Test Unfold 2

Test program as an example for a user specific regularisation scheme

  1. Generate Monte Carlo and Data events The events consist of

    • signal
    • background

      The signal is a resonance. It is generated with a Breit-Wigner, smeared by a Gaussian

  2. Unfold the data. The result is:

    • The background level
    • The shape of the resonance, corrected for detector effects

      The regularisation is done on the curvature, excluding the bins near the peak.

  3. produce some plots

    Version 17.0, updated for changed methods in TUnfold


    • Version 16.1, parallel to changes in TUnfold
    • Version 16.0, parallel to changes in TUnfold
    • Version 15, with automatic L-curve scan, simplified example
    • Version 14, with changes in TUnfoldSys.cxx
    • Version 13, with changes to TUnfold.C
    • Version 12, with improvements to TUnfold.cxx
    • Version 11, print chi**2 and number of degrees of freedom
    • Version 10, with bug-fix in TUnfold.cxx
    • Version 9, with bug-fix in TUnfold.cxx, TUnfold.h
    • Version 8, with bug-fix in TUnfold.cxx, TUnfold.h
    • Version 7, with bug-fix in TUnfold.cxx, TUnfold.h
    • Version 6a, fix problem with dynamic array allocation under windows
    • Version 6, re-include class MyUnfold in the example
    • Version 5, move class MyUnfold to seperate files
    • Version 4, with bug-fix in TUnfold.C
    • Version 3, with bug-fix in TUnfold.C
    • Version 2, with changed ScanLcurve() arguments
    • Version 1, remove L curve analysis, use ScanLcurve() method instead
    • Version 0, L curve analysis included here

Author: Stefan Schmitt, DESY
This notebook tutorial was automatically generated with ROOTBOOK-izer (Beta) from the macro found in the ROOT repository on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 04:36 PM.

In [1]:
%%cpp -d
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TRandom3.h>
#include <TFitter.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TVector.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include "TUnfold.h"

using namespace std;

TRandom *rnd=0;

generate an event output: negative mass: background event positive mass: signal event

In [2]:
%%cpp -d
Double_t GenerateEvent(Double_t bgr, // relative fraction of background
                       Double_t mass, // peak position
                       Double_t gamma /* peak width*/ )
  Double_t t;
  if(rnd->Rndm()>bgr) {
    // generate signal event
    // with positive mass
    do {
      do {
      } while(t>=1.0);
    } while(t<=0.0);
    return t;
  } else {
    // generate background event
    // generate events following a power-law distribution
    //   f(E) = K * TMath::power((E0+E),N0)
    static Double_t const E0=2.4;
    static Double_t const N0=2.9;
    do {
      do {
      } while(t>=1.0);
      // the mass is returned negative
      // In our example a convenient way to indicate it is a background event.
      t= -(TMath::Power(1.-t,1./(1.-N0))-1.0)*E0;
    } while(t>=0.0);
    return t;

smear the event to detector level input: mass on generator level (mTrue>0 !) output: mass on detector level

In [3]:
%%cpp -d
Double_t DetectorEvent(Double_t mTrue) {
  // smear by double-gaussian
  static Double_t frac=0.1;
  static Double_t wideBias=0.03;
  static Double_t wideSigma=0.5;
  static Double_t smallBias=0.0;
  static Double_t smallSigma=0.1;
  if(rnd->Rndm()>frac) {
    return rnd->Gaus(mTrue+smallBias,smallSigma);
  } else {
    return rnd->Gaus(mTrue+wideBias,wideSigma);

In [4]:
// switch on histogram errors

  // random generator
  rnd=new TRandom3();

  // data and MC luminosity, cross-section
  Double_t const luminosityData=100000;
  Double_t const luminosityMC=1000000;
  Double_t const crossSection=1.0;

  Int_t const nDet=250;
  Int_t const nGen=100;
  Double_t const xminDet=0.0;
  Double_t const xmaxDet=10.0;
  Double_t const xminGen=0.0;
  Double_t const xmaxGen=10.0;

  // generate MC distribution
  TH1D *histMgenMC=new TH1D("MgenMC",";mass(gen)",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen);
  TH1D *histMdetMC=new TH1D("MdetMC",";mass(det)",nDet,xminDet,xmaxDet);
  TH2D *histMdetGenMC=new TH2D("MdetgenMC",";mass(det);mass(gen)",nDet,xminDet,xmaxDet,
  Int_t neventMC=rnd->Poisson(luminosityMC*crossSection);
  for(Int_t i=0;i<neventMC;i++) {
 Double_t mGen=GenerateEvent(0.3, // relative fraction of background
                             4.0, // peak position in MC
                             0.2); // peak width in MC
 Double_t mDet=DetectorEvent(TMath::Abs(mGen));
 // the generated mass is negative for background
 // and positive for signal
 // so it will be filled in the underflow bin
 // this is very convenient for the unfolding:
 // the unfolded result will contain the number of background
 // events in the underflow bin

 // generated MC distribution (for comparison only)
 // reconstructed MC distribution (for comparison only)

 // matrix describing how the generator input migrates to the
 // reconstructed level. Unfolding input.
 // NOTE on underflow/overflow bins:
 //  (1) the detector level under/overflow bins are used for
 //       normalisation ("efficiency" correction)
 //       in our toy example, these bins are populated from tails
 //       of the initial MC distribution.
 //  (2) the generator level underflow/overflow bins are
 //       unfolded. In this example:
 //       underflow bin: background events reconstructed in the detector
 //       overflow bin: signal events generated at masses > xmaxDet
 // for the unfolded result these bins will be filled
 //  -> the background normalisation will be contained in the underflow bin

  // generate data distribution
  TH1D *histMgenData=new TH1D("MgenData",";mass(gen)",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen);
  TH1D *histMdetData=new TH1D("MdetData",";mass(det)",nDet,xminDet,xmaxDet);
  Int_t neventData=rnd->Poisson(luminosityData*crossSection);
  for(Int_t i=0;i<neventData;i++) {
 Double_t mGen=GenerateEvent(0.4, // relative fraction of background
                             3.8, // peak position
                             0.15); // peak width
 Double_t mDet=DetectorEvent(TMath::Abs(mGen));
 // generated data mass for comparison plots
 // for real data, we do not have this histogram

 // reconstructed mass, unfolding input

  // set up the unfolding
  TUnfold unfold(histMdetGenMC,TUnfold::kHistMapOutputVert,
  // regularisation
  // the regularisation is done on the curvature (2nd derivative) of
  // the output distribution
  // One has to exclude the bins near the peak of the Breit-Wigner,
  // because there the curvature is high
  // (and the regularisation eventually could enforce a small
  //  curvature, thus biasing result)
  // in real life, the parameters below would have to be optimized,
  // depending on the data peak position and width
  // Or maybe one finds a different regularisation scheme... this is
  // just an example...
  Double_t estimatedPeakPosition=3.8;
  Int_t nPeek=3;
  TUnfold::ERegMode regMode=TUnfold::kRegModeCurvature;
  // calculate bin number correspoinding to estimated peak position
  Int_t iPeek=(Int_t)(nGen*(estimatedPeakPosition-xminGen)/(xmaxGen-xminGen)
                   // offset 1.5
                   // accounts for start bin 1
                   // and rounding errors +0.5
  // regularize output bins 1..iPeek-nPeek
  // regularize output bins iPeek+nPeek..nGen

  // unfolding

  // set input distribution and bias scale (=0)
  if(unfold.SetInput(histMdetData,0.0)>=10000) {
 std::cout<<"Unfolding result may be wrong\n";

  // do the unfolding here
  Double_t tauMin=0.0;
  Double_t tauMax=0.0;
  Int_t nScan=30;
  Int_t iBest;
  TSpline *logTauX,*logTauY;
  TGraph *lCurve;
  // this method scans the parameter tau and finds the kink in the L curve
  // finally, the unfolding is done for the "best" choice of tau
        <<" / "<<unfold.GetNdf()<<"\n";

