To detect changes in plant life, we use a measure called NDVI.
However, we can also use a measure called EVI.
Additionally, there is a 2-band version of EVI called EVI2.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import warnings
# Supress Warning
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Import the datacube and the API
import datacube
from utils.data_cube_utilities.data_access_api import DataAccessApi
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import datetime as dt
In [2]:
# Create an instance of the datacube and API.
api = DataAccessApi()
dc = api.dc
In [3]:
# Get available products
products_info = dc.list_products()
In [4]:
# List LANDSAT 7 products
print("LANDSAT 7 Products:")
products_info[["platform", "name"]][products_info.platform == "LANDSAT_7"]
In [5]:
# List LANDSAT 8 products
print("LANDSAT 8 Products:")
products_info[["platform", "name"]][products_info.platform == "LANDSAT_8"]
In [6]:
# These are the platforms (satellites) and products (datacube sets)
# used for this demonstration.
use_Landsat7 = True
use_Landsat8 = False
platforms = []
products = []
if use_Landsat7:
if use_Landsat8:
In [7]:
for product, platform in zip(products, platforms):
prod_extents = api.get_query_metadata(platform=platform, product=product, measurements=[])
latitude_extents = prod_extents['lat_extents']
longitude_extents = prod_extents['lon_extents']
time_extents = list(map(lambda time: time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), prod_extents['time_extents']))
print("Lat bounds:", latitude_extents)
print("Lon bounds:", longitude_extents)
print("Time bounds:", time_extents)
In [8]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_load import get_overlapping_area
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_display_map import display_map
full_lat, full_lon, min_max_dates = get_overlapping_area(api, platforms, products)
# Display the total shared area available for these datacube products.
display_map(latitude = full_lat,longitude = full_lon)
Specify start and end dates in the same order as platforms and products
In [9]:
# Use these four lines to select the time slice common to all products.
# min_start_date_mutual = np.max(min_max_dates[:,0])
# max_end_date_mutual = np.min(min_max_dates[:,1])
# start_dates = [min_start_date_mutual, min_start_date_mutual]
# end_dates = [max_end_date_mutual, max_end_date_mutual]
# Use these two lines to select all data available to each product.
# start_dates = min_max_dates[:,0]
# end_dates = min_max_dates[:,1]
# Select a subset of the time available.
start_date, end_date = "2016-01-01", "2017-12-31"
start_date, end_date = "2014-09-01", "2015-01-31"
Specify an area to analyze
In [10]:
# Specify latitude and longitude bounds of an interesting area within the full extents
# Ghana
# min_lat_small, max_lat_small = (5.7261, 5.7390) # Crops NW of Accra (small)
# min_lon_small, max_lon_small = (-0.4960, -0.4889) # Crops NW of Accra (small)
# min_lat_small, max_lat_small = (5.7259, 5.7517) # Crops NW of Accra (medium)
# min_lon_small, max_lon_small = (-0.5308, -0.5143) # Crops NW of Accra (medium)
min_lat_small, max_lat_small = (8.0074, 8.0203) # Central Ghana - West of Kintampo
min_lon_small, max_lon_small = (-2.0486, -2.0332) # Central Ghana - West of Kintampo
# Vietnam
# min_lat_small, max_lat_small = (10.95, 11.00) # Area #1
# min_lon_small, max_lon_small = (107.15, 107.20) # Area #1
# min_lat_small, max_lat_small = (11.10, 11.39) # Area #2
# min_lon_small, max_lon_small = (106.8, 106.92) # Area #2
# min_lat_small, max_lat_small = (9.8, 10.0) # Area #3
# min_lon_small, max_lon_small = (105.2, 105.4) # Area #3
# min_lat_small, max_lat_small = (9.9, 10.1) # Area #4
# min_lon_small, max_lon_small = (105.0, 105.2) # Area #4
Visualize the selected area
In [11]:
lon_small = (min_lon_small, max_lon_small)
lat_small = (min_lat_small, max_lat_small)
display_map(lat_small, lon_small)
In [12]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_load import load_multiplatform
# Select which spectral index to use to track changes in vegetation.
# Can be any of ['NDVI', 'EVI', 'EVI2'].
spectral_index = 'EVI2'
if spectral_index == 'NDVI':
measurements = ['red', 'nir']
elif spectral_index == 'EVI':
measurements = ['red', 'nir', 'blue']
else: # EVI2
measurements = ['red', 'nir']
# Include pixel_qa band to obtain the clean mask in load_multiplatform.
# Include red, green, and blue bands to be able to show RGB images of the data.
measurements = list(set(measurements + ['pixel_qa', 'red', 'green', 'blue']))
dataset, clean_mask, _ = \
load_multiplatform(dc, platforms, products,
load_params=dict(lat=lat_small, lon=lon_small, time=(start_date, end_date),
cleaned_dataset = dataset.where(clean_mask)
del dataset # Save memory
In [13]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_ndvi_anomaly import NDVI, EVI, EVI2
if spectral_index == 'NDVI':
vegetation_arr = NDVI(cleaned_dataset)
elif spectral_index == 'EVI':
vegetation_arr = EVI(cleaned_dataset)
else: # 'EVI2'
vegetation_arr = EVI2(cleaned_dataset)
cleaned_dataset[spectral_index] = vegetation_arr
If no plots appear in the figures below, there is no data available for the region selected
Box-and-Whisker Plot by Full Time Period, Week, Month, Week of Year, or Month of Year.
In [14]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.plotter_utils import xarray_time_series_plot
## Settings ##
# Specify the type of curve fit to use for the vegetation index along time.
# Can be one of [None, 'gaussian', 'gaussian_filter', 'poly', 'cubic_spline'].
# Using None will not plot a curve fit.
curve_fit_type = 'gaussian_filter'
assert curve_fit_type in [None, 'gaussian', 'gaussian_filter', 'poly', 'cubic_spline'], \
"The variable `curve_fit_type` must be in " \
"[None, 'gaussian', 'gaussian_filter', 'poly', 'cubic_spline']"
# Specify the target aggregation type of the curve fit. Input can be either 'mean' or 'median'.
curve_fit_target = 'median'
assert curve_fit_target in ['mean', 'median'], "The variable 'curve_fit_target' must be either "\
"'mean' or 'median'."
# The maximum number of data points that appear along time in each plot.
# If more than this number of data points need to be plotted, a grid of plots will be created.
max_times_per_plot = 10
## End Settings ##
# Can be one of [None, 'week', 'month', 'weekofyear', 'monthofyear'].
for bin_by in ['monthofyear']:
aggregated_by_str = None
if bin_by is None:
plotting_data = cleaned_dataset
elif bin_by == 'week':
plotting_data = cleaned_dataset.resample(time='1w').mean()
aggregated_by_str = 'Week'
elif bin_by == 'month':
plotting_data = cleaned_dataset.resample(time='1m').mean()
aggregated_by_str = 'Month'
elif bin_by == 'weekofyear':
plotting_data = cleaned_dataset.groupby('time.week').mean(dim=('time'))
aggregated_by_str = 'Week of Year'
elif bin_by == 'monthofyear':
plotting_data = cleaned_dataset.groupby('time.month').mean(dim=('time'))
aggregated_by_str = 'Month of Year'
params = dict(dataset=plotting_data,
if curve_fit_type is not None:
if curve_fit_type == 'gaussian':
curve_fit_desc = [{'gaussian': {}}]
elif curve_fit_type == 'gaussian_filter':
curve_fit_desc = [{'gaussian_filter': {}}]
elif curve_fit_type == 'poly':
curve_fit_desc = [{'poly': {'degree': 3}}]
else: # 'cubic_spline'
curve_fit_desc = [{'cubic_spline': {}}]
params['plot_descs'][spectral_index][curve_fit_target] = curve_fit_desc
xarray_time_series_plot(**params, fig_params=dict(figsize=(8,4), dpi=150))
plt.title('Box-and-Whisker Plot by Full Time Period')
agg_str = "(Aggregated by {})".format(aggregated_by_str) if aggregated_by_str is not None else ""
print("{} {}".format(spectral_index, agg_str))
In [15]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_mosaic import create_max_ndvi_mosaic
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_rgb import rgb
max_ndvi_mosaic = create_max_ndvi_mosaic(cleaned_dataset, clean_mask)
rgb(max_ndvi_mosaic, use_data_min=True, use_data_max=True, min_inten=0.05)
Export to PNG
In [16]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_utilities import write_png_from_xr
import os
import pathlib
png_dir = 'output/pngs'
pathlib.Path(png_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
write_png_from_xr('{}/NDVI_Phenology_Max_NDVI_Mosaic.png'.format(png_dir), max_ndvi_mosaic, ['red','green','blue'], scale=(0,4000))
Export to GeoTIFF
In [17]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.import_export import export_xarray_to_multiple_geotiffs
geotiff_dir = 'output/geotiffs/NDVI_Phenology'
pathlib.Path(geotiff_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
export_xarray_to_multiple_geotiffs(cleaned_dataset, "{}/NDVI_Phenology".format(geotiff_dir))