Import investigator package of the PyOTIC software

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# Import os to easily join names of filepaths
import os

# Add the path of the PyOTIC Software to the system path
# Adjust this path to where the PyOTIC Software package is located
import sys

#Load investigator package
import pyoti

#Create an experiment and open a new temporary experiment dbfile
experiment = pyoti.open_experiment()

Create experiment file (or open previously saved one)

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# Choose the path the data should be loaded from
# datadir: The path where the data is located
# datafile: The name of the file that contains the data.
datadir = '../data/'
datafile = 'B01.bin'

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# Define a name for the record (defaults to 'default')

# Choose the file, where standard values for the Record are defined
cfgfile = '../pyoti/etc/record/ASWAD.cfg'

experiment.create_record(name=name, cfgfile=cfgfile, filename=datafile, directory=datadir)

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name = 'used'
group = 'selection'
parent = 'alpha'

experiment.add_group(name, parent, group_type=group)

Simple and fast step detection for SNR >> 1.0

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# Select region to get data from
region = 'used'

# Get region and motion object, to detect the steps and dwells
region = experiment.region(region)
motion = pyoti.create_motion(region=region, resolution=40000, impose_dwell_time=4.0, shift_time=0.1)

# If you want to include the very first and the very last plateau, uncomment

# Show the autodetected plateaus