ABC calibration of $I_\text{CaL}$ in Nygren model to original dataset.

In [1]:
import os, tempfile
import logging
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

In [2]:
from ionchannelABC import theoretical_population_size
from ionchannelABC import IonChannelDistance, EfficientMultivariateNormalTransition, IonChannelAcceptor
from ionchannelABC.experiment import setup
from ionchannelABC.visualization import plot_sim_results, plot_kde_matrix_custom
import myokit

INFO:myokit:Loading Myokit version 1.29.1

In [3]:
from pyabc import Distribution, RV, History, ABCSMC
from pyabc.epsilon import MedianEpsilon
from pyabc.sampler import MulticoreEvalParallelSampler, SingleCoreSampler
from pyabc.populationstrategy import ConstantPopulationSize

Initial set-up

Load experiments used for original dataset calibration:

  • Steady-state activation [Mewes1994]
  • Steady-state inactivation [Li1997]
  • Inactivation time constant (fast+slow) [Li1997]
  • Recovery time constant (fast+slow) [Li1997]

In [4]:
from experiments.ical_mewes import mewes_act
from experiments.ical_li import (li_inact_1000,

Load the myokit modelfile for this channel.

In [5]:
modelfile = 'models/nygren_ical.mmt'

Plot steady-state and time constant functions of original model

In [6]:
from ionchannelABC.visualization import plot_variables

In [7]:

V = np.arange(-140, 50, 0.01)

nyg_par_map = {'di': 'ical.d_inf',
            'f1i': 'ical.f_inf',
            'f2i': 'ical.f_inf',
            'dt': 'ical.tau_d',
            'f1t': 'ical.tau_f_1',
            'f2t': 'ical.tau_f_2'}

f, ax = plot_variables(V, nyg_par_map, 'models/nygren_ical.mmt', figshape=(3,2))

Activation gate ($d$) calibration

Combine model and experiments to produce:

  • observations dataframe
  • model function to run experiments and return traces
  • summary statistics function to accept traces

In [8]:
observations, model, summary_statistics = setup(modelfile,
assert len(observations)==len(summary_statistics(model({})))

In [9]:
g = plot_sim_results(modelfile,

Set up prior ranges for each parameter in the model.

See the modelfile for further information on specific parameters. Prepending `log_' has the effect of setting the parameter in log space.

In [10]:
limits = {'ical.p1': (-50, 50),
          'ical.p2': (0, 20),
          'log_ical.p3': (-7, 3),
          'ical.p4': (-50, 50),
          'ical.p5': (0, 20),
          'log_ical.p6': (-7, 3)}
prior = Distribution(**{key: RV("uniform", a, b - a)
                        for key, (a,b) in limits.items()})

In [11]:
# Test this works correctly with set-up functions
assert len(observations) == len(summary_statistics(model(prior.rvs())))

Run ABC calibration

In [12]:
db_path = ("sqlite:///" + os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "nygren_ical_dgate_original.db"))

In [13]:
abc_logger = logging.getLogger('ABC')
eps_logger = logging.getLogger('Epsilon')

Test theoretical number of particles for approximately 2 particles per dimension in the initial sampling of the parameter hyperspace.

In [14]:
pop_size = theoretical_population_size(2, len(limits))
print("Theoretical minimum population size is {} particles".format(pop_size))

Theoretical minimum population size is 64 particles

Initialise ABCSMC (see pyABC documentation for further details).

IonChannelDistance calculates the weighting applied to each datapoint based on the experimental variance.

In [16]:
abc = ABCSMC(models=model,

DEBUG:ABC:ion channel weights: {'0': 1.8620971283223635, '1': 1.1636171131795543, '2': 1.0342944621090917, '3': 0.6205155126018103, '4': 0.48986542101291475, '5': 0.5170198235080876, '6': 0.6205155126018118, '7': 0.7756730599221309, '8': 1.5522067038604508, '9': 1.3299008007726998, '10': 1.0342944621090833}
DEBUG:Epsilon:init quantile_epsilon initial_epsilon=from_sample, quantile_multiplier=1

In [17]:
# Convert observations to dictionary format for calibration
obs = observations.to_dict()['y']
obs = {str(k): v for k, v in obs.items()}

In [18]:
abc_id =, obs)

INFO:History:Start <ABCSMC(id=4, start_time=2020-01-27 16:53:37.402405, end_time=None)>

Run calibration with stopping criterion of particle 1\% acceptance rate.

In [19]:
history =, max_nr_populations=100, min_acceptance_rate=0.01)

INFO:ABC:Calibration sample before t=0.
INFO:Epsilon:initial epsilon is 1.411290730406114
INFO:ABC:t: 0, eps: 1.411290730406114.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 0.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 0 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 0: 1528.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 1028 = 4.8638e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=1, eps=0.7728394625029752
INFO:ABC:t: 1, eps: 0.7728394625029752.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 1.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 1 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 1: 2838.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 1310 = 3.8168e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=2, eps=0.5157906004027857
INFO:ABC:t: 2, eps: 0.5157906004027857.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 2.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 2 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 2: 4722.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 1884 = 2.6539e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=3, eps=0.40706979538278715
INFO:ABC:t: 3, eps: 0.40706979538278715.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 3.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 3 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 3: 7127.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2405 = 2.0790e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=4, eps=0.37606312882198284
INFO:ABC:t: 4, eps: 0.37606312882198284.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 4.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 4 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 4: 9736.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2609 = 1.9164e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=5, eps=0.32544971279092055
INFO:ABC:t: 5, eps: 0.32544971279092055.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 5.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 5 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 5: 11955.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2219 = 2.2533e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=6, eps=0.2624457155423754
INFO:ABC:t: 6, eps: 0.2624457155423754.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 6.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 6 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 6: 14033.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2078 = 2.4062e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=7, eps=0.19532801655675536
INFO:ABC:t: 7, eps: 0.19532801655675536.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 7.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 7 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 7: 17787.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 3754 = 1.3319e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=8, eps=0.16240189906506963
INFO:ABC:t: 8, eps: 0.16240189906506963.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 8.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 8 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 8: 20769.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2982 = 1.6767e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=9, eps=0.14218952034058763
INFO:ABC:t: 9, eps: 0.14218952034058763.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 9.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 9 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 9: 23983.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 3214 = 1.5557e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=10, eps=0.12940193381041531
INFO:ABC:t: 10, eps: 0.12940193381041531.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 10.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 10 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 10: 26937.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2954 = 1.6926e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=11, eps=0.11989444100344239
INFO:ABC:t: 11, eps: 0.11989444100344239.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 11.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 11 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 11: 30741.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 3804 = 1.3144e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=12, eps=0.11610878720450522
INFO:ABC:t: 12, eps: 0.11610878720450522.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 12.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 12 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 12: 33801.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 3060 = 1.6340e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=13, eps=0.11362691715091461
INFO:ABC:t: 13, eps: 0.11362691715091461.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 13.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 13 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 13: 36431.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2630 = 1.9011e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=14, eps=0.11228550004631038
INFO:ABC:t: 14, eps: 0.11228550004631038.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 14.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 14 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 14: 40905.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 4474 = 1.1176e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=15, eps=0.11152791500269674
INFO:ABC:t: 15, eps: 0.11152791500269674.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 15.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 15 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 15: 49321.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 8416 = 5.9411e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=16, eps=0.1110300356667839
INFO:ABC:t: 16, eps: 0.1110300356667839.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 16.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 16 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 16: 62474.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 13153 = 3.8014e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=17, eps=0.10810894316155349
INFO:ABC:t: 17, eps: 0.10810894316155349.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 17.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 17 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 17: 70473.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 7999 = 6.2508e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=18, eps=0.1054302958801408
INFO:ABC:t: 18, eps: 0.1054302958801408.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 18.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 18 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 18: 77241.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 6768 = 7.3877e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=19, eps=0.10273940845418957
INFO:ABC:t: 19, eps: 0.10273940845418957.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 19.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 19 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 19: 82774.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 5533 = 9.0367e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=20, eps=0.10055126400717936
INFO:ABC:t: 20, eps: 0.10055126400717936.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 20.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 20 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 20: 86035.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 3261 = 1.5333e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=21, eps=0.09857680620801564
INFO:ABC:t: 21, eps: 0.09857680620801564.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 21.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 21 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 21: 88460.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2425 = 2.0619e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=22, eps=0.09704116534422275
INFO:ABC:t: 22, eps: 0.09704116534422275.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 22.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 22 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 22: 90535.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2075 = 2.4096e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=23, eps=0.09592166228054089
INFO:ABC:t: 23, eps: 0.09592166228054089.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 23.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 23 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 23: 93055.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 2520 = 1.9841e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=24, eps=0.09462251669613232
INFO:ABC:t: 24, eps: 0.09462251669613232.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 24.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 24 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 24: 98178.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 5123 = 9.7599e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=25, eps=0.09398542735861558
INFO:ABC:t: 25, eps: 0.09398542735861558.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 25.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 25 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 25: 102215.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 4037 = 1.2385e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=26, eps=0.09310269450652849
INFO:ABC:t: 26, eps: 0.09310269450652849.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 26.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 26 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 26: 107395.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 5180 = 9.6525e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=27, eps=0.09256805284102902
INFO:ABC:t: 27, eps: 0.09256805284102902.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 27.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 27 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 27: 114789.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 7394 = 6.7622e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=28, eps=0.09153066465582996
INFO:ABC:t: 28, eps: 0.09153066465582996.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 28.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 28 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 28: 126586.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 11797 = 4.2384e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=29, eps=0.090940886159002
INFO:ABC:t: 29, eps: 0.090940886159002.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 29.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 29 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 29: 132563.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 5977 = 8.3654e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=30, eps=0.09038699588119717
INFO:ABC:t: 30, eps: 0.09038699588119717.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 30.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 30 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 30: 139369.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 6806 = 7.3465e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=31, eps=0.08979608811864453
INFO:ABC:t: 31, eps: 0.08979608811864453.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 31.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 31 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 31: 145522.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 6153 = 8.1261e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=32, eps=0.08916866407968603
INFO:ABC:t: 32, eps: 0.08916866407968603.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 32.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 32 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 32: 153462.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 7940 = 6.2972e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=33, eps=0.08881476996135677
INFO:ABC:t: 33, eps: 0.08881476996135677.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 33.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 33 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 33: 161440.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 7978 = 6.2672e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=34, eps=0.08732639535133546
INFO:ABC:t: 34, eps: 0.08732639535133546.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 34.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 34 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 34: 227643.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 500 / 66203 = 7.5525e-03.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=35, eps=0.08712997913365059
INFO:History:Done <ABCSMC(id=4, start_time=2020-01-27 16:53:37.402405, end_time=2020-01-27 17:00:04.726064)>

Analysis of results

In [17]:
history = History(db_path)

In [11]:


In [8]:
df, w = history.get_distribution()

In [9]:

name ical.p1 ical.p2 ical.p4 ical.p5 log_ical.p3 log_ical.p6
count 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000
mean 2.660959 5.051521 -11.522957 18.561873 -0.979001 -1.997502
std 0.106361 0.015746 0.066002 0.131535 0.006481 0.017004
min 2.379048 5.004041 -11.700679 18.179155 -1.020526 -2.056282
25% 2.563624 5.041556 -11.581179 18.459250 -0.980587 -2.009898
50% 2.650883 5.053798 -11.528060 18.540711 -0.978655 -1.998095
75% 2.726056 5.063433 -11.477077 18.643031 -0.975676 -1.982758
max 3.010518 5.092141 -11.305433 19.007142 -0.968020 -1.938702

In [23]:

mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14

g = plot_sim_results(modelfile,
                     df=df, w=w)


In [24]:
import pandas as pd
N = 100

nyg_par_samples = df.sample(n=N, weights=w, replace=True)
nyg_par_samples = nyg_par_samples.set_index([pd.Index(range(N))])
nyg_par_samples = nyg_par_samples.to_dict(orient='records')

In [25]:
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14

f, ax = plot_variables(V, nyg_par_map, 

In [26]:
from ionchannelABC.visualization import plot_kde_matrix_custom
import myokit
import numpy as np

In [27]:
m,_,_ = myokit.load(modelfile)

In [28]:
originals = {}
for name in limits.keys():
    if name.startswith("log"):
        name_ = name[4:]
        name_ = name
    val = m.value(name_)
    if name.startswith("log"):
        val_ = np.log10(val)
        val_ = val
    originals[name] = val_

In [29]:
g = plot_kde_matrix_custom(df, w, limits=limits, refval=originals)

Voltage-dependent inactivation gate ($f$) calibration

In [19]:
observations, model, summary_statistics = setup(modelfile,

In [20]:
assert len(observations)==len(summary_statistics(model({})))

In [21]:
g = plot_sim_results(modelfile,

In [22]:
limits = {'ical.q1': (0, 100),
          'ical.q2': (0, 50),
          'log_ical.q3': (-7, 3),
          'ical.q4': (0, 100),
          'ical.q5': (0, 50),
          'log_ical.q6': (-7, 3),
          'log_ical.r1': (-7, 3),
          'ical.r2': (0, 100),
          'ical.r3': (0, 100),
          'log_ical.r4': (-7, 3)}
prior = Distribution(**{key: RV("uniform", a, b - a)
                        for key, (a,b) in limits.items()})

In [23]:
# Test this works correctly with set-up functions
assert len(observations) == len(summary_statistics(model(prior.rvs())))

Run ABC calibration

In [24]:
db_path = ("sqlite:///" + os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "nygren_ical_fgates_original.db"))

In [36]:
abc_logger = logging.getLogger('ABC')
eps_logger = logging.getLogger('Epsilon')

In [37]:
pop_size = theoretical_population_size(2, len(limits))
print("Theoretical minimum population size is {} particles".format(pop_size))

Theoretical minimum population size is 1024 particles

In [38]:
abc = ABCSMC(models=model,

DEBUG:ABC:ion channel weights: {'0': 0.9837148289810969, '1': 0.9837148289810969, '2': 0.9837148289810969, '3': 0.9837148289810969, '4': 0.32559180605160337, '5': 0.5055241199222263, '6': 0.6753486289586008, '7': 0.8392681990941823, '8': 0.9837148289810969, '9': 0.9837148289810969, '10': 0.9837148289810969, '11': 0.9196236649649017, '12': 0.8392681990941823, '13': 0.630982660632852, '14': 0.4608478344438249, '15': 0.41845619672000584, '16': 0.3688677609080382, '17': 0.4191992497796025, '18': 0.21952975590454926, '19': 0.5102122707484876, '20': 0.7659862673065291, '21': 0.4791367008919786, '22': 2.7544015211470714, '23': 0.21885528270246787, '24': 2.7490646934055025, '25': 0.5560031468540616, '26': 4.590669201911785, '27': 2.354305935366495, '28': 0.5128531003233775}
DEBUG:Epsilon:init quantile_epsilon initial_epsilon=100, quantile_multiplier=1

In [39]:
obs = observations.to_dict()['y']
obs = {str(k): v for k, v in obs.items()}

In [40]:
abc_id =, obs)

INFO:History:Start <ABCSMC(id=1, start_time=2019-12-17 18:11:15.560975, end_time=None)>

In [41]:
history =, max_nr_populations=10, min_acceptance_rate=0.01)

INFO:ABC:t: 0, eps: 100.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 0.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 0 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 0: 17682.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 17682 = 1.1311e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=1, eps=20.218880525807926
INFO:ABC:t: 1, eps: 20.218880525807926.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 1.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 1 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 1: 27035.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 9353 = 2.1384e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=2, eps=9.05238539533155
INFO:ABC:t: 2, eps: 9.05238539533155.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 2.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 2 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 2: 37902.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 10867 = 1.8404e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=3, eps=3.2145686554261843
INFO:ABC:t: 3, eps: 3.2145686554261843.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 3.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 3 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 3: 50055.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 12153 = 1.6457e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=4, eps=1.9753436253693968
INFO:ABC:t: 4, eps: 1.9753436253693968.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 4.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 4 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 4: 68933.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 18878 = 1.0594e-01.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=5, eps=1.6516985568721008
INFO:ABC:t: 5, eps: 1.6516985568721008.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 5.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 5 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 5: 96736.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 27803 = 7.1935e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=6, eps=1.4303164946904523
INFO:ABC:t: 6, eps: 1.4303164946904523.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 6.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 6 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 6: 132338.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 35602 = 5.6177e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=7, eps=1.273809074312431
INFO:ABC:t: 7, eps: 1.273809074312431.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 7.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 7 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 7: 182855.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 50517 = 3.9591e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=8, eps=1.1713400982943136
INFO:ABC:t: 8, eps: 1.1713400982943136.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 8.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 8 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 8: 305603.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 122748 = 1.6294e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=9, eps=1.1030918451541478
INFO:ABC:t: 9, eps: 1.1030918451541478.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 9.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 9 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 9: 439254.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 133651 = 1.4964e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=10, eps=1.0578826712902287
INFO:History:Done <ABCSMC(id=1, start_time=2019-12-17 18:11:15.560975, end_time=2019-12-18 01:14:51.642898)>

In [42]:
history =, max_nr_populations=100, min_acceptance_rate=0.01)

INFO:ABC:t: 10, eps: 1.0578826712902287.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 10.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 10 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 10: 588723.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 149469 = 1.3381e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=11, eps=1.0112463761417099
INFO:ABC:t: 11, eps: 1.0112463761417099.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 11.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 11 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 11: 700015.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 111292 = 1.7971e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=12, eps=0.978278613072101
INFO:ABC:t: 12, eps: 0.978278613072101.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 12.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 12 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 12: 863210.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 163195 = 1.2255e-02.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=13, eps=0.9536787695189626
INFO:ABC:t: 13, eps: 0.9536787695189626.
DEBUG:ABC:Now submitting population 13.
DEBUG:ABC:Population 13 done.
DEBUG:ABC:Total samples up to t = 13: 1073401.
INFO:ABC:Acceptance rate: 2000 / 210191 = 9.5152e-03.
DEBUG:Epsilon:new eps, t=14, eps=0.9291436865295484
INFO:History:Done <ABCSMC(id=1, start_time=2019-12-17 18:11:15.560975, end_time=2019-12-18 09:03:19.012323)>

Database results analysis

In [25]:
history = History(db_path)

In [26]:
df, w = history.get_distribution(m=0)

In [27]:

name ical.q1 ical.q2 ical.q4 ical.q5 ical.r2 ical.r3 log_ical.q3 log_ical.q6 log_ical.r1 log_ical.r4
count 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000
mean 30.321888 7.086246 56.398784 23.881013 53.796645 53.828049 -2.243882 -1.886848 -2.271101 -2.269780
std 6.188146 3.844569 22.818212 13.046897 25.474760 27.484299 1.913473 0.466871 1.772640 1.295454
min 11.705284 0.005643 0.398389 0.008983 0.050621 0.178847 -6.970469 -2.731065 -6.980133 -6.992341
25% 25.839533 4.209786 40.016499 13.063986 35.243108 29.935015 -3.478830 -2.238161 -3.241617 -2.456751
50% 29.748317 6.655406 56.581341 23.229325 55.078437 56.257167 -1.690625 -2.098706 -1.591136 -2.069147
75% 34.335679 9.406662 74.259265 34.642467 74.310714 77.659496 -0.884309 -1.280987 -0.997886 -1.289475
max 61.052846 23.041122 99.829090 49.953508 99.850154 99.988806 2.301194 -1.127171 2.024928 -1.128604

In [28]:

mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14

g = plot_sim_results(modelfile,
                     df=df, w=w)


In [47]:
from ionchannelABC.visualization import plot_kde_matrix_custom
import myokit
import numpy as np

In [48]:
m,_,_ = myokit.load(modelfile)

In [49]:
originals = {}
for name in limits.keys():
    if name.startswith("log"):
        name_ = name[4:]
        name_ = name
    val = m.value(name_)
    if name.startswith("log"):
        val_ = np.log10(val)
        val_ = val
    originals[name] = val_

In [50]:

g = plot_kde_matrix_custom(df, w, limits=limits, refval=originals)


In [31]:
import pandas as pd
N = 100
nyg_par_samples = df.sample(n=N, weights=w, replace=True)
nyg_par_samples = nyg_par_samples.set_index([pd.Index(range(N))])
nyg_par_samples = nyg_par_samples.to_dict(orient='records')

In [32]:
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 14
mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14

f, ax = plot_variables(V, nyg_par_map, 


In [ ]: