Quantum Dissipation in a $x^2$ potential

$V = c x^2$

The dissipation model is

$A = $

In [1]:
import pickle
import h5py
import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack as fftpack

from scipy.special import hyp1f1
import pylab as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm

import scipy.linalg as linalg
from scipy import integrate
import time
#import ctypes
from string import Template
import sys
import os
import cv2

import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import pycuda.autoinit

#import cublas

import scikits.cuda.linalg as cu_linalg

from pywignercuda_path import SetPyWignerCUDA_Path

from GPU_Rho2D_MUBasis import *

import matplotlib

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
#Defining parameters

X_gridDIM = 256
X_amplitude =  20

dt= 0.005
timeSteps =      40000
skipFrames =       100

gammaRenormalization = 1. #15

print ' Evolution time ',timeSteps*dt

 Evolution time  200.0

In [3]:
# Defining the instance 

class Rho2D_Dissipation_X2(Rho2D_Dissipation):
    Instance for dissipative dynamics     
    def __init__(self):
        self.x_init =  0.
        self.p_init =  3.
        self.omega = 1
        self.mass = 1

        self.gammaDamping   = 0.07
        self.D_Theta = 0.02
        #self.kT = 0.1   
        #self.D_Theta = self.D_Function( self.kT )
        self.L_material = 2.
        self.epsilon = 0.5        
        epsilon = self.epsilon
        constantX2 = 0.5*self.mass*self.omega**2
        self.potentialString = '{0}*pow(x,2)'.format( constantX2 )

        self.dPotentialString = '2.*{0}*x'.format( constantX2 )
        dampingType = 'Ohmic'  
        # Data output file
        self.fileName  ='/home/rcabrera/DATA/Rho2D/'+dampingType
        self.fileName +='/grid{2}_L{0}_epsilon{1}_amplitude{3}'.format( self.L_material,epsilon,X_gridDIM,X_amplitude)
        self.fileName +='/Rho2D_ODMDamping_XX_PInit{0}_Omega{1}_DTheta{2}.hdf5'.format(
                                                                            self.p_init, self.omega, self.D_Theta )
        # Lindbladian operator A
        self.A_fileName = '/home/rcabrera/Documents/source/python/PyWignerCUDA/instances/Rho2D/'+dampingType
        self.A_fileName += '/grid{2}_L{0}_epsilon{1}_amplitude{3}'.format(self.L_material,epsilon,X_gridDIM,X_amplitude)
        self.A_fileName += '/Lindblad_A.hdf5'
        # Setting initial state   
        n = 0
        self.Rho_init = self.Rho_HarmonicOscillator(n,self.omega,self.x_init, self.p_init)
    def D_Function(self,kT,Omega=None):
            if Omega is None:
                Omega = 0.1*self.omega
            if Omega == 0:
                return 2*self.gammaDamping*self.mass*kT
                return self.gammaDamping*self.mass*Omega/2./np.tanh( Omega/(4* kT)  )         
    def f_Damping(self, P):
			return P*P/np.sqrt( P*P + self.epsilon**2  ) 
    def df_Damping(self, P):
            return (P*P*P + 2*P*self.epsilon**2 )/( P*P + self.epsilon**2  )**(1.5)       
    def  Ehrenfest_X2_QuantumCorrection(self,P):
            hBar = self.hBar
            L = self.L_material
            gamma = self.gammaDamping
            return  0.5*gamma*self.hBar*L*( P*P + 2*self.epsilon**2 )**2/( P*P + self.epsilon**2 )**(2.5)

In [4]:
instance = Rho2D_Dissipation_X2()

V(x)     =  0.5*pow(x,2)
dV(x)/dx =  2.*0.5*x

Gao's D = D(kT)

In [5]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

kT_Range = np.linspace( 1e-6, 0.2 ,100 )

ax.plot( kT_Range , instance.D_Function( kT_Range, Omega=0.1 )  ,label='$\\Omega=0.1$')
ax.plot( kT_Range , instance.D_Function( kT_Range, Omega=0.2 )  ,label='$\\Omega=0.2$')
ax.plot( kT_Range , instance.D_Function( kT_Range, Omega=0.3 )  ,label='$\\Omega=0.3$')
ax.plot( kT_Range , instance.D_Function( kT_Range, Omega=0.4 )  ,label='$\\Omega=0.4$')

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe09082b690>

In [6]:
energySpectrum = np.sort( linalg.eigvals( instance.Hamiltonian  ).real )

print '         dX = ',instance.dX , '           dP   =',instance.dP
print ' X_Amplitude = ',instance.X_amplitude , ' P_Amplitude = ',instance.P_amplitude 

print '  '
print ' Harm Osc  Potential with energy spectrum '
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
X_range = instance.X_Range() 
ax.plot( X_range  ,   instance.Potential(0,X_range  ) ,color = 'r')

map( lambda x: ax.plot( [-X_amplitude,X_amplitude], [x,x] , color='gray' )  ,energySpectrum)


         dX =  0.15625            dP   = 0.157079632679
 X_Amplitude =  20  P_Amplitude =  20.106192983
 Harm Osc  Potential with energy spectrum 

In [7]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
ax.plot( instance.P_Range()  ,  np.sign(instance.P_Range() )*instance.f_Damping( instance.P_Range()  )  ,
        '.', label=' sign(p) f(p) ' )

ax.plot( instance.P_Range()  ,  instance.f_Damping( instance.P_Range()  )  ,
        '-', label=' f(p) ' )
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe09061f350>

In [8]:


In [9]:
if os.path.isfile( instance.A_fileName )==True:
    print 'Loading A file'
    A = instance.LoadLindbladianOperatorA( instance.A_fileName )
    print 'Starting the computation of Ohmic Lindbladian operator A'
    initial_time = time.time()

    A = instance.A_Damping( )

    print "--- Calculation time ", time.time() - initial_time , ' s '
    instance.SaveLindbladianOperatorA( instance.A_fileName , A )

Loading A file


In [10]:
initial_time = time.time()

instance.Run( A, gammaRenormalization )

print "--- Calculation time ", time.time() - initial_time , ' s '

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blockCUDA =  (256, 1, 1)
gridCUDA =  (256, 1)
--- Calculation time  1018.87623692  s 


In [11]:
print ' <X> = ', np.trace(instance.Rho_init.dot(instance.X)).real, ' -> ', np.trace(instance.Rho_end.dot(instance.X)).real

print ' <P> =  ', np.round(np.trace(instance.Rho_init.dot(instance.P)).real,14) , '  -> ', np.trace(instance.Rho_end.dot(instance.P)).real

 <X> =  7.5591861166e-17  ->  -0.00685122108224
 <P> =   3.0   ->  0.00218594416669


In [12]:
if os.path.isfile( instance.fileName )==True:

In [13]:
print '  '
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

print ' normalization = ', np.trace( instance.Rho_end.real ), '    time = ', instance.timeRange[-1]

X_range = instance.X_Range()

maxProb = np.max( np.diagonal(instance.Rho_init).real/instance.dX )

ax.plot( X_range , np.log( np.diagonal(instance.Rho_init).real/instance.dX/maxProb ) , '--' ,label = 'init')
ax.plot( X_range , np.log( np.diagonal(instance.Rho_end).real/instance.dX/maxProb ) , '-'  ,label = 'final')

ax.set_ylabel('Log Probability')
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

 normalization =  1.00000000003     time =  200.0
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe063019150>

In [14]:
print '  '
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

print ' normalization = ', np.trace( instance.Rho_end.real ), '    time = ', instance.timeRange[-1]

P_range = instance.P_Range()

Rho_init_PRepresent = instance.X_To_P_Basis( instance.Rho_init )
Rho_end_PRepresent = instance.X_To_P_Basis( instance.Rho_end )

ax.semilogy( P_range , np.diagonal(Rho_init_PRepresent).real/instance.dP , '--' ,label = 'init')
ax.semilogy( P_range , np.diagonal(Rho_end_PRepresent).real/instance.dP  , '-'  ,label = 'final')

ax.set_ylabel('Probability Log')

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

 normalization =  1.00000000003     time =  200.0
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe062f76ad0>

In [15]:
print '  '
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

print ' normalization = ', np.trace( instance.Rho_end.real ), '    time = ', instance.timeRange[-1]

P_range = instance.P_Range()

Rho_init_PRepresent = instance.X_To_P_Basis( instance.Rho_init )
Rho_end_PRepresent = instance.X_To_P_Basis( instance.Rho_end )

ax.plot( P_range , np.diagonal(Rho_init_PRepresent).real/instance.dP , '--' ,label = 'init')
ax.plot( P_range , np.diagonal(Rho_end_PRepresent).real/instance.dP  , '-'  ,label = 'final')

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

 normalization =  1.00000000003     time =  200.0
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe090418b10>

In [16]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

print ' normalization = ', np.trace( instance.Rho_end.real ),'     time = ',instance.timeRange[-1]

Rho_init_XBasis = instance.Rho_init
Rho_end_XBasis  = instance.Rho_end

ax.plot( instance.X_Range(), np.diagonal(Rho_init_XBasis).real/instance.dX  ,label = 'init')
ax.plot( instance.X_Range(),  np.diagonal(Rho_end_XBasis).real/instance.dX  ,label = 'final')

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

 normalization =  1.00000000003      time =  200.0
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe090318650>

Testing Ehrenfest First Order

In [17]:
def plot_Ehrenfest_dxdt():
    time_index_max = 60000

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))

    ax.plot( instance.timeRange  ,  np.gradient( instance.X_average, instance.dt).real  , '-', 
        label = '$\\frac{d}{dt} \\langle x \\rangle $' ,color = 'red', linewidth=1.5)

    ax.plot( instance.timeRange ,  instance.P_average  , '--' , 
        label = '$\\frac{1}{m}\\langle p \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

    axis_font = {'fontname':'Times', 'size':'24'}
    ax.set_xlabel(r'$t (a.u.)$',**axis_font)

    ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.7, 0.99), loc=2, prop={'size':22})
    return fig

In [18]:

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/font_manager.py:1236: UserWarning: findfont: Font family ['Times'] not found. Falling back to Bitstream Vera Sans
  (prop.get_family(), self.defaultFamily[fontext]))
/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/matplotlib/font_manager.py:1246: UserWarning: findfont: Could not match :family=Bitstream Vera Sans:style=normal:variant=normal:weight=normal:stretch=normal:size=24.0. Returning /usr/share/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/cmb10.ttf

In [19]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

ax.plot( instance.timeRange ,   np.gradient( instance.P_average, instance.dt).real ,'-' ,
        label = '$\\frac{d}{dt}p$' ,color = 'r' , linewidth=1.5)

ax.plot( instance.timeRange , -instance.dPotentialdX_average - 2*instance.gammaDamping*instance.P_average , '--' ,
        label = '$-\\frac{d}{dx}V - 2 \\gamma sign(p) |f(p)| $' ,linewidth=1.)

axis_font = {'fontname':'Times', 'size':'24'}
ax.set_xlabel(r'$t (a.u.)$',**axis_font)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, prop={'size':22})
ax.set_ylim(- 2.5 , 2.5)
ax.set_ylabel(' ')

Ehrenfest Second Order

In [20]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

ax.plot( instance.timeRange,  np.gradient( instance.X2_average, instance.dt).real ,'-' ,
        label = '$\\frac{d}{dt}x^2$' ,color = 'r' , linewidth=1.)

ax.plot( instance.timeRange,  
        2*instance.XP_average/instance.mass  +  instance.delta_average + 0*instance.D_Theta,
        '--' ,
       label = '$\\frac{xp + px}{m} + \\frac{\\gamma\\hbar L}{2} \\frac{ \\left(\\frac{df(p)}{dp}\\right)^2 }{f(p)}  $',
        linewidth=1. )

axis_font = {'fontname':'Times', 'size':'24'}
ax.set_xlabel(r'$t (a.u.)$',**axis_font)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, prop={'size':20} )
#ax.set_ylim(- 1 ,  1)
ax.set_xlim( 0 , 100)

#ax.set_xlim( 0 , 10)
ax.set_ylabel(' ')

In [21]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

ax.plot( instance.timeRange ,  np.gradient( instance.P2_average, instance.dt).real, 
        '-' , label = '$ \\frac{d}{dt} p^2 $',
        color = 'r' , linewidth=1.)

ax.plot( instance.timeRange , 
        -2.*instance.PdPotentialdX_average  + \
        instance.alpha_average + 2*instance.D_Theta
        , '--' ,
         label = '$-(p\\frac{dV}{dx} +\\frac{dV}{dx} p ) - 2\\gamma f( |p| )\\left( 2|p| - \\frac{\\hbar}{L} \\right) + 2D$',

axis_font = {'fontname':'Times', 'size':'24'}
ax.set_xlabel(r'$t (a.u.)$',**axis_font)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, prop={'size':20} )
#ax.set_ylim(- 1 , 1)
#ax.set_ylabel(' ')

In [22]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))
ax.plot( instance.timeRange , + 2*instance.gammaDamping*instance.f_Damping_average/instance.L_material
        , '-' ,
        label = '$ 2\\gamma \\hbar f(|p|)/L $',

axis_font = {'fontname':'Times', 'size':'24'}
ax.set_xlabel(r'$t (a.u.)$',**axis_font)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, prop={'size':20} )
#ax.set_ylim(- 7 , 6)
#ax.set_ylabel(' ')

In [23]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

ax.plot( instance.timeRange ,  2*np.gradient( instance.XP_average, instance.dt).real ,
        '-' ,label = '$\\frac{d}{dt}(xp+px)$' ,
        color = 'r' , linewidth=1.)

ax.plot( instance.timeRange , \
         2*instance.P2_average/instance.mass  \
         +instance.beta_average \
        , '--' , label = '$\\frac{2}{m} p^2 - 2 x \\frac{d}{dx}V  -4 \\gamma\, sign(p) f(|p|) x $',

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, prop={'size':22})
#ax.set_ylim(- 12 , 7)
ax.set_ylabel(' ')

In [24]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

ax.plot( instance.X2_average,
        '-' ,label = '$<x^2>$' ,linewidth=2.)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)
#ax.set_ylim(- 6 , 5)
ax.set_ylabel(' ')

In [25]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

ax.plot( instance.P2_average,
        '-' ,label = '$<p^2>$' ,linewidth=2.)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)
#ax.set_ylim(- 6 , 5)
ax.set_ylabel(' ')

In [26]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))

ax.plot( instance.XP_average,
        '-' ,label = '$<xp>$' ,linewidth=2.)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)
ax.set_ylim(- 1 , 1)
ax.set_ylabel(' ')

In [27]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 4))
sx = instance.X2_average - instance.X_average**2
sp = instance.P2_average - instance.P_average**2

ax.plot( np.sqrt(sx*sp) , '-' ,label = '$\\sigma_x^2 \\sigma^2_p$' ,linewidth=2.)

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)
#ax.set_ylim(0 , 2)
ax.set_ylabel(' ')


In [28]:
def EnergyWigner(n):
    gridDIM = instance.gridDIM*2
    Rho = instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName, n ) 
    W   = instance.DensityMatrix_To_Wigner(Rho)
    X_amplitude = instance.X_amplitude*np.sqrt(2)
    dX = instance.dX*np.sqrt(2)/2.
    x_min = -X_amplitude
    x_max =  X_amplitude - dX
    P_amplitude = instance.P_amplitude/np.sqrt(2)
    dP = instance.dP/np.sqrt(2)/2.
    p_min = -P_amplitude
    p_max =  P_amplitude - dP
    X_Range = np.linspace(  -X_amplitude,  X_amplitude-dX, gridDIM  )
    P_Range = np.linspace(  -P_amplitude,  P_amplitude-dP, gridDIM  )
    X = X_Range[np.newaxis,:]
    P = P_Range[:,np.newaxis]
    H = P**2/(2*instance.mass) + instance.Potential(0,X)
    return np.sum( W*H )*dX*dP

In [29]:
skipFactor =  10

energyW_list = []
for n in range( 0, instance.timeSteps, skipFactor*instance.skipFrames ):
    print ' n = ',n
    energyW_list.append( EnergyWigner(n)  )
energyW_list  = np.array( energyW_list )

energyW_timeLine  = instance.dt*np.array( range( 0, instance.timeSteps, skipFactor*instance.skipFrames ) )

 n =  0
 n =  1000
 n =  2000
 n =  3000
 n =  4000
 n =  5000
 n =  6000
 n =  7000
 n =  8000
 n =  9000
 n =  10000
 n =  11000
 n =  12000
 n =  13000
 n =  14000
 n =  15000
 n =  16000
 n =  17000
 n =  18000
 n =  19000
 n =  20000
 n =  21000
 n =  22000
 n =  23000
 n =  24000
 n =  25000
 n =  26000
 n =  27000
 n =  28000
 n =  29000
 n =  30000
 n =  31000
 n =  32000
 n =  33000
 n =  34000
 n =  35000
 n =  36000
 n =  37000
 n =  38000
 n =  39000

In [30]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))

ax.plot(instance.timeRange, instance.P2_average/(2*instance.mass) + instance.Potential_average,
                 color='0.5', label = 'Total Energy (Rho)')

ax.plot(energyW_timeLine, energyW_list.real, '.',
                 color='red', label = 'Total Energy (Wigner)')

ax.set_ylim(0 , 5)


ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe0630dcb90>


In [31]:
def Purity(n):
    Rho = instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName, n ) 
    return np.trace( Rho.dot(Rho) ).real

In [32]:
purity_list = []
for n in range( 0, instance.timeSteps, instance.skipFrames ):
    purity_list.append( Purity(n)  )

purity_list      = np.array(purity_list )
purity_timeLine  = instance.dt*np.array( range( 0, instance.timeSteps, instance.skipFrames ) )

In [33]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax.plot( purity_timeLine, purity_list  ,label='Purity' )
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe0906a7850>

Classical integration

In [34]:
def dVdx(x):
    return instance.dPotential(0,x)

In [35]:
# Approximate solution disregarding epsilon

trajectory = instance.SymplecticPropagator(
    instance.mass, instance.gammaDamping, instance.dt, instance.timeSteps, dVdx,
    np.array([ instance.x_init, instance.p_init  ]) ).T

In [36]:
# python ODE solution

def dxdt_dpdt( Y , t):
    return [ Y[1]/instance.mass ,  -dVdx(Y[0]) - instance.gammaDamping*Y[1]*np.abs(Y[1])/np.sqrt( Y[1]**2 + instance.epsilon ) ]

timeRange =  np.arange(0, instance.dt*instance.timeSteps , instance.dt)

trajectory2 = integrate.odeint( dxdt_dpdt , [instance.x_init, instance.p_init],  timeRange ).T

In [37]:
print 'final time = ' , instance.timeRange[-1]

p_min = -instance.dP *instance.gridDIM/2.
p_max =  instance.dP *instance.gridDIM/2.     
x_min = -instance.X_amplitude
x_max =  instance.X_amplitude 
x_range = instance.X_Range()
p_range = instance.P_Range()
X = x_range[np.newaxis,:]
P = p_range[:,np.newaxis]
H = P**2/(2*instance.mass) + instance.Potential(0,X)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))

ax.plot( instance.X_average ,  instance.P_average , '--' , label = 'quantum(<X>,<P>)', linewidth=2 )

#ax.plot( trajectory[0] ,  trajectory[1] , '.' , color='g', label = 'classical (X,P)', linewidth=1 )

ax.plot( trajectory[0] ,  trajectory[1] , '-' , color='r', 
        label = 'classical (X,P)', linewidth=1 )

ax.contour(H,  np.arange(0, 4, 0.5 ),origin='lower',extent=[x_min,x_max,p_min,p_max],



ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2)

final time =  200.0
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe082d65250>

Wigner function plots

In [38]:
def PlotWigner( W2 , messages=True,saveFigure=False):
    global_min = -0.08
    global_max =  0.08
    zero_position =  abs( global_min) / (abs( global_max) + abs(global_min)) 
    wigner_cdict = {'red' 	: 	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.), 
                                (1., 1., 1.)),
                        'green' :	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)),
                        'blue'	:	((0., 1., 1.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)) }
    wigner_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('wigner_colormap', wigner_cdict, 512)
    #wigner_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('wigner_colormap', wigner_cdict, 512)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 8))
    dp = instance.dP
    dx = instance.dX
    p_min = -instance.P_amplitude + dp/2.
    p_max =  instance.P_amplitude - dp/2.   
    x_min = -instance.X_amplitude + dx/2.
    x_max =  instance.X_amplitude - dx/2.
    norm = np.sum(W2)*dp*dx
    W2 /= norm
    cax = ax.imshow(  W2.real  ,
           extent = [ x_min , x_max , p_min , p_max ], 
           vmin= global_min, vmax=global_max,
    X = instance.X_Range()[np.newaxis,:]
    P = instance.P_Range()[:,np.newaxis]
    H = P**2/(2*instance.mass) + instance.Potential(0,X)
    ax.contour( H ,  energySpectrum , origin='lower',extent=[x_min,x_max,p_min,p_max],
    ax.set_xlim( -5,5 )
    ax.set_ylim( -5,5 )
    cbar = fig.colorbar( cax , ticks=[-0.3, -0.2,-0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2 , 0.3])

    if saveFigure != False:
        fig.savefig( saveFigure  )
    if messages == True:
        print ' max W = ', np.max(W2.real)
        print ' min W = ', np.min(W2.real)
        print ' norm =  ', np.sum(W2).real*dp*dx
        print ' Energy =', np.sum( H*W2  ).real*dx*dp
    #return fig

In [39]:
def PlotWignerScaled( W2 , messages=True,saveFigure=False):
    This functions must be called when plotting Wigner functions are calculated from the density matrix
    global_min = -0.08
    global_max =  0.08
    zero_position =  abs( global_min) / (abs( global_max) + abs(global_min)) 
    wigner_cdict = {'red' 	: 	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.), 
                                (1., 1., 1.)),
                        'green' :	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)),
                        'blue'	:	((0., 1., 1.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)) }
    wigner_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('wigner_colormap', wigner_cdict, 512)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(10, 8) )
    gridDIM = W2.shape[0]
    X_amplitude = instance.X_amplitude*np.sqrt(2)
    dX = instance.dX*np.sqrt(2)/2.
    x_min = -X_amplitude + dX/2.
    x_max =  X_amplitude - dX/2.
    P_amplitude = instance.P_amplitude/np.sqrt(2)
    dP = instance.dP/np.sqrt(2)/2.
    p_min = -P_amplitude + dP/2.
    p_max =  P_amplitude - dP/2.
    X_Range = np.linspace(  -X_amplitude + dX/2.,  X_amplitude - dX/2., gridDIM  )
    P_Range = np.linspace(  -P_amplitude + dP/2.,  P_amplitude - dP/2., gridDIM  )
    X = X_Range[np.newaxis,:]
    P = P_Range[:,np.newaxis]
    cax = ax.imshow(  W2.real  ,
           extent = [ x_min , x_max , p_min , p_max ], 
           vmin= global_min, vmax=global_max,
    H = P**2/(2*instance.mass) + instance.Potential(0,X)
    CS = ax.contour( H ,  energySpectrum[0:12] , origin='lower',extent=[x_min,x_max,p_min,p_max],
    ax.clabel( CS, inline=1,fontsize=12, fmt='%1.2f')
    ax.set_xlim( -5,5 )
    ax.set_ylim( -5,5 )
    cbar = fig.colorbar( cax , ticks=[-0.3, -0.2,-0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2 , 0.3])

    if saveFigure != False:
        fig.savefig( saveFigure  )
    if messages == True:
        print ' max W = ', np.max(W2.real)
        print ' min W = ', np.min(W2.real)
        print ' norm =  ', np.sum(W2).real*dP*dX
        print ' Energy (Wigner) =', np.sum( H*W2  ).real*dX*dP
        print ' <xp> (Wigner) =', np.sum( W2*X*P).real*dX*dP

In [40]:
def PlotWignerScaled( W2 , messages=True,saveFigure=False):
    This functions must be called when plotting Wigner functions are calculated from the density matrix
    global_min = -0.08
    global_max =  0.08
    zero_position =  abs( global_min) / (abs( global_max) + abs(global_min)) 
    wigner_cdict = {'red' 	: 	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.), 
                                (1., 1., 1.)),
                        'green' :	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)),
                        'blue'	:	((0., 1., 1.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)) }
    wigner_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('wigner_colormap', wigner_cdict, 512)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(10, 8) )
    gridDIM = W2.shape[0]
    X_amplitude = instance.X_amplitude*np.sqrt(2)
    dX = instance.dX*np.sqrt(2)/2.
    x_min = -X_amplitude + dX/2.
    x_max =  X_amplitude - dX/2.
    P_amplitude = instance.P_amplitude/np.sqrt(2)
    dP = instance.dP/np.sqrt(2)/2.
    p_min = -P_amplitude + dP/2.
    p_max =  P_amplitude - dP/2.
    X_Range = np.linspace(  -X_amplitude + dX/2.,  X_amplitude - dX/2., gridDIM  )
    P_Range = np.linspace(  -P_amplitude + dP/2.,  P_amplitude - dP/2., gridDIM  )
    X = X_Range[np.newaxis,:]
    P = P_Range[:,np.newaxis]
    cax = ax.imshow(  W2.real  ,
           extent = [ x_min , x_max , p_min , p_max ], 
           vmin= global_min, vmax=global_max,
    H = P**2/(2*instance.mass) + instance.Potential(0,X)
    CS = ax.contour( H ,  energySpectrum[0:12] , origin='lower',extent=[x_min,x_max,p_min,p_max],
    ax.clabel( CS, inline=1,fontsize=12, fmt='%1.2f')
    ax.set_xlim( -5,5 )
    ax.set_ylim( -5,5 )
    cbar = fig.colorbar( cax , ticks=[-0.3, -0.2,-0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2 , 0.3])

    if saveFigure != False:
        fig.savefig( saveFigure  )
    if messages == True:
        print ' max W = ', np.max(W2.real)
        print ' min W = ', np.min(W2.real)
        print ' norm =  ', np.sum(W2).real*dP*dX
        print ' Energy (Wigner) =', np.sum( H*W2  ).real*dX*dP
        print ' <xp> (Wigner) =', np.sum( W2*X*P).real*dX*dP

In [41]:
def PlotWignerScaled_Hot( W2 , messages=True,saveFigure=False):
    This functions must be called when plotting Wigner functions are calculated from the density matrix
    global_min =  -1e-6
    global_max =  0.13
    zero_position =  abs( global_min) / (abs( global_max) + abs(global_min)) 
    wigner_cdict = {'red' 	: 	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.), 
                                (1., 1., 1.)),
                        'green' :	((0., 0., 0.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)),
                        'blue'	:	((0., 1., 1.),
                                (zero_position, 1., 1.),
                                (1., 0., 0.)) }
    wigner_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('wigner_colormap', wigner_cdict, 512)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(  figsize=(10, 8) )
    gridDIM = W2.shape[0]
    X_amplitude = instance.X_amplitude*np.sqrt(2)
    dX = instance.dX*np.sqrt(2)/2.
    x_min = -X_amplitude + dX/2.
    x_max =  X_amplitude - dX/2.
    P_amplitude = instance.P_amplitude/np.sqrt(2)
    dP = instance.dP/np.sqrt(2)/2.
    p_min = -P_amplitude + dP/2.
    p_max =  P_amplitude - dP/2.
    X_Range = np.linspace(  -X_amplitude + dX/2.,  X_amplitude - dX/2., gridDIM  )
    P_Range = np.linspace(  -P_amplitude + dP/2.,  P_amplitude - dP/2., gridDIM  )
    X = X_Range[np.newaxis,:]
    P = P_Range[:,np.newaxis]
    #cax = ax.imshow(  W2.real  ,
    #       extent = [ x_min , x_max , p_min , p_max ], 
    #       vmin= global_min, vmax=global_max,
    #       origin='lower',interpolation='none',cmap=wigner_cmap)
    cax = ax.imshow(  W2.real  ,
           extent = [ x_min , x_max , p_min , p_max ], 
           vmin= global_min, vmax=global_max,
    H = P**2/(2*instance.mass) + instance.Potential(0,X)
    CS = ax.contour( H ,  energySpectrum[0:12] , origin='lower',extent=[x_min,x_max,p_min,p_max],
    axis_font = {'size':'34'}    
    #ax.clabel( CS, inline=1,fontsize=12, fmt='%1.2f')
    ax.set_xlim( -5,5 )
    ax.set_ylim( -5,5 )
    ax.set_xlabel('x (a.u.)',**axis_font)
    ax.set_ylabel('p (a.u.)',**axis_font)
    plt.xticks(fontsize = 28)
    plt.yticks(fontsize = 28)
    cbar = fig.colorbar( cax , ticks=[-0.3, -0.2,-0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2 , 0.3])

    if saveFigure != False:
        fig.savefig( saveFigure  )
    if messages == True:
        print ' max W = ', np.max(W2.real)
        print ' min W = ', np.min(W2.real)
        print ' norm =  ', np.sum(W2).real*dP*dX
        print ' Energy (Wigner) =', np.sum( H*W2  ).real*dX*dP
        print ' <xp> (Wigner) =', np.sum( W2*X*P).real*dX*dP
    return fig

In [42]:
W0 = instance.DensityMatrix_To_Wigner( instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName,0) )

In [43]:
fig0 = PlotWignerScaled_Hot(W0);

 max W =  0.318807261349
 min W =  -0.00238469150917
 norm =   1.0
 Energy (Wigner) = 4.96734785563
 <xp> (Wigner) = -0.0686739781865
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fe09020a9d0>

In [44]:
W10000 = instance.DensityMatrix_To_Wigner( instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName, instance.timeSteps ) )