  // save point corresponding to the kink in the L curve as TGraph
  Double_t t[1],x[1],y[1];
  TGraph *bestLcurve=new TGraph(1,x,y);
  TGraph *bestLogTauX=new TGraph(1,t,x);

  // extract unfolding results into histograms

  // set up a bin map, excluding underflow and overflow bins
  // the binMap relates the the output of the unfolding to the final
  // histogram bins
  Int_t *binMap=new Int_t[nGen+2];
  for(Int_t i=1;i<=nGen;i++) binMap[i]=i;

  TH1D *histMunfold=new TH1D("Unfolded",";mass(gen)",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen);
  TH1D *histMdetFold=new TH1D("FoldedBack","mass(det)",nDet,xminDet,xmaxDet);

  // store global correlation coefficients
  TH1D *histRhoi=new TH1D("rho_I","mass",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen);

  delete[] binMap;

  // plot some histograms
  TCanvas *output = new TCanvas();

  // produce some plots

  // Show the matrix which connects input and output
  // There are overflow bins at the bottom, not shown in the plot
  // These contain the background shape.
  // The overflow bins to the left and right contain
  // events which are not reconstructed. These are necessary for proper MC
  // normalisation

  // draw generator-level distribution:
  //   data (red) [for real data this is not available]
  //   MC input (black) [with completely wrong peak position and shape]
  //   unfolded data (blue)
  histMgenMC->Draw("SAME HIST");

  // show detector level distributions
  //    data (red)
  //    MC (black)
  //    unfolded data (blue)
  histMdetMC->Draw("SAME HIST");

  // show correlation coefficients
  //     all bins outside the peak are found to be highly correlated
  //     But they are compatible with zero anyway
  //     If the peak shape is fitted,
  //     these correlations have to be taken into account, see example

  // show rhoi_max(tau) distribution


  return 0;

Info in <TUnfold::SetConstraint>: fConstraint=1
Info in <TUnfold::TUnfold>: 250 input bins and 102 output bins (includes 2 underflow/overflow bins)
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-Infinity X=2.186918 Y=8.913305
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.316953 X=2.218441 Y=7.452705
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.816953 X=2.197007 Y=8.159573
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-4.316953 X=2.187673 Y=8.747364
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.566953 X=2.205690 Y=7.815298
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-4.066953 X=2.190590 Y=8.508864
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.441953 X=2.211366 Y=7.640910
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.941953 X=2.193437 Y=8.340054
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.691953 X=2.201051 Y=7.984482
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-4.191953 X=2.188699 Y=8.647055
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.379453 X=2.214719 Y=7.548752
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.879453 X=2.195152 Y=8.249925
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.754453 X=2.198973 Y=8.070882
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.504453 X=2.208369 Y=7.729472
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.629453 X=2.203272 Y=7.899759
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-4.004453 X=2.191902 Y=8.427286
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-4.129453 X=2.189523 Y=8.582569
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-4.254453 X=2.188095 Y=8.701883
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.348203 X=2.216535 Y=7.501212
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.410703 X=2.212997 Y=7.595312
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.848203 X=2.196065 Y=8.204633
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.910703 X=2.194275 Y=8.295174
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.785703 X=2.197977 Y=8.114949
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.473203 X=2.209825 Y=7.685600
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.973203 X=2.192644 Y=8.384211
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.723203 X=2.199997 Y=8.027409
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.535703 X=2.206993 Y=7.772651
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.660703 X=2.202141 Y=7.941987
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-3.598203 X=2.204453 Y=7.857599
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: logtau=-4.035703 X=2.191216 Y=8.468939
chi**2=160.946+4.9728 / 147
Info in <TUnfold::ScanLcurve>: Result logtau=-3.543080 X=2.206680 Y=7.782760

Draw all canvases

In [5]: