In [1]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
styles = open("styles/example.css", "r").read()
return HTML(styles)
In [2]:
from __future__ import division, print_function
from IPython.core import page = print
For simplicity, assume the lengths are equal, e.g. $L_1=L_2=l$, and the weights of the balls attached at the ends of rods are also equal, $m_1=m_2=m$. Also let $(x_1,y_1)$ and $(x_2,y_2)$ are the coordinates of the first and second ball. Then the dynamics system are as follows:
\begin{eqnarray} (x_1,y_1)&=&(l\sin(\theta_1),-l \cos(\theta_1))\\ (x_2,y_2)&=&(l\sin(\theta_1) + l \sin(\theta_2),-l\cos(\theta_1) - l\cos(\theta_2))\\ \frac{d \theta_1}{d t}&=&\dot\theta_1\\ \frac{d \theta_2}{d t}&=&\dot\theta_2\\ \frac{d \dot\theta_1}{d t}&=&\ddot\theta_1\\ \frac{d \dot\theta_2}{d t}&=&\ddot\theta_2\\ \vartriangle\theta&=&\theta_2-\theta_2 \\ \ddot\theta_1&=&\frac { m l (\dot\theta_1^2)*\sin(\vartriangle\theta)*\cos(\vartriangle\theta) + m g \sin(\theta_2)*\cos(\vartriangle\theta) + m l (\dot\theta_2^2)*\sin(\vartriangle\theta) -2 m g \sin(\theta_1)} { 2 m l - m l (\cos\vartriangle\theta)^2 }\\ \ddot\theta_2&=&\frac { m l (\dot\theta_2^2)*\sin(\vartriangle\theta)*\cos(\vartriangle\theta) +2 m g \sin(\theta_1)*\cos(\vartriangle\theta) + m l (\dot\theta_1^2)*\sin(\vartriangle\theta) - m g \sin(\theta_2)} { 2 m l - m l (\cos\vartriangle\theta)^2 } \end{eqnarray} By discretization the differential operation, we could make animation of the motion of double pendulum via VPython:
In [1]:
#from pylab import *
from ivisual import *
from numpy import pi,sin,cos
from IPython.html.widgets import interact, interactive, fixed
from IPython.html import widgets
from IPython.display import clear_output, display, HTML, display_html, Javascript
from __future__ import division
In [ ]:
scene = idisplay('Double Pendulum')
scene.autoscale = 0 # disable function of auto-zooming
scene.title = 'Double pendulum'
scene.range = (2.05,2.05,2.05)
theta1 = pi/3.0 # angle of 1st pendulum to vertical (initial value)
theta2 = pi/12.0 # angle of 2nd pendulum to vertical (initial value)
theta1_dot = 0.0 # rate of change of theta1 - initial value
theta2_dot = 0.1
g = 9.8 # acceleration of gravity
l = 1.0 # pendulum arm length
m = 0.3 # mass of pendulum ball
ball1 = sphere(pos=vector(l*sin(theta1),-l*cos(theta1),0), radius=0.12,
ball2 = sphere(pos=vector(l*sin(theta1) + l*sin(theta2),-l*cos(theta1) - l*cos(theta2),0), radius=0.12, ,make_trail=True)#, interval=10, retain=50)
arm1 = cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), axis=(l*sin(theta1),-l*cos(theta1),0), radius=.03, color=color.cyan)
arm2 = cylinder(pos=ball1.pos, axis=ball2.pos-ball1.pos, radius=.03,
nub = sphere(pos=vector(0,0,0), radius=0.05, color=color.white) # little white nub
while True:
rate(5000)# Set number of times loop is repeated per second
dta= theta2 - theta1# dta (short for 'delta' - the difference between the two angles)
theta1_dot_dot = ( m*l*(theta1_dot**2.0)*sin(dta)*cos(dta) + m*g*sin(theta2)*cos(dta) + \
m*l*(theta2_dot**2.0)*sin(dta) -2.0*m*g*sin(theta1) ) / \
( 2.0*m*l - m*l*(cos(dta))**2.0 )# equation of motion
theta2_dot_dot = ( -m*l*(theta2_dot**2.0)*sin(dta)*cos(dta) + 2.0*m*(g*sin(theta1)*cos(dta) \
- l*(theta1_dot**2.0)*sin(dta) - g*sin(theta2)) ) / \
( 2.0*m*l - m*l*(cos(dta))**2.0 )# the other equation of motion
theta1_dot = theta1_dot + theta1_dot_dot*dt# makes sense if you think about it
theta2_dot = theta2_dot + theta2_dot_dot*dt
theta1 = theta1 + theta1_dot*dt
theta2 = theta2 + theta2_dot*dt
ball1.pos=( l*sin(theta1),-l*cos(theta1),0)
arm1.axis = (ball1.pos.x, ball1.pos.y, 0)
ball2.pos=(l*sin(theta1) + l*sin(theta2) , -l*cos(theta1) - l*cos(theta2), 0)
arm2.pos = ball1.pos#(l*sin(theta1), -l*cos(theta1), 0)
arm2.axis = ball2.pos-ball1.pos
time += dt
In [ ]:
import io
import base64
from IPython.display import HTML
video ='data/movies/pendulum.webm', 'r+b').read()
encoded = base64.b64encode(video)
HTML(data='''<div align="center"><video alt="test" controls>
<source src="data:video/webm;base64,{0}" type="video/webm" />
The double pendulum undergoes chaotic motion; in other words, the tracjectory of ball shows a sensitive dependence on initial conditions.