows in 8.20s; chunk in 2.56s (3903 rows/s); 2L:301246
CPU times: user 11 s, sys: 60 ms, total: 11 s
Wall time: 11 s
[vcf_to_zarr] 39894 rows in 10.97s; chunk in 2.77s (3574 rows/s); 2L:399982
[vcf_to_zarr] all done (3627 rows/s)

In [19]:
%time read_vcf('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', fields='INFO', chunk_length=10000, n_threads=1, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 10000 rows in 3.03s; chunk in 3.03s (3297 rows/s); 2L:98451
[read_vcf] 20000 rows in 5.65s; chunk in 2.61s (3827 rows/s); 2L:196622
[read_vcf] 30000 rows in 8.18s; chunk in 2.54s (3938 rows/s); 2L:301246
CPU times: user 10.8 s, sys: 64 ms, total: 10.9 s
Wall time: 10.9 s
[read_vcf] 39894 rows in 10.88s; chunk in 2.69s (3672 rows/s); 2L:399982
[read_vcf] all done (3667 rows/s)
{'variants/ABHet': array([        nan,         nan,  0.667     , ...,         nan,
         0.64999998,  0.755     ], dtype=float32),
 'variants/ABHom': array([ 0.801     ,  0.74699998,  0.97600001, ...,         nan,
         0.99900001,  0.93300003], dtype=float32),
 'variants/AC': array([[ 4, -1, -1],
        [38, -1, -1],
        [ 8, -1, -1],
        [ 1,  1, -1],
        [ 4, -1, -1],
        [15, -1, -1]], dtype=int32),
 'variants/AF': array([[ 0.14300001,         nan,         nan],
        [ 0.54299998,         nan,         nan],
        [ 0.068     ,         nan,         nan],
        [ 0.0006536 ,  0.0006536 ,         nan],
        [ 0.002614  ,         nan,         nan],
        [ 0.009804  ,         nan,         nan]], dtype=float32),
 'variants/AN': array([  28,   70,  118, ..., 1530, 1530, 1530], dtype=int32),
 'variants/ANN': array([b'T|intergenic', b'A|intergenic', b'A|intergenic', ...,
        b'A|intergenic', b'A|intergenic', b'G|intergenic'], 
 'variants/Accessible': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/BaseCounts': array([[    3,  4541,     2,  2526],
        [ 4713,     2,  3916,     4],
        [   48,     1,  8911,     6],
        [   40, 31716,     5,    32],
        [  167,     4, 31361,    14],
        [27816,    15,  2167,    50]], dtype=int32),
 'variants/BaseQRankSum': array([-2.00200009, -1.52600002,  0.294     , ..., -5.63100004,
        -3.30200005,  3.13499999], dtype=float32),
 'variants/Coverage': array([ 7198,  9242, 10797, ..., 30252, 29969, 28441], dtype=int32),
 'variants/CoverageMQ0': array([ 7161,  9153, 10577, ...,  1234,   978,   320], dtype=int32),
 'variants/DP': array([  118,   344,   669, ..., 29243, 28995, 26846], dtype=int32),
 'variants/DS': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/Dels': array([ 0.,  0.,  0., ...,  0.,  0.,  0.], dtype=float32),
 'variants/FS': array([  0.        ,   0.        ,   0.        , ...,   0.        ,
          9.67800045,  67.66300201], dtype=float32),
 'variants/HRun': array([ 0,  1,  0, ..., -1,  1,  1], dtype=int32),
 'variants/HW': array([  41.70000076,  151.8999939 ,   45.90000153, ...,    0.        ,
           0.        ,    0.        ], dtype=float32),
 'variants/HaplotypeScore': array([ 0.0432    ,  0.0549    ,  0.0828    , ...,  1.06560004,
         1.38800001,  1.33159995], dtype=float32),
 'variants/HighCoverage': array([ 1,  1,  1, ..., 20, 17, 10], dtype=int32),
 'variants/HighMQ0': array([763, 765, 764, ...,  50,  29,   2], dtype=int32),
 'variants/InbreedingCoeff': array([ 0.19760001,  0.36289999,  0.0037    , ...,  0.0016    ,
        -0.0059    , -0.0119    ], dtype=float32),
 'variants/LOF': array([b'', b'', b'', ..., b'', b'', b''], 
 'variants/LowCoverage': array([701, 589, 464, ...,   4,   5,   9], dtype=int32),
 'variants/LowMQ': array([763, 765, 764, ...,   0,   0,   0], dtype=int32),
 'variants/LowPairing': array([551, 664, 723, ...,   5,   2,   2], dtype=int32),
 'variants/MLEAC': array([[-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1],
        [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=int32),
 'variants/MLEAF': array([[ nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan],
        [ nan,  nan,  nan]], dtype=float32),
 'variants/MQ': array([  1.55999994,   2.32999992,   2.77999997, ...,  45.52999878,
         45.86000061,  46.75      ], dtype=float32),
 'variants/MQ0': array([7022, 8515, 8708, ..., 1167,  934,  335], dtype=int32),
 'variants/MQRankSum': array([ -1.477     ,  -4.51399994,   1.75699997, ...,   0.35800001,
          2.15400004, -69.93099976], dtype=float32),
 'variants/NDA': array([1, 1, 1, ..., 2, 1, 2], dtype=int32),
 'variants/NMD': array([b'', b'', b'', ..., b'', b'', b''], 
 'variants/NoCoverage': array([2, 0, 1, ..., 0, 0, 0], dtype=int32),
 'variants/OND': array([ 0.198     ,  0.26100001,  0.022     , ...,         nan,
         0.001423  ,  0.068     ], dtype=float32),
 'variants/QD': array([ 1.66999996,  2.1099999 ,  4.11999989, ...,  7.61000013,
         9.31999969,  0.14      ], dtype=float32),
 'variants/RPA': array([-1, -1, -1, ..., -1, -1, -1], dtype=int32),
 'variants/RU': array([b'', b'', b'', ..., b'', b'', b''], 
 'variants/ReadPosRankSum': array([ -0.49200001,  -1.60300004,  -1.08399999, ...,  -1.421     ,
          2.796     , -10.38899994], dtype=float32),
 'variants/RefMasked': array([ True,  True,  True, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/RefN': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/RepeatDUST': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/RepeatMasker': array([ True,  True,  True, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/RepeatTRF': array([False, False, False, ...,  True,  True,  True], dtype=bool),
 'variants/STR': array([False, False, False, ..., False, False, False], dtype=bool),
 'variants/VariantType': array([b'SNP', b'SNP', b'SNP', ..., b'MULTIALLELIC', b'SNP', b'SNP'], 

Check region and tabix

In [1]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
from allel.io_vcf_read import read_vcf

In [2]:
read_vcf('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', fields=['CHROM', 'POS'], chunk_length=10000, log=sys.stderr, region='2L:1-100000')

[read_vcf] 10000 rows in 0.96s; chunk in 0.96s (10450 rows/s); 2L:98451
[read_vcf] 10301 rows in 0.99s; chunk in 0.03s (8646 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (10378 rows/s)
{'variants/CHROM': array([b'2L', b'2L', b'2L', ..., b'2L', b'2L', b'2L'], 
 'variants/POS': array([  103,   163,   192, ..., 99993, 99996, 99997], dtype=int32)}

In [3]:
read_vcf('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', fields=['CHROM', 'POS'], chunk_length=100000, log=sys.stderr, region='X:1000000-2000000')

../../allel/ UserWarning: exception occurred attempting tabix (Could not load .tbi/.csi index of ../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz); falling back to scanning to region
  'scanning to region' % e)
[read_vcf] 100000 rows in 1.43s; chunk in 1.43s (69955 rows/s); X:1099999
[read_vcf] 200000 rows in 1.59s; chunk in 0.16s (636490 rows/s); X:1199999
[read_vcf] 300000 rows in 1.74s; chunk in 0.15s (646018 rows/s); X:1299999
[read_vcf] 400000 rows in 1.90s; chunk in 0.16s (625514 rows/s); X:1399999
[read_vcf] 500000 rows in 2.06s; chunk in 0.16s (628348 rows/s); X:1499999
[read_vcf] 600000 rows in 2.22s; chunk in 0.16s (644555 rows/s); X:1599999
[read_vcf] 700000 rows in 2.37s; chunk in 0.15s (645166 rows/s); X:1699999
[read_vcf] 800000 rows in 2.53s; chunk in 0.16s (634715 rows/s); X:1799999
[read_vcf] 900000 rows in 2.70s; chunk in 0.17s (597541 rows/s); X:1899999
[read_vcf] 1000000 rows in 2.85s; chunk in 0.15s (647056 rows/s); X:1999999
[read_vcf] 1000001 rows in 2.85s; chunk in 0.00s (1495 rows/s); X:2000001
[read_vcf] all done (350738 rows/s)
{'variants/CHROM': array([b'X', b'X', b'X', ..., b'X', b'X', b'X'], 
 'variants/POS': array([1000000, 1000001, 1000002, ..., 1999998, 1999999, 2000000], dtype=int32)}

In [4]:
read_vcf('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', fields=['CHROM', 'POS'], chunk_length=100000, log=sys.stderr, region='X:1000000-2000000', tabix=None)

[read_vcf] 100000 rows in 1.46s; chunk in 1.46s (68691 rows/s); X:1099999
[read_vcf] 200000 rows in 1.62s; chunk in 0.16s (626667 rows/s); X:1199999
[read_vcf] 300000 rows in 1.77s; chunk in 0.16s (638279 rows/s); X:1299999
[read_vcf] 400000 rows in 1.93s; chunk in 0.16s (614899 rows/s); X:1399999
[read_vcf] 500000 rows in 2.10s; chunk in 0.17s (591599 rows/s); X:1499999
[read_vcf] 600000 rows in 2.27s; chunk in 0.17s (605465 rows/s); X:1599999
[read_vcf] 700000 rows in 2.43s; chunk in 0.16s (611707 rows/s); X:1699999
[read_vcf] 800000 rows in 2.60s; chunk in 0.17s (595219 rows/s); X:1799999
[read_vcf] 900000 rows in 2.77s; chunk in 0.17s (587222 rows/s); X:1899999
[read_vcf] 1000000 rows in 2.95s; chunk in 0.18s (561287 rows/s); X:1999999
[read_vcf] 1000001 rows in 2.95s; chunk in 0.00s (782 rows/s); X:2000001
[read_vcf] all done (338868 rows/s)
{'variants/CHROM': array([b'X', b'X', b'X', ..., b'X', b'X', b'X'], 
 'variants/POS': array([1000000, 1000001, 1000002, ..., 1999998, 1999999, 2000000], dtype=int32)}

Profile INFO

In [1]:
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../..')
import cProfile
from allel.io_vcf_read import read_vcf, vcf_to_npz, vcf_to_hdf5, vcf_to_zarr, ANNTransformer, vcf_to_csv, \
    vcf_to_dataframe, vcf_to_recarray
# from allel.opt.io_vcf_read import (iter_vcf, 
#                                    CalldataParser_parse, 
#                                    GenotypeInt8Parser_parse, 
#                                    ParserContext_next, 
#                                    BufferedReader_read
#                                  )

sample_vcf_fn = '../../fixture/sample.vcf'
prof_vcf_fn = '../../profdata/2L_2358158_2431617.vcf'

In [2]:
vcf_to_csv('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/accessibility.X.tsv', 
           fields='*', chunk_length=100000, log=sys.stderr, 
           region='X:1000000-2000000', tabix=None, sep='\t')

[vcf_to_csv] 100000 rows in 1.47s; chunk in 1.47s (68026 rows/s); X:1099999
[vcf_to_csv] 200000 rows in 2.90s; chunk in 1.43s (69884 rows/s); X:1199999
[vcf_to_csv] 300000 rows in 4.27s; chunk in 1.37s (73235 rows/s); X:1299999
[vcf_to_csv] 400000 rows in 5.63s; chunk in 1.36s (73475 rows/s); X:1399999
[vcf_to_csv] 500000 rows in 6.98s; chunk in 1.36s (73719 rows/s); X:1499999
[vcf_to_csv] 600000 rows in 8.35s; chunk in 1.36s (73444 rows/s); X:1599999
[vcf_to_csv] 700000 rows in 9.70s; chunk in 1.36s (73627 rows/s); X:1699999
[vcf_to_csv] 800000 rows in 11.11s; chunk in 1.41s (71133 rows/s); X:1799999
[vcf_to_csv] 900000 rows in 12.49s; chunk in 1.38s (72488 rows/s); X:1899999
[vcf_to_csv] 1000000 rows in 13.87s; chunk in 1.38s (72423 rows/s); X:1999999
[vcf_to_csv] 1000001 rows in 15.05s; chunk in 1.18s (0 rows/s); X:2000001
[vcf_to_csv] all done (66422 rows/s)

In [3]:
!head ../../profdata/accessibility.X.tsv

CHROM	POS	ID	REF	ALT_1	ALT_2	ALT_3	QUAL	HighCoverage	RepeatTRF	Coverage	LowPairing	Accessible	CoverageMQ0	RefN	HighMQ0	NoCoverage	LowMQ	RepeatMasker	RefMasked	LowCoverage	RepeatDUST	FILTER_PASS	FILTER_HighCoverage	FILTER_HighMQ0	FILTER_NoCoverage	FILTER_LowMQ	FILTER_LowCoverage	FILTER_RefN	FILTER_RepeatDUST	numalt	svlen_1	svlen_2	svlen_3
X	1000000	.	T	A	C	T		3	False	25835	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	1	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000001	.	C	A	C	T		2	False	25854	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	1	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000002	.	A	A	C	T		2	False	25708	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	1	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000003	.	C	A	C	T		2	False	25662	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	1	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000004	.	A	A	C	T		2	False	25626	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	1	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000005	.	G	A	C	T		2	False	25656	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	1	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000006	.	G	A	C	T		2	False	25479	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	2	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000007	.	C	A	C	T		2	False	25469	2	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	2	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0
X	1000008	.	T	A	C	T		2	False	25489	1	True	2	False	0	0	0	False	False	3	False	True	False	False	False	False	False	False	False	4	0	0	0

In [2]:
df = vcf_to_dataframe('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz',
                      fields='*', chunk_length=100000, log=sys.stderr, 
                      region='X:1000000-1500000', tabix=None)

[vcf_to_dataframe] 100000 rows in 1.46s; chunk in 1.46s (68271 rows/s); X:1099999
[vcf_to_dataframe] 200000 rows in 1.68s; chunk in 0.21s (466964 rows/s); X:1199999
[vcf_to_dataframe] 300000 rows in 1.89s; chunk in 0.21s (466957 rows/s); X:1299999
[vcf_to_dataframe] 400000 rows in 2.11s; chunk in 0.21s (471392 rows/s); X:1399999
[vcf_to_dataframe] 500000 rows in 2.31s; chunk in 0.21s (486027 rows/s); X:1499999
[vcf_to_dataframe] 500001 rows in 2.31s; chunk in 0.00s (336 rows/s); X:1500001
[vcf_to_dataframe] all done (216024 rows/s)
CHROM POS ID REF ALT_1 ALT_2 ALT_3 QUAL RefMasked LowMQ ... FILTER_HighMQ0 FILTER_NoCoverage FILTER_RefN FILTER_RepeatDUST FILTER_LowCoverage FILTER_HighCoverage numalt svlen_1 svlen_2 svlen_3
0 X 1000000 . T A C T NaN False 0 ... False False False False False False 4 0 0 0
1 X 1000001 . C A C T NaN False 0 ... False False False False False False 4 0 0 0
2 X 1000002 . A A C T NaN False 0 ... False False False False False False 4 0 0 0
3 X 1000003 . C A C T NaN False 0 ... False False False False False False 4 0 0 0
4 X 1000004 . A A C T NaN False 0 ... False False False False False False 4 0 0 0

5 rows × 34 columns

In [3]:
ra = vcf_to_recarray('../../profdata/accessibility.X.vcf.gz',
                     fields='*', chunk_length=100000, log=sys.stderr, 
                     region='X:1000000-1500000', tabix=None)

[vcf_to_recarray] 100000 rows in 1.54s; chunk in 1.54s (64981 rows/s); X:1099999
[vcf_to_recarray] 200000 rows in 1.85s; chunk in 0.31s (317530 rows/s); X:1199999
[vcf_to_recarray] 300000 rows in 2.09s; chunk in 0.24s (418168 rows/s); X:1299999
[vcf_to_recarray] 400000 rows in 2.31s; chunk in 0.21s (469614 rows/s); X:1399999
[vcf_to_recarray] 500000 rows in 2.51s; chunk in 0.21s (478443 rows/s); X:1499999
[vcf_to_recarray] 500001 rows in 2.52s; chunk in 0.00s (278 rows/s); X:1500001
[vcf_to_recarray] all done (198483 rows/s)
array([ (b'X', 1000000, b'.', b'T', b'A', b'C', b'T', nan, False, 0, 0, True, 2, False, False, 2, False, 1, 0, False, 25835, 3, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 4, 0, 0, 0),
       (b'X', 1000001, b'.', b'C', b'A', b'C', b'T', nan, False, 0, 0, True, 2, False, False, 2, False, 1, 0, False, 25854, 2, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 4, 0, 0, 0),
       (b'X', 1000002, b'.', b'A', b'A', b'C', b'T', nan, False, 0, 0, True, 2, False, False, 2, False, 1, 0, False, 25708, 2, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 4, 0, 0, 0),
       (b'X', 1499998, b'.', b'G', b'A', b'C', b'T', nan, False, 0, 0, True, 12, False, False, 4, False, 9, 0, False, 21716, 0, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 4, 0, 0, 0),
       (b'X', 1499999, b'.', b'C', b'A', b'C', b'T', nan, False, 0, 0, True, 12, False, False, 4, False, 11, 0, False, 21698, 0, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 4, 0, 0, 0),
       (b'X', 1500000, b'.', b'G', b'A', b'C', b'T', nan, False, 0, 0, True, 12, False, False, 4, False, 12, 0, False, 21756, 0, True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, 4, 0, 0, 0)], 
      dtype=(numpy.record, [('CHROM', 'S12'), ('POS', '<i4'), ('ID', 'S12'), ('REF', 'S30'), ('ALT_1', 'S30'), ('ALT_2', 'S30'), ('ALT_3', 'S30'), ('QUAL', '<f4'), ('RefMasked', '?'), ('LowMQ', '<i4'), ('HighMQ0', '<i4'), ('Accessible', '?'), ('CoverageMQ0', '<i4'), ('RepeatDUST', '?'), ('RepeatMasker', '?'), ('LowPairing', '<i4'), ('RepeatTRF', '?'), ('LowCoverage', '<i4'), ('NoCoverage', '<i4'), ('RefN', '?'), ('Coverage', '<i4'), ('HighCoverage', '<i4'), ('FILTER_PASS', '?'), ('FILTER_LowMQ', '?'), ('FILTER_HighMQ0', '?'), ('FILTER_NoCoverage', '?'), ('FILTER_RefN', '?'), ('FILTER_RepeatDUST', '?'), ('FILTER_LowCoverage', '?'), ('FILTER_HighCoverage', '?'), ('numalt', '<i4'), ('svlen_1', '<i4'), ('svlen_2', '<i4'), ('svlen_3', '<i4')]))

In [4]:
import allel

<VariantTable shape=(500001,) dtype=(numpy.record, [('CHROM', 'S12'), ('POS', '<i4'), ('ID', 'S12'), ('REF', 'S30'), ('ALT_1', 'S30'), ('ALT_2', 'S30'), ('ALT_3', 'S30'), ('QUAL', '<f4'), ('RefMasked', '?'), ('LowMQ', '<i4'), ('HighMQ0', '<i4'), ('Accessible', '?'), ('CoverageMQ0', '<i4'), ('RepeatDUST', '?'), ('RepeatMasker', '?'), ('LowPairing', '<i4'), ('RepeatTRF', '?'), ('LowCoverage', '<i4'), ('NoCoverage', '<i4'), ('RefN', '?'), ('Coverage', '<i4'), ('HighCoverage', '<i4'), ('FILTER_PASS', '?'), ('FILTER_LowMQ', '?'), ('FILTER_HighMQ0', '?'), ('FILTER_NoCoverage', '?'), ('FILTER_RefN', '?'), ('FILTER_RepeatDUST', '?'), ('FILTER_LowCoverage', '?'), ('FILTER_HighCoverage', '?'), ('numalt', '<i4'), ('svlen_1', '<i4'), ('svlen_2', '<i4'), ('svlen_3', '<i4')])>

In [2]:
read_vcf('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', fields='ANN', types={'ANN': 'S200'}, chunk_length=10000, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 10000 rows in 2.54s; chunk in 2.54s (3934 rows/s); 2L:98451
[read_vcf] 20000 rows in 5.02s; chunk in 2.48s (4031 rows/s); 2L:196622
[read_vcf] 30000 rows in 7.44s; chunk in 2.41s (4144 rows/s); 2L:301246
[read_vcf] 39894 rows in 10.02s; chunk in 2.58s (3835 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (3983 rows/s)
{'variants/ANN': array([ b'T|intergenic_region|MODIFIER|AGAP004677|AGAP004677|intergenic_region|AGAP004677|||||||||',

In [3]:
read_vcf('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', fields='ANN', transformers=[ANNTransformer()], chunk_length=10000, log=sys.stderr)

