This tutorial walks through all the steps you need in order to build and fit your own radial density profiles. Feel free to run it in Python 2.7, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, or Python 3.6. For this tutorial, our filament of choice is the Musca infrared dark cloud, whose density profile has already been analyzed in Cox et al. 2016 using an independent radial density profile code. We are going to apply the RadFil
code to the same published column density map used in the Cox et al. 2016 study ("HGBS_musca_column_density_map.fits") which can be downloaded from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey archives here. The data for the tutorial is also stored locally in the Tutorial_Data folder.
For the most common workflow, the two basic ingredients we need to build profiles using RadFil
is a fits image and a fits mask for your filament. The third is the filament spine, across which we will sample the profile. If you already have an existing spine for your filament (e.g. from DisPerSE) you can input the spine into RadFil
. If not, you can ask RadFil
to create a spine for you by performing medial axis skeletonization on your inputted mask; this is done via the FilFinder package.
Even if you input your own spine, in most cases mask is requisite because RadFil
searches for the pixel of maximum column density along each cut, bounded by the mask, and then shifts the profile to the maximum value. This ensures that your resulting profile is always centered at r=0 pc. In rare cases that you have a spine and want to shift the profile (but don't have a mask), you can indicate a maximum radial distance from the spine with which to search for the peak column density, and RadFil
will make your mask for you. We will get to that a bit later. Let's get started!
First, we are going to read in our fits image and fits mask (created by applying a simple contour at a level of 2.25e+21 $\rm cm^{-2}$ to the fits image) via astropy. If you have it, be sure to read in the header in addition to the image array, as RadFil
uses that to determine the image scale. The size of the image array and the mask array must be identical.
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from radfil import radfil_class, styles
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
fil_image,fil_header=fits.getdata("./Tutorial_Data/HGBS_musca_column_density_map.fits", header=True)
#plot our image and mask
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,10), ncols = 2)
ax[0].set_title("Image Data")
ax[1].imshow(fil_mask, origin="lower",cmap='Greys_r')
ax[1].set_title("Image Mask")
Now let's set up our RadFil
object. The first required argument is the image array (type numpy.ndarray). The second required argument is a mask array of the same shape (type numpy.ndarray); the only time the mask is not required is if you provide a filament spine via the "filspine" argument upon instantiating the object. A fits header and a distance to the filament (in pc) are optional, but are necessary if you want to carry out the analysis in physical units and not pixel units. We are going to adopt the same distance for Musca as in Cox et al. 2016 (200 pc) and carry out the analysis in physical units.
In [2]:
radobj=radfil_class.radfil(fil_image, mask=fil_mask, header=fil_header, distance=200)
Because we don't have a spine, we're going to make one using the FilFinder
package from Koch & Rosolowsky (2015), which can be downloaded here. Make sure you are running at least version 1.6. FilFinder
creates filament spines by reducing the image mask to a one-pixel wide topological representation of the mask using medial axis skeletonization. The only additional parameter we need to provide FilFinder is the beamwidth of our image in arcseconds, which in Musca's case is 36.3". The verbose argument indicates whether you want FilFinder
to output all the skeletonization plots.
In [3]:
fits.writeto("./Tutorial_Data/Musca_spine.fits", radobj.filspine.astype(int), overwrite=True)
Creating the filament spine could take awhile, because the image is very large. Once it's done, your radobj will now have an attribute called filspine, which is the boolean array demarcating the one-pixel wide spine. Once you created your spine the first time, just write it out as a fits image and read it into your radobj object above (as the filspine parameter) the next time around to avoid having to create the spine again. Here's what the spine looks like:
In [4]:
ax.imshow(radobj.filspine.astype(int), cmap="binary_r", origin='lower')
ax.set_title("Filament Spine",fontsize=12)
Running the make_fil_spine command also returns the length of the filament, which can be accessed under the radobj.length attribute:
In [5]:
print("The Musca filament is {:.1f} long".format(radobj.length))
Now that we have everything we need, let's briefly walk through how RadFil
builds these profiles. RadFil
starts by smoothing the filament spine outputted by the FilFinder program (or DiSperSe), taking the derivative across the spine, and making cuts perpendicular to tangent lines sampled evenly across the smoothed spine. The spine smoothing is necessary because the original spines often do not have a smooth continuous derivative, so perpendicular cuts made locally might not reflect the global curvature of the filament. Smoothing the spines and sampling the cuts is a multi-step process. We start by collecting all pixels in filspine belonging to our original spine and use python’s networkx module to sort the array by the order in which they lie along the spine path. As the filament spines are often non-monotonic, we parameterize them using not only their x and y values, but also this order along the path "t". We then use scipy.interpolate’s splprep function to determine a B-spline representation of the spine, applying a smoothness condition to remove kinks in the original spine. Next, we use scipy.interpolate’s splev function to take the first derivative of the spine and evaluate the local curvature across its entire length. Finally, we make fine cuts across the spine by selecting tangent points at well-sampled intervals, parameterizing the tangent lines at these points, and then taking cuts perpendicular to these tangent lines. For each pixel the cut passes through, the profile is sampled at the radial distance closest to the center of the pixel.
We build the profiles using the build_profile method, which takes a few optional arguments. Here is a brief explanation of the major features:
searches the region of the cut confined within the filament mask to determine which one has the peak column density. That pixel then becomes r=0 pc and the profiles are built out from there. The default is True.For now we are just going to build a profile with a) sampling interval of 25 b) shifting (the default) c) no point masking and d) no binning.
In [6]:
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
In the figure above, the background grayscale shows the underlying column density of the filament within the mask. The thick red line is the smoothed spine of the filament. The perpendicular red cuts are taken at approximately 0.10 pc intervals tangent to the smoothed spine. Because "shift=True" by default, each cut is shifted to the peak column density along the cut, which are marked via the blue scatter points.
Now that we have built the profile, we have access to a lot of additional attributes. To access the pixel values for the smoothed spine (the B-spline), for instance, we can use radobj.xspline and radboj.yspline. We can also retrieve information on the radial distances and density profiles of each cut via the "dictionary_cuts" attribute. To access the radial distances of each cut, we can use "radobj.dictionary_cuts['distance']" which will return a list the same size as the number of cuts. To access the profile heights at each of the distances, we can use "radobj.dictionary_cuts['profile']". To access the "master profile" (i.e. the average profile in the case of binning, or every single point in the array of profiles concatenated into a list for no binning), we can use radobj.masterx and radobj.mastery.
In [7]:
#plot the profile of each cut
for i in range(0,len(radobj.dictionary_cuts['distance'])):
plt.plot(radobj.dictionary_cuts['distance'][i], radobj.dictionary_cuts['profile'][i],c='gray',alpha=0.15)
plt.xlabel("Radial Distance (pc)",fontsize=22)
plt.ylabel(r"Column Density (cm$^{-2}$)",fontsize=22)
plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16)
Another useful attribute retrievable after building the profile is the "mask_width" attribute. This returns a list containing the width of each "local width cut," i.e. the length of each of the red cuts across the spine, confined within the filament mask. If you take an average of these values, it gives you an average mask-based width of the filament. This can be relevant in cases where you cannot reliably fit a profile, but still want to approximate a width of some contour.
In [8]:
print("The average mask-based width of Musca is {:.2f} pc".format(np.nanmedian(radobj.dictionary_cuts['mask_width'])))
Now that we have the master profile, we are ready for fitting using the fit_profile method. RadFil
comes with two built in models for fitting: a Plummer-like model and a Gaussian model. The Plummer-like model taken is from Cox et al. (2016) and parameterized as:
$$\rm N(r) = \frac{N_0}{[{1+{(\frac{r}{R_{flat}})^2}]}^{\; \frac{p-1}{2}}}$$
where $\rm N_0$ is the amplitude, p is the power index, and $\rm R_{flat}$ is the inner flattening radius.
The Gaussian model is your standard Gaussian:
$$\rm N(r)=a \times \exp{[\frac{-{(r-\mu)}^2}{2\sigma^2}]}$$where a is the amplitude, $\sigma$ is the standard deviation, and $\mu$ is the mean.
For both models we can also choose whether we would like to fit and subtract a background. For now, we are going to fit both a Plummer-like fit and a Gaussian fit after doing some background subtraction. We have two options for background subtraction which we control via the 'bgdegree" argument:
We choose the sloping background option (bgdegree=1). This will fit a line on either side of your profile within the bounds of the "bgdist" parameter, which specifies the inner and outer radial distances over which to perform the background fit. We adopt inner and outer background radii of 1 and 2 pc. Thus, we input bgdist=(1,2). Finally, after performing the subtraction, we will fit the Plummer-like function out to a distance of 1 pc, which we indicate via the fitdist=1 argument. Note that we could also adopt an assymetric fitting range, by giving fitdist a tuple, e.g. fitdist=(-1,2), which would fit the radial profile between -1 pc and 2 pc. In every case, the range of radii over which the background and Plummer-functions are fit are highlighted in green and blue in the figures below.
In [9]:
radobj.fit_profile(fitfunc="Plummer",fitdist=1.0,bgdist=(1.0,2.0),bgdegree=1, beamwidth=36.3)
Both are astropy.modeling objects and can be manipulated via the normal channels.
In [10]:
for (name,value) in zip(radobj.profilefit.param_names,radobj.profilefit.parameters):
print("The best-fit {} is {}".format(name,value))
Note that if you want access the covariance matrix for the parameters you can do so by typing radobj.param_cov. This will return an NxN array where N is the number of fitted parameters.
In [11]:
print("The covariance matrix for our fit is given by...")
You can get an estimate of the statistical error by taking the square root of the diagonal elements of this matrix. RadFil has a standard error attribute that does this for you...
