In [1]:
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import os

from myhdl import *
from support import vcd

from test_01_mex import stimulator
from test_01_mex import test

%matplotlib inline

** UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.

MyHDL Function (module)

An introductory MyHDL tutorial presents a small example towards the begining of the post. A MyHDL anatomy graphic (see below) is used to describe the parts of a MyHDL module. Note, the nomenclature is a little odd here, in Python a module is a file and in MyHDL a module (typically sometimes called a component) is a Python function that describes a set of hardware behavior. Hardware module is commonly used to name an HDL component in a digital circuit - the use has been propagated forward.

MyHDL Module Anatomy

A Shift Register

What exactly does a shift register do? In the exercise description section there is a link to a short video describing a shift register. Basically, to generate a shift register all we really need is a description of what the expected behavior is. In this case we have a parallel value, load_value, that will be serialized to a single bit, the following table shows the temporal behavior. If we have an constrained integer with a maximum value of 256, the following will be the behavior:

Time | load | ival (d) | shift (b) | obit
T0   | 1    |  32      | 0000_0000 | 0
T1   | 0    |  X       | 0010_0000 | 0
T2   | 0    |  X       | 0100_0000 | 0
T3   | 0    |  X       | 1000_0000 | 1
T4   | 0    |  X       | 0000_0001 | 0
T5   | 0    |  X       | 0000_0010 | 0

In the above table abbreviations are used for the Signals listed in the module.

  • ival: initial_value
  • shift: shiftreg
  • obit: output_bit

Exercise Description

This exercise is to implement the shift register shown with the following additions:

  1. Make the shift register circular
  2. Add an inital condition parameter initial_value

To make the the shift register(YouTube) circular connect the most-significant-bit (msb) to the least-significant-bit (lsb).

Sections from the MyHDL manual that may be useful:

  1. Bit indexing and slicing
  2. Signals, Why Signal Assignments
  3. The concat function

Fill in the body of the following and then run the test cell.


  1. An internal signal will be used to represent the shift register. The width (max value) of the register is determined by the type of load_value.

In [2]:
def shifty(clock, reset, load, load_value, output_bit, initial_value=0):
       load: input, load strobe, load the `load_value`
       load_value: input, the value to be loaded
       output_bit: output, The most significant 
       initial_value: internal shift registers initial value (value after reset)
    assert isinstance(load_value.val, intbv)
    # the internal shift register will be the same sizes as the `load_value`
    shiftreg = Signal(intbv(initial_value, 
                            min=load_value.min, max=load_value.max))
    mask = shiftreg.max-1
    # non-working template
    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh(): = shiftreg[0]
    # for monitoring, access outside this function
    shifty.shiftreg = shiftreg
    return beh

The following function will stimulate the above MyHDL module. The stimulator all exercise the module in the same way whereas the verification (test) will use random values for testing and test numerous cycles. The cell after the stimulator is a cell that plots the waveform of the stimulator. Waring, the embedded VCD waveform plotter is beta and very limited. It is useful for very simple waveforms. For full waveform viewing use an external tool such as gtkwave.

In [3]:

Last 20 clock cycles
 sim step | load      | load_val~ | output_b~ | shiftreg  | 
 75       |        0  | 00000000  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 85       |        0  | 00000000  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 95       |        0  | 00000000  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 105      |        1  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 115      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 125      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 135      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 145      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 155      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 165      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 175      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 185      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 195      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 205      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 215      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 225      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 235      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 245      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 255      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 
 265      |        0  | 00000001  |        0  | 00000080  | 

In [4]:
# Note, the following waveform plotter is experimental.  Using 
# an external waveform viewer, like gtkwave, would be useful.

(<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x74614a8>,
 <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x74b1240>)

After the above shifty implementation has been coded, run the next cell to test and verify the behavior of the described digital circuit. If the test fails it will print out a number of simuilation steps and some values. The VCD file can be displayed via the vcd.parse_and_plot('vcd/01_mex_test.vcd') function (same as above and the same basic waveforms warning) for debug or use an eternal waveform viewer (e.g. gtkwave) to view the simulation waveform and debug.

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# View the generated VHDL
%less output/shifty.vhd

In [ ]:
# View the generated Verilog
%less output/shifty.v