In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

Измерения кристалла кремния с одиночными дислокациями

  1. Трубка - Mo,режим 50 Кв, 30 мА
  2. Геометрия эксперимента:
    • Угол Брэгга - 10.66
    • Угол детектора - 21.32 (выстовлено приблизительно)
  3. Данные SI*.fit
    • 181 проекция (разбиение на 2 дня)
    • экспозиция - 10х20 сек. (складывались в матрице)
  4. Темновой ток FREE*.fit
    • 9 проекций (разбиение на 2 дня),
    • экспозиция - 10х20 сек. (складывались в матрице)

In [ ]:
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
import h5py
import astra
import cv2
from import fits
from pprint import pprint
import warnings
import ipywidgets

In [ ]:
import re
def natural_key(string_):
    return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', string_)]

In [ ]:
#lodad files and sort it ina natural way
data_dir = os.path.expanduser('/home/makov/diskmnt/big/topo_tomo/2015_11_09/Si/exp')
data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir,'SI*.fit'))
data_files = sorted(data_files, key=natural_key)
print len(data_files)
empty_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir,'FREE*.fit'))
empty_files = sorted(empty_files, key=natural_key)
print len(empty_files)

In [ ]:
#loading data files
data = None
for idf, df in enumerate(data_files):
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        with as fit:
            tmp_data = fit[0].data.astype('uint16')
    if data is None:
        data = np.ndarray(shape = (len(data_files),tmp_data.shape[0],tmp_data.shape[1]), 
                        dtype = 'float32')
    data[idf] = tmp_data

In [ ]:
#loading empty files
empty = None
for idf, df in enumerate(empty_files):
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        with as fit:
            tmp_data = fit[0].data.astype('uint16')
    if empty is None:
        empty = np.ndarray(shape = (len(empty_files),tmp_data.shape[0],tmp_data.shape[1]), 
                        dtype = 'float32')
    empty[idf] = tmp_data

In [ ]:
angles = np.arange(len(data_files))*2.0  # Angles staep = 2 deg

In [ ]:
# remove unused regions (crop ROI)
data = data[:,320:620,103:403]
empty = empty[:,320:620,103:403]

In [ ]:
empty_frame = empty.sum(axis=0)/empty.shape[0]  # avearaging emplty frames

In [ ]:
data = data-empty_frame

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# #take only images with good contrast
# good_slices=np.concatenate((np.arange(0,25),np.arange(40,90),np.arange(130,180))) 
# data = data[good_slices]
# angles = angles[good_slices]

In [ ]:
def show_array(data3d, axis_numb=0):
    def show_slice(i):
    local_data = data3d
    ipywidgets.interact(show_slice, i=(0,data3d.shape[axis_numb]-1))
show_array(data, 1)

In [ ]:
import astra
def astra_tomo2d_parallel(sinogram, angles):
    angles = angles.astype('float64')
    detector_size = sinogram.shape[1]

    rec_size = detector_size
    vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(rec_size, rec_size)
    proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel', 1.0, detector_size, angles)

    sinogram_id = astra.data2d.create('-sino', proj_geom, data=sinogram)
    # Create a data object for the reconstruction
    rec_id = astra.data2d.create('-vol', vol_geom)
#     proj_id = astra.create_projector('strip', proj_geom, vol_geom) # for CPU reconstruction only

    # Set up the parameters for a reconstruction algorithm using the GPU
    cfg = astra.astra_dict('SIRT_CUDA')
    cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = rec_id
    cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = sinogram_id
#     cfg['ProjectorId'] = proj_id # for CPU reconstruction only
    cfg['option'] = {}
    cfg['option']['MinConstraint'] = 0
    # cfg['option']['MaxConstraint'] = 5

    # Available algorithms:
    # SIRT_CUDA, SART_CUDA, EM_CUDA, FBP_CUDA (see the FBP sample)

    # Create the algorithm object from the configuration structure
    alg_id = astra.algorithm.create(cfg)

    # Run 150 iterations of the algorithm, 150)

    # Get the result
    rec = astra.data2d.get(rec_id)

    # Clean up. Note that GPU memory is tied up in the algorithm object,
    # and main RAM in the data objects.
    return rec

def astra_tomo3d_parallel(sinogram, angles):
    angles = angles.astype('float64')
    detector_size = sinogram.shape[-1]
    slices_number = sinogram.shape[0]

    rec_size = detector_size
    vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(rec_size, rec_size, slices_number)
    proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d', 1.0, 1.0,  slices_number, detector_size, angles)

    sinogram_id = astra.data3d.create('-sino', proj_geom, data=sinogram)
    # Create a data object for the reconstruction
    rec_id = astra.data3d.create('-vol', vol_geom)
#     proj_id = astra.create_projector('strip', proj_geom, vol_geom) # for CPU reconstruction only

    # Set up the parameters for a reconstruction algorithm using the GPU
    cfg = astra.astra_dict('SIRT3D_CUDA')
    cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = rec_id
    cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = sinogram_id
#     cfg['ProjectorId'] = proj_id # for CPU reconstruction only
    cfg['option'] = {}
    cfg['option']['MinConstraint'] = 0
    # cfg['option']['MaxConstraint'] = 5

    # Available algorithms:
    # SIRT_CUDA, SART_CUDA, EM_CUDA, FBP_CUDA (see the FBP sample)

    # Create the algorithm object from the configuration structure
    alg_id = astra.algorithm.create(cfg)

    # Run 150 iterations of the algorithm, 150)

    # Get the result
    rec = astra.data3d.get(rec_id)

    # Clean up. Note that GPU memory is tied up in the algorithm object,
    # and main RAM in the data objects.
    return rec

def astra_topotomo3d(sinogram, angles):
    astra_angles = angles.astype('float64')
    detector_size = sinogram.shape[-1]
    slices_number = sinogram.shape[0]

    rec_size = detector_size
    vol_geom = astra.create_vol_geom(rec_size, rec_size, slices_number)
    # We generate the same geometry as the circular one above.
    vectors = np.zeros((len(astra_angles), 12))
    alpha = -10.66*np.pi/180  #  define bragg angle
    for i in range(len(astra_angles)):
        # ray direction
        vectors[i,0] = np.sin(astra_angles[i])*np.cos(alpha)
        vectors[i,1] = -np.cos(astra_angles[i])*np.cos(alpha)
        vectors[i,2] = np.sin(alpha)

        # center of detector
        vectors[i,3:6] = 0

        # vector from detector pixel (0,0) to (0,1)
        vectors[i,6] = np.cos(astra_angles[i])
        vectors[i,7] = np.sin(astra_angles[i])
        vectors[i,8] = 0;

        # vector from detector pixel (0,0) to (1,0)
        vectors[i,9] = 0
        vectors[i,10] = 0
        vectors[i,11] = 1

    # Parameters: #rows, #columns, vectors
    proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d_vec', slices_number, detector_size, vectors)
#     proj_geom = astra.create_proj_geom('parallel3d', 1.0, 1.0,  slices_number, detector_size, angles)

    sinogram_id = astra.data3d.create('-sino', proj_geom, data=sinogram)
    # Create a data object for the reconstruction
    rec_id = astra.data3d.create('-vol', vol_geom)
#     proj_id = astra.create_projector('strip', proj_geom, vol_geom) # for CPU reconstruction only

    # Set up the parameters for a reconstruction algorithm using the GPU
    cfg = astra.astra_dict('SIRT3D_CUDA')
    cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = rec_id
    cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = sinogram_id
#     cfg['ProjectorId'] = proj_id # for CPU reconstruction only
    cfg['option'] = {}
    cfg['option']['MinConstraint'] = 0
    # cfg['option']['MaxConstraint'] = 5

    # Available algorithms:
    # SIRT_CUDA, SART_CUDA, EM_CUDA, FBP_CUDA (see the FBP sample)

    # Create the algorithm object from the configuration structure
    alg_id = astra.algorithm.create(cfg)

    # Run 150 iterations of the algorithm, 100)

    # Get the result
    rec = astra.data3d.get(rec_id)

    # Clean up. Note that GPU memory is tied up in the algorithm object,
    # and main RAM in the data objects.
    return rec

In [ ]:
# rec_slice = astra_tomo2d_parallel(np.log(data[:,150,:]+1), angles*np.pi/180)
# rec_slice = astra_tomo2d_parallel(data[:,150,:], angles*np.pi/180)

In [ ]:
# plt.imshow(rec_slice)
# plt.colorbar()

In [ ]:
s1 = np.require(data[:,:,:].swapaxes(0,1),dtype=np.float32, requirements=['C'])

In [ ]:
# rec_slice = astra_tomo3d_parallel(np.log(s1+1), angles*np.pi/180)

In [ ]:
# show_array(rec_slice)

In [ ]:
rec_3d = astra_topotomo3d(s1, angles*np.pi/180)

In [ ]:
rec_3d_masked = rec_3d

In [ ]:
sl = rec_3d[rec_3d.shape[0]/3]
mask = np.zeros_like(sl)
X,Y = meshgrid(np.arange(mask.shape[0]),np.arange(mask.shape[1]))
X = X-mask.shape[0]/2
Y = Y-mask.shape[1]/2
mask = (X*X+Y*Y)**0.5<(mask.shape[0]/2)-3
rec_3d_masked = rec_3d*mask

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
data_file_parts = os.path.join(data_dir,'result.h5')
out_file = '{}_reconstruction.h5'.format(''.join(data_file_parts[:-1]))
print out_file
with h5py.File(out_file,'w') as h5f:
    h5f.create_dataset('Result', data=rec_3d_masked, dtype=np.float32)

In [ ]:
def save_amira(result_file):
    Функция сохраняет реконструированные слои в формате Amira raw file

        data_path - путь к директории, где находиться файл res_tomo.hdf5 в формате HDF5
            в этом файде должен быть раздел (node) /Results в котором в виде 3D массива
            записаны реконструированный объём
        Файлы amira.raw и tomo.hx. Если файлы уже существуют, то они перезаписываются.
        Тип данных: float32 little endian
    data_path = os.path.dirname(result_file)
    with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'amira.raw'), 'wb') as amira_file:
        with h5py.File(result_file, 'r') as h5f:
            x = h5f['Result']
            for i in range(x.shape[0]):
                numpy.array(x[i, :, :]).tofile(amira_file)

            file_shape = x.shape

            with open(os.path.join(data_path, 'tomo.hx'), 'w') as af:
                af.write('# Amira Script\n')
                af.write('remove -all\n')
                af.write(r'[ load -raw ${SCRIPTDIR}/amira.raw little xfastest float 1 '+
                         str(file_shape[1])+' '+str(file_shape[2])+' '+str(file_shape[0])+
                         ' 0 '+str(file_shape[1]-1)+' 0 '+str(file_shape[2]-1)+' 0 '+str(file_shape[0]-1)+
                         ' ] setLabel tomo.raw\n')

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
ls /home/makov/diskmnt/big/topo_tomo/2015_11_09/Si/exp

In [ ]: