
  1. Download and install MiCall (MultiUseDocker branch, non-denovo) to a folder (/local/repo):
git clone
cd MiCall
git checkout MultiUseDocker
docker build --target dev -t micall .

If the docker command does not work try prefixing the command with sudo and/or ensuring the docker daemon is running (sudo systemctl start docker or sudo service docker start

  1. Collect data

    1. Search for SARS-COV-2 on NCBI SRA (
    2. Download and install the SRA toolkit from NCBI (
    3. Use the command (replace SRA number with your own) `fastq-dump --split-3 SRR11851926
    4. This will yield 2 fastq files:
      1. SRR11851926_1.fastq
      2. SRR11851926_2.fastq
    5. Put the two fastq files into a folder, let's call it /path/to/fastq_files
    6. Repeat steps 2-5 until you have the desired number of samples
  2. Run MiCall

    1. Set up Docker
    2. Run docker on your data folder

      docker run --mount type=bind,source=/local/repo/MiCall,destination=/opt/micall --mount type=bind,source=/path/to/fastq_files,destination=/data micall folder
    3. You should have a Results folder in your /path/to/fastq_files that contains an output folder and a scratch folder. For this analysis we will focus on the scratch folder which should contain a folder for every sample you processed
  3. For each sample you downloaded, you must add an entry into the /local/repo/MiCall/micall/utils/ script in the MAPPING variable. Add a 4-column (space-delimited) line in the format:

    1. sample_name
    2. sample_type
    3. date
    4. reference_name

      e.g. SRR11578349_1.fastq RNA-Seq 2020-05-04 EPI_ISL_427024.

  4. You must also add the reference sequences to /local/repo/MiCall/micall/tests/working/fetched_accessions.fasta, most of them can be found by searching using the named reference in the SRA entry or other keywords from the SRA page (NRW-???).

    1. Ensure that the sequence names n this fasta (e.g. >ABC) match column 4 of at least one entry in the MAPPING variable in step 4 (e.g. X X X ABC)
    2. Set conseq_path to be the path to your conseq_all.csv file which will be in /path/to/fastq_files/Results/output
  5. Run /local/repo/MiCall/micall/utils/ For this step I used the script from the dan_latest branch:

docker run --mount type=bind,source=/local/repo/MiCall,destination=/opt/micall -it --rm -w /opt/micall --entrypoint python micall -m micall.utils.conseq_compare
  1. You should now have all the data necessary (check the sample folders in /path/to/fastq_files/Results/scratch for data.csv and data_extended.csv)

In [2]:
from pathlib import Path
import os
import csv
import pandas as pd
import yaml
import numpy as np
import statistics
from operator import itemgetter

In [1]:
def get_mixtures(row):
    total = row['A'] + row['T'] + row['C'] + row['G']
    thresh = 0.05 * total
    alleles = {
        'qpos': int(row['query.nuc.pos']),
        'mixtures': {}
    if row['coverage'] > 100:
        for aa in ('A', 'C', 'T', 'G'):
            if row[aa] > thresh:
                alleles['mixtures'][aa] = round((row[aa] / row['coverage'] * 100), 2)
    if len(alleles['mixtures']) > 1:
        return alleles
        return None

In [ ]:
BASE = Path('/path/to/fastq_files')
ROOT = BASE / 'Results' / 'scratch'
samples = os.listdir(ROOT)

In [ ]:
results = {}
for sample in samples:
    results[sample] = {}
    data = ROOT / sample / 'data.csv'
    data_extended = ROOT / sample / 'data_extended.csv'
    nucs = ROOT / sample / 'nuc.csv'
    conseq_all = ROOT / sample / 'conseq_all.csv'
    # Get length of conseq
    conseqs = pd.read_csv(conseq_all)
    conseq_len = len(conseqs[conseqs['region'].isnull()]['sequence'].iloc[0])
    results[sample]['conseq_len'] = conseq_len
    # Get concordances
    with open(data_extended) as f:
        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
        for row in reader:
            results[sample]['concordance'] = row['concordance']
    # Get coverages
    datafile = pd.read_csv(data)
    for _type in ('mismatch', 'deletion', 'addition'):
        info = datafile[
            (datafile['type'] == _type)
        results[sample][_type] = info
    # Get mixtures
    nucsfile = pd.read_csv(nucs)
    nucsfile = nucsfile[
    nucsfile['mixtures'] = nucsfile.apply(compute, axis=1)
    nucsfile = nucsfile[
    results[sample]['mixtures'] = nucsfile

