In [1]:
import zipfile
import requests
import numpy as np
print('numpy '+ np.__version__)
import pandas as pd
print ('pandas '+ pd.__version__)
import seaborn as sns
print('seaborn '+ sns.__version__)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

%matplotlib inline

numpy 1.10.4
pandas 0.17.1
seaborn 0.6.0
C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

Station data

First, I can pull the station data from the citbike website. This is actually the status of the stations currently, so there may be stations online now that were not when that data was pulled. I will request the json station data, and convert it to a pandas data frame.

In [2]:
#Station information
station_status_url = ''

[u'executionTime', u'stationBeanList']

In [3]:

{u'altitude': u'',
 u'availableBikes': 8,
 u'availableDocks': 31,
 u'city': u'',
 u'id': 72,
 u'landMark': u'',
 u'lastCommunicationTime': u'2016-02-23 11:53:58 AM',
 u'latitude': 40.76727216,
 u'location': u'',
 u'longitude': -73.99392888,
 u'postalCode': u'',
 u'stAddress1': u'W 52 St & 11 Ave',
 u'stAddress2': u'',
 u'stationName': u'W 52 St & 11 Ave',
 u'statusKey': 1,
 u'statusValue': u'In Service',
 u'testStation': False,
 u'totalDocks': 39}

In [4]:
station_info = pd.DataFrame(resp.json()['stationBeanList'])

altitude availableBikes availableDocks city id landMark lastCommunicationTime latitude location longitude postalCode stAddress1 stAddress2 stationName statusKey statusValue testStation totalDocks
0 8 31 72 2016-02-23 11:53:58 AM 40.767272 -73.993929 W 52 St & 11 Ave W 52 St & 11 Ave 1 In Service False 39
1 16 17 79 2016-02-23 11:53:01 AM 40.719116 -74.006667 Franklin St & W Broadway Franklin St & W Broadway 1 In Service False 33

In [9]:
filename = 'data/'
with zipfile.ZipFile(filename) as myzip:
    with[0]) as myfile:
        cb_trip_df = pd.read_csv(myfile)

runit = 0
if runit == 1:
    filenames = ['data/','data/','data/','data/',
    for filen in filenames:
        print filen
        with zipfile.ZipFile(filen) as myzip:
            with[0]) as myfile:
                temp_df = pd.read_csv(myfile)
                cb_trip_df = cb_trip_df.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True)


tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude end station longitude bikeid usertype birth year gender
0 1346 1/1/2015 0:01 1/1/2015 0:24 455 1 Ave & E 44 St 40.750020 -73.969053 265 Stanton St & Chrystie St 40.722293 -73.991475 18660 Subscriber 1960 2
1 363 1/1/2015 0:02 1/1/2015 0:08 434 9 Ave & W 18 St 40.743174 -74.003664 482 W 15 St & 7 Ave 40.739355 -73.999318 16085 Subscriber 1963 1
2 346 1/1/2015 0:04 1/1/2015 0:10 491 E 24 St & Park Ave S 40.740964 -73.986022 505 6 Ave & W 33 St 40.749013 -73.988484 20845 Subscriber 1974 1

In [10]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 285552 entries, 0 to 285551
Data columns (total 15 columns):
tripduration               285552 non-null int64
starttime                  285552 non-null object
stoptime                   285552 non-null object
start station id           285552 non-null int64
start station name         285552 non-null object
start station latitude     285552 non-null float64
start station longitude    285552 non-null float64
end station id             285552 non-null int64
end station name           285552 non-null object
end station latitude       285552 non-null float64
end station longitude      285552 non-null float64
bikeid                     285552 non-null int64
usertype                   285552 non-null object
birth year                 279924 non-null float64
gender                     285552 non-null int64
dtypes: float64(5), int64(5), object(5)
memory usage: 34.9+ MB

In [14]:

tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude ... gender startyear starthour startminute startday stophour stopminute stopday weekday userage
285550 725 2015-01-31 23:58:00 2015-02-01 00:10:00 435 W 21 St & 6 Ave 40.741740 -73.994156 368 Carmine St & 6 Ave 40.730386 ... 1 2015 23 58 31 0 10 1 2015 58
285551 892 2015-01-31 23:59:00 2015-02-01 00:14:00 504 1 Ave & E 15 St 40.732219 -73.981656 295 Pike St & E Broadway 40.714067 ... 1 2015 23 59 31 0 14 1 2015 41

2 rows × 24 columns

I am going to do a bunch of datetime converting and add columns with more specific and useful info. These will be:

  • Start Hour
  • Start Minute
  • Start Year
  • Stop Hour
  • Stop Minute
  • Weekday
  • User Age

In [12]:
# Convert to datetime timestamps
#cb_trip_df['birth year']=pd.to_datetime(cb_trip_df['birth year'],infer_datetime_format=True)

In [13]:
cb_trip_df['startyear']=cb_trip_df['starttime'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
cb_trip_df['starthour']=cb_trip_df['starttime'].apply(lambda x: x.hour)
cb_trip_df['startminute']=cb_trip_df['starttime'].apply(lambda x: x.minute)
cb_trip_df['startday']=cb_trip_df['starttime'].apply(lambda x:
cb_trip_df['stophour']=cb_trip_df['stoptime'].apply(lambda x: x.hour)
cb_trip_df['stopminute']=cb_trip_df['stoptime'].apply(lambda x: x.minute)
cb_trip_df['stopday']=cb_trip_df['stoptime'].apply(lambda x:
cb_trip_df['weekday']=cb_trip_df['starttime'].apply(lambda x: x.year)
cb_trip_df['userage']=cb_trip_df['startyear']-cb_trip_df['birth year']

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 285552 entries, 0 to 285551
Data columns (total 24 columns):
tripduration               285552 non-null int64
starttime                  285552 non-null datetime64[ns]
stoptime                   285552 non-null datetime64[ns]
start station id           285552 non-null int64
start station name         285552 non-null object
start station latitude     285552 non-null float64
start station longitude    285552 non-null float64
end station id             285552 non-null int64
end station name           285552 non-null object
end station latitude       285552 non-null float64
end station longitude      285552 non-null float64
bikeid                     285552 non-null int64
usertype                   285552 non-null object
birth year                 279924 non-null float64
gender                     285552 non-null int64
startyear                  285552 non-null int64
starthour                  285552 non-null int64
startminute                285552 non-null int64
startday                   285552 non-null int64
stophour                   285552 non-null int64
stopminute                 285552 non-null int64
stopday                    285552 non-null int64
weekday                    285552 non-null int64
userage                    279924 non-null float64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(6), int64(13), object(3)
memory usage: 54.5+ MB

In [15]:

tripduration start station id start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station latitude end station longitude bikeid birth year gender startyear starthour startminute startday stophour stopminute stopday weekday userage
count 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 279924.000000 285552.000000 285552 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552.000000 285552 279924.000000
mean 654.325583 443.535006 40.735804 -73.990177 440.337557 40.735607 -73.990398 18147.291481 1974.951419 1.162485 2015 13.627697 29.586611 15.698643 13.759214 29.726911 15.698143 2015 40.048581
std 900.775928 332.580265 0.018773 0.011681 326.010259 0.018718 0.011742 2065.313794 11.574637 0.419490 0 4.906211 17.348121 8.219611 4.926473 17.457452 8.219594 0 11.574637
min 60.000000 72.000000 40.680342 -74.017134 72.000000 40.680342 -74.017134 14529.000000 1899.000000 0.000000 2015 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2015 16.000000
25% 334.000000 308.000000 40.723627 -73.998102 307.000000 40.723180 -73.998522 16355.000000 1967.000000 1.000000 2015 9.000000 14.000000 9.000000 9.000000 15.000000 9.000000 2015 31.000000
50% 504.000000 417.000000 40.738274 -73.990093 417.000000 40.737815 -73.990617 18148.000000 1977.000000 1.000000 2015 14.000000 30.000000 16.000000 14.000000 30.000000 16.000000 2015 38.000000
75% 772.000000 492.000000 40.750450 -73.981854 492.000000 40.750200 -73.981854 19903.000000 1984.000000 1.000000 2015 18.000000 45.000000 22.000000 18.000000 45.000000 22.000000 2015 48.000000
max 43023.000000 3002.000000 40.771522 -73.950048 3002.000000 40.771522 -73.950048 21690.000000 1999.000000 2.000000 2015 23.000000 59.000000 31.000000 23.000000 59.000000 31.000000 2015 116.000000

In [18]:
print "Number of bikes: ",(len(cb_trip_df['bikeid'].unique()))
print "Number of stations: ",(len(cb_trip_df['start station id'].unique()))

Number of bikes:  4271
Number of stations:  330

In [19]:
print(len(cb_trip_df['start station id'].unique()))


In [21]:

15758    165
21079    162
18487    155
16565    154
17479    153
17703    152
21355    149
18053    147
15134    147
19050    146
17987    146
14736    145
18731    144
15947    143
18462    143
14687    143
21052    142
18205    141
19464    141
17734    141
14862    141
15043    141
18485    140
17292    140
20974    140
17168    140
18303    139
18290    139
21458    139
20801    138
20569      2
18448      2
17937      2
17461      2
16145      2
15578      2
18803      2
16944      2
19012      2
15011      2
15537      1
16273      1
17911      1
20989      1
21395      1
18397      1
17463      1
14868      1
19232      1
18489      1
14995      1
16647      1
18134      1
14871      1
17775      1
17308      1
17397      1
17849      1
18785      1
21026      1
Name: bikeid, dtype: int64

In [59]:
bid_hist = cb_trip_df[cb_trip_df['bikeid']==21099]

tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude ... gender startyear starthour startminute stophour stopminute weekday userage startday stopday
3782 1730 2015-05-01 08:27:11 2015-05-01 08:56:02 408 Market St & Cherry St 40.710762 -73.994004 472 E 32 St & Park Ave 40.745712 ... 2 2015 8 27 8 56 2015 33 1 1
11119 224 2015-05-01 12:54:10 2015-05-01 12:57:54 472 E 32 St & Park Ave 40.745712 -73.981948 491 E 24 St & Park Ave S 40.740964 ... 1 2015 12 54 12 57 2015 28 1 1
13024 372 2015-05-01 14:09:45 2015-05-01 14:15:57 491 E 24 St & Park Ave S 40.740964 -73.986022 379 W 31 St & 7 Ave 40.749156 ... 1 2015 14 9 14 15 2015 46 1 1
14801 715 2015-05-01 15:16:31 2015-05-01 15:28:27 379 W 31 St & 7 Ave 40.749156 -73.991600 167 E 39 St & 3 Ave 40.748901 ... 1 2015 15 16 15 28 2015 45 1 1
16114 584 2015-05-01 15:59:41 2015-05-01 16:09:25 167 E 39 St & 3 Ave 40.748901 -73.976049 435 W 21 St & 6 Ave 40.741740 ... 1 2015 15 59 16 9 2015 24 1 1

5 rows × 24 columns

Tracking a bike through the system.

Take one bike and the first datetime in our dataframe. 1.find the first occurence of a trip for that bike. 2.take that 'start station id' (sid), set the range the bid was in strtid from first datetime to 'starttime' 3.for dts in that range, add to station_dt_dict[sid][dt]=bid or station_dt_dict[sid][dt].append(bid) 3.take the 'stop station id' as new datetime, go to next row and repeat

In [22]:
import datetime as dt
from collections import defaultdict
import timeit

In [23]:
station_dt_dict=defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))

#perform for each bike
for bid in cb_trip_df['bikeid'].unique():
    #filter data for bike, initialize strttime1 to the first day of our time period
    bid_hist = cb_trip_df[cb_trip_df['bikeid']==bid]
    strttime1= dt.datetime(2015,5,1,0,0)
    #iterate thru the rows of bicycle history, note it is already ordered chronologically
    for row in bid_hist.itertuples():
        sid = row._4 # is the ['start station id']
        stoptime = row.starttime - dt.timedelta(minutes=row.starttime.minute % 10, 
        times_at_sid = pd.date_range(start=strttime1,end=stoptime,freq='10min')
        #check if times_at_sid is zero, set it to strrtime1 (as a date_range)
        if len(times_at_sid)==0:
            times_at_sid = pd.date_range(start=strttime1,end=strttime1 + dt.timedelta(minutes=10),freq='10min')
        #add station and times to dict
        for t in times_at_sid:
        #set new strttime1 (here starttime1 is when the bike is put onto the next row's station)
        strttime1 = row.stoptime + dt.timedelta(minutes=10 - row.stoptime.minute % 10) - dt.timedelta(seconds=row.stoptime.second)

print toc - tic


In [119]:
station_dt_dict=defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(list))
for bid in [15003]:#cb_trip_df['bikeid'].unique():
    #bid = 17390
    bid_hist = cb_trip_df[cb_trip_df['bikeid']==bid]
    strttime1= dt.datetime(2015,5,1,0,0)
    for row in bid_hist.itertuples():
        #print row
        sid = row._4 # is the ['start station id']
        stoptime = row.starttime - dt.timedelta(minutes=row.starttime.minute % 10, 
        times_at_sid = pd.date_range(start=strttime1,end=stoptime,freq='10min')
        if len(times_at_sid)==0:
            times_at_sid = pd.date_range(start=strttime1,end=strttime1 + dt.timedelta(minutes=10),freq='10min')
        #print len(times_at_sid), sid, times_at_sid[0].isoformat()
        for t in times_at_sid:
            #print sid, t #512,265
        strttime1 = row.stoptime + dt.timedelta(minutes=10 - row.stoptime.minute % 10) - dt.timedelta(seconds=row.stoptime.second)
print toc - tic


In [120]:
pd.options.display.max_columns = 25
bid_hist[bid_hist['start station id']==507]

tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude end station longitude bikeid usertype birth year gender startyear starthour startminute stophour stopminute weekday userage startday stopday
1425 1025 2015-05-01 07:08:04 2015-05-01 07:25:10 507 E 25 St & 2 Ave 40.739126 -73.979738 224 Spruce St & Nassau St 40.711464 -74.005524 15003 Subscriber 1980 1 2015 7 8 7 25 2015 35 1 1
759555 438 2015-05-25 17:39:16 2015-05-25 17:46:34 507 E 25 St & 2 Ave 40.739126 -73.979738 285 Broadway & E 14 St 40.734546 -73.990741 15003 Subscriber 1991 1 2015 17 39 17 46 2015 24 25 25
925618 912 2015-05-30 14:35:09 2015-05-30 14:50:22 507 E 25 St & 2 Ave 40.739126 -73.979738 403 E 2 St & 2 Ave 40.725029 -73.990697 15003 Customer NaN 0 2015 14 35 14 50 2015 NaN 30 30

In [121]:
bid_hist[bid_hist['end station id']==507]

tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude end station longitude bikeid usertype birth year gender startyear starthour startminute stophour stopminute weekday userage startday stopday
2 642 2015-05-01 00:00:52 2015-05-01 00:11:35 380 W 4 St & 7 Ave S 40.734011 -74.002939 507 E 25 St & 2 Ave 40.739126 -73.979738 15003 Subscriber 1990 1 2015 0 0 0 11 2015 25 1 1
757516 295 2015-05-25 16:46:39 2015-05-25 16:51:34 472 E 32 St & Park Ave 40.745712 -73.981948 507 E 25 St & 2 Ave 40.739126 -73.979738 15003 Subscriber 1983 1 2015 16 46 16 51 2015 32 25 25
924891 603 2015-05-30 14:17:49 2015-05-30 14:27:53 482 W 15 St & 7 Ave 40.739355 -73.999318 507 E 25 St & 2 Ave 40.739126 -73.979738 15003 Subscriber 1985 1 2015 14 17 14 27 2015 30 30 30

In [122]:
for key in sorted(station_dt_dict[507].iterkeys()):
    print "%s: %s" % (key, station_dt_dict[507][key])

2015-05-01T00:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T00:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T00:40:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T00:50:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T01:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T01:10:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T01:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T01:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T01:40:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T01:50:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T02:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T02:10:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T02:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T02:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T02:40:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T02:50:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T03:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T03:10:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T03:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T03:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T03:40:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T03:50:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T04:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T04:10:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T04:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T04:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T04:40:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T04:50:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T05:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T05:10:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T05:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T05:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T05:40:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T05:50:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T06:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T06:10:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T06:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T06:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T06:40:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T06:50:00: [15003]
2015-05-01T07:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-25T17:00:00: [15003]
2015-05-25T17:10:00: [15003]
2015-05-25T17:20:00: [15003]
2015-05-25T17:30:00: [15003]
2015-05-30T14:30:00: [15003]

In [91]:
print len(station_dt_dict.keys())
print station_dt_dict.keys()

[514, 515, 519, 520, 521, 523, 528, 529, 530, 532, 533, 538, 539, 545, 79, 82, 119, 127, 128, 144, 150, 151, 152, 161, 167, 168, 174, 217, 223, 224, 2000, 229, 2002, 247, 2004, 250, 252, 263, 265, 267, 268, 271, 472, 278, 279, 281, 284, 285, 293, 294, 295, 297, 305, 307, 308, 310, 312, 320, 321, 322, 327, 329, 335, 343, 345, 346, 349, 351, 353, 356, 358, 362, 364, 365, 368, 372, 375, 377, 379, 380, 382, 383, 387, 391, 392, 395, 396, 237, 401, 402, 403, 405, 415, 417, 418, 422, 428, 430, 431, 432, 433, 438, 442, 445, 447, 449, 453, 457, 460, 462, 463, 464, 466, 468, 2008, 474, 478, 480, 482, 483, 484, 486, 488, 491, 497, 499, 500, 505, 507, 509, 510, 511]

In [126]:
times_at_sid = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(2015,5,1,0,0),end=dt.datetime(2015,5,2,0,0),freq='10min')
for t in times_at_sid:
    print "%s: %s" % (t.isoformat(), station_dt_dict[507][t.isoformat()])
#for key in sorted(station_dt_dict[507].iterkeys()):
#    print "%s: %s" % (key, station_dt_dict[507][key])

2015-05-01T00:00:00: [20717, 19421, 14534, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T00:10:00: [19421, 14534, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T00:20:00: [15003, 14534, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T00:30:00: [15003, 14534, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T00:40:00: [15003, 15907, 14534, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T00:50:00: [15003, 15907, 14534, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T01:00:00: [15003, 15907, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T01:10:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T01:20:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T01:30:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T01:40:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T01:50:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T02:00:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T02:10:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T02:20:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T02:30:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T02:40:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T02:50:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T03:00:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T03:10:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T03:20:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T03:30:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T03:40:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T03:50:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T04:00:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T04:10:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T04:20:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T04:30:00: [17012, 15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T04:40:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T04:50:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T05:00:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T05:10:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T05:20:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T05:30:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T05:40:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T05:50:00: [15003, 15907, 18140, 14540, 20310, 20121, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T06:00:00: [15003, 18140, 14540, 20310, 20121, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T06:10:00: [15003, 18140, 14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 16554, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T06:20:00: [15003, 18140, 14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 16554, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T06:30:00: [15003, 18140, 14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T06:40:00: [15003, 18140, 14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T06:50:00: [15003, 18140, 14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 15421, 20684, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T07:00:00: [15003, 20586, 14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T07:10:00: [20586, 14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 21632, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T07:20:00: [14540, 20310, 20121, 15114, 20585, 17903, 21632, 15577, 18597, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T07:30:00: [14540, 20310, 20121, 15114, 20585, 17903, 21632, 15577, 14566, 21343, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T07:40:00: [14540, 20310, 20121, 15114, 20585, 17903, 15078, 21632, 15577, 18379, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T07:50:00: [14540, 20310, 20121, 15114, 20585, 17903, 15078, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T08:00:00: [14540, 20310, 20121, 20585, 17903, 15572, 18553, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T08:10:00: [15700, 14540, 20310, 20585, 17903, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T08:20:00: [14540, 20310, 20585, 20367, 17903, 16421, 21120, 19534, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T08:30:00: [18299, 14540, 20310, 20367, 17903, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T08:40:00: [20987, 15955, 14540, 17903, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T08:50:00: [14540, 17903, 19282, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T09:00:00: [14540, 17903, 19282, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T09:10:00: [17903, 15522, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T09:20:00: [17903, 15522, 16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T09:30:00: [16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T09:40:00: [16557, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T09:50:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T10:00:00: [14772, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T10:10:00: [14772, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T10:20:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T10:30:00: [18574, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T10:40:00: [18574, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T10:50:00: [18351, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T11:00:00: [18351, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T11:10:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T11:20:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T11:30:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T11:40:00: [16793, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T11:50:00: [19706, 16793, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T12:00:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T12:10:00: [18204, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T12:20:00: [18777, 18204, 17311, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T12:30:00: [18777, 18204, 17311, 17086, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T12:40:00: [19706, 18204, 17311, 17086, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T12:50:00: [17804, 19706, 18204, 17568, 17311, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T13:00:00: [17804, 19706, 18204, 19271, 19549, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T13:10:00: [17804, 19706, 19271, 19549, 21077, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T13:20:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T13:30:00: [20074, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T13:40:00: [19073, 15401, 20074, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T13:50:00: [19073, 16845, 20689, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T14:00:00: [19073, 21676, 16845, 20689, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T14:10:00: [19073, 21676, 16845, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T14:20:00: [19073, 21211, 21676, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T14:30:00: [21635, 21211, 21676, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T14:40:00: [21670, 21676, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T14:50:00: [21670, 18859, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T15:00:00: [18859, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T15:10:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T15:20:00: [18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T15:30:00: [15304, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T15:40:00: [15304, 18225, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T15:50:00: [17565, 15304, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T16:00:00: [17565, 15304, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T16:10:00: [15304, 16540, 17061, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T16:20:00: [15304, 16540, 16838, 16976, 17061, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T16:30:00: [15304, 17061, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T16:40:00: [15304, 20572, 18765, 17061, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T16:50:00: [15304, 20572, 19638, 18765, 15119, 14795, 20709, 17061, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T17:00:00: [15304, 15119, 14795, 17061, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T17:10:00: [15304, 21568, 17061, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T17:20:00: [19892, 15304, 21568, 18403, 17061, 15285, 17461, 21244, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T17:30:00: [19892, 15304, 21568, 18403, 15012, 16520, 17061, 15285, 15704, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T17:40:00: [15304, 15012, 16520, 20878, 14947, 17061, 15975, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T17:50:00: [15304, 15012, 20878, 14947, 19271, 15325, 18579, 17061, 15975, 21299, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T18:00:00: [17428, 15304, 15012, 16449, 17594, 19271, 17061, 15975, 21299, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T18:10:00: [17567, 17428, 15304, 20994, 15012, 16449, 17594, 14774, 20080, 17061, 15975, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T18:20:00: [17567, 17428, 15304, 20994, 15012, 19365, 20080, 17061, 15975, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T18:30:00: [17567, 15304, 20994, 15012, 19365, 20080, 17061, 15975, 18708, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T18:40:00: [15304, 20994, 15012, 19365, 20123, 20080, 17061, 15975, 18708, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T18:50:00: [18182, 15304, 20994, 15012, 19365, 18483, 20123, 17061, 15975, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T19:00:00: [18182, 15249, 15304, 20994, 15012, 19365, 18483, 20647, 18949, 17061, 15975, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T19:10:00: [15249, 15304, 20994, 15012, 19365, 18483, 18572, 20647, 18949, 14890, 17061, 15285, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T19:20:00: [17172, 15304, 20994, 15012, 19365, 18483, 18572, 20647, 18949, 14890, 17061, 16407, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T19:30:00: [17172, 15304, 20994, 15012, 19677, 19365, 18572, 20647, 14890, 17061, 16407, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T19:40:00: [15304, 20994, 15012, 19677, 19365, 18572, 20647, 14890, 17685, 17061, 16407, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T19:50:00: [15304, 20994, 15012, 19677, 19365, 14963, 18572, 19809, 20647, 21643, 14890, 17685, 17061, 16407, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T20:00:00: [15304, 20994, 19677, 19365, 18293, 14963, 18572, 19809, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17061, 16407, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T20:10:00: [15304, 20994, 20855, 19677, 19365, 18293, 18572, 19809, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17061, 16407, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T20:20:00: [15304, 20994, 20855, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 19809, 20894, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17061, 16407, 21227, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T20:30:00: [15304, 20994, 20855, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 19809, 20894, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17061, 16407, 21227, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T20:40:00: [14626, 15304, 20994, 20855, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 19809, 20894, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17685, 17061, 16407, 21227, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T20:50:00: [16743, 14626, 18869, 15304, 20994, 20855, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 19809, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17685, 17061, 16407, 14769, 21227, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T21:00:00: [16743, 14626, 18869, 15304, 20994, 20855, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 19809, 16572, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17685, 15655, 18099, 17061, 16407, 14769, 21227, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T21:10:00: [16743, 14626, 15304, 20994, 20855, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 19809, 16572, 18180, 21643, 14890, 17685, 15655, 18099, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T21:20:00: [16743, 14626, 15304, 20994, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 19809, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 17685, 15655, 16981, 18099, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T21:30:00: [16743, 14626, 15304, 20994, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 17685, 15655, 16981, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T21:40:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 17685, 15655, 17061, 20231, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T21:50:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 16087, 16918, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T22:00:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 16087, 16918, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T22:10:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 19550, 21643, 14890, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T22:20:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 19550, 21643, 14890, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T22:30:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 19550, 21643, 14890, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T22:40:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16087, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T22:50:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16087, 16736, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T23:00:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16087, 16736, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15800, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T23:10:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16087, 16736, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15800, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T23:20:00: [16743, 17073, 14626, 15304, 20994, 21553, 16736, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15800, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18833, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T23:30:00: [16743, 17073, 15304, 20994, 16736, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15800, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18833, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T23:40:00: [16743, 17073, 15304, 20994, 16736, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15800, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18833, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-01T23:50:00: [16743, 17073, 15304, 20994, 16736, 18603, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16129, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15800, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18833, 17610, 18655, 15935]
2015-05-02T00:00:00: [16743, 17073, 15304, 20994, 16736, 18603, 19677, 19365, 21527, 18572, 16129, 16572, 16586, 21643, 14890, 15800, 15655, 17061, 16407, 14769, 18833, 17610, 18655, 15935]

In [145]:
#import operator
#print reduce(operator.add, test_df.iloc[0].values)
#print test_df.iloc[0].map(lambda x: x.extend(x))
station_dt_count = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
for k1 in station_dt_dict:
    for k2 in station_dt_dict[k1]:

test_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(station_dt_count)

#def gather( df, key, value, cols ):
id_vars = [test_df.columns]
#id_values = [test_df.columns]
var_name = 'stationid'
value_name = 'num_bikes'
test_it_df=pd.melt( test_df, id_vars, var_name, value_name )

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 4466 entries, 2015-05-01T00:00:00 to 2015-06-01T00:10:00
Columns: 327 entries, 72 to 2023
dtypes: float64(327)
memory usage: 11.2+ MB
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-145-d372384ce717> in <module>()
     19 var_name = 'stationid'
     20 value_name = 'num_bikes'
---> 21 test_it_df=pd.melt( test_df, id_vars, var_name, value_name )
     22 test_it_df.head()

C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\reshape.pyc in melt(frame, id_vars, value_vars, var_name, value_name, col_level)
    760         if not isinstance(value_vars, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)):
    761             value_vars = [value_vars]
--> 762         frame = frame.ix[:, id_vars + value_vars]
    763     else:
    764         frame = frame.copy()

C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.pyc in __getitem__(self, key)
     66                 pass
---> 68             return self._getitem_tuple(key)
     69         else:
     70             return self._getitem_axis(key, axis=0)

C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.pyc in _getitem_tuple(self, tup)
    756                 continue
--> 758             retval = getattr(retval,, axis=i)
    760         return retval

C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.pyc in _getitem_axis(self, key, axis)
    951                 raise ValueError('Cannot index with multidimensional key')
--> 953             return self._getitem_iterable(key, axis=axis)
    954         else:
    955             if is_integer(key):

C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexing.pyc in _getitem_iterable(self, key, axis)
   1000             # existing labels are unique and indexer are unique
-> 1001             if labels.is_unique and Index(keyarr).is_unique:
   1003                 try:

pandas\src\properties.pyx in pandas.lib.cache_readonly.__get__ (pandas\lib.c:44341)()

C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\index.pyc in is_unique(self)
    810     def is_unique(self):
    811         """ return if the index has unique values """
--> 812         return self._engine.is_unique
    814     @property

pandas\index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.is_unique.__get__ (pandas\index.c:4711)()

pandas\index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine._do_unique_check (pandas\index.c:5305)()

pandas\index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine._ensure_mapping_populated (pandas\index.c:5510)()

pandas\index.pyx in pandas.index.IndexEngine.initialize (pandas\index.c:5620)()

pandas\hashtable.pyx in pandas.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.map_locations (pandas\hashtable.c:12913)()

C:\Users\btq\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\index.pyc in __hash__(self)
   1126     def __hash__(self):
-> 1127         raise TypeError("unhashable type: %r" % type(self).__name__)
   1129     def __setitem__(self, key, value):

TypeError: unhashable type: 'Int64Index'

In [58]:
print bid_hist.iloc[0]['starttime']
print bid_hist.iloc[0]['starttime']-dt.datetime(2015,5,1,0,0)
times_at_st = pd.date_range(start=dt.datetime(2015,5,1,0,0),end=bid_hist.iloc[0]['starttime'],freq='10min')

2015-05-01 00:00:00
2015-05-01 08:27:11
0 days 08:27:11
DatetimeIndex(['2015-05-01 00:00:00', '2015-05-01 00:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 00:20:00', '2015-05-01 00:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 00:40:00', '2015-05-01 00:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 01:00:00', '2015-05-01 01:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 01:20:00', '2015-05-01 01:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 01:40:00', '2015-05-01 01:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 02:00:00', '2015-05-01 02:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 02:20:00', '2015-05-01 02:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 02:40:00', '2015-05-01 02:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 03:00:00', '2015-05-01 03:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 03:20:00', '2015-05-01 03:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 03:40:00', '2015-05-01 03:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 04:00:00', '2015-05-01 04:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 04:20:00', '2015-05-01 04:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 04:40:00', '2015-05-01 04:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 05:00:00', '2015-05-01 05:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 05:20:00', '2015-05-01 05:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 05:40:00', '2015-05-01 05:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 06:00:00', '2015-05-01 06:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 06:20:00', '2015-05-01 06:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 06:40:00', '2015-05-01 06:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 07:00:00', '2015-05-01 07:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 07:20:00', '2015-05-01 07:30:00',
               '2015-05-01 07:40:00', '2015-05-01 07:50:00',
               '2015-05-01 08:00:00', '2015-05-01 08:10:00',
               '2015-05-01 08:20:00'],
              dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='10T')

In [13]:
all_bike_ids = cb_trip_df['bikeid'].unique()
for bi in all_bike_ids:
    row = cb_trip_df[cb_trip_df['bikeid']==bi].iloc[0]
    if row['start station id'] in station_dict:
        station_dict[row['start station id']].append(bi)
        station_dict[row['start station id']]=[bi]

In [16]:

[19904, 21997, 22428, 22103, 21987, 23937, 21254, 19944, 22961, 19352, 18269, 17616, 18250]

In [10]:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-21b5a337656b> in <module>()
----> 1 cb_dat.shape

NameError: name 'cb_dat' is not defined

In [11]:

tripduration start station id start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station latitude end station longitude bikeid birth year gender
count 1212277.000000 1212277.000000 1212277.000000 1212277.000000 1212277.000000 1212277.000000 1212277.000000 1212277.000000 1065765.000000 1212277.000000
mean 1079.953503 854.721656 40.738163 -73.987240 831.900867 40.737799 -73.987498 20463.262857 1976.995876 1.089422
std 9985.845810 1011.772614 0.021916 0.015509 990.502413 0.021743 0.015490 3008.946507 11.590119 0.571169
min 61.000000 72.000000 40.678907 -74.017134 72.000000 40.646768 -74.046305 14529.000000 1885.000000 0.000000
25% 388.000000 329.000000 40.722281 -73.998004 327.000000 40.722174 -73.998393 17822.000000 1969.000000 1.000000
50% 633.000000 448.000000 40.739323 -73.988900 446.000000 40.739126 -73.989151 21241.000000 1979.000000 1.000000
75% 1056.000000 521.000000 40.753231 -73.977910 519.000000 40.752996 -73.978059 23176.000000 1986.000000 1.000000
max 3139345.000000 3237.000000 40.787209 -73.929891 3237.000000 40.787209 -73.929891 24743.000000 1999.000000 2.000000

In [17]:
fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9,9))

In [ ]: