Test Unfold 5B

Version 17.0 example for multi-dimensional unfolding

Author: Stefan Schmitt, DESY
This notebook tutorial was automatically generated with ROOTBOOK-izer (Beta) from the macro found in the ROOT repository on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 04:37 PM.

In [1]:
%%cpp -d
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include "TUnfoldBinning.h"

using namespace std;

In [2]:
// write binning schemes to root file
  TFile *binningSchemes=new TFile("testUnfold5_binning.root","recreate");

  // reconstructed pt, eta, discriminator
#define NBIN_PT_FINE 8
#define NBIN_ETA_FINE 10
#define NBIN_DISCR 4

  // generated pt, eta
#define NBIN_PT_COARSE 3

  // pt binning
  Double_t ptBinsFine[NBIN_PT_FINE+1]=
  Double_t ptBinsCoarse[NBIN_PT_COARSE+1]=
  {    4.0,    5.0,    7.0,    10.0};
  // eta binning
  Double_t etaBinsFine[NBIN_ETA_FINE+1]=
  Double_t etaBinsCoarse[NBIN_ETA_COARSE+1]=
  {         -2.0,    -0.5,    0.5,   2. };

  // discriminator bins
  Double_t discrBins[NBIN_DISCR+1]={0.,0.15,0.5,0.85,1.0};

  // detector level binning scheme

  TUnfoldBinning *detectorBinning=new TUnfoldBinning("detector");
  // highest discriminator bin has fine binning
  TUnfoldBinning *detectorDistribution=
                             false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed)
                             true // overflow bin
                             false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed)
                             false // no overflow bin (not reconstructed)
                             false, // no underflow bin (empty)
                             false // no overflow bin (empty)
  /* TUnfoldBinning *detectorExtra=
  detectorBinning->AddBinning("detectorextra",7,"one;zwei;three"); */

  // generator level binning
  TUnfoldBinning *generatorBinning=new TUnfoldBinning("generator");

  // signal distribution is measured with coarse binning
  // underflow and overflow bins are needed ot take care of
  // what happens outside the phase-space
  TUnfoldBinning *signalBinning = generatorBinning->AddBinning("signal");
                      true, // underflow bin
                      true // overflow bin
                      true, // underflow bin
                      true // overflow bin
  // background distribution is unfolded with fine binning
  // !!! in the reconstructed variable !!!
  // This has the effect of "normalizing" the background in each
  // pt,eta bin to the low discriminator values
  // Only the shape of the discriminator in each (pt,eta) bin
  // is taken from Monte Carlo
  // This method has been applied e.g. in
  //   H1 Collaboration, "Prompt photons in Photoproduction"
  //   Eur.Phys.J. C66 (2010) 17
  TUnfoldBinning *bgrBinning = generatorBinning->AddBinning("background");
                   false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed)
                   true // overflow bin
                   false, // no underflow bin (not reconstructed)
                   false // no overflow bin (not reconstructed)


  delete binningSchemes;

TUnfoldBinning "detector" has 360 bins [1,361] nTH1x=360
  TUnfoldBinning "detectordistribution" has 360 bins [1,361] nTH1x=360
   distribution: 360 bins
    "pt" nbin=8 plus overflow
    "eta" nbin=10
    "discriminator" nbin=4
TUnfoldBinning "generator" has 115 bins [1,116] nTH1x=115
  TUnfoldBinning "signal" has 25 bins [1,26] nTH1x=25
   distribution: 25 bins
    "ptgen" nbin=3 plus underflow plus overflow
    "etagen" nbin=3 plus underflow plus overflow
  TUnfoldBinning "background" has 90 bins [26,116] nTH1x=90
   distribution: 90 bins
    "ptrec" nbin=8 plus overflow
    "etarec" nbin=10