


At the end of this session, you will have learned how to:

  • Take advantage of the verbs and syntax you learned from the dplyr module to manipulate RxXdfData data objects
  • Summarize your RxXdfData objects quickly and easily
  • Create custom functions and use them for mutations and summarizations
  • Understand where and when to use the dplyrXdf package and when to use functions from the RevoScaleR package

The Microsoft R Family

Microsoft R Family

Microsoft R Component Stack

Microsoft R Family

Why dplyrXdf?

Simplify Your Analysis Pipeline

  • The RevoScaleR package enables R users to manipulate data that is larger than memory
  • It introduces a new data type, called an xdf (short for eXternal Data Frame), which are highly efficient out-of-memory objects
  • However, many of the RevoScaleR functions have a dramatically different syntax from base R functions
  • The dplyr package is an exceptionally popular, due to its appealing syntax, and it's extensibility

Simpler Analysis with dplyrXdf

  • The dplyrXdf that exposes most of the dplyr functionality to xdf objects
  • Many data analysis pipelines require creating many intermediate datasets, which are only needed for their role in deriving a final dataset, but have no/little use on their own
  • The dplyrXdf abstracts this task of file management, so that you can focus on the data itself, rather than the management of intermediate files
  • Unlike dplyr, or other base R packages, dplyrXdf allows you to work with data residing outside of memory, and therefore scales to datasets of arbitrary size


What You'll Need

  • I expect that you have already covered the dplyr training
  • Understand the XDF data type and how to import data to XDF
  • If you're working on a different computer than your trianer: have (devtools)[] (and if on a Windows machine, Rtools)

Installing dplyrXdf

  • The dplyrXdf package is not yet on CRAN
  • You have to download it from github
    • if you're on a windows machine, install Rtools as well
    • the devtools package provides a very handy function, install_github, for installing R packages saved in github repositories

Create XDF from taxi data

Create a local directory to save XDF

In [ ]:
your_name <- "alizaidi"
your_dir <- paste0('/datadrive/', your_name)
# File Path to your Data
your_data <- file.path(your_dir, 'tripdata_2015.xdf')
              destfile = your_data)

Create a Pointer to XDF

In [ ]:
taxi_xdf <- RxXdfData(your_data)
taxi_xdf %>% head
taxi_xdf %>% nrow

In [ ]:

Simplified Pipelines for Data Summaries

Data Transforms

The rxDataStep Way

  • All the functionality exposed by the dplyrXdf package can also be completed by using the rxDataStep function in the RevoScaleR package included with your MRS installation
  • In fact, dplyrXdf consists almost entirely of wrapper functions that call on other RevoScaleR functions
  • Let's compare the workflow for adding a new column to a dataset with rxDataStep vs dplyrXdf

In [ ]:
taxi_xdf %>% rxGetInfo(getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 4)

In [ ]:
taxi_transform <- RxXdfData(your_data)

In [ ]:
system.time(rxDataStep(inData = taxi_xdf,
           outFile = taxi_transform,
           transforms = list(tip_pct = tip_amount/fare_amount),
           overwrite = TRUE))

Data Transforms

The rxDataStep Way

In [ ]:
rxGetInfo(RxXdfData(taxi_transform), numRows = 2)

Data Transforms

The dplyrXdf Way

  • We could do the same operation with dplyrXdf, using the exact same syntax that we learned in the dplyr module and taking advantage of the %>% operator

In [ ]:
system.time(taxi_transform <- taxi_xdf %>% mutate(tip_pct = tip_amount/fare_amount))
taxi_transform %>% rxGetInfo(numRows = 2)


  • The major difference between the rxDataStep operation and the dplyrXdf method, is that we do not specify an outFile argument anywhere in the dplyrXdf pipeline
  • In our case, we have assigned our mutate value to a new variable called taxi_transform
  • This creates a temporary file to save the intermediate xdf, and only saves the most recent output of a pipeline, where a pipeline is defined as all operations starting from a raw xdf file.
  • To copy an xdf from the temporary directory to permanent storage, use the persist verb

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
persist(taxi_transform, outFile = "/datadrive/alizaidi/taxiTransform.xdf") -> taxi_transform

Using dplyrXdf for Aggregations

dplyrXdf Way

  • The dplyrXdf package really shines when used for data aggregations and summarizations
  • Whereas rxSummary, rxCube, and rxCrossTabs can compute a few summary statistics and do aggregations very quickly, they are not sufficiently general to be used in all places

In [ ]:
taxi_group <- taxi_transform %>%
  group_by(pickup_nhood) %>%
  summarise(ave_tip = mean(tip_pct))
taxi_group %>% head

Using dplyrXdf for Aggregations

rxCube Way

  • The above could have been done with rxCube as well, but would require additional considerations
  • We would have to make sure that the pickup_nhood column was a factor (can't mutate in place because of different data types)
  • rxCube can only provide summations and averages, so we cannot get standard deviations for instance.
  • Creating your own factors is never a pleasant experience. You may feel like everything is going right until

In [ ]:
rxFactors(inData = taxi_transform,
          outFile = "/datadrive/alizaidi/taxi_factor.xdf",
          factorInfo = c("pickup_nhood"),
          overwrite = TRUE)
head(rxCube(tip_pct ~ pickup_nhood,
            means = TRUE,
            data = "/datadrive/alizaidi/taxi_factor.xdf"))
# file.remove("data/taxi_factor.xdf")

Creating Functional Pipelines with dplyrXdf

As we saw above, it's pretty easy to create a summarization or aggregation script. We can encapsulate our aggregation into it's own function. Suppose we wanted to calculate average tip as a function of dropoff and pickup neighborhoods. In the dplyr nonmenclature, this means grouping by dropoff and pickup neighborhoods, and summarizing/averaging tip percent.

In [ ]:
rxGetInfo(taxi_transform, numRows = 5)

In [ ]:
mht_url <- ""
manhattan_hoods <- readRDS(gzcon(url(mht_url)))

In [ ]:
taxi_transform %>%
    filter(pickup_nhood %in% mht_hoods,
           dropoff_nhood %in% mht_hoods,
           .rxArgs = list(transformObjects = list(mht_hoods = manhattan_hoods))) %>%
    group_by(dropoff_nhood, pickup_nhood) %>%
    summarize(ave_tip = mean(tip_pct),
              ave_dist = mean(trip_distance)) %>%
    filter(ave_dist > 3, ave_tip > 0.05) -> sum_df

In [ ]:
sum_df %>% rxGetInfo(getVarInfo = TRUE, numRows = 5)

Alternatively, we can encapsulate this script into a function, so that we can easily call it in a functional pipeline.

In [ ]:
taxi_hood_sum <- function(taxi_data = taxi_df, ...) {

  taxi_data %>%
    filter(pickup_nhood %in% manhattan_hoods,
           dropoff_nhood %in% manhattan_hoods, ...) %>%
    group_by(dropoff_nhood, pickup_nhood) %>%
    summarize(ave_tip = mean(tip_pct),
              ave_dist = mean(trip_distance)) %>%
    filter(ave_dist > 3, ave_tip > 0.05) -> sum_df



The resulting summary object isn't very large (about 408 rows in this case), so it shouldn't cause any memory overhead issues if we covert it now to a data.frame. We can plot our results using our favorite plotting library.

In [ ]:
tile_plot_hood <- function(df = taxi_hood_sum()) {


  ggplot(data = df, aes(x = pickup_nhood, y = dropoff_nhood)) +
    geom_tile(aes(fill = ave_tip), colour = "white") +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1),
          legend.position = 'bottom') +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue") -> gplot


In [ ]:
# tile_plot_hood(
taxi_transform <- taxi_xdf %>% mutate(tip_pct = tip_amount/fare_amount)
sum_df <- taxi_hood_sum(taxi_transform,
                        .rxArgs = list(transformObjects = list(manhattan_hoods = manhattan_hoods))) %>%

Split and Combining Operations with doXdf

Custom functions across groups

The do verb is an exception to the rule that dplyrXdf verbs write their output as xdf files. This is because do executes arbitrary R code, and can return arbitrary R objects; while a data frame is capable of storing these objects, an xdf file is limited to character and numeric vectors only.

Custom functions across groups

The doXdf verb is similar to do, but where do splits its input into one data frame per group, doXdf splits it into one xdf file per group. This allows do-like functionality with grouped data, where each group can be arbitrarily large. The syntax for the two functions is essentially the same, although the code passed to doXdf must obviously know how to handle xdfs.

In [ ]:
taxi_models <- taxi_xdf %>% group_by(pickup_dow) %>% doXdf(model = rxLinMod(tip_amount ~ fare_amount, data = .))

In [ ]:

Memory Issues

All the caveats that go with working with data.frames apply here. While each grouped partition is it's own RxXdfData object, the return value must be a data.frame, and hence, must fit in memory. Moreover, the function you apply against the splits will determine how they are operated. If you use an rx function, you'll get the nice fault-tolerant, parallel execution strategies the RevoScaleR package provides, but for any vanilla/CRAN function will work with data.frames and can easily cause your session to crash.

In [ ]:
taxi_broom <- taxi_xdf %>% group_by(pickup_dow) %>% doXdf(model = lm(tip_amount ~ fare_amount, data = .))

Now we can apply the broom::tidy function at the row level to get summary statistics:

In [ ]:
tbl_df(taxi_broom) %>% tidy(model)