Experiment 6: TRo Journal

In this experiment, the generalization of cloth models to unseen postures of the mannequin is verified. The evaluation is performed using RMSE, NRMSE, Pearson correlation as the parameters. In this notebook, the test inference is performed for pre-trained MRD cloth models.

In [ ]:
# import the modules
import sys
import GPy
import csv
import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle
import scipy.stats as stats
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

%matplotlib notebook

Plotting and Analysis Functions

In [ ]:
# function to compute reconstruction error
def reconstructionError(model, valData, testData, mKey, kKey, optimizeFlag=False):    
    nSamplesVal = valData[mKey].shape[0]
    nSamplesTest = testData[mKey].shape[0]
    nDimIn = valData[kKey].shape[1]
    nDimOut = valData[mKey].shape[1]
    qDim = model.X.mean.shape[1]
    # computing reconstruction error for test1, test2 with variances
    predictVal = np.zeros((nSamplesVal,nDimOut))
    predictTest = np.zeros((nSamplesTest,nDimOut))

    for n in range(nSamplesVal):
        yIn = valData[kKey][n,:]
        yTrueOut = valData[mKey][n,:]
        [xPredict, infX] = model.Y0.infer_newX(yIn[None,:], optimize=False)
        yOut = model.predict(xPredict.mean, Yindex=1)    
        predictVal[n,:] = yOut[0]
    for n in range(nSamplesTest):
        yIn = testData[kKey][n,:]
        yTrueOut = testData[mKey][n,:]
        [xPredict, infX] = model.Y0.infer_newX(yIn[None,:], optimize=optimizeFlag)
        yOut = model.predict(xPredict.mean, Yindex=1)    
        predictTest[n,:] = yOut[0]
    results = {}
    valResults = {}
    testResults = {}
    valResults['pred'] = predictVal
    testResults['pred'] = predictTest
    valErrors = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(valData[mKey],predictVal,multioutput='raw_values'))
    testErrors = np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(testData[mKey],predictTest,multioutput='raw_values'))

    valNormErrors = np.divide(np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(valData[mKey],predictVal,multioutput='raw_values')), 
                              valData[mKey].max(axis=0) - valData[mKey].min(axis=0))
    testNormErrors = np.divide(np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(testData[mKey],predictTest,multioutput='raw_values')), 
                               testData[mKey].max(axis=0) - testData[mKey].min(axis=0))

    valCorr = np.zeros((1,nDimOut))
    testCorr = np.zeros((1,nDimOut))
    for d in range(dims[1]):
        valCorr[0,d],_ = stats.pearsonr(valData[mKey][:,d],predictVal[:,d])
        testCorr[0,d],_ = stats.pearsonr(testData[mKey][:,d],predictTest[:,d])

    valResults['rmse'] = valErrors
    testResults['rmse'] = testErrors
    valResults['nrmse'] = valNormErrors
    testResults['nrmse'] = testNormErrors
    valResults['corr'] = valCorr
    testResults['corr'] = testCorr
    results['train'] = valResults
    results['test'] = testResults
    return results

Data Loading

In [ ]:
nShr = 4
nPos = 6
names = []
dims = [1,7500,8]
keys = ['Time','Cloud','TopCoord']

for nS in range(nShr):
    for nP in range(nPos):
        names.append('K1S%dP%dT1' % (nS+1,nP+1))

# create directory for results
dName = '../Results/Exp6'
if not os.path.exists(dName):
# load dataset
Data = pickle.load(open('../Data/Data.p','rb'))

In [ ]:
# loop over the kinect keys
kinectExt = 'C'
kinectDim = 7500
kinectKey = 'Cloud'

mocapDim = 8
mocapExt = 'T'
mocapKey = 'TopCoord'

keys = [kinectKey,mocapKey]
expName = '%s%s' % (kinectExt,mocapExt)    

for sInd in range(nShr):    
    for pInd in range(nPos):
        valData = {}
        testData = {}
        testInd = sInd*nPostures+pInd
        valInd = sInd*nPostures+(pInd+1)%nPostures
        print 'Cycle:%d,%d' % (sInd+1,pInd+1)
        print names[valInd],names[testInd]
        for key in keys:
            valData[key] = Data[names[valInd]][key]
            testData[key] = Data[names[testInd]][key]
        # load the trained MRD model
        mrdModel = pickle.load(open('../Models/Model%d%d.p' % (sInd+1,pInd+1),'rb'))
        # apply inference to test and val data
        results = reconstructionError(mrdModel,valData,testData,mocapKey,kinectKey,optimizeFlag=True)
        # save results to file
        pickle.dump(results,open('../Results/Exp6/MRDRes%d%d.p' % (sInd+1,pInd+1),'wb'))