The spatial extents of water in a scene are analyzed with optical (Landsat) and SAR (Sentinel 1) data.
For more information, visit this website:
In [1]:
# Enable importing of utilities.
import sys
import warnings
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import datacube
from utils.data_cube_utilities.data_access_api import DataAccessApi
In [2]:
api = DataAccessApi()
dc = api.dc
In [3]:
# Get available products
products_info = dc.list_products()
In [4]:
# List LANDSAT 7 products (remove comments below to see list of products)
print("LANDSAT 7 Products:")
products_info[["platform", "name"]][products_info.platform == "LANDSAT_7"]
In [5]:
# List LANDSAT 8 products (remove comments below to see list of products)
print("LANDSAT 8 Products:")
products_info[["platform", "name"]][products_info.platform == "LANDSAT_8"]
In [6]:
# List Sentinel 1 products (remove comments below to see list of products)
print("Sentinel 1 Products:")
products_info[["platform", "name"]][products_info.platform == "SENTINEL1"]
<p style="color:red";>CHANGE INPUTS BELOW
In [7]:
# These are the optical platforms (satellites) and
# products (datacube sets) used for this demonstration.
use_Landsat7 = True
use_Landsat8 = True
optical_platforms = []
optical_products = []
if use_Landsat7:
if use_Landsat8:
# These are the SAR platforms (satellites) and
# products (datacube sets) used for this demonstration.
sar_platforms = []
sar_products = []
platforms = optical_platforms + sar_platforms
products = optical_products + sar_products
assert len(platforms) > 0, "There must be at least one platform (and corresponding product) selected."
# The fraction of the original resolution to use for analysis.
# Use this to control memory consumption and run time.
# Set this to None to not scale the resolution of the data.
frac_res = None
In [8]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_load import get_overlapping_area
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_time import dt_to_str
full_lat, full_lon, min_max_dates = get_overlapping_area(api, platforms, products)
# Print the extents of each product.
str_min_max_dates = np.vectorize(dt_to_str)(min_max_dates)
for i, (platform, product) in enumerate(zip(platforms, products)):
print("For platform {} and product {}:".format(platform, product))
print("Time Extents:", str_min_max_dates[i])
# Print the extents of the combined data.
min_start_date_mutual = np.max(min_max_dates[:,0])
max_end_date_mutual = np.min(min_max_dates[:,1])
print("Overlapping Extents:")
print("Latitude Extents:", full_lat)
print("Longitude Extents:", full_lon)
print("Time Extents:", list(map(dt_to_str, (min_start_date_mutual, max_end_date_mutual))))
In [9]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_display_map import display_map
# Display the total shared area available for these datacube products.
display_map(latitude = full_lat,longitude = full_lon)
<p style="color:red";>CHANGE INPUTS BELOW
In [10]:
# Select an analysis region (Lat-Lon) within the extents listed above.
# If your datasets are empty, check which products and time extents you used.
# HINT: Keep your region small (<0.5 deg square) to avoid memory overload issues.
# Select a time period (Min-Max) within the extents listed above (Year-Month-Day).
# This region and time period will be used for the water assessment.
# Mombasa, Kenya
# lat = (-4.0475, -3.9574)
# lon = (39.6028, 39.6792)
# time_extents = ('2015-01-01', '2018-01-01')
# Ndakaini Dam, Kenya (provides water to Nairobi)
# lat = (-0.8269, -0.8090) # full
# lon = (36.8192, 36.8529) # full
# lat = (-0.8269, -0.8190) # small
# lon = (36.8392, 36.8429) # small
# time_extents = ('2000-01-01', '2018-01-01')
# Lake by Mankessim, Ghana
lat = (5.3010, 5.3240)
lon = (-1.0450, -1.0238)
time_extents = ('2017-01-01', '2017-12-31')
# Lake Sulunga, Tanzania
# latitude_extents = (-6.2622, -5.8822)
# longitude_extents = (34.9802, 35.3602)
# time_extents = ('2016-01-01', '2018-01-01')
Visualize the selected area
In [11]:
display_map(lat, lon)
Load Optical Data (Landsat)
In [12]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_load import match_dim_sizes
from utils.data_cube_utilities.clean_mask import landsat_qa_clean_mask, landsat_clean_mask_invalid
from utils.data_cube_utilities.aggregate import xr_scale_res
from utils.data_cube_utilities.sort import xarray_sortby_coord
matching_abs_res, same_dim_sizes = match_dim_sizes(dc, products, lon, lat, method='min')
optical_datasets = {}
optical_clean_masks = {}
optical_cloud_masks = {}
for platform, product in zip(optical_platforms, optical_products):
# Load the data.
# We need the bands ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'nir', 'swir1', 'swir2'] because WOFS uses them.
# We need the 'pixel_qa' band to mask out undesired pixels.
measurements = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'nir', 'swir1', 'swir2', 'pixel_qa']
dataset = dc.load(platform=platform, product=product,
lat=lat, lon=lon,
time=time_extents, measurements=measurements)
if len(dataset.dims) == 0: # The dataset is empty.
# Get the clean masks.
clean_mask = landsat_qa_clean_mask(dataset, platform) & \
(dataset[measurements[0]] != -9999) & \
cloud_mask = landsat_qa_clean_mask(dataset, platform, cover_types=['cloud'])
# Remove the 'pixel_qa' band since we have the clean mask.
dataset = dataset.drop('pixel_qa')
# If needed, scale the datasets and clean masks to the same size in the x and y dimensions.
if not same_dim_sizes:
dataset = xr_scale_res(dataset, abs_res=matching_abs_res)
clean_mask = xr_scale_res(clean_mask.astype(np.uint8), abs_res=matching_abs_res).astype(np.bool)
cloud_mask = xr_scale_res(cloud_mask.astype(np.uint8), abs_res=matching_abs_res).astype(np.bool)
# Clean the data.
dataset = dataset.astype(np.float32).where(clean_mask)
optical_datasets[product] = dataset
optical_clean_masks[product] = clean_mask
optical_cloud_masks[product] = cloud_mask
# Combine everything.
if len(optical_datasets) > 0:
optical_dataset = xarray_sortby_coord(xr.concat(list(optical_datasets.values()), dim='time'), coord='time')
optical_clean_mask = xarray_sortby_coord(xr.concat(list(optical_clean_masks.values()), dim='time'), coord='time')
optical_cloud_mask = xarray_sortby_coord(xr.concat(list(optical_cloud_masks.values()), dim='time'), coord='time')
optical_dataset = xr.Dataset()
optical_clean_mask = xr.DataArray(np.empty((0,), dtype=np.bool))
optical_cloud_mask = xr.DataArray(np.empty((0,), dtype=np.bool))
del optical_datasets, optical_clean_masks, optical_cloud_masks
In [13]:
Load SAR Data (Sentinel 1)
In [14]:
sar_datasets = {}
sar_clean_masks = {}
for platform, product in zip(sar_platforms, sar_products):
# Load the data.
measurements = ['vv', 'vh']
dataset = dc.load(platform=platform, product=product, lat=lat, lon=lon,
time=time_extents, measurements=measurements)
if len(dataset.dims) == 0: # The dataset is empty.
# Get the clean masks.
clean_mask = (dataset.vv != 0)
# If needed, scale the datasets and clean masks to the same size in the x and y dimensions.
if not same_dim_sizes:
dataset = xr_scale_res(dataset, abs_res=matching_abs_res)
clean_mask = xr_scale_res(clean_mask.astype(np.uint8), abs_res=matching_abs_res).astype(np.bool)
sar_datasets[product], sar_clean_masks[product] = dataset, clean_mask
# Combine everything.
if len(sar_datasets) > 0:
sar_dataset = xarray_sortby_coord(xr.concat(list(sar_datasets.values()), dim='time'), coord='time')
sar_clean_mask = xarray_sortby_coord(xr.concat(list(sar_clean_masks.values()), dim='time'), coord='time')
sar_dataset = xr.Dataset()
sar_clean_mask = xr.DataArray(np.empty((0,), dtype=np.bool))
del sar_datasets, sar_clean_masks
In [15]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_load import is_dataset_empty
optical_dataset_is_empty = is_dataset_empty(optical_dataset)
sar_dataset_is_empty = is_dataset_empty(sar_dataset)
# Make coordinates other than time the same between the optical and SAR datasets.
if not optical_dataset_is_empty and not sar_dataset_is_empty:
sar_dataset.latitude.values = optical_dataset.latitude.values
sar_dataset.longitude.values = optical_dataset.longitude.values
Get WOFS Classifications for Landsat Data
In [17]:
if not optical_dataset_is_empty:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.dc_water_classifier import wofs_classify
optical_dataset['water'] = wofs_classify(optical_dataset, optical_clean_mask.values).wofs.astype(np.float16)
optical_dataset['water'] = optical_dataset['water'].where(optical_clean_mask & (optical_dataset['water'] != -10000))
Get WASARD Classifications for Sentinel 1 Data
In [18]:
if not sar_dataset_is_empty:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.wasard import wasard_classifier
wasard_cls = wasard_classifier('wasard/general.pkl')
sar_dataset['water'] = wasard_cls.wasard_classify(sar_dataset).wasard
Combine and Resample Water Classifications
In [19]:
water_datasets = []
if not optical_dataset_is_empty:
if not sar_dataset_is_empty:
water = xarray_sortby_coord(xr.concat(water_datasets, dim='time'), coord='time')
In [20]:
# Water classifiers can sometimes output erroneous classifications, so we take a rounded mean
# of water classifications along time for windows of times to have a more reliable output.
# Must be a number followed by a letter. The number is the number of time periods
# for each composite. The letter is the unit of time and can be one of ['D', 'W', 'M', 'Y'],
# which are days, weeks, months, and years, respectively.
# Set this to None to use all original water classification time slices.
composite_period = None
water = water.resample(time=composite_period).mean('time').round() if composite_period is not None else water
<p style="color:red";>CHANGE INPUTS BELOW
In [21]:
## Plot Formatting Settings ##
# Formatting for full-width plots.
title_fontdict = dict(fontsize=16) # Title formatting
tick_label_fmt_dict = dict(axis='both', labelsize=12) # Tick label formatting
axis_label_fmt_dict = dict(fontsize=16) # Axis label formatting
legend_kwargs = dict(fontsize=12)
std_dpi = 200 # Standard image dpi.
## End Plot Formatting Settings ##
Obtain the minimum and maximum water extents.
<p style="color:red";>CHANGE INPUTS BELOW
In [22]:
## Settings ##
# Can be any of ['time-slice', 'per-pixel'].
# The value 'time-slice' obtains the minimum and maximum water extents on an time-slice basis.
# The value 'per-pixel' obtains the minumum and maximum water extents on a per-pixel basis.
water_extent_method = 'time-slice'
assert water_extent_method in ['time-slice', 'per-pixel'], \
"The setting `water_extent_method` must be one of ['time-slice', 'per-pixel']."
# This setting is only relevant if `water_extent_method` is set to 'time-slice'.
# Water classifiers can sometimes output erroneous classifications and sometimes excessive clouds
# make compositing an impractical solution to accounting for noisy classifications.
# And SAR data is sometimes unavailable for WASARD water classification over cloudy regions,
# so percentiles can be specified for the minimum and maximum time slices. These can be between
# 0 and 100. The minimum water time-slice selected will be the time slice with non-water extents
# at or below `percentile_min`. The maximum water time-slice selected will be the time slice
# with water extents at or below `percentile_max`.
percentile_min, percentile_max = 95, 90
## End Settings ##
# Option 1: Obtain the acquisitions with the minimum and maximum water extents.
if water_extent_method == 'time-slice':
count_non_water = water.where(water == 0).count(dim=['latitude', 'longitude'])
count_water = water.where(water == 1).count(dim=['latitude', 'longitude'])
# Find the acquisition with the least water (the one with the most non-water pixels).
percentile_value_min = np.percentile(count_non_water, percentile_min, interpolation='lower')
# Handle the case of multiple acquisitions with the same amount of non-water (notably 0).
acqs_with_value_min = count_non_water == percentile_value_min
if acqs_with_value_min.sum() > 1: # Find the acquisition with the least water (and most non-water).
min_extent_time_ind = np.argmin(count_water.isel(time=acqs_with_value_min).values)
min_extent_time_ind = (count_non_water == percentile_value_min).argmax().values
min_extent_time = water.time.values[min_extent_time_ind]
min_water_extent = water.isel(time=min_extent_time_ind)
# Find the acquisition with the most water (the one with the most water pixels).
percentile_value_max = np.percentile(count_water, percentile_max, interpolation='lower')
# Handle the case of multiple acquisitions with the same amount of water (notably 0).
acqs_with_value_max = count_water == percentile_value_max
if acqs_with_value_max.sum() > 1: # Find the acquisition with the least non-water (and most water).
max_extent_time_ind = np.argmin(count_non_water.isel(time=acqs_with_value_max).values)
max_extent_time_ind = (count_water == percentile_value_max).argmax().values
max_extent_time = water.time.values[max_extent_time_ind]
max_water_extent = water.isel(time=max_extent_time_ind)
# Option 2: Obtain the minimum and maximum water extents on a per-pixel basis.
min_water_extent = water.min('time')
max_water_extent = water.max('time')
Show the minimum and maximum water extents.
In [23]:
from utils.data_cube_utilities.plotter_utils import figure_ratio, create_discrete_color_map, xarray_imshow
# Begin plotting the data
fig_width = 12 # Use this to change the size of this figure.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_ratio(water, fixed_width=fig_width), dpi=std_dpi)
# Create common colormap.
cmap = create_discrete_color_map([0,1], ['red', 'blue'])
imshow_kwargs = dict(vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap=cmap)
legend_labels = {0:'Not Water', 1:'Water'}
# Minimum water extent
ax = plt.subplot(1,2,1)
fig, ax, im, cbar = \
xarray_imshow(min_water_extent.astype(np.float32), fig=fig, ax=ax, use_colorbar=False, use_legend=True,
legend_labels=legend_labels, imshow_kwargs=imshow_kwargs,
x_label_kwargs=axis_label_fmt_dict, y_label_kwargs=axis_label_fmt_dict,
ax.set_title("Minimum Water Extent \n({})".format(min_extent_time), fontdict=title_fontdict)
# Maximum water extent
ax = plt.subplot(1,2,2)
fig, ax, im, cbar = \
xarray_imshow(max_water_extent.astype(np.float32), fig=fig, ax=ax, use_colorbar=False, use_legend=True,
legend_labels=legend_labels, imshow_kwargs=imshow_kwargs,
x_label_kwargs=axis_label_fmt_dict, y_label_kwargs=axis_label_fmt_dict,
ax.set_title("Maximum Water Extent \n({})".format(max_extent_time), fontdict=title_fontdict)
For the minimum and maximum water extents, print the percents of pixels that are water, not water, or cloud.
In [24]:
# Determine the percent of water and non-water pixels for the minimum extent.
num_water_min = (min_water_extent == 1).sum().values
pct_water_min = num_water_min / min_water_extent.size
num_non_water_min = (min_water_extent == 0).sum().values
pct_non_water_min = num_non_water_min / min_water_extent.size
# Determine the percent of water and non-water pixels for the maximum extent.
num_water_max = (max_water_extent == 1).sum().values
pct_water_max = num_water_max / max_water_extent.size
num_non_water_max = (max_water_extent == 0).sum().values
pct_non_water_max = num_non_water_max / max_water_extent.size
# Determine the fraction of cloud pixels for the minium and maximum extents.
if optical_dataset_is_empty: # SAR data is largely unaffected by clouds.
num_cloud_min, pct_cloud_min, num_cloud_max, pct_cloud_max = [0]*4
else: # Handle time-slice-based extents.
if water_extent_method == 'time-slice':
min_acq_is_optical = np.any(optical_cloud_mask.time.values == min_extent_time)
num_cloud_min = optical_cloud_mask.sel(time=min_extent_time).sum().values \
if min_acq_is_optical else 0
pct_cloud_min = num_cloud_min / min_water_extent.size
max_acq_is_optical = np.any(optical_cloud_mask.time.values == max_extent_time)
num_cloud_max = optical_cloud_mask.sel(time=max_extent_time).sum().values \
if max_acq_is_optical else 0
pct_cloud_max = num_cloud_max / max_water_extent.size
else: # Handle per-pixel extents.
cloud_masks = []
if not optical_dataset_is_empty:
if not sar_dataset_is_empty:
combined_cloud_mask = xr.concat(cloud_masks, dim='time')
num_cloud_min = (~combined_cloud_mask).min('time').sum().values
pct_cloud_min = num_cloud_min / min_water_extent.size
# For both min and max extents, cloud pixels will be minimized because cloud pixels are masked to NaN,
# which is ignored (avoided) by the min and max operations for xarrays.
num_cloud_max = num_cloud_min
pct_cloud_max = num_cloud_max / max_water_extent.size
# Determine the percent of no_data values for hte minimum and maximum extents.
num_nodata_min = int(min_water_extent.size - sum([num_water_min, num_non_water_min, num_cloud_min]))
pct_nodata_min = num_nodata_min / min_water_extent.size
num_nodata_max = int(max_water_extent.size - sum([num_water_max, num_non_water_max, num_cloud_max]))
pct_nodata_max = num_nodata_max / max_water_extent.size
print("""The minimum water extent image is composed of the following classes:
Water ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels)
Not Water ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels)
Cloud ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels)
No-data ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels)"""
.format(num_water_min, pct_water_min,
num_non_water_min, pct_non_water_min,
num_cloud_min, pct_cloud_min,
num_nodata_min, pct_nodata_min))
print("""The maximum water extent image is composed of the following classes:
Water ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels)
Not Water ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels),
Cloud ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels)
No-data ({} pixels - {:.2%} of all pixels)"""
.format(num_water_max, pct_water_max,
num_non_water_max, pct_non_water_max,
num_cloud_max, pct_cloud_max,
num_nodata_max, pct_nodata_max))