Example 8: Application of NPTFit to the Galactic Center Excess

It was found in Example 3 that a non-zero value of the GCE template is preferred by a fit in the galactic center. In this example we will test the point source interpretation of this excess by including, in addition to the Poissonian templates considered, non-Poissonian point source templates of various morphologies.

Here we simply perform the run, a detailed analysis of the results can be found in the next example. A Python script version of this notebook can be found as Example8_Galactic_Center_nonPoissonian.py, which can be run faster on multiple processors with MPI (see example in Example8_Galactic_Center_Batch.batch.

NB: Even with nlive=100, this notebook can take up to an hour to complete. This highlights that for realistic non-Poissonian runs, running on multiple cores becomes necessary. We show an explicit application of this in Example 10.

NB: This example makes use of the Fermi Data, which needs to already be installed. See Example 1 for details.

In [1]:
# Import relevant modules

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

import numpy as np

from NPTFit import nptfit # module for performing scan
from NPTFit import create_mask as cm # module for creating the mask
from NPTFit import dnds_analysis # module for analysing the output
from NPTFit import psf_correction as pc # module for determining the PSF correction

Step 1: Set up the Scan

We first need to

  1. Set up an instance of NPTF from npfit.py
  2. Load in the data and exposure maps
  3. Set up and load the mask used for the scan
  4. Load in the spatial templates

These are done identically to Example 3, and we refer to that notebook for details.

In [2]:
n = nptfit.NPTF(tag='GCE_Example')

In [3]:
fermi_data = np.load('fermi_data/fermidata_counts.npy').astype(np.int32)
fermi_exposure = np.load('fermi_data/fermidata_exposure.npy')
n.load_data(fermi_data, fermi_exposure)

In [4]:
pscmask=np.array(np.load('fermi_data/fermidata_pscmask.npy'), dtype=bool)
analysis_mask = cm.make_mask_total(band_mask = True, band_mask_range = 2,
                                   mask_ring = True, inner = 0, outer = 30,
                                   custom_mask = pscmask)

In [5]:
dif = np.load('fermi_data/template_dif.npy')
iso = np.load('fermi_data/template_iso.npy')
bub = np.load('fermi_data/template_bub.npy')
gce = np.load('fermi_data/template_gce.npy')
dsk = np.load('fermi_data/template_dsk.npy')

n.add_template(dif, 'dif')
n.add_template(iso, 'iso')
n.add_template(bub, 'bub')
n.add_template(gce, 'gce')
n.add_template(dsk, 'dsk')

# Remove the exposure correction for PS templates
rescale = fermi_exposure/np.mean(fermi_exposure)
n.add_template(gce/rescale, 'gce_np', units='PS')
n.add_template(dsk/rescale, 'dsk_np', units='PS')

Step 2: Add Models

In [6]:
n.add_poiss_model('dif', '$A_\mathrm{dif}$', fixed=True, fixed_norm=12.85)
n.add_poiss_model('iso', '$A_\mathrm{iso}$', [0,2], False)
n.add_poiss_model('gce', '$A_\mathrm{gce}$', [0,2], False)
n.add_poiss_model('bub', '$A_\mathrm{bub}$', [0,2], False)

This time we add a non-Poissonian template correlated with the Galactic Center Excess and also one spatially distributed as a thin disk. The latter is designed to account for the unresolved point sources attributed to the disk of the Milky Way (known sources in the 3FGL are masked).

In [7]:
                      ['$A_\mathrm{gce}^\mathrm{ps}$','$n_1^\mathrm{gce}$','$n_2^\mathrm{gce}$','$S_b^{(1), \mathrm{gce}}$'],
                      ['$A_\mathrm{dsk}^\mathrm{ps}$','$n_1^\mathrm{dsk}$','$n_2^\mathrm{dsk}$','$S_b^{(1), \mathrm{dsk}}$'],

Step 3: Configure Scan with PSF correction

In [8]:
pc_inst = pc.PSFCorrection(psf_sigma_deg=0.1812)
f_ary, df_rho_div_f_ary = pc_inst.f_ary, pc_inst.df_rho_div_f_ary

Loading the psf correction from: /zfs/nrodd/NPTFRemakeExamples/psf_dir/gauss_128_0.181_10_50000_1000_0.01.npy

In [9]:
n.configure_for_scan(f_ary, df_rho_div_f_ary, nexp=1)

The number of parameters to be fit is 11

Step 4: Perform the Scan

As noted above, we take a small value of nlive simply to ensure the run finishes in a reasonable time on a single core.

In [10]:

This can take up to an hour to run. The output of this run will be analyzed in detail in the next example.

In [11]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image(url = "https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/compiling.png")