In [45]:
fig1 = PlotWignerScaled_Hot(W10000);

 max W =  0.104286424706
 min W =  -9.00972712361e-05
 norm =   1.0
 Energy (Wigner) = 1.70408055917
 <xp> (Wigner) = -0.164641900973
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fe09053e390>

In [46]:


In [47]:

Boltzmann Equation

$D = 2 m k T \gamma$

In [48]:
effective_kT = 1.2908 #1.166

print '************* Effective kT = ',effective_kT,' *******************' 

BoltzmannRho = linalg.expm(  -instance.Hamiltonian/effective_kT   )
norm = np.trace( BoltzmannRho )
BoltzmannRho /= norm

************* Effective kT =  1.2908  *******************

In [49]:
W_Boltzmann = instance.DensityMatrix_To_Wigner( BoltzmannRho )

In [50]:
fig2 = PlotWignerScaled_Hot(W_Boltzmann);

 max W =  0.118959480125
 min W =  -0.000114040059546
 norm =   1.0
 Energy (Wigner) = 1.34004245502
 <xp> (Wigner) = 6.06339130365e-15
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fe0637dee50>

In [51]:

In [52]:
BoltzmannProb_x = np.diagonal(BoltzmannRho).real
print ' Boltzmann Norm = ', np.trace( BoltzmannRho ).real
print ' Purity Boltzmann = ', np.trace( BoltzmannRho.dot(BoltzmannRho)  ).real

Rho_End = instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName, instance.timeSteps )

RhoEnd_Prob_x = np.diagonal( Rho_End ).real
print '             '
print ' Rho Norm = ', np.trace( Rho_End ).real
print ' Purity Rho_End = ', np.trace( Rho_End.dot(Rho_End)  ).real
print '              '

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax.plot(  instance.X_Range() , BoltzmannProb_x   ,label='Boltzmann Prob x' )
ax.plot(  instance.X_Range() , RhoEnd_Prob_x    ,label='Rho End Prob x' )

ax.set_xlim( -5,5 )
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

 Boltzmann Norm =  1.0
 Purity Boltzmann =  0.369079208467
 Rho Norm =  1.00000000003
 Purity Rho_End =  0.372659954036
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe06358f290>

In [53]:
BoltzmannProb_p = np.diagonal( instance.X_To_P_Basis( BoltzmannRho ) ).real
print ' Boltzmann Norm = ', np.trace( BoltzmannRho ).real

Rho_End = instance.X_To_P_Basis( instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName, instance.timeSteps ) )

RhoEnd_Prob_p = np.diagonal( Rho_End ).real
print ' Rho Norm = ', np.trace( Rho_End ).real

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax.plot(  instance.X_Range() , BoltzmannProb_p   ,label='Boltzmann Prob p' )
ax.plot(  instance.X_Range() , RhoEnd_Prob_p    ,label='Rho End Prob p' )

ax.set_xlim( -5,5 )
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

 Boltzmann Norm =  1.0
 Rho Norm =  1.00000000003
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe0634caa50>

In [54]:
BoltzmannProb_x = np.diagonal(BoltzmannRho).real
print ' Boltzmann Norm = ', np.trace( BoltzmannRho ).real
print ' Purity Boltzmann = ', np.trace( BoltzmannRho.dot(BoltzmannRho)  ).real

Rho_End = instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName, instance.timeSteps )

RhoEnd_Prob_x = np.diagonal( Rho_End ).real
print '             '
print ' Rho Norm = ', np.trace( Rho_End ).real
print ' Purity Rho_End = ', np.trace( Rho_End.dot(Rho_End)  ).real
print '              '

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
ax.semilogy(  instance.X_Range() , BoltzmannProb_x   ,label='Boltzmann Prob x' )
ax.semilogy(  instance.X_Range() , RhoEnd_Prob_x    ,label='Rho End Prob x' )

ax.set_xlim( -15,15 )
ax.set_ylim( 1e-6,2 )

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

 Boltzmann Norm =  1.0
 Purity Boltzmann =  0.369079208467
 Rho Norm =  1.00000000003
 Purity Rho_End =  0.372659954036
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x7fe063539710>

In [55]:
def WignerStationary( x,p , kT):
    return np.exp( -( p**2/instance.mass + instance.mass*instance.omega**2*x**2 )/( instance.omega/np.tanh( instance.omega/2./kT )  )  )

In [56]:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit 

def FindkT(Prob_p, P_Range, omega, mass):
    Function to find kT by maximazing the overlap with the Boltzmann state
    def BoltzmannPMarginal(P, kT):
        if kT == 0:
            C = 1/(omega*mass)
            C = np.tanh(0.5*omega/kT) / (omega*mass)
        B = np.exp(-C*P**2)
        B /= B.sum()
        return B
    return curve_fit(BoltzmannPMarginal, P_Range, Prob_p)[0][0]

# test 
FindkT(np.diagonal( Rho_End ).real, instance.P_Range(), instance.omega ,  instance.mass)


Alternative Propagator Limiting the Boltzmann state

In [57]:
#dBoltzmannRho = BoltzmannRho

#for i in range(50):
#        dBoltzmannRho = linalg.sqrtm( dBoltzmannRho )

In [58]:
# Testing Boltzmann decomposition 
# np.abs( BoltzmannRho - BoltzmannRho_Cho.dot(BoltzmannRho_Cho.conj().T) ).max()  

#V = dBoltzmannRho.dot( linalg.expm( -1j*instance.Hamiltonian*instance.dt )  )

In [59]:
#RhoInit2     = instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName, 10*instance.skipFrames )
#Rho_Cho = linalg.cholesky( RhoInit2 ).conj().T

In [60]:
# Testing Initial state decomposition
#np.abs( RhoInit2 - B_init.dot( B_init.conj().T )  ).max()

In [61]:
"""x_average = []
p_average = []

for t_index in range(1000):
    norm       =  np.trace(  RhoInit2  )
    RhoInit2  /= norm
    x_average.append( np.sum( RhoInit2*instance.X )  )
    p_average.append( np.sum( RhoInit2*instance.P )  )
    RhoInit2   = V.dot( RhoInit2.dot( V.conj().T )  )
x_average = np.array(x_average).real    
p_average = np.array(p_average).real    """;

In [72]:
RhoInit = instance.Rho_init + (1e-2)*BoltzmannRho

In [98]:
instance.Run_To_Boltzmann( RhoInit , effective_kT )

 tIndex= 0
 tIndex= 1000
 tIndex= 2000
 tIndex= 3000
 tIndex= 4000
 tIndex= 5000
 tIndex= 6000
 tIndex= 7000
 tIndex= 8000
 tIndex= 9000
 tIndex= 10000
 tIndex= 11000
 tIndex= 12000
 tIndex= 13000
 tIndex= 14000
 tIndex= 15000
 tIndex= 16000
 tIndex= 17000
 tIndex= 18000
 tIndex= 19000
 tIndex= 20000
 tIndex= 21000
 tIndex= 22000
 tIndex= 23000
 tIndex= 24000
 tIndex= 25000
 tIndex= 26000
 tIndex= 27000
 tIndex= 28000
 tIndex= 29000
 tIndex= 30000
 tIndex= 31000
 tIndex= 32000
 tIndex= 33000
 tIndex= 34000
 tIndex= 35000
 tIndex= 36000
 tIndex= 37000
 tIndex= 38000
 tIndex= 39000
 tIndex= 40000

In [99]:
WTerminal =  instance.DensityMatrix_To_Wigner( instance.RhoTerminal_end  )

In [100]:
PlotWignerScaled_Hot( WTerminal );

 max W =  0.318747334316
 min W =  -0.00020021792825
 norm =   1.0
 Energy (Wigner) = 0.498922206689
 <xp> (Wigner) = -1.03143861865e-05
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fe0612c6190>

In [101]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))

ax.plot(  instance.X_Range() , BoltzmannProb_p   ,label='Boltzmann Prob p' )

ax.plot(  instance.X_Range() , np.diagonal( instance.RhoTerminal_end ).real  ,label='Terminal' )

ax.set_xlim( -5,5 )
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe041dec350>

In [102]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))

ax.plot(   instance.X_average_  , 'r-' , 
        label = ' Terminal $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

ax.plot(   instance.X_average  , '--' , 
        label = 'ODM $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

#ax.set_xlim(0, 10000)
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe041dfae50>

In [103]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))

ax.plot(   instance.P_average_  , 'r-' , 
        label = ' Terminal $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

ax.plot(   instance.P_average  , '--' , 
        label = 'ODM $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

#ax.set_xlim(0, 100)
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe04143aa10>

In [104]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))

ax.plot(   instance.X2_average_  , 'r-' , 
        label = ' Terminal $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

ax.plot(   instance.X2_average  , '--' , 
        label = 'ODM $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

#ax.set_xlim(0, 100)
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe060663d10>

In [105]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))

ax.plot(   instance.P2_average_  , 'r-' , 
        label = ' Terminal $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

ax.plot(   instance.P2_average  , '--' , 
        label = 'ODM $\\langle x \\rangle$', linewidth=1.5 )

#ax.set_xlim(0, 100)
ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.8, 1), loc=2)

<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fe06074b890>


In [66]:
WW = instance.DensityMatrix_To_Wigner( 
instance.Rho_HarmonicOscillator( 2, instance.omega, 0, 0)

In [67]:

 max W =  0.320304404085
 min W =  -0.134088586592
 norm =   1.0
 Energy (Wigner) = 2.50158363708
 <xp> (Wigner) = 1.11142319563e-14
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fe06333c110>

In [68]:
instance.Wigner_HarmonicOscillator( 2 ,instance.omega,0,0)

 max W =  0.29908752195
 min W =  -0.131674093621
 norm =   1.0
 Energy = 2.5
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7fe063111190>


In [69]:
# avconv -r 10  -i fig%05d.png -b:v 1000k test.mp4
for n in range(0,instance.timeSteps,instance.skipFrames):
    print ' n = ',n
    W = instance.DensityMatrix_To_Wigner( instance.LoadRho(instance.fileName,n) )
    PlotWigner( W , messages=False, saveFigure='/home/rcabrera/DATA/Rho2D/Ohmic/movie1/fig%05d'%m );