In [12]:
for (name,error) in zip(radobj.profilefit.param_names,radobj.std_error):
print("The statistical uncertainty on the best-fit {} is {}".format(name,error))
However, in many cases the systematic uncertainty will dominate the uncertainty you calculate. RadFil has a built in method for estimating the systematic uncertainty due to the choice of background subtraction radii and fitting radii. Given two lists (one containing background subtraction radii options and the other containing fitting radii options), RadFil will compute all possible combinations and determine the best-fit value in each case.
In [13]:
bgdist_list=[[1,2], [2,3], [2,4], [3,4]]
fitdist_list=[0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
After running this function, RadFil stores a dictionary as an attribute (called "radfil_trials"), with the keys of the dictionary corresponding to different model paramters. Accessing each key returns a pandas dataframe, where the columns are the fitting radii and the rows are the background subtraction radii. You can access any cell using its row and column strings, or print the entire dataframe to screen:
In [14]:
print("The best-fit powerIndex for a fitting radius of 1 pc and background subtraction radii between 1 and 3 pc is {}".format(radobj.radfil_trials['powerIndex']['1.0']['[1, 2]']))
If you want to calculate the systematic uncertainties using this method, you could (for example) take the standard deviation of the best-fit values for each parameter, summarized in each dataframe!
In [15]:
for name in radobj.profilefit.param_names:
print("The systematic uncertainty on the {} parameter is {}".format(name,np.std(np.array(radobj.radfil_trials[name]))))
The values for R_flat and p given in Cox et al. 2016 are R_flat=0.08 pc, p=2.2 +/- 0.3, while we find R_flat=0.08 and p=2.22, which are practically identical to the Cox values and well within the margin of error.
Next, we are going to fit the inner width of the filament with a Gaussian, using the same background subtraction parameters as in the Plummer-like fit above. However, we will adopt a new fitting distance. In Cox et al. 2016, they fit out to a distance of 0.05 pc (private communication), so we will also fit out to 0.05 pc in order to reproduce their method.
In [16]:
In addition to providing the best fit standard deviation, running the fit_profile method also automatically calculates the FWHM (both deconvolved and non-deconvolved with the beam). These can be accessed via the radobj.FWHM and radobj.FWHM_deconv attributes. In order to calculate the deconcolved FWHM, you must input the beamwidth in the make_fil_spine method, or (if you enter a pre-computed spine) in the fitprofile method. Otherwise the deconvolved FWHM will be set to nan. To calculate the deconvolved width, we use the formula from Konyves et al. 2015: $FWHM{deconv}=\sqrt{FWHM^2 - HPBW^2}$, where HPBW is the half-power beamwidth.
In [17]:
print("The deconvolved FWHM is {:.3f} pc and the non-deconvolved FWHM is {:.3f}".format(radobj.FWHM_deconv,radobj.FWHM))
The published Cox et al. 2016 deconvolved FWHM value is 0.14 +/- 0.03 pc while our deconvolved FWHM value is 0.16, so again, our results agree very well with the published value and are within their margin of error.
The resulting plots can be retrieved and plotted to the user's own matplotlib axis instance. This gives the user the freedom to edit the axis labels, adjust the figure size, and adjust the ticks. This is done using the plotter class in RadFil
In [18]:
radobj_plotter = radobj.plotter()
For example, the plot for the spline and the cuts can be reproduced to an axis with proper wcs projection, and change properties like the x and y axis label text, size, etc:
In [19]:
from astropy import wcs
fig = plt.figure()
# Set up the wcs axis.
ax = fig.gca(projection = wcs.WCS(fil_header))
ax.coords[0].set_axislabel('R.A. [J2000]',fontsize=30)
ax.coords[1].set_axislabel('Dec. [J2000]',fontsize=30)
fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5)
# Plot!!
The user can also retrieve the plots generated during fitting and adjust various properties of the plot. Below we retrieve the background fit plot, set the axis labels, set the x axis range, and set the size of the tick labels.
In [20]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12., 6.))
ax = fig.gca()
radobj_plotter.plotFits(ax, 'bg')
ax.set_xlabel('Distance [pc]',fontsize=30)
ax.set_ylabel('Column Density [cm$^{-2}$]',fontsize=30)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20)
We can do the same thing for the fitted model. Below we retrieve the model fit plot, and again set the axis labels, set the x axis range, and set the size of the tick labels.
In [21]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12., 6.))
ax = fig.gca()
radobj_plotter.plotFits(ax, 'model')
ax.set_xlabel('Distance [pc]',fontsize=30)
ax.set_ylabel('Column Density [cm$^{-2}$]',fontsize=30)
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20)
And we can do them both together!
In [22]:
fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(2,figsize = (12,12))
radobj_plotter.plotFits(ax1, 'bg')
ax1.set_ylabel('Column Density [cm$^{-2}$]',fontsize=22)
ax1.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=20)
radobj_plotter.plotFits(ax2, 'model')
ax2.set_xlabel('Radial Distance (pc)',fontsize=22)
ax2.set_ylabel('Column Density [cm$^{-2}$]',fontsize=22)
ax2.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20)