[read_vcf] 10000 rows in 2.55s; chunk in 2.55s (3915 rows/s); 2L:98451
[read_vcf] 20000 rows in 5.05s; chunk in 2.50s (4002 rows/s); 2L:196622
[read_vcf] 30000 rows in 7.48s; chunk in 2.43s (4112 rows/s); 2L:301246
[read_vcf] 39894 rows in 10.07s; chunk in 2.59s (3821 rows/s); :0
[read_vcf] all done (3960 rows/s)
{'variants/ANN_AA': array([[-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1]], dtype=int32),
 'variants/ANN_Allele': array([b'T', b'A', b'A', ..., b'A', b'A', b'G'], 
 'variants/ANN_Annotation': array([b'intergenic_region', b'intergenic_region', b'intergenic_region',
        ..., b'intergenic_region', b'intergenic_region',
 'variants/ANN_Annotation_Impact': array([b'MODIFIER', b'MODIFIER', b'MODIFIER', ..., b'MODIFIER',
        b'MODIFIER', b'MODIFIER'], 
 'variants/ANN_CDS': array([[-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1]], dtype=int32),
 'variants/ANN_Distance': array([-1, -1, -1, ..., -1, -1, -1], dtype=int32),
 'variants/ANN_Feature_ID': array([b'AGAP004677', b'AGAP004677', b'AGAP004677', ..., b'AGAP004681-AGA',
        b'AGAP004681-AGA', b'AGAP004681-AGA'], 
 'variants/ANN_Feature_Type': array([b'intergenic_region', b'intergenic_region', b'intergenic_region',
        ..., b'intergenic_region', b'intergenic_region',
 'variants/ANN_Gene_ID': array([b'AGAP004677', b'AGAP004677', b'AGAP004677', ..., b'AGAP004681-AGA',
        b'AGAP004681-AGA', b'AGAP004681-AGA'], 
 'variants/ANN_Gene_Name': array([b'AGAP004677', b'AGAP004677', b'AGAP004677', ..., b'AGAP004681-AGA',
        b'AGAP004681-AGA', b'AGAP004681-AGA'], 
 'variants/ANN_HGVS_c': array([b'', b'', b'', ..., b'', b'', b''], 
 'variants/ANN_HGVS_p': array([b'', b'', b'', ..., b'', b'', b''], 
 'variants/ANN_Rank': array([[-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1]], dtype=int8),
 'variants/ANN_Transcript_BioType': array([b'', b'', b'', ..., b'', b'', b''], 
 'variants/ANN_cDNA': array([[-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1]], dtype=int32)}

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [41]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields='*', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=10000, block_length=1000, n_threads=4, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 24.8 s, sys: 248 ms, total: 25.1 s
Wall time: 14.5 s

In [ ]:

In [17]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields=['CHROM', 'POS'], buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=50000, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 10.5 s, sys: 32 ms, total: 10.5 s
Wall time: 10.5 s

In [2]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields='calldata/*', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=50000, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 19.6 s, sys: 1.09 s, total: 20.7 s
Wall time: 18.8 s

In [3]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields='calldata/GT', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=50000, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 12.5 s, sys: 60 ms, total: 12.6 s
Wall time: 12.5 s

In [4]:
%time vcf_to_zarr('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.vcf.gz', '../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr', fields='*', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=50000, overwrite=True)

CPU times: user 20.5 s, sys: 1 s, total: 21.5 s
Wall time: 19.6 s

In [15]:
import zarr
callset = zarr.open_group('../../profdata/ag1000g.phase1.ar3.2L.partial.zarr')

Group(/, 2)
  groups: 2; calldata, variants
  store: DirectoryStore

In [18]:

array([        nan,         nan,  0.667     , ...,         nan,
        0.64999998,  0.755     ], dtype=float32)

In [19]:

Group(/calldata, 7)
  arrays: 7; AB, AD, DP, GQ, GT, MQ0, PL
  store: DirectoryStore

In [20]:

Array(/calldata/GT, (39894, 765, 2), int8, chunks=(50000, 64, 2), order=C)
  nbytes: 58.2M; nbytes_stored: 7.2M; ratio: 8.1; initialized: 12/12
  compressor: Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=1)
  store: DirectoryStore

In [21]:

array([[[-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [ 0,  0],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1]],

       [[-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1]],

       [[-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1],
        [-1, -1]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]],

       [[ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0],
        [ 0,  0]]], dtype=int8)

In [ ]:

In [15]:


In [16]:"vcf_to_zarr(prof_vcf_fn, 'prof.zarr', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000, overwrite=True)", sort='time')

         71850 function calls (70986 primitive calls) in 0.191 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.040    0.040    0.191    0.191
       76    0.033    0.000    0.056    0.001 {built-in method}
      377    0.023    0.000    0.023    0.000 {method 'decompress' of 'zlib.Decompress' objects}
      473    0.010    0.000    0.010    0.000 {built-in method zlib.crc32}
8157/7773    0.010    0.000    0.052    0.000 {method 'read' of '_io.BufferedReader' objects}
     7744    0.009    0.000    0.066    0.000
       12    0.007    0.001    0.031    0.003
     7744    0.004    0.000    0.006    0.000
      649    0.004    0.000    0.004    0.000 {built-in method posix.stat}
      219    0.002    0.000    0.002    0.000 {built-in method posix.unlink}
      378    0.002    0.000    0.040    0.000
     7744    0.002    0.000    0.002    0.000
       40    0.002    0.000    0.002    0.000 {zarr.blosc.compress}
      105    0.002    0.000    0.002    0.000 {built-in method}
      378    0.002    0.000    0.042    0.000
      949    0.002    0.000    0.002    0.000
        1    0.001    0.001    0.033    0.033
       84    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {built-in method}
       75    0.001    0.000    0.016    0.000
       75    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {method '__exit__' of '_io._IOBase' objects}
      489    0.001    0.000    0.002    0.000
1930/1450    0.001    0.000    0.002    0.000
       41    0.001    0.000    0.013    0.000
     8461    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {method 'append' of 'list' objects}
      145    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000
       50    0.001    0.000    0.003    0.000
       75    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {built-in method posix.rename}
       76    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000
     3047    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {built-in method builtins.isinstance}
        9    0.001    0.000    0.005    0.001
       72    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core.multiarray.array}
      600    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000
       17    0.001    0.000    0.015    0.001
      376    0.001    0.000    0.011    0.000
      600    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
      471    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.005    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
       34    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
      794    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'startswith' of 'str' objects}
      675    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.getattr}
     3847    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.len}
       75    0.000    0.000    0.007    0.000
       95    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       97    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
     1450    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
       29    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      649    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       34    0.000    0.000    0.003    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'write' of '_io.BufferedWriter' objects}
      380    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       16    0.000    0.000    0.022    0.001
      185    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
       84    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      221    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'split' of 'str' objects}
       16    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.remove}
       96    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method zlib.decompressobj}
        9    0.000    0.000    0.011    0.001
       25    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       50    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.sorted}
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.listdir}
       75    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000<listcomp>)
      243    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'join' of 'str' objects}
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      218    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
       16    0.000    0.000    0.007    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       16    0.000    0.000    0.007    0.000
       12    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'join' of 'bytes' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.191    0.191 {built-in method builtins.exec}
      160    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
     1090    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'getrandbits' of '_random.Random' objects}
      285    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method _struct.unpack}
       60    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       34    0.000    0.000    0.003    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.004    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.mkdir}
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'fill' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       85    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.003    0.000
        4    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.001
        1    0.000    0.000    0.031    0.031
       25    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
      136    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
      378    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'cast' of 'memoryview' objects}
       29    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
      136    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
       38    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
       71    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method numpy.core.multiarray.empty}
      150    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       41    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      490    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'endswith' of 'str' objects}
       38    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       78    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.rmdir}
       76    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       60    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'match' of '_sre.SRE_Pattern' objects}
       39    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       41    0.000    0.000    0.013    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.close}
      119    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<listcomp>)
       17    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<listcomp>)
        2    0.000    0.000    0.025    0.012
      108    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
      375    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.setattr}
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       17    0.000    0.000    0.003    0.000
        2    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001
       29    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
        4    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       97    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       17    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       40    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
       41    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
       16    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      394    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method _json.encode_basestring_ascii}
      600    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'bit_length' of 'int' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.012    0.012
        9    0.000    0.000    0.005    0.001
      120    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'replace' of 'str' objects}
       41    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       76    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       24    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'astype' of 'numpy.ndarray' objects}
       28    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.013    0.001
        1    0.000    0.000    0.191    0.191 <string>:1(<module>)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
      190    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.max}
       24    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       21    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       24    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       40    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.013    0.001
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       84    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'rfind' of 'str' objects}
      192    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.min}
       41    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<listcomp>)
       23    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       50    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       84    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'rstrip' of 'str' objects}
       58    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'encode' of 'str' objects}
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method '__enter__' of '_io._IOBase' objects}
      121    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.hasattr}
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      296    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<lambda>)
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       24    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       16    0.000    0.000    0.022    0.001
       11    0.000    0.000    0.015    0.001
       61    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.all}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      245    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method _stat.S_ISDIR}
        9    0.000    0.000    0.005    0.001
       16    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       29    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       16    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<listcomp>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.002
      132    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method _stat.S_ISREG}
        9    0.000    0.000    0.012    0.001
       78    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      119    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.any}
       16    0.000    0.000    0.022    0.001
       16    0.000    0.000    0.022    0.001
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       19    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       55    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'get' of 'dict' objects}
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'update' of 'dict' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'close' of '_io.BufferedWriter' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       17    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       38    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.getcwd}
        9    0.000    0.000    0.013    0.001
       38    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
       40    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.lstat}
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       38    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
       25    0.000    0.000    0.002    0.000
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.033    0.033
       40    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.005    0.001
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       25    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       22    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       40    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        2    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001
       75    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.getpid}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       99    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method}
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method posix.fstat}
       67    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       58    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'end' of '_sre.SRE_Match' objects}
        7    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       40    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method _thread.get_ident}
       19    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
       51    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'items' of 'dict' objects}
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'groups' of '_sre.SRE_Match' objects}
       24    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'pop' of 'dict' objects}
       21    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       22    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 <string>:12(__new__)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       16    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<genexpr>)
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'upper' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        8    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'add' of 'set' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x7f6f46712d20}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'keys' of 'dict' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        9    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'setdefault' of 'dict' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<dictcomp>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000<dictcomp>)

In [103]:
%prun vcf_to_hdf5(prof_vcf_fn, 'prof.h5', buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000, overwrite=True)


In [11]:
import line_profiler
l = line_profiler.LineProfiler()
# l.add_function(_read_vcf)
# l.add_function(CalldataParser_parse)
# l.add_function(ParserContext_next)
# l.add_function(BufferedReader_read)
l.runcall(read_vcf, prof_vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15, chunk_length=1000)

Timer unit: 1e-06 s

Total time: 23.9421 s
File: /home/aliman/src/github/cggh/scikit-allel/allel/opt/io_vcf_read.pyx
Function: iter_vcf at line 71

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    71                                           def iter_vcf(binary_file, int buffer_size, int chunk_length, int temp_max_size, headers, fields,
    72                                                        types, numbers):
    73                                               cdef:
    74                                                   ParserContext context
    75                                                   Parser chrom_parser
    76                                                   Parser pos_parser
    77                                                   Parser id_parser
    78                                                   Parser ref_parser
    79                                                   Parser alt_parser
    80                                                   Parser qual_parser
    81                                                   Parser filter_parser
    82                                                   Parser info_parser
    83                                                   Parser format_parser
    84                                                   Parser calldata_parser
    86                                               # setup output
    87                                               # TODO yield chunks
    88         1            2      2.0      0.0      chunks = []
    90                                               # setup reader
    91         1          253    253.0      0.0      reader = BufferedReader(binary_file, buffer_size=buffer_size)
    93                                               # setup context
    94         1            4      4.0      0.0      n_samples = len(headers.samples)
    95         1            4      4.0      0.0      context = ParserContext(reader, temp_max_size=temp_max_size, n_samples=n_samples)
    97                                               # read in first character
    98         1            2      2.0      0.0      ParserContext_next(context)
   100                                               # copy so we don't modify someone else's data
   101         1            2      2.0      0.0      fields = set(fields)
   103                                               # setup CHROM parser
   104         1            1      1.0      0.0      if CHROM_FIELD in fields:
   105         2           29     14.5      0.0          chrom_parser = StringParser(field=CHROM_FIELD, chunk_length=chunk_length,
   106         1            1      1.0      0.0                                      dtype=types[CHROM_FIELD])
   107         1            2      2.0      0.0          fields.remove(CHROM_FIELD)
   108                                               else:
   109                                                   chrom_parser = SkipChromParser()
   111                                               # setup POS parser
   112         1            1      1.0      0.0      if POS_FIELD in fields:
   113                                                   # TODO user-provided type
   114         1           10     10.0      0.0          pos_parser = PosInt32Parser(chunk_length=chunk_length)
   115         1            2      2.0      0.0          fields.remove(POS_FIELD)
   116                                               else:
   117                                                   pos_parser = SkipPosParser()
   119                                               # setup ID parser
   120         1            1      1.0      0.0      if ID_FIELD in fields:
   121         2           11      5.5      0.0          id_parser = StringParser(field=ID_FIELD, chunk_length=chunk_length,
   122         1            1      1.0      0.0                                   dtype=types[ID_FIELD])
   123         1            1      1.0      0.0          fields.remove(ID_FIELD)
   124                                               else:
   125                                                   id_parser = SkipParser()
   127                                               # setup REF parser
   128         1            1      1.0      0.0      if REF_FIELD in fields:
   129         2           10      5.0      0.0          ref_parser = StringParser(field=REF_FIELD, chunk_length=chunk_length,
   130         1            1      1.0      0.0                                    dtype=types[REF_FIELD])
   131         1            1      1.0      0.0          fields.remove(REF_FIELD)
   132                                               else:
   133                                                   ref_parser = SkipParser()
   135                                               # setup ALT parser
   136         1            1      1.0      0.0      if ALT_FIELD in fields:
   137         1            0      0.0      0.0          t = types[ALT_FIELD]
   138         1            1      1.0      0.0          n = numbers[ALT_FIELD]
   139         1           15     15.0      0.0          alt_parser = AltParser(chunk_length=chunk_length, dtype=t, number=n)
   140         1            1      1.0      0.0          fields.remove(ALT_FIELD)
   141                                               else:
   142                                                   alt_parser = SkipParser()
   144                                               # setup QUAL parser
   145         1            1      1.0      0.0      if QUAL_FIELD in fields:
   146                                                   # TODO user-provided type
   147         1           12     12.0      0.0          qual_parser = QualFloat32Parser(chunk_length=chunk_length, fill=-1)
   148         1            1      1.0      0.0          fields.remove(QUAL_FIELD)
   149                                               else:
   150                                                   qual_parser = SkipParser()
   152                                               # setup FILTER parser
   153         1            1      1.0      0.0      filters = list()
   154         3            3      1.0      0.0      for field in list(fields):
   155         2            3      1.5      0.0          if field.startswith('variants/FILTER_'):
   156         1            2      2.0      0.0              filter = field[16:].encode('ascii')
   157         1            1      1.0      0.0              filters.append(filter)
   158         1            1      1.0      0.0              fields.remove(field)
   159         1            1      1.0      0.0      if filters:
   160         1           12     12.0      0.0          filter_parser = FilterParser(chunk_length=chunk_length, filters=filters)
   161                                               else:
   162                                                   filter_parser = SkipParser()
   164                                               # setup INFO parsers
   165         1            1      1.0      0.0      infos = list()
   166         1            0      0.0      0.0      info_types = dict()
   167         1            1      1.0      0.0      info_numbers = dict()
   168                                               # assume any variants fields left are INFO
   169         2            2      1.0      0.0      for field in list(fields):
   170         1            2      2.0      0.0          group, name = field.split('/')
   171         1            1      1.0      0.0          if group == 'variants':
   172                                                       key = name.encode('ascii')
   173                                                       infos.append(key)
   174                                                       fields.remove(field)
   175                                                       info_types[key] = types[field]
   176                                                       info_numbers[key] = numbers[field]
   177         1            1      1.0      0.0      if infos:
   178                                                   info_parser = InfoParser(chunk_length=chunk_length, infos=infos, types=info_types,
   179                                                                            numbers=info_numbers)
   180                                               else:
   181         1            1      1.0      0.0          info_parser = SkipParser()
   183                                               # setup FORMAT and calldata parsers
   184         1            0      0.0      0.0      formats = list()
   185         1            1      1.0      0.0      format_types = dict()
   186         1            1      1.0      0.0      format_numbers = dict()
   187         2            1      0.5      0.0      for field in list(fields):
   188         1            4      4.0      0.0          group, name = field.split('/')
   189         1            1      1.0      0.0          if group == 'calldata':
   190         1            2      2.0      0.0              key = name.encode('ascii')
   191         1            1      1.0      0.0              formats.append(key)
   192         1            1      1.0      0.0              fields.remove(field)
   193         1            1      1.0      0.0              format_types[key] = types[field]
   194         1            1      1.0      0.0              format_numbers[key] = numbers[field]
   195         1            1      1.0      0.0      if formats:
   196         1            2      2.0      0.0          format_parser = FormatParser()
   197         2         1498    749.0      0.0          calldata_parser = CalldataParser(chunk_length=chunk_length,
   198         1            1      1.0      0.0                                           formats=formats, types=format_types,
   199         1            0      0.0      0.0                                           numbers=format_numbers,
   200         1            1      1.0      0.0                                           n_samples=context.n_samples,
   201                                                                                    ploidy=2)
   202                                               else:
   203                                                   format_parser = SkipParser()
   204                                                   calldata_parser = SkipParser()
   206         1            1      1.0      0.0      if fields:
   207                                                   # shouldn't ever be any left over
   208                                                   raise RuntimeError('unexpected fields left over: %r' % set(fields))
   210         1            1      1.0      0.0      while True:
   212     19671         9382      0.5      0.0          if context.c == 0:
   213         1            0      0.0      0.0              break
   215     19670         9411      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.CHROM:
   216      1967         7764      3.9      0.0              chrom_parser.parse(context)
   217      1967         1031      0.5      0.0              context.state = ParserState.POS
   219     17703         8456      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.POS:
   220      1967        17697      9.0      0.1              pos_parser.parse(context)
   221      1967         1091      0.6      0.0              context.state = ParserState.ID
   223     15736         7584      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.ID:
   224      1967         4719      2.4      0.0              id_parser.parse(context)
   225      1967         1077      0.5      0.0              context.state = ParserState.REF
   227     13769         6644      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.REF:
   228      1967         4863      2.5      0.0              ref_parser.parse(context)
   229      1967         1097      0.6      0.0              context.state = ParserState.ALT
   231     11802         5623      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.ALT:
   232      1967         6807      3.5      0.0              alt_parser.parse(context)
   233      1967         1030      0.5      0.0              context.state = ParserState.QUAL
   235      9835         4785      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.QUAL:
   236      1967         8932      4.5      0.0              qual_parser.parse(context)
   237      1967         1079      0.5      0.0              context.state = ParserState.FILTER
   239      7868         3943      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.FILTER:
   240      1967         6563      3.3      0.0              filter_parser.parse(context)
   241      1967         1081      0.5      0.0              context.state = ParserState.INFO
   243      5901         3024      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.INFO:
   244                                                       # debug(context.variant_index, 'parse INFO')
   245      1967         4709      2.4      0.0              info_parser.parse(context)
   246      1967         1108      0.6      0.0              context.state = ParserState.FORMAT
   248      3934         2063      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.FORMAT:
   249      1967        10955      5.6      0.0              format_parser.parse(context)
   250      1967         1179      0.6      0.0              context.state = ParserState.CALLDATA
   252      1967          953      0.5      0.0          elif context.state == ParserState.CALLDATA:
   253      1967     23788570  12093.8     99.4              calldata_parser.parse(context)
   254      1967         1093      0.6      0.0              context.state = ParserState.CHROM
   256                                                       # setup next variant
   257                                                       # debug('setup next variant')
   258      1967          973      0.5      0.0              context.variant_index += 1
   259      1967          922      0.5      0.0              if context.chunk_variant_index < chunk_length - 1:
   260      1966          986      0.5      0.0                  context.chunk_variant_index += 1
   262                                                       else:
   264                                                           # build chunk for output
   265         1            2      2.0      0.0                  chunk = dict()
   266         1           47     47.0      0.0                  chrom_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   267         1           11     11.0      0.0                  pos_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   268         1           12     12.0      0.0                  id_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   269         1            9      9.0      0.0                  ref_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   270         1           16     16.0      0.0                  alt_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   271         1           10     10.0      0.0                  qual_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   272         1           16     16.0      0.0                  filter_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   273         1            1      1.0      0.0                  info_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   274         1         1460   1460.0      0.0                  calldata_parser.mkchunk(chunk)
   275                                                           # TODO yield
   276         1            2      2.0      0.0                  chunks.append(chunk)
   278                                                           # setup next chunk
   279         1            1      1.0      0.0                  context.chunk_variant_index = 0
   281                                                   else:
   282                                                       # shouldn't ever happen
   283                                                       raise RuntimeError('unexpected parser state')
   285                                               # left-over chunk
   286         1            1      1.0      0.0      limit = context.chunk_variant_index
   287         1            0      0.0      0.0      if limit > 0:
   288         1            1      1.0      0.0          chunk = dict()
   289         1           27     27.0      0.0          chrom_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   290         1           10     10.0      0.0          pos_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   291         1            9      9.0      0.0          id_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   292         1            7      7.0      0.0          ref_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   293         1           15     15.0      0.0          alt_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   294         1           18     18.0      0.0          qual_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   295         1           14     14.0      0.0          filter_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   296         1            1      1.0      0.0          info_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   297         1         1256   1256.0      0.0          calldata_parser.mkchunk(chunk, limit=limit)
   298                                                   # TODO yield
   299         1            1      1.0      0.0          chunks.append(chunk)
   301                                               # TODO yield
   302         1           17     17.0      0.0      return chunks

Total time: 13.673 s
File: /home/aliman/src/github/cggh/scikit-allel/allel/opt/io_vcf_read.pyx
Function: GenotypeInt8Parser_parse at line 1452

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
  1452                                           cpdef inline void GenotypeInt8Parser_parse(GenotypeInt8Parser self, ParserContext context):
  1453                                               cdef:
  1454   1520491       418450      0.3      3.1          int allele_index = 0
  1455                                               # debug('GenotypeInt8Parser_parse')
  1457                                               # reset temporary buffer
  1458   1520491       563282      0.4      4.1      temp_clear(context)
  1460   1520491       317756      0.2      2.3      while True:
  1462   6081964      1218841      0.2      8.9          if context.c == PERIOD:
  1463                                                       pass
  1465   6081964      1249002      0.2      9.1          elif context.c == SLASH or context.c == PIPE:
  1467   1520491      1531151      1.0     11.2              GenotypeInt8Parser_store(self, context, allele_index)
  1468   1520491       309492      0.2      2.3              allele_index += 1
  1469   1520491       572537      0.4      4.2              temp_clear(context)
  1471   4561473       970231      0.2      7.1          elif context.c == COLON or context.c == TAB or context.c == NEWLINE:
  1473   1520491      1500280      1.0     11.0              GenotypeInt8Parser_store(self, context, allele_index)
  1474   1520491       309290      0.2      2.3              break
  1476                                                   else:
  1478   3040982      1399506      0.5     10.2              temp_append(context)
  1480   4561473      3313201      0.7     24.2          ParserContext_next(context)
  1482                                               # debug(context.variant_index, context.sample_index, 'GT',
  1483                                               #       self.values[context.chunk_variant_index, context.sample_index])
  1486                                           cdef inline void GenotypeInt8Parser_store(GenotypeInt8Parser self, ParserContext context,
  1487                                                                                     int allele_index):
  1488                                               cdef:
  1489                                                   long allele
  1490                                                   char* str_end
  1492                                               if allele_index >= self.ploidy:
  1493                                                   # more alleles than we've made room for, ignore
  1494                                                   return
  1496                                               if context.temp_size == 0:
  1497                                                   # empty allele - note strictly kosher
  1498                                                   return
  1500                                               # attempt to parse allele
  1501                                               allele = temp_strtol(context, -1)
  1503                                               # store value
  1504                                               self.memory[context.chunk_variant_index, context.sample_index, allele_index] = allele
  1507                                           cdef class SkipInfoParser(Parser):
  1509                                               def __cinit__(self):
  1510                                                   pass
  1512                                               cdef parse(self, ParserContext context):
  1513                                                   # debug(context.variant_index, 'SkipInfoParser.parse', bytes([context.c]))
  1514                                                   SkipInfoParser_parse(self, context)

In [26]:
import vcfnp

In [28]:
%time vcfnp.calldata(prof_vcf_fn, fields=('genotype',))

[vcfnp] 2017-05-24 14:49:30.651145 :: caching is disabled
[vcfnp] 2017-05-24 14:49:30.651788 :: building array
CPU times: user 4.31 s, sys: 0 ns, total: 4.31 s
Wall time: 4.3 s
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      dtype=[('AB0085-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0087-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0088-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0089-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0090-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0091-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0092-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0094-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0095-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0097-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0098-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0099-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0100-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0101-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0103-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0104-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0109-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0110-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0111-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0112-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0113-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0114-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0117-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0119-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0122-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0123-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0124-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0126-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0127-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0128-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0129-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0130-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0133-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0134-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0135-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0136-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0137-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0138-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0139-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0140-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0142-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0143-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0145-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0146-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0147-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0148-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0151-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0153-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0155-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0157-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0158-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0159-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0160-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0161-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0164-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0166-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0169-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0170-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0171-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0172-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0173-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0174-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0175-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0176-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0177-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0178-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0179-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0181-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0182-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0183-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0184-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0185-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0186-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0187-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0188-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0189-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0190-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0191-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0192-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0197-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0198-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0199-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0201-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0202-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0203-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0204-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0205-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0206-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0207-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0208-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0209-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0210-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0211-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0212-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0213-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0217-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0219-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0221-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0222-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0223-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0224-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0226-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0227-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0228-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0229-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0231-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0233-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0234-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0235-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0236-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0237-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0238-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0239-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0240-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0241-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0242-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0243-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0244-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0246-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0249-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0250-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0251-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0252-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0253-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0256-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0257-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0258-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0260-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0261-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0262-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0263-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0264-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0265-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0266-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0267-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0268-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0270-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0271-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0272-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0273-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0274-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0276-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0277-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0278-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0279-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0280-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0281-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0282-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0283-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AB0284-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0090-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0091-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0092-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0093-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0094-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0095-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0096-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0097-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0098-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0099-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0100-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0101-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0102-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0103-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0104-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0106-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0107-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0108-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0109-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0110-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0111-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0112-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0113-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0114-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0115-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0116-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0117-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0118-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0119-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0120-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0121-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0122-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0123-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0124-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0125-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0126-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0127-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0128-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0129-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0130-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0131-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0132-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0133-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0135-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0136-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0137-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0138-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0139-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0140-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0142-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0143-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0144-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0145-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0147-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0148-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0149-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0150-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0151-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0152-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0153-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0154-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0156-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0158-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0159-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0160-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0161-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0162-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0163-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0164-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0166-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0167-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0168-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0169-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0170-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0171-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0172-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0173-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0174-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0176-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0178-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0179-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0180-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0181-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0182-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0183-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0184-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0186-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0187-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0188-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0189-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0190-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0191-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0192-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0193-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0194-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0195-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0196-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0197-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0199-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0200-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0201-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0202-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AC0203-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0023-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0024-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0032-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0035-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0036-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0039-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0043-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0044-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0045-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0047-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0051-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0052-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0056-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0061-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0063-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0064-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0066-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0070-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0071-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0072-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0074-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0075-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0076-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0077-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0078-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0081-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0084-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0085-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0086-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0088-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0090-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0092-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0093-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0096-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0097-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0098-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0100-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0101-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0102-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0103-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0105-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0107-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0109-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0113-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0115-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AJ0116-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0065-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0066-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0067-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0068-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0069-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0070-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0072-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0073-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0074-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0075-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0076-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0077-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0078-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0079-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0080-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0081-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0082-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0085-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0086-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0087-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0088-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0089-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0090-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0091-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0092-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0093-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0094-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0095-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0096-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0098-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0099-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0100-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0101-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0102-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0103-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0104-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0105-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0106-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0108-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0109-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0110-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0116-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0119-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AK0127-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0007-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0008-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0009-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0010-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0011-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0012-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0014-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0016-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0017-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0018-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0019-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0020-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0022-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0023-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0024-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0025-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0026-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0027-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0028-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0029-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0030-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0031-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0032-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0033-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0034-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0035-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0036-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0037-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0038-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0039-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0040-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0041-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0042-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0043-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0045-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0046-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0047-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0048-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0049-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0050-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0051-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0053-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0054-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0055-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0056-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0057-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0058-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0059-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0060-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0063-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0064-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0065-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0066-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0067-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0068-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0069-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0070-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0071-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0072-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0073-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0074-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0075-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0076-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0077-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0079-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0080-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0081-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0082-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0083-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0084-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0085-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0086-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0087-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0088-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0089-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0090-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0091-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0092-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0093-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0094-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0095-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0096-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0097-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0098-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0099-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0100-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0101-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0102-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0103-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0104-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0105-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0106-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0107-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0108-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0109-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0111-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0112-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0113-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0114-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0115-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0117-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0120-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0121-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0122-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0123-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0124-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0125-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0126-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0127-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0128-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0129-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0130-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0131-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0132-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0134-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0135-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0136-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0137-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0138-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0139-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0140-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0141-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0143-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0147-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0149-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0151-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0152-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0153-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0154-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0155-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0156-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0157-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0158-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0159-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0160-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0162-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0163-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0164-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0165-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0166-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0167-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0168-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0169-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0170-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0171-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0172-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0173-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0174-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0175-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0176-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0177-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0178-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0179-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0180-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0181-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0182-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0183-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0184-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0185-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0186-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0187-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0188-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0189-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0190-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0191-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0192-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0193-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0194-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0196-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0197-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0198-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0199-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0200-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0201-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0202-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0203-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0204-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0205-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0206-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0207-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0208-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0209-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0210-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0212-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0213-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0214-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0215-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0217-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0218-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0219-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0220-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0221-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0222-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0223-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0224-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0225-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0226-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0227-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0228-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0229-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0230-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0231-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0233-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0234-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0235-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0236-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0237-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0238-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0239-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0240-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0241-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0242-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0243-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0244-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0245-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0246-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0247-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0248-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0250-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0251-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0252-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0253-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0254-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0255-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0256-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0258-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0259-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0260-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0261-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0262-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0263-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0264-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0266-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0267-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0268-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0269-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0270-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0272-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0275-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0276-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0277-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0280-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0282-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0283-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0284-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0285-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0286-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0287-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0288-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0290-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0291-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0292-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0294-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0295-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0296-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0297-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0298-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0299-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0300-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0301-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0303-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0304-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0305-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0307-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0308-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0309-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0310-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0312-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0313-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0314-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0315-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0317-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0318-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0319-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AN0321-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0007-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0008-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0009-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0010-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0011-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0012-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0014-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0015-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0017-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0019-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0020-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0021-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0022-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0023-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0024-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0026-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0027-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0034-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0035-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0042-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0043-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0045-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0047-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0049-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0050-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0051-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0053-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0054-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0057-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0059-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0061-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0062-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0063-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0065-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0066-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0069-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0070-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0071-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0072-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0073-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0074-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0075-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0076-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0078-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0079-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0080-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0081-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0083-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0084-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0086-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0087-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0089-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0090-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0092-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0093-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0095-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0096-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0098-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0099-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AR0100-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0001-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0002-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0003-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0004-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0006-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0007-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0008-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0009-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0010-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0011-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0012-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0013-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0014-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0015-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0016-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0017-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0018-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0019-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0020-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0021-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0022-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0024-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0026-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0028-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0030-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0032-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0033-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0034-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0035-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0036-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0037-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0039-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0042-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0044-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0045-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0047-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0049-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0052-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0053-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0054-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0055-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0056-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0058-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0059-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0064-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0065-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0066-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0068-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0069-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0070-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0071-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0072-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0073-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0074-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0076-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AS0077-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0001-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0002-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0003-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0004-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0005-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0007-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0008-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0009-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0010-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0011-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0012-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0013-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0014-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0015-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0018-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0024-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0026-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0027-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0029-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0030-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0031-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0032-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0033-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0034-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0035-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0036-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0039-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0041-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0044-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0045-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AV0047-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0231-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0232-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0254-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0255-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0305-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0306-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0347-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))]), ('AD0348-C', [('genotype', 'i1', (2,))])])

In [29]:
4.3 / 0.09



In [ ]:
vcf_block_read(vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15, block_size=2**25)

In [3]:
%time spike_read_len(vcf_fn, buffer_size=10)

CPU times: user 700 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 700 ms
Wall time: 697 ms

In [4]:
%timeit spike_read_len(vcf_fn, buffer_size=100)

10 loops, best of 3: 105 ms per loop

In [5]:
%timeit spike_read_len(vcf_fn, buffer_size=1000)

10 loops, best of 3: 50 ms per loop

In [6]:
%timeit spike_read_len(vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15)

10 loops, best of 3: 39 ms per loop

In [7]:
%timeit spike_read_len(vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**12)

10 loops, best of 3: 45.3 ms per loop

In [8]:
import cProfile

In [9]:'spike_read_len(vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**15)', sort='time')

         6146762 function calls (6146566 primitive calls) in 0.941 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.584    0.584    0.941    0.941 io_vcf.pyx:90(spike_read_len)
  6140662    0.322    0.000    0.356    0.000 io_vcf.pyx:74(BufferedInputStream_next)
      189    0.019    0.000    0.019    0.000 {method 'decompress' of 'zlib.Decompress' objects}
      285    0.008    0.000    0.008    0.000 {built-in method zlib.crc32}
  385/189    0.001    0.000    0.033    0.000 {method 'read' of '_io.BufferedReader' objects}
      190    0.001    0.000    0.031    0.000
      190    0.001    0.000    0.033    0.000
      761    0.001    0.000    0.001    0.000
      189    0.001    0.000    0.034    0.000
      189    0.000    0.000    0.035    0.000 io_vcf.pyx:56(BufferedInputStream_fill_buffer)
       97    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
       95    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
      188    0.000    0.000    0.008    0.000
      380    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.000
      283    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
       96    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method zlib.decompressobj}
      189    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
     1610    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.len}
      285    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method _struct.unpack}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.941    0.941 {built-in method builtins.exec}
      190    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'cast' of 'memoryview' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method}
       97    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
      191    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        2    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'close' of '_io.BufferedReader' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.941    0.941 <string>:1(<module>)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.001    0.001 io_vcf.pyx:44(__cinit__)
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'replace' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'startswith' of 'str' objects}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {built-in method builtins.isinstance}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {function DecompressReader.close at 0x7f1ca6ab9c80}
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

In [10]:
import line_profiler

l = line_profiler.LineProfiler()
l.runcall(spike_read_len, vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**14)


In [ ]:
l = line_profiler.CLineProfiler

In [3]:


In [ ]:
blocks = io_vcf.vcf_block_read(vcf_fn, buffer_size=2**16, block_size=1000)

HeaderParser_parse 37873392 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873413 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873474 35
b'##INFO=<ID=AC,Number=A,Type=Integer,Description="Allele countin genotypes, for each ALT allele, in the same order aslisted">'
HeaderParser_parse 37873599 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873632 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873665 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873698 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873731 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873766 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873798 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873837 35
HeaderParser_parse 37873944 35

In [ ]: