In [1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

# supress warnings
import warnings


NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
A derived index that correlates well with the existance of vegetation.

$$ NDVI = \frac{(NIR - RED)}{(NIR + RED)}$$

In [2]:
def NDVI(dataset):
    return (dataset.nir - +


NDWI Normalized Difference Water Index
A derived index that correlates well with the existance of water.

$$ NDWI = \frac{GREEN - NIR}{GREEN + NIR}$$

In [3]:
def NDWI(dataset):
    return ( - dataset.nir)/( + dataset.nir)


NDWI Normalized Difference Build-Up Index
A derived index that correlates well with the existance of urbanization.

$$ NDBI = \frac{(SWIR - NIR)}{(SWIR + NIR)}$$

In [4]:
def NDBI(dataset):
        return (dataset.swir2 - dataset.nir)/(dataset.swir2 + dataset.nir)


Recent-Pixel-First Mosaic
A cloud free representation of satellite imagery. Works by masking out clouds from imagery, and using the most recent cloud-free pixels in an image.

In [5]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_mosaic import create_mosaic, ls8_unpack_qa
import numpy as np

def mosaic(dataset):
    # The mask here is based on pixel_qa. It comes bundled in with most Landsat Products.
    clear_xarray  = ls8_unpack_qa(dataset.pixel_qa, "clear")  # Boolean Xarray indicating landcover
    water_xarray  = ls8_unpack_qa(dataset.pixel_qa, "water")  # Boolean Xarray indicating watercover
    cloud_free_boolean_mask = np.logical_or(clear_xarray, water_xarray)
    return create_mosaic(dataset, clean_mask = cloud_free_boolean_mask)

Median Mosaic
A cloud free representation fo satellite imagery. Works by masking out clouds from imagery, and using the median valued cloud-free pixels in the time series

In [6]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_mosaic import create_median_mosaic, ls8_unpack_qa

def median_mosaic(dataset):
    # The mask here is based on pixel_qa. It comes bundled in with most Landsat Products.
    clear_xarray  = ls8_unpack_qa(dataset.pixel_qa, "clear")  # Boolean Xarray indicating landcover
    water_xarray  = ls8_unpack_qa(dataset.pixel_qa, "water")  # Boolean Xarray indicating watercover
    cloud_free_boolean_mask = np.logical_or(clear_xarray, water_xarray)
    return create_median_mosaic(dataset, clean_mask = cloud_free_boolean_mask)

Loading Data

Data cube object
A datacube object is your interface with data stored on your data cube system.

In [7]:
import datacube  
dc = datacube.Datacube(app = '3B_urban')

Loading a Dataset
Requires latitude-longitude bounds of an area, a time-range, list of desired measurements, platform and product names.

In [8]:

name description platform creation_time format product_type lat lon time instrument label crs resolution tile_size spatial_dimensions
2 ls7_usgs_sr_scene Landsat 7 USGS Collection 1 Level2 Surface Ref... LANDSAT_7 None GeoTiff LEDAPS None None None ETM None EPSG:4326 (-0.00027777777778, 0.00027777777778) None (latitude, longitude)
1 ls8_usgs_sr_scene Landsat 8 USGS Collection 1 Level2 Surface Ref... LANDSAT_8 None GeoTiff LaSRC None None None OLI_TIRS None EPSG:4326 (-0.00027777777778, 0.00027777777778) None (latitude, longitude)

In [9]:
## Loading in a region
start_date = "2019-01-01"
end_date = "2019-12-31"

# Kumasi, Ghana
lat = (6.597724,6.781856)
lon = (-1.727843,-1.509147)

## Considering the year of 2015
date_range = (start_date,end_date)

## Landsat 8 Data
platform = 'LANDSAT_8'
product = 'ls8_usgs_sr_scene'

desired_bands = ['red','green','nir','swir2', 'pixel_qa']  # needed by ndvi, ndwi, ndbi and cloud masking
desired_bands = desired_bands + ['blue'] # blue is needed for a true color visualization purposes

landsat_dataset = dc.load(product = product,\
                          platform = platform,\
                          lat = lat,\
                          lon = lon,\
                          time = date_range,\
                          measurements = desired_bands)

Displaying Data

A cloud free composite
Clouds get in the way of understanding the area. Cloud free composites draw from a history of acquisitions to generate a cloud free representation of your area

In [10]:
landsat_mosaic = median_mosaic(landsat_dataset)

Saving your data
A .tiff or png is a great way to represent true color mosaics. The image below is a saved .png representation of of a landsat mosaic.

In [11]:

Dimensions:    (latitude: 664, longitude: 788)
  * latitude   (latitude) float64 6.782 6.782 6.781 6.781 ... 6.598 6.598 6.598
  * longitude  (longitude) float64 -1.728 -1.728 -1.727 ... -1.51 -1.51 -1.509
Data variables:
    red        (latitude, longitude) int16 762 458 497 642 ... 419 379 379 382
    green      (latitude, longitude) int16 743 627 693 748 ... 627 598 599 598
    nir        (latitude, longitude) int16 3747 3658 3490 ... 4203 4319 4557
    swir2      (latitude, longitude) int16 1182 944 940 1091 ... 841 852 866 815
    pixel_qa   (latitude, longitude) uint16 322 322 322 322 ... 322 322 322 322
    blue       (latitude, longitude) int16 397 275 318 346 ... 293 283 274 279

In [12]:
import os
import pathlib
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_utilities import write_png_from_xr

png_dir = 'output/pngs'
pathlib.Path(png_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
write_png_from_xr(png_dir + '/cloud_free_mosaic.png', 
                  landsat_mosaic, ["red", "green", "blue"], 
                  scale = [(0,2000),(0,2000),(0,2000)])

Urbanization Analysis

You will very rarely have urban classification and water classifications apply to the same pixel. For urban analysis, it may make sense to compute not just urban classes, but classes that are unlikely to co-occur with urbanization.

In [13]:
ndbi = NDBI(landsat_mosaic)  # Urbanization
ndvi = NDVI(landsat_mosaic)  # Dense Vegetation
ndwi = NDWI(landsat_mosaic)  # High Concentrations of Water

Plot Values
xarray data-arrays have built in plotting functions you can use to validate trends or differences in your data.

In [14]:
ndvi.plot(cmap = "Greens")

In [15]:
ndwi.plot(cmap = "Blues")

In [16]:
(ndbi + 0.2).plot(cmap = "Reds")

Convert To a Dataset
It's good practice to accurately name your datasets and data-arrays. If you'd like to merge data-arrays into a larger datasets, you should convert data-arrays to datasets

In [17]:
ds_ndvi = ndvi.to_dataset(name = "NDVI")
ds_ndwi = ndwi.to_dataset(name=  "NDWI")
ds_ndbi = ndbi.to_dataset(name = "NDBI")

Merge into one large Dataset
If your data-arrays share the same set of coordinates, or if you feel that you'll be using these values together in the future, you should consider merging them into a dataset

In [18]:
urbanization_dataset = ds_ndvi.merge(ds_ndwi).merge(ds_ndbi)

Checking your Merge
The string readout of your new dataset should give you a good idea about how the .merge went.

In [19]:

Dimensions:    (latitude: 664, longitude: 788)
  * latitude   (latitude) float64 6.782 6.782 6.781 6.781 ... 6.598 6.598 6.598
  * longitude  (longitude) float64 -1.728 -1.728 -1.727 ... -1.51 -1.51 -1.509
Data variables:
    NDVI       (latitude, longitude) float64 0.662 0.7775 ... 0.8387 0.8453
    NDWI       (latitude, longitude) float64 -0.669 -0.7074 ... -0.7564 -0.768
    NDBI       (latitude, longitude) float64 -0.5204 -0.5897 ... -0.666 -0.6966

Building a False Color Composite
If you have three lowly correlated measurements, place each measurement on its own Red, Green, Blue channel and visualize it.

In [20]:
write_png_from_xr(png_dir + '/false_color.png', urbanization_dataset, 
                  ["NDBI", "NDVI", "NDWI"], scale = [(-1,1),(0,1),(0,1)])

Analyze The False Color Image

Values that adhere strongly to individual classes adhere to their own color channel. In this example, NDVI adheres to green, NDWI adheres to blue, and NDBI seems to adhere to red

Validate urbanization using other imagery
Double check results using high-resolution imagery. Compare to the false color mosaic

In [21]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_display_map import display_map
display_map(latitude = lat ,longitude = lon)