Get the number of samples N

In [ ]:
N = len(results)
print(f'We tested {N} samples')

Get the total number of nucleotides across all samples

In [ ]:
total_nucleotides = sum([results[x]['conseq_len'] for x in results])

Get a dataframe of the mismatches only

In [ ]:
mismatches = pd.concat(
    [results[sample]['mismatch'] for sample in results]

Get the number of mismatches

In [ ]:
n_mismatches = len(mismatches)

Get the number of unique mismatches

In [ ]:
unique_mismacthes = len(mismatches['sample'].unique())

Match mixtures with mismatch positions

In [ ]:
mismatch_data = []
for i,row in mismatches.iterrows():
    thing = row.to_dict()
    mixtures = results[row['sample']]['mixtures']
    matching_mixture = None
    for mix in mixtures:
        if mix['qpos'] == row.pos:
            matching_mixture = mix
    if matching_mixture:
        thing['match'] = True
        thing['match'] = False

Print information on the mismatches per sample

In [ ]:
mismatches_per_sample = [len(results[x]['mismatch']) for x in results]
median = statistics.median(mismatches_per_sample)
mean = round(statistics.mean(mismatches_per_sample), 3)
q75, q25 = np.percentile(mismatches_per_sample, [75 ,25], interpolation='midpoint')
iqr = q75 - q25

print(f'median number of mismatches per sample: {median}')
print(f'mean number of mismatches per sample: {mean}')
print(f'25th percentile of mismatches: {q25}')
print(f'75th percentile of mismatches: {q75}')
print(f'iqr number of mismatches per sample: {iqr}')

Print information on the concordances per sample

In [ ]:
concord = [float(results[x]['concordance']) for x in results]
median = statistics.median(concord)
mean = round(statistics.mean(concord), 3)
q75, q25 = np.percentile(concord, [75 ,25], interpolation='midpoint')
iqr = round(q75 - q25, 4)

print(f'median concordance: {median}')
print(f'mean concordance: {mean}')
print(f'25th percentile: {q25}')
print(f'75th percentile: {q75}')
print(f'iqr concordance: {iqr}')

Print information on the number of mixtures per sample

In [ ]:
mixnums = [len(results[s]['mixtures']) for s in results]
median = statistics.median(mixnums)
mean = round(statistics.mean(mixnums), 3)
q75, q25 = np.percentile(mixnums, [75 ,25], interpolation='midpoint')
iqr = q75 - q25

print(f'total number of mixtures: {sum(mixnums)}')
print(f'median number of mixtures: {median}')
print(f'mean number of mixtures: {mean}')
print(f'25th percentile: {q25}')
print(f'75th percentile: {q75}')
print(f'iqr number of mixtures: {iqr}')

Print information on the minor frequency alleles (If a position has 60% A and 40% T, the minor frequency allele is T)

In [ ]:
minor_freqs = []
for sample in results:
    _min = None
    for mix in results[sample]['mixtures']:
        if not _min:
            _min = min(mix['mixtures'].items(), key=itemgetter(1))
        mymin = min(mix['mixtures'].items(), key=itemgetter(1))
        if mymin < _min:
            _min = mymin
    if _min:
minor_freqs = [x[1] for x in minor_freqs]
median = round(statistics.median(minor_freqs), 2)
mean = round(statistics.mean(minor_freqs), 2)
q75, q25 = np.percentile(minor_freqs, [75 ,25], interpolation='midpoint')
iqr = round(q75 - q25, 4)

print(f'median minor allele frequency: {median}')
print(f'mean minor allele frequency: {mean}')
print(f'25th percentile: {q25}')
print(f'75th percentile: {q75}')
print(f'iqr minor allele frequency: {iqr